The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2099 Splitting the Bull Demon Armor

Chapter 2099 Splitting the Bull Demon Armor

"Welcome, welcome, it's Master Qin Lang! I've seen the psionic circuit design of the Bull Demon Armor you transformed, and it's very unique... It also inspired me a lot."

Master Niu Mo stretched out his hand. He is bare-armed, and his muscles are thicker than the thighs of an adult. Those bodybuilders must be envious when they see this gnarled muscles.

"Hehe, I'm actually not a master... I just got a little inspiration by chance."

Qin Lang also stretched out his hand and shook it. He was telling the truth, but the bull demon master didn't believe it very much. After all, in his opinion, being able to transform the psychic circuit of the bull demon armor is definitely something that a master-level craftsman can do. .

It's a pity that there is no absolute in this world. He didn't know that Qin Lang had a super-system computing tool, which could maximize the computing power of an intermediate refiner, even reaching the level of a master refiner.

Of course, Qin Lang's computing ability has reached the level of a master craftsman, but he is still weak in other aspects. He is only an intermediate craftsman.

"Haha, you are younger than me, so I'll call you little brother!"

Master Niu Mo thought that Qin Lang was modest, so he laughed. "You can call me brother too."

Master Niu Mo is a real person. After meeting and chatting for a few words, he directly took Qin Lang to his workshop, ready to enter the working state.

This guy is definitely a workaholic. Although the parameters of the Bull Demon Battle Armor have been designed, the adjustment of other data is still going on, and now that Qin Lang is invited, it is because of Qin Lang's whimsy in design, Maybe it can help me speed up the progress of perfecting the Bull Demon Armor.

This is also the real reason why he invited Qin Lang to Bailianfang.

However, Qin Lang's family knows his own affairs, and he is not a master of equipment training, so there are too many shortcomings in his body.

First of all, when he came to Bailianfang this time, he mainly wanted to get the measurement standard of Dawan country's armor industry from Master Niumo. If he can learn this, it will be much easier for Qin Lang to repair those damaged armor after returning.

"By the way, little brother Qin Lang, do you need to improve the curvature of this arm? Although it deviates from the principle of mechanics, the explosive effect of the armor should be better if you change it this way."

Master Niu Mo began to ask Qin Lang to help him as a reference, trying to make his set of test armor more perfect.

", you see, I'm a foreigner, and I don't know the measurement method of Dawan country, can you explain it to me..."

Qin Lang expressed his thoughts at this time, thinking that he could not help in the design, but if Master Niu Mo could give him some knowledge in this area, then he did not come in vain this time.

"Oh, it turns out that little brother Qin Lang is a foreign craftsman, so it's no wonder..."

Master Niu Mo said something just now, but Qin Lang couldn't get in a word. Now the little brother directly said that he didn't understand the scale and measurement standards of Dawan Kingdom. I am not familiar with the scale and measurement standards of the national armor industry, so I nodded at this time and said: "Then let me tell you about the standards in this regard!"

Master Niu Mo is a person who has taught apprentices, and there are not a few apprentices in the past 40 years, so the explanations are very good. The explanations of the knowledge points are simple and easy to understand and easy to master. Qin Lang listened to Master Niu Mo. It took more than two hours to fully grasp the knowledge points in this area.

And after thoroughly mastering the measurement units of the armor-making industry in Dawan Country, the problems related to measurement that Qin Lang encountered when repairing armor and magic weapons before are now no problem. This time, the biggest gain from coming to Bailianfang Have it already.

At this time, Qin Lang can also go deeper into studying the Bull Demon Armor with Master Bull Demon.

In addition to the key spiritual circuit problem, this Bull Demon Armor has more than a dozen flaws, large and small. Some of those flaws can be seen by Qin Lang, and some of them can't, because these flaws even Master Bull Demon couldn't see it either.

Therefore, the test of the product after it comes out is very important. It must be tested to make it easier to find problems, and only after repeated improvements can a mature product be obtained.

After that, Qin Lang studied the Bull Demon Armor with Master Niu Demon. He found that learning from a master-level craftsman like Master Niu Demon would be very helpful for improving his refining experience, because in the process of research, he His refining experience is also increasing slowly, and he has been promoted from an intermediate refining master to a senior refining master before he knows it.

This is just like cheating. After all, it has been more than three or five years for the general intermediate refiner to be promoted to a senior refiner. Some may not be able to succeed in ten or twenty years, and Qin Lang is just following Master Niumo now. After studying and discussing for several hours, I improved.

During the discussion, Master Niu Mo could be sure of one thing that Qin Lang is indeed not a master of refining, but he is very talented in refining, and has a unique vision, strong learning ability, and some ideas and innovations in refining Consciousness even he, a master craftsman, can't help himself.

What is certain is that in time, Qin Lang will definitely become a better refining master than himself.

Moreover, Qin Lang only provided a lot of opinions in the process of pondering the Ox Demon Armor, which inspired him and made the improvement ideas of the Ox Demon Armor more perfect.

It can be said that although Qin Lang is only a high-level craftsman, the improvement suggestions and ideas put forward have given Master Niumo no less help than a master craftsman, and even the general traditional craftsman is not so active in thinking. I can't think of those ingenious flash points at all.

With Qin Lang's opinions and suggestions, Master Bull Demon is confident that the performance of the improved Bull Demon Armor will be improved to a higher level, even reaching the level of Xuan-level top-grade armor.

As for the Xuan-level high-grade armor, there is no other master refiner in the entire Dawan Kingdom who can refine it. If the bull demon master really upgrades the improved bull demon armor to a higher level, he will become the first one in the entire kingdom who can A master who forges mysterious high-grade armor.

Of course, the entire kingdom is not without other types of high-grade mysterious armors, but those armors are all ancient armors, not refined by the current master craftsmen, but occasionally found by the adventurous armor repairer from the ruins, only the quantity Rarely at all, there are absolutely no more than ten high-level armor masters known in the entire kingdom who currently have mysterious top-grade armor masters.

Therefore, it is conceivable that if the Bull Demon Armor is really improved and becomes a high-grade mysterious class, then the Bull Demon Master will gain an unpredictable reputation, and the Bailianfang will grow stronger, and even become the number one refiner in the entire Dawan Country. There is nothing wrong with the equipment workshop.

After collecting and sorting out some opinions, Master Niu Mo got busy excitedly. His private workshop is a full [-] square meters, and there are more than a dozen apprentices working in it. Let those apprentices split the test armor first. After all, these It's all work with little technical content, and apprentices can do it for them, and apprentices can also gain a lot of experience and proficiency when dismantling high-level armor, so this is not a hard job, on the contrary, many apprentices rush to do it .

With several apprentices working together, the Bull Demon Armor was quickly disassembled into nearly [-] parts. Some of these parts were as thin as the tip of a needle, while others were as big as a palm. It weighs nearly a hundred catties, but after disassembly, the weight of each component is not much.

And the parts of this kind of armor similar to the ultimate magic weapon are indeed precision parts. Some joints between armors cannot even be seen by the naked eye at a glance. Ordinary people probably need a magnifying glass to see clearly.

Of course, as a practitioner, Master Niu Mo doesn't need a magnifying glass at all. Even if he is over 300 years old, his eyesight is so good that he can see even the fine dust in the air.

When the apprentices were dismantling the armor, Master Niumo occasionally gave pointers. After all, this high-level armor was too fine, and even the apprentices in the middle of the refining process might not be able to disassemble some precise parts.

When Qin Lang watched from the side, his refining experience was also increasing little by little. This kind of experience of seeing the master of refining is much more beneficial than pondering alone. Sometimes pondering alone for a year or so can not compare A word of advice.

After the Bull Demon Armor was disassembled, the Bull Demon Master improved and adjusted some parts. If major surgery is required, it is absolutely unambiguous, and he will directly make major changes.

Of course, before doing it, he has already drafted the improved belly case. With the belly case in hand, the major surgery on the armor will not be crooked. After all, the armor is no more than a real magic weapon, and it consists of too many parts. , and the precision required between these parts is also high, and the slightest deviation cannot be tolerated.

To be honest, refining a piece of armor is actually much more difficult than refining a high-grade magic weapon, and armor, a combination of offensive and defensive materials, uses very few natural materials and earthly treasures. If you work hard on ordinary refining materials , there are too many places to pay attention to to improve the quality of the armor.

It has to be said that the manufacture of the armor is a cumbersome process. Now even if some parts are improved to make the armor more perfect, Master Niumo can only complete half of it in a day.

And I heard from Master Niumo that thanks to Qin Jiantong's previous help, the improvement of the armor was done very quickly, and the progress of the improvement today is already very fast. If he alone completed it, it is estimated that tomorrow They may not be able to completely lay the belly case.

It can be seen that although Qin Lang delayed Niu Mo for a large number of two hours to learn the algorithm of measurement units, after learning, Qin Lang also helped Master Niu Mo a lot, making the work progress in turn exceed the past.

(End of this chapter)

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