The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2095 Changes in the Gourd Space

Chapter 2095 Changes in the Gourd Space

Next, Qin Lang and the second primordial spirit led away the demon god primordial spirit together, and then he quickly returned and began to hastily arrange the defensive formation.

Finally, the defensive formation was completed, and then he set up the teleportation formation with peace of mind.

It took more than three hours of work one after another. At this time, Qin Lang had already begun to gather people to transfer, and the demon god Yuanshen was actually not low in intelligence, so Qin Lang had exhausted his thoughts for the formation of the formation for the past three hours. Only then did he deceive the demon god Yuanshen to take a little time to set up the formation.

After the big array was set up, everyone hurriedly moved. Now that everyone has experienced a series of changes in the inheritance space, they have no intention of staying here for a long time.

Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh!
The light of the teleportation lights up, and the next moment, the people in the inheritance space have already teleported out. Although they have not left the Guxiu Cave Mansion after being teleported out, they have left the inheritance space anyway, and they don’t have to face the terrible demon god Yuanshen anymore. So everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This is also a matter of no choice, it is really too difficult to deal with the demon god Yuanshen, not only these armor repairs, even Qin Lang, a real peak monk in the late stage of transformation, can't do anything to that guy, let alone other people.

Qin Lang estimated that the demon god Yuanshen was definitely a stronger existence than ordinary immortals tens of thousands of years ago, so even if there is only a group of Yuanshen consciousness left now, this group of Yuanshen consciousness is almost equivalent to a human immortal. Qin Lang has no chance of defeating before his own cultivation level has not been raised to a higher level.

After leaving the inheritance space, everyone was eager to return home, so they kept walking in the direction of the way they came from, and slowly groped out of the Guxiu Cave Mansion...

Back in the open sea, Su Lie bid farewell to Qin Lang and his party: "Thanks to everyone's help on this trip, Su will keep it in his heart... There will be good rewards in the future." After saying that, he cupped his hands and led them away.

"Stingy!" Hei Tu looked at the backs of the group of people and spat dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe!" Qin Lang, Li Chuang, and Sai Shenxian all smiled. This time they could almost be said to have saved the lives of these Kai Xius, but these Kai Xius only made empty promises, but did not repay their life-saving grace with real expressions. It doesn't really match the script either.

If you change your position, Qin Lang and these people were rescued by these Kaixiu, maybe Qin Lang and these people will give some material as a reward.

However, after thinking about it, maybe these armor repairs are used to being poor, and they don't have anything eye-catching on them. Even if they offer something to repay themselves and these people, they may not necessarily appreciate them.

And Qin Lang didn't want anything in return for saving people at the time, so after leaving the Guxiu Cave Mansion, it's actually good for everyone to go their own way.

After all, Qin Lang's trip to the ancient cave building this time has actually achieved very good results, and now he doesn't want to plan anything else.

Although Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang have a little less harvest, they also get some benefits from following Qin Lang, such as getting some eighth-level monsters by the lake, such as getting a inheritance in the inheritance space. top.


Back at the inn, a guy came to Qin Lang and said, "Guest, Bailianfang has a message for you. The Bull Demon Master wants to take back your Bull Demon Armor, and at the same time refund you double the money as a return." price."

"Oh why?"

Qin Lang was surprised, isn't Bailianfang doing business at a loss?You must know that although the Bull Demon Armor is a test armor, the market price is also worth 50 million. If the double price is recycled, it will be nearly a million green chips, which is almost enough to buy two middle-grade mysterious armors.

"There is news from Bailianfang that the parameters of the test A are found to be unstable after use, which poses a great safety hazard, so they are in a hurry to take it back."

"Oh, that's it! Well, I'll send the one in hand back to Bai Refining Workshop later."

Qin Lang nodded, this set of battle armor has been in his hands for a few days, and now he will definitely make a profit by sending it back. When he has nearly a million green chips, he will buy another black-level battle armor at that time.

Next, Qin Lang is not in a hurry to go to the Bailianfang, but first retreats to sort out the harvest in the Guxiu Cave Mansion. Currently, there are nearly a hundred white clam beads obtained from the Guxiu Cave Mansion in the storage ring. Clam shells, clam meat, part of the flesh and blood of the Eight Demons, and twenty sealed inheritance light groups.

In addition, after the golden gourd devoured the innate spiritual material-level golden clam bead, the entire gourd space also experienced a great transformation. The space expanded more than ten times and became a space covering an area of ​​[-] mu. There is still some distance from becoming a small world, but the change is quite large now.

And the small world not only expands the space by more than ten times, but also has a lot of aura in the space, which is more suitable for the growth of various elixir and spiritual plants. As long as the spiritual things from the outside world are transplanted into the space, the growth rate can definitely be accelerated many times . ,

Qin Lang glanced at the interior of the space. Now that the golden clam beads have been digested, although the area of ​​the nursery in the entire gourd space has not changed much, the elixir planted on it has all matured. The fine-toothed Jinyuan wood now has branches as long as a baby's arm, and it looks full of vitality.

At this time, Qin Lang directly began to pick all the mature elixir, mainly some sky green grass used to refine Tianyuan Dan, and there were more than 100 plants, which were planted for about one centimeter.

After picking the elixir, Qin Lang sprinkled the seeds of the sky green grass again. After all, this rare space for planting spiritual materials cannot be wasted. Batch of pills.

Then Qin Lang refined alchemy, and the one he refined was Tianyuan Dan, and he refined more than 1000 pills.

After alchemy, I looked back at the gourd space again, and found that the seeds planted had germinated in less than an hour. This is why the whole gourd space is more suitable for the growth of elixir than before. Now the space The concentration of spiritual energy inside was five times higher than before, and the growth speed of the elixir was also five times faster.

And this is the premise that Qin Lang did not use the dead tree to grow the elixir. If Qin Lang now stimulates these ungrown elixir, the growth rate of the elixir will be much faster, reaching ten times the original. Ten times the growth rate is not impossible.

However, Qin Lang is not going to give birth to the elixir for the time being. After the alchemy is completed, he is ready to go out and solve all the chores at hand. First, he went to Bailianfang and sent the Bull Demon Armor back. At the same time, he also got the Return Bull The reward for the magic armor's 98 green chips.

Originally, after Qin Lang recovered the Bull Demon Armor, he was going to buy a more technically mature black armor, but it is a pity that the armor above the black level is very popular in all the cities of Qibi City, and it needs to be pre-ordered. may get.

At this time, Bailianfang gave Qin Lang a promise. If the parameters of the Bull Demon Armor are adjusted and there are no major safety hazards, Qin Lang can be notified and Qin Lang will give priority to buying the new Bull Demon Armor.

This is of course a good thing, Qin Lang agreed after thinking about it, and stopped having trivial disputes with Bailianfang.

"Actually, the psychic circuit of the Bull Demon Armor has been modified by me once... I don't know what will happen to the modified spiritual circuit after Bailianfang recycles this armor." Qin Lang actually didn't know how to transform it himself. The latter piece of the Bull Demon Armor Talisman did not conform to the original designer's ideas. Now that Bailianfang returns the Bull Demon Armor, Qin Lang will definitely find out what Qin Lang has done on this Bull Demon Armor.

Not long after Qin Lang left Bailianfang, the bull demon master of Bailianfang, including two other refiners with the same identity, discovered the abnormality of this bull demon armor, and the unstable spiritual energy circuit of the other recovered bull demon armor. In comparison, the spiritual circuit of this one is too stable, it must have been manipulated.

Master Niu Mo frowned at this moment, with a contemplative expression: "What's the situation... unexpectedly, someone can think of such a wonderful transformation idea. The performance parameters are surprisingly stable, even if no modifications are made, this modified Bull Demon Armor can still be regarded as a qualified product. Of course, if some modifications can be made, the effect will be even better."

"That's right, this reformer's strength is not low. There are such masters among the people. I really want to meet him." Another master said.

"In my opinion, inviting the folk master craftsman over to study how to optimize this set of Bull Demon Armor should bring a lot of convenience to our work."

"Well, that's a good idea." Master Bull Demon also nodded.

Stormcorps, headquarters.

Su Lie returned to the headquarters with the remaining nine companions. This time, Su Lie and his party went to the Guxiu Cave Mansion with more than 40 teammates. Now, only eight Kaixiu survived and returned. Said to be a huge blow.

Facing the high-level members of the storm group, Su Lie had to bite the bullet and report to these people. This time, he suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, although the number of Kaixiu who survived was not many, all of them had adventures, which more or less made up for some losses in this regard.

You must know that the place of inheritance is too terrible. If it hadn't been for the arrival of a few supporters, these armor repairs might have fallen, and Qin Lang can be said to have saved the lives of all of them.

"The place of inheritance in the Guxiu Cave there still the primordial spirit of the ancient demon god?" Several high-level members of the storm group did not punish Su Lie in the end, so Su Lie continued to lead this team, but the team led by Su Lie The team has been downsizing a lot, and there are actually less than [-] people in the team now.

"The facts are like this. The demon god Yuanshen is not humanly invincible. Even if I am equipped with the mysterious-level battle armor Shinwura, I will probably be cannon fodder if I meet them."

(End of this chapter)

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