The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2098 Honored Master Qin

Chapter 2098 Honored Master Qin

And Qin Lang actually didn't have much concern in this world of martial arts practitioners. He moved from the earth to the realm of comprehension, and then to the world of martial arts practitioners. What he wanted was to make himself stronger and stronger, and then pursue longevity.

At the same time, if we can find a way to return to Earth, we will definitely try our best to achieve it.

Of course, even if he returns to the Qinghe Continent now, it is extremely difficult and impossible to find a space point that is aligned with the earth, and then forcibly break through the boundary.

It must wait for his strength to reach a certain stage before he can hope to do so.

During the chat, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang discussed their respective development ideas in the future. They all want to find an income in this city, find a way to raise enough money to buy the top-grade yellow armor, and then buy their favorite battle armor. Kai, and then venture out to sea to hunt down monsters.

After all, although it is dangerous for Kaixiu to go to sea, it is also accompanied by a lot of opportunities, some of which cannot even be bought with money.

What's more, everyone counted that besides Qin Lang, this team already has two quasi-extraordinary martial arts practitioners and four martial arts masters in the middle stage. This kind of strength can easily kill even eighth-order monsters.

If you go out on a sea adventure, it is estimated that the income you can get is not low. If you kill some high-level monsters casually, you can earn a lot of money and earn back all the previous investment.

After discussion, everyone decided to set up a team like Kaixiu in these cities. The members of the team are mainly the seven foreigners, and some local Kaixiu can also be absorbed in an appropriate amount. After all, in this unfamiliar environment, the seven A group of foreigners is more cohesive.

And I heard that the team needs to register with the official, so Sai Shenxian decided to handle the matter personally, let everyone rest for a few days before talking.

After the meal, Qin Lang returned to his room, set up a defensive formation, and began to concentrate on studying the rags he bought from Kaixiufang City this time, to see if he could assemble the scattered external parts of the magic weapon into a complete The periphery of the magic weapon, and those damaged armors are also trying to repair.

In the process of assembling and repairing, Qin Lang found a problem. He couldn't accurately judge the scale and measurement standards of the entire Dawan Kingdom's refining system. After the restoration is completed, the assembled finished product is also difficult to reach the level of satisfaction.

"It would be great if I could go to a local refining workshop to learn this knowledge. I'm even sure that I can handle this within a day, and design a reasonable restoration plan..."

Although Qin Lang assembled a few magic weapons and repaired a piece of armor, he was not [-]% satisfied with the finished product, so he temporarily stopped.

When Qin Lang came out of the room to relax, he saw a capable young man waiting outside the door.

Seeing Qin Lang open the door of the room, the young man suddenly regained his spirits: "Is it Master Qin Lang? I am Xiao Tao from Bailianfang, and I am also one of the apprentices under Master Niu Mo."

"Oh, you are looking for should be your master looking for me, what's the matter?" Qin Lang asked with a chuckle.

"It's like this. Master Bull Demon is very interested in the armor you recovered. You modified the psionic circuit of that test armor... After he saw it, he always said it was a wonderful workmanship, so let me I invite you to work with him on how to improve this set of test armor, and if the improvement is successful, Bai Refining Workshop will not hesitate to reward you." The man replied honestly.

"Think of me as a master craftsman."

Qin Lang smiled. He knew that he did not have the strength of a master craftsman, but because of the assistance of the super system, he took advantage of improving the spiritual circuit of the Bull Demon Armor at the beginning, but that was only some minor changes. If his current ability is overhauled as a whole, it still won't work.

After all, he is only an intermediate refiner now, and he still doesn't know the scale and measurement standards of the entire Dawan Kingdom's refinery system. To participate in the re-improvement of the Bull Demon Master's test armor, this is the foundation, and he can't get around it , You must first learn the relevant knowledge in this area.

However, after thinking about it for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened: I want to learn the scale and measurement system of the Dawan Kingdom's refining system. Isn't this Hundred Refining Workshop just the best choice?As one of the largest large-scale refining workshops in the entire Qibi City, those master refining masters must have very complete knowledge in this area, and I can just ask Master Niumo for advice at that time.

As for Master Niu Mo wondering why Qin Lang has rich imagination and theoretical knowledge, but he doesn't even know the basis of scale and measurement of Dawan State's refining system, it can be explained at that time, after all, Qin Lang is not this continent The local people on the island have different knowledge of refining equipment, so the measurement system is also different.

"Okay, I'll go take a look with you." Qin Lang thought that the refining industry in Dawan Country was extremely developed, and learning the knowledge of refining from the refining master of Bailianfang would be very helpful for improving his refining level. Big help.

At that time, as long as I stand next to Master Niu Mo and watch the master's refining, I believe that the experience of refining will definitely increase gradually, which is much more reliable than I usually think about it alone.

"Okay, master please."

The man surnamed Tao directly led the way, and rushed to Bailianfang with the fake master craftsman. In Xiaotao's heart, Qin Lang could change the works of Master Niu Demon, and the level of crafting was definitely at the same level as Master Niu Demon. Yes, it is definitely right to be called a master.

He never thought that Qin Lang was not a master at all, but an intermediate refiner who was a little better than him. After all, Xiaotao, as an apprentice in a large refinery, also possessed the level and ability of an ordinary refiner. None of the apprentices brought by those master craftsmen was lower than that of junior craftsmen, and some apprentices even reached the level of senior craftsmen and were still apprentices.


Qin Lang was also shocked when he entered the Hundred Refining Workshop for the first time. This is a large-scale refining workshop covering an area of ​​[-] to [-] mu. The whole workshop is almost equivalent to a market. Some blacksmiths specialize in refining materials, and some specialize in inlaying and drawing forbidden patterns for zero parts, etc. They are busy and orderly, and they are not chaotic, almost equivalent to an assembly line.

However, these production lines are all artificial. If it weren't for this, Qin Lang would suspect that this refining workshop has mastered modern technologies similar to the earth machinery production workshop.

What Qin Lang witnessed was the production process of various components of a yellow-grade high-grade armor called black gemstone produced on the assembly line of Bailianfang. This is actually the lowest-end armor produced by Bailianfang. Putting it into production, the production capacity is absolutely huge, and the yellow-grade top-grade armor is also the mainstream of armor repair in the entire market, and the sales volume is also very large, so almost half of Bailianfang's monthly sales are completed by this mass-produced armor.

As for the Xuan-level above the Yellow-level armor, all the refining workshops in the entire Dawan State have never heard of energy production. The refining accuracy of the parts of the Xuan-level armor is several times higher than that of the Huang-level armor. The performance parameters need to be fine-tuned by experienced refiners with the naked eye before they can be calibrated, which is not an easy task.

Therefore, although the battle armor above the mysterious level on the market is expensive, you may not be able to buy it immediately if you have money. After a month, it is difficult to see Xuan level armor in circulation in the market.

And the reason why Xuan-level battle armor is so rare is also related to the fact that Xuan-level battle armor needs a refiner at the level of a master refiner to be able to refine it. Thousands of magic weapon parts, and the accuracy of each part must reach the micron-level armor.

And Bailianfang, a large refining workshop, heard that there are three refining masters, one of whom is the former owner, who quit the refining business more than ten years ago due to physical reasons, and usually only takes apprentices to teach some refining aspects of theoretical knowledge.

The refining of the mysterious battle armor of Bailianfang mainly depends on Master Niumo and another master named Man Laoren. The two masters jointly supported the face of Bailianfang. It has been more than 40 years, and there are eight sets of maturely designed black-level battle armor in these years, and the immature black-level middle-grade battle armor of the recently tested Bull Demon Armor is also the pinnacle of his life's energy. The battle armor has gone through the theoretical stage and the testing stage, and now it has found problems and plans to make some changes in parameters, and it will be rebuilt again.

It turned out that the problem of the spiritual path circuit on the armor was the biggest flaw, but after Qin Lang's genius design and adjustment, this biggest flaw has been made up for now, and other minor flaws are harmless. After repurchasing the test armor this time, Niu Master Demon is going to work hard to solve all the problems he found, and make a new and more mature set of Bull Demon Armor.

In fact, this is also the consistent thinking of the product development of the major refining workshops in the Dawan State. Only through repeated testing can a set of high-level armor be tested quickly to find problems. After summarizing the problems and correcting them, a more mature version can be obtained. .

Knowing Qin Lang's arrival, Master Niu Mo rarely stopped his work and came out of his workshop to greet him. This is very rare for a master-level craftsman who has been immersed in academic research.

And Qin Lang also met Master Niu Mo for the first time. As the name suggests, he is tall and thick, and his body is stronger than that of a cow.

However, Master Niu Mo heard that he is an old man over 300 years old, and his cultivation base is in the middle stage of alchemy, so he can be regarded as a rare master in Qibi City.

And the refining masters in the middle stage of alchemy are absolutely rare in the cultivation world. Generally, the refining masters who reach the level of a master refining master are at least a monk at the Nascent Soul level in the cultivation world. In the process, it is difficult to complete some refining tasks that require the cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage with the cultivation of the alchemy stage, and the consumption is too great.

However, this is not the case for the inheritance of battle armors mastered by these refining masters in the Dawan country in this world. Battle armors are composed of individual parts. It is not very difficult, and the consumption is not too big each time, and there are green chips and other training materials to quickly replenish the cultivation level. They can also carry out the heavy refining process, but the refining speed is much slower than that of Yuanying level refining masters .

(End of this chapter)

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