The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2093 Demon God Consciousness

Chapter 2093 Demon God Consciousness
With the array arranged by Qin Lang, it is equivalent to adding an additional barrier. At this time, the three companions who are absorbing the inheritance light group are properly protected. After all, Qin Lang is the master of the array, and the demonized armor and the consciousness of the demon god Although it is not impossible to break through the formation arranged by Qin Lang, it is still no problem to use the formation to protect two or three hours or two or three hours.


Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang fought inextricably with the two magic repair armors. The strength of the two sides was actually about the same, and they fought evenly.

"Otoki God's Palm!"

Immortal Sai cast a spell at this time, and a huge blue palm appeared in the air, and he slammed heavily at the two demonized armorers at the same time. When the giant green palm hit the two demonized armorers, there was a loud noise , and then the two demon armor Kaixiu were beaten back by four or five feet.

"Is this the inherited secret technique that I just realized? Brother Sai, I haven't seen you use it before..."

Li Chuang smacked his lips at this moment and asked.

"Well, it is indeed one of the two inherited secret skills that I have comprehended, the elementary version of Yimu Shenlei... Although it is only the palm of the gods and cannot send out the divine thunder, but when this inherited secret skill is practiced to a high level, it can be used out of thin air. Thunderbolt, when the time comes to deal with these evil things, it will definitely be smashed!"

Immortal Sai proudly said that with his great strength, he is now placed at the top of the world of martial arts practitioners. After all, he is already a quasi-extraordinary level master now, and he suddenly has the attitude of a master.

Of course, this master's posture is also for the living Kaixiu to see. He can be regarded as a master in front of other Kaixiu, but he is still a dish in front of Qin Lang, a late-stage cultivator, but there is no way, Saishenxian is this person This kind of personality, to put it bluntly, is very vanity and very pretentious.

Li Chuang chuckled. He kept a low profile when competing with the gods. Although he had the same level of cultivation, he hadn't officially revealed his inherited secret skills by then, but now that his old friend was showing strength, he didn't hide it. , so he waved in the void.

Suddenly, a series of explosive sounds appeared, and the two demonized armors were forced back a dozen steps again.

"Five-step Divine Fist!" Li Chuang yelled. Although the Five-Step Divine Fist is not as popular as the Yimu Divine Palm, it is indeed a top-notch boxing secret skill, and when the Divine Fist is used, there are still people who beat cattle across the mountain. As a result, you can hit the enemy from a long distance, and even if there are obstacles in the middle, you can't block the punching power in the air.

Under the shovel test, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang relied on the two newly realized inherited secret skills to break the situation instantly, and crushed the two demonized armor cultivators. If these two inherited secret skills were not expensive, I am afraid that these two guys would Continuous attack.

However, even if they didn't attack consecutively, the two guys would gather their momentum from time to time, and after a while, they would hit a powerful blow again.

It's a pity that the defensive power of the demonized armor is really strong, and the damage of the armor is nothing. This body is simply immortal. After the battle, the whole body is enveloped by a burst of black aura. Under this black aura, even if there is an injury, it can be recovered Super fast, and these two guys don't feel pain, and they fight fiercely without fear of death. They are simply Xiaoqiang who make people have headaches.

At this time, the demon god Yuanshen was already approaching, and both Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang felt their hearts jumping. They gave up the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, and directly avoided the giant black air mass.

And the current target of the Demon God Yuanshen seems to be not the two of them, but the formation arranged by Qin Lang. After all, there is a Qin Lang who is at the peak of the late stage of transformation in the formation, and there are three inheritance light groups, which looks delicious. too much.

However, the defense array arranged by Qin Lang is indeed very reliable. The demon god Yuanshen tried many times but failed to break through the defense of the array and enter the array, even if he commanded the demonized armor to charge. An ordinary formation is a combination of multiple restrictions. If the system is complete, there will be more than [-] kinds of restrictions in it, and the combination of restrictions will stack up to nine layers, and the mutual defense ability will be endless.

However, Qin Lang couldn't complete the arrangement in a short period of time. He just superimposed three layers of restrictions. Even if only three layers of restrictions were superimposed, this large formation is enough to block the demon god Yuanshen in front of him for more than two or three hours. This is the confidence of a formation master. Moreover, Qin Lang has advantages that other formation masters do not have, that is, eyesight and calculation ability. If he really sees a flaw in the formation, he will make up for it as soon as possible.

"Woo..." In his annoyance, the demon god primordial spirit broke through and launched a sonic attack aimed at the monk's soul level. In fact, it was not a real sonic wave, but a shock wave of spiritual consciousness similar to sonic waves.

This shock wave was terrifying, and the entire formation trembled violently, as if it was in danger of falling apart at any time.

Fortunately, this big formation is alive, and Qin Lang keeps making up for it, so the shock wave of the demon god Yuanshen's consciousness can't break through the big formation at all.

Among the people who resisted the shock wave of the demon god, Qin Lang's primordial spirit strength is not bad, and he is in the big formation, which has resisted part of the shock wave of spiritual consciousness, so although he was attacked by the shock wave, he himself is fine. .

Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were far apart, and they were prepared in advance, trying their best to resist the shock wave of spiritual consciousness, so they were not hurt by this wave of divine consciousness attack.

And the sixteen Kaixiu who were already about to collapse in the distance suffered disaster at this time. They never thought that the demon god Yuanshen could play this move, and they were caught off guard, and all of them were stunned by the shock wave of spiritual consciousness.

In fact, not only were their sixteen armored cultivators unlucky, but even the three who were receiving the empowerment of the inheritance light group within the formation, under this wave of powerful spiritual shock waves, the three inheritance light groups were all shocked. Explosively, these three companions of Qin Lang were not only suspended in advance, but also suffered internal injuries. After all, they were hit by a huge external force during the process of inheriting the empowerment, and there was still a danger of backlash.

In this case, Situ Shengnan, Huamei, and Heitu not only failed to receive the second round of empowerment from the Inheritance Light Group, but also suffered internal injuries, which is considered a big loss.

And the three people who were interrupted came out of the inheritance light group. After learning about the situation, they were all so angry that their nostrils were full of smoke. The opportunity to receive the second inheritance empowerment was lost. Can they not feel distressed? what?

This is not only the loss of a chance to inherit the secret technique, but also the possibility of a short-term surge in cultivation. If any practitioner encounters it, his lungs will explode.

However, even if their lungs were blown, the three of them could only bear it. After all, not only the demon god primordial spirit outside the formation could not deal with them, but even the two demonized armored cultivators created by the demon god primordial spirit could not be dealt with by the three of them.

This tone really can only be endured for the time being, didn't you see that a person as powerful as Master Qin Lang didn't act rashly?

At this time, Qin Lang saw the sixteen armored cultivators who were stunned by the shock wave of divine consciousness, and saw two demonized armored cultivators going in that direction. Big, but you can't just watch these unconscious Kaixiu being killed by the demonized Kaixiu or the demon god Yuanshen.

So, with a direct slap, Qin Lang released the second soul clone, and went out with the clone directly to save these armor repairs.

In fact, he also knew that there were sixteen Kaixiu who were stunned at the same time. Even if he wanted to, he might not be able to save many. He could only do his best and resign himself to fate.

When the demon god Yuanshen saw the most delicious food in his eyes coming out of the big formation, he also sent out a wave of excited consciousness. Suddenly, the evil spirit rolled, and the magic flame rose, floating directly in the direction of Qin Lang.

Fortunately, the speed of the demon god's primordial spirit is not fast, and Qin Lang still has a chance to save people and escape.

At this time, the two demonized armor repairers had turned their heads under the control of the demon god Yuanshen, and wanted to deal with Qin Lang, but Qin Lang frowned, and said, "Go to hell!" The formed small sword formation greeted them, directly breaking open the chests of the two demonized armors, and streams of demonic energy escaped directly from the chest wounds.

The two demonized armor repairers suffered heavy injuries immediately. Although such injuries can be recovered slowly, it is certain that the combat effectiveness will be damaged in a short period of time.

And Qin Lang is not in the mood to continue to deal with these two demonized armor repairers. Now the main thing is to hurry up and save people. If the demon god Yuanshen floats over, people who are close to it may not be able to escape. The incomparable black light group was devoured.

At this time, Qin Lang even released the zombie Hanba. He can save one more person at this time. He doesn't know if he can make two trips back and forth before the arrival of the demon god Yuanshen. In this case, he can save six .

And when Qin Lang was about to save someone, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang looked at each other and rushed over together: "Brother Qin Lang...we will help you too!" , Sai Shenxian also knew Qin Lang's intentions, so he didn't think much about risking his life to save people.

True temperament can be seen in adversity, but Situ Shengbei, who stayed intact in the formation, saw the situation outside, his eyes flickered, he hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't rush out.

One, he doesn't have the courage to face the demon god Yuanshen, and two, he is also selfish. After all, he doesn't think that saving those Kaixiu will get much benefit, even if there is a little benefit, for this benefit It's not worth it to work on your head.

Before the arrival of the Demon God Yuantuan, Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang went back and forth twice, and finally rescued ten Kaixiu, and the remaining six Kaixiu were still unable to be rescued, and they were all swallowed by the Demon God Yuanshen. Lost.

In this regard, Qin Lang was also quite helpless. It was the first time he encountered an enemy that was too strong to beat, and he had no good solution for the time being.

The best way to deal with evil and monsters is to use restraint methods, but Qin Lang has tried it, and even Kan Lizhi can't cause too much damage to the demon god Yuanshen. Although the damage is indeed there, but this group of demon gods The god is too powerful, the degree of solidification of the primordial spirit is too high, and the direct force field shield can block all Qin Lang's attacks.

This is the gap in strength. Even Qin Lang, who has reached the peak of the late stage of transformation, has an insurmountable gap with the strength of this group of demon gods. After all, this is the consciousness of ancient gods and demons...

(End of this chapter)

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