Chapter 2094 Finding Nodes

After the demon god Yuanshen devoured the six armors, the frequency of evil energy fluctuations on the surface of the formed black light group became faster, and it seemed that new demonized armors were being created again.

This guy also seems to understand that his own movement is too slow and his flaws are too great, so he has to rely on the puppet to make up for this disadvantage.

After all, although the combat power of the magic armor is not very strong, the movement speed is still very fast.

Although the six armors who were swallowed into the black light group were in a coma, after being stimulated by the magic energy, they struggled and resisted involuntarily. However, in the face of a powerful existence, these struggles and resistance were laborious. They soon became stationary again.

And when the demon god Yuanshen was creating the demonized armor, some magic energy in the black light group was quickly injected into the six newly acquired bodies. A trace of distraction from Yuanshen was replaced and became a puppet.

Swipe!Swipe!Like defecation, the six newly-made demonized Kaixiu were discharged from the black light ball. During the whole manufacturing process, from the six unconscious Kaixiu being swallowed, to struggling, to being distracted and assimilated by the demon god The entire process of turning into a demonized armor repairer must not take more than half an hour.

And during this half an hour, other people followed Qin Lang into the defensive formation, and Qin Lang strengthened this defensive formation with multiple layers of prohibition again, from the original three-layer superposition state to nine-layer superposition state.

The nine-layer superposition is already the most perfect state of this multi-layer defensive formation. After the entire formation is perfected, the number of prohibitions in the formation has reached more than 2000 hands, and the overlapping and entanglement of prohibitions and prohibitions also makes the formation change. It is more stable, and its defense ability is more than ten times stronger than the original three-layer defense.

Under the complete state of the defensive formation, Qin Lang is not worried that the demon god Yuanshen will have a way to break through in the short term. Even if he can't keep this powerful existence out of the formation, it should be no problem to block it for a day and a night. This demon god primordial spirit is also proficient in formations, and it is impossible to break through this defensive formation in one day and one night.

Why does Qin Lang have such confidence?Because Qin Lang, who has mastered the computing power of the super system, has advantages that other formation masters do not have in terms of formation formation, the formation formation arranged by Qin Lang is too complicated. This complexity does not mean that the number of prohibitions is large. After all, if 2000 If the multi-hand restraint is the same type of restraint, it is not complicated at all.

Because of the computing power of the super system, Qin Lang optimized the large defensive formation that originally required more than 2 hands, and thus optimized it into a nine major formation that can be arranged with a total of more than 2000 hands.

This is an optimized array!
In fact, it was originally a large formation with more than 2 hand restraints!

At this moment, the more than 2000 hand restrictions that have only been optimized after optimization have been simplified to such an extent, Qin Lang is considered to be absolutely perfect.

And the prohibition of this large formation is basically not repeated, and the relationship between the prohibition and the prohibition is also intricate. The general master of the formation definitely does not have the brain capacity to calculate the trajectory of the formation in just one day and one night, so It is also impossible to break the formation at all.

Therefore, although the demon god Yuanshen is very powerful, it is impossible to break into this large formation in a short time. Qin Lang doesn't know what will happen to the other people in the large formation after a day and a night, but at least within this time period, they can safely enter the formation. Staying in the big formation, heal the wound, recover the recovery, adjust the state, and make some preparations for finding ways to avoid the demon god and break out of the place of inheritance.

"How do I get out of here..."

Qin Lang was also thinking at this time. In fact, everyone in the big formation was thinking about this difficult problem. The sixteen armored repairmen led by Su Lie had traveled countless places in the place of inheritance in order to escape the pursuit of the demon god and primordial spirit. But can't find a way out of here.

After all, all the places are gray, and there is no trace of the teleportation formation where everyone walked, and the land of inheritance has always been calm, and the idea of ​​relying on a storm to drag everyone out of the land of inheritance Also somewhat unrealistic.

Qin Lang is connected to the super system brain and calculates quickly, thinking about various possible opportunities to leave here, as long as there is a chance, he will try it.

He has a sense of urgency, and this sense of urgency is actually brought by the demon god Yuanshen outside the formation. This is an enemy that he can't even provoke. At this stage, he really can't beat this powerful existence. God himself has great flaws, and I am afraid that everyone present is already finished.

After all, this is just a group of primordial spirits of the ancient demon god. If it is a complete body, I am afraid that these people present are just clowns. After all, the operation of the defensive formation also needs to consume energy. If it consumes too much energy in an instant and cannot replenish the corresponding energy, it will also collapse.

Plan one, plan two, plan three...

In Qin Lang's brain, more than 200 plans were densely arranged in an instant. These are the next means of escape. More than 100 of them are more complicated and require a lot of time to verify. Among the remaining 90 kinds, there are more than 80 It was Qin Lang who lost his pawn to protect his commander, and only guaranteed his own survival.

In the end, there are more than a dozen plans, which are currently the most suitable test plans. He selected three of them, and he should be able to test these three plans in one day and one night.

Option [-], people like Qin Lang came to the inheritance space through a teleportation array on a stone platform in the desert. Then, it is very likely that this inheritance space should have a corresponding transmission node that can be transmitted back, and several transmission locations of Qin Lang It's not far from the defense, so the teleportation node should be not far from this area, so you can try to find it.

Plan [-], arrange a large formation to trap the demon god primordial spirit, and try to kill the demon god primordial spirit. However, although this demon god primordial spirit is only a mass of consciousness of the ancient demon god, this mass of consciousness is several feet high, absolutely It's not something that I can deal with. Moreover, the demon god Yuanshen is not a fool, so it is too difficult to deal with.

Plan three, everyone works together to arrange a large-scale teleportation formation in this large defensive formation, regardless of where it can be teleported, so it is best to teleport out of the inheritance space as far as possible.

However, this is more difficult. After all, setting up a teleportation formation requires not only time, but also a lot of resources. In addition, without coordinates, the purpose of teleportation is also difficult to predict. If teleportation is not suitable, I am afraid that everyone will encounter greater danger.

Therefore, Qin Lang decided to try the first solution first, that is, to find possible teleportation nodes nearby, and then arrange the teleportation formation again to teleport all of himself out.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang left the defensive formation directly, and as soon as he left the defensive formation, the demon gods outside the formation immediately sensed it, and leaned towards Qin Lang again, and those demonized armors also surrounded him come over.

Under the control of the demon god primordial spirit, the six newly created demonized armor repairers plus the original two, making a total of eight, actually form a faint encirclement formation. It seems that although the demon god primordial spirit is a remnant Awareness, but not stupid, still know the fighting skills.

If it wasn't for the slow movement of this group of consciousness, I'm afraid Qin Lang really didn't dare to go out, and he was definitely looking for death.

After Qin Lang came out of the battle, the Phantom Wind Walk started to increase the speed, and at the same time his own soul also spread. Although his soul can only spread fifty feet in the world of martial artists, it is restricted in the place of inheritance. It is much smaller, but it can spread to more than one mile, which is not a small surprise.

Although Qin Lang's search area is very small, there should be a teleportation node within a radius of six miles.

However, the teleportation node is really too small, just like a speck of dust in the sea, if you don't search carefully, you will definitely not find it.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has always been a careful person, searching bit by bit, inch by inch, and when he was dealing with the eight demonized armor repairs, he once again sent his second soul clone, after all, his soul When searching with all your strength, it is better to be less distracted, otherwise, it is easy to miss something.

Of course, whether it is Qin Lang's main body or the second primordial avatar, they tried their best to avoid the demonic primordial spirit during the search process to prevent the approach of this big killer. Fortunately, the demonic primordial spirit's moving speed is too slow, even half of Qin Lang's It can't reach the speed, so if you want to avoid it, it can't get close at all.

East, west, south, north... Qin Lang searched for more than an hour, and searched half of all directions, but found nothing.

"Could it be that the teleportation node disappeared...or is the teleportation node not within this range?"

Qin Lang murmured, after searching the six-mile range, it turned out to be such a result, which is really tiring.

But at this moment, when the consciousness retracted, there was a strange fluctuation in the sky above his head, but he sensed it.

"Hey, it's actually right above my head now! I'm really dark under the lights..."

Qin Lang laughed dumbfounded. The main reason is that this teleportation node is too difficult to sense. Fortunately, now that he has found it, he has a way to arrange the teleportation circle to leave.

However, there is one more thing to do before setting up the magic circle, which is to draw the demon gods and those demonized armors away from this area, and then deploy a defensive magic circle here first, and arrange the magic circle on the face of the defensive magic circle. The teleportation array, after all, the deployment of the teleportation array takes much more time than the defensive formation.

In addition, when everyone is teleporting, they must also prevent the sneak attack of the group of demon gods, so it is inevitable to arrange a large defensive formation here.

(End of this chapter)

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