The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2096 2 Magic Treasures

Chapter 2096 Second-hand magic weapon
After Qin Lang came out of Bailianfang, he went straight to Kaixiu Trading Square in Qibifang. This is also the public area where Kaixiu adventurers in Qibicheng deal with the spoils of all kinds of adventures.

The main commodities in Kaixiu Trading Square are all kinds of monster ingredients, inner alchemy, materials, etc. There are also official shops that buy materials, but the purchase price is generally [-]% lower than those of those street stalls. If Kaixiu adventurers don’t mind the trouble If it is used, it is generally to set up a street stall directly, which is commonly known as a "practice stall", instead of selling the materials directly to official shops.

Although there is no refining workshop in the trading square city, all the refining workshops in Qibi City have special personnel stationed in the city, and there are fixed booths selling various types of armor. Of course, if it is a battle armor above the mysterious level, it is basically It will not appear on the booth, and even if it appears, it will be bought in the blink of an eye, so the battle armor above the Xuan level needs to be booked in advance.

And the number of Kaixiu in Qibi City is still very large. It is said that there are more than a million people, and at least 3 people come and go in and out of the trading place every day.

Qin Lang went directly to the official store and packed up some of the bits and pieces that he got from going to sea this time, such as unusable materials, phantom clam shells, phantom clam meat and other monster flesh and blood ingredients. Of course, white clam beads It is not disposed of, this thing is a treasure, although it is not as precious as the golden clam pearl, but it is also a rare natural treasure, which can be used for alchemy and weapon refining in the future.

All together, Qin Lang got almost 20 green chips, which is already the money for a low-grade Xuan-level battle armor, not too little.

However, considering that most of the materials on the two eighth-level monsters were processed to obtain these, it is actually not a lot. After all, if the general adventurer Kaixiu goes to sea, there are dozens of people every time, even if they jointly kill them An eighth-rank monster is divided according to the head, and each person's share is not a few thousand.

After selling the materials, Qin Lang began to browse around the stalls in the market to see if he could find some materials he needed. After all, there are thousands of stalls in the Kaixiu Trading Square, and each adventurer belongs to a different team. The direction of going to sea is also different, so the various resources collected are also strange, and some of them may not even be known to Qin Lang, a well-informed high-level cultivator.

It’s not fruitless after shopping around. Qin Lang bought all the eighth-level monster inner alchemy in the entire Fangshi, and got about ten of them. For this reason, he lost 60. The eighth-level monster inner alchemy is the most precious in the monster. The materials are still very valuable.

In addition, I also received three cold crystals, eighteen sea spirit grass, three ten thousand-year sea cucumbers, and one jellyfish crystal.

Cold crystals are formed by the accumulation of spiritual energy in the cold springs of the seabed for thousands of years. They are very precious and can be used to refine Shenyuan pills. Moreover, cold crystals are not common, and they are rare and rare materials.

The sea spirit grass is also one of the materials for refining the Shenyuan pill, and at the same time, the sea spirit grass is also a very precious auxiliary material in the ancient strange prescription ten dragons changing marrow soup.

The ten thousand-year sea cucumber can be used to refine the elixir "Shenmai Pill", which can quickly restore self-depletion in the battles of monks above the transformation stage, and is one of the important materials.

Apart from these materials used for alchemy, the more precious one is of course the jellyfish crystal. The jellyfish crystal is the mother body that breeds the water element beads. Unfortunately, this piece of jellyfish crystal is not a mature body, and there will definitely be no water element beads in it. , but even so, this jellyfish crystal is still the top water attribute material.

Even if the jellyfish crystal does not generate water yuan beads, Qin Lang can also use it to refine extremely powerful magic weapons in the future, or directly use it for cultivation, but it is too extravagant to use it directly for cultivation. After all, jellyfish crystals are top-level natural treasures. The amount of spiritual energy is huge, but if it is used for cultivation all the time, it will still be exhausted at times.

After shopping around, Qin Lang felt that it was worth it. Although he spent 60 green chips, if he got these materials in the cultivation world, he would definitely have money and might not be able to buy them. That is to say, the entire Dawan country not only has no alchemy There are very few pharmacists and even pharmacists, which is why Qin Lang was able to pick up such a big deal and directly purchase these rare high-level materials in the square market.

At this time, Qin Lang came to an area, most of which were stalls selling second-hand external magic weapons. It turned out that only craftsmen were qualified to refine external magic weapons, but after some armor repaired their own external magic weapons, The magic weapons that were not used in the first place will be placed here for processing, which is equivalent to a second-hand goods trading area.

Of course, there are not only second-hand magic weapon externals, but also some second-hand armor parts or complete second-hand armor for sale. The price of second-hand goods traded here is very fair, at least [-]% lower than the price of brand-new equipment, so come here to Taobao There are not a few armor repairs here, not only some low-level armor repairs, but also many high-level armor repairs from the big teams often visit here.

When you come to Taobao here, you always pay attention to the benefits. Although the performance of those eliminated second-hand goods cannot be compared with the brand-new ones, you can save a lot of money by buying them. Compared with seeing brand-new equipment, you can only be envious But it's much better if you don't have money to buy it.

After all, Kaixiu’s daily life is basically a waste of money. Most of Kaixiu can’t save money at all, and their lives have been stingy. They want to spend every penny in half, and they are used to saving.

This is the same reason that the second-hand housing market on the earth is far more popular than the sales department. If you see a house you like in the second-hand market, the price is definitely cheaper than buying a new building.

As for the external magic weapon, Qin Lang is also very interested in it. Although these external magic weapons are also magic weapons in the strict sense, they are basically for the battle armor, so the design concept is very pure. It can be said that the external magic weapon It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an additional part installed on the battle armor.

However, compared to ordinary battle armor, the external refining materials of the magic weapon are various, and most of them use top-grade refining materials. After all, as an external weapon of armor, if the refining materials are too ordinary, the strength of this weapon It can't be too high, it's easy to damage.

Just like the source energy cannon, if the barrel of the source energy cannon is not filled with star gold, it is easy to form a high-temperature explosion when firing the cannon. Maybe after one or two shots, this weapon will be completely useless, even after the explosion. may injure the user.

Although these external magic weapons are all from various refining workshops in the Dawan State, most of them are old objects, or the age of use exceeds the standard, or the degree of wear exceeds the standard. How much is the difference between the new equipment, if there is Kaixiu who can find this kind of second-hand equipment, it will make a lot of money, which is equivalent to picking up the leak.

In fact, there are not a few Kaixiu who can come to this second-hand trading area to pick up leaks every day. This is quite a test of one's eyesight. If you have good eyesight, you will not lose money.

And in the second-hand market, I heard that there are some good-sighted Kaixiu who even make a living by this, specializing in picking up leaks and reselling second-hand external equipment, earning a lot of appraisal price difference.

However, this kind of profession is not something that ordinary armor repairers can do. Even a craftsman sometimes misses it in this second-hand market. It can be identified, and these items in the stalls in the second-hand market can be seen and touched, but the actual operation is prohibited before the transaction. It is entirely luck to be able to buy good things by sight.

At this time, Qin Lang saw an external magic weapon like a heart mirror. This magic weapon has a high external level. It should be a top-grade defense magic weapon. If this top-grade defense magic weapon is installed on a battle armor On the above, it is even possible to exert the defensive ability of the ultimate defensive magic weapon, and it does not even consume much of Kaixiu's own true essence.

Qin Lang touched it, and based on his eyesight of an intermediate craftsman, he naturally judged that the heart mirror was a treasure and was worth buying, but at this moment, a middle-aged eagle-browed man next to the booth snatched Qin Lang's hand He said to the stall owner, "I want this bright mirror!"

Qin Lang frowned, this guy is too impolite, didn't you see that the things are in other people's hands, is this guy ashamed to take things from other people's hands?He is also convinced.

And at this time, Qin Lang is not going to argue with this guy. After all, a high-grade magic weapon is not worth fighting for himself, and he just looked at the bright mirror and was not ready to buy it. The other party made a move first. With this treasure in his hands, Qin Lang couldn't say anything more.

The price of [-] cyan chips for that piece of bright light mirror is almost equivalent to the price of a yellow-level middle-grade battle armor, but the price is very fair. It is estimated that the brand new bright light mirror cannot be bought without [-] cyan chips.

After all, the external magic weapon is the main combat weapon of armor repair, and it is not very strange that some magic weapon external is sold at a sky-high price far exceeding the armor itself.

At this time, Qin Lang took a look at the booth and found another good thing, which was a pocket-sized source energy gun. The long magic weapon gun is incomparable to the source energy gun in terms of shooting accuracy and penetration. There are even some agility armor practitioners who specialize in gun fighting skills and use the source energy gun as the main weapon. If Kaixiu's gun fighting skills are superb, his combat power will be overwhelming, and he can even be compared to a monk in the transformation stage.

Of course, if the gun fighting skills are not good, this Kaixiu may not even be able to beat a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The design of the source energy gun is very different from the source energy gun. A large number of light stones are added to it. This is a very special strengthening stone, which is mainly used to enhance the penetrating power of energy weapons.

Each bullet of the source energy gun is a small beam of light, and its power is also fixed, but think about it, if an armor repairer with superb fighting skills always attacks a weak point of the enemy, the defense power consumption of the weak point of the enemy will definitely be reduced. Soon, there is even the possibility of being pierced.

And the small beams of light emitted by the source energy gun with the addition of light stones have a certain consumption capacity even for Qin Lang, a peak cultivator in the late stage of deification. They all had to avoid the edge temporarily to prevent their own defenses from being pierced.

It can be seen that the power of the magic weapon gun such as the source energy gun is still very good. Qin Lang looked at it and found that the source energy gun in hand is a high-quality product, which should be refined by a refiner at the level of a master refiner in Dawan country , the appearance is very new, and there is no obvious wear and tear on the inside if you scan your mind. It is a magic weapon worth buying.

(End of this chapter)

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