The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2100 Yellow Grade Top Grade Armor

Chapter 2100 Yellow Grade Top Grade Armor
In the afternoon, when Bailianfang closed, Master Niumo was sweating profusely after a long day of work, and finished work with satisfaction. Although he was tired today, his work progressed very well, so he is in a good state of mind now.

However, there is a very important thing in the armor-making industry, which is the combination of work and rest. The refiner must know how to rest and adjust his energy to the best state. In this way, the armor parts made after work will be more precise. , without a large number of defective products.

You must know that if there are too many defective products made by the refiner, it will also affect the efficiency of the shop, and even the reputation of the individual can be affected.

"Little brother, thank you...I've been busy here today, I hope you can come again!"

Master Niu Mo patted Qin Lang, smiled and said: "This time you have done me a big favor, and I will give you a gift when the time is over."

"It's okay! It's actually my honor to be able to study with you, Master Bull Demon. I have gained a lot."

In fact, Qin Lang is also very happy to observe the work of a master craftsman. His experience in blacksmithing has skyrocketed now, and after observing his own shortcomings and bad habits in the crafting process, he can also correct them immediately. There is someone to refer to. Qin Lang is now It is not an exaggeration to say that the progress made by a rocket is an exaggeration. After all, there is no systematic study before, and now it is the result of accumulation.

Afterwards, Master Niu Mo wanted to invite Qin Lang to dinner, but Qin Lang shied away on the grounds that he still had a private matter.

Qin Lang hurried back to the residence, immediately sealed the entire room, and began to check his golden gourd.

That's right, he felt the vibration of the golden gourd. This innate spirit treasure had been sleeping for several days after devouring the golden clam pearl, and now it finally woke up.

Hulu space has evolved.

Qin Lang turned his mind and entered the space, and immediately found that the gourd space was more than ten times larger than before, and the air in the whole space was also several times thicker.

However, the land was still the two lands, one centimeter of loam soil was used to plant golden yuan wood and high-level medicinal herbs, and the other ordinary land was planted with some not particularly precious spiritual herbs and elixir.

After taking two mouthfuls of fresh air, Qin Lang's brain was also intoxicated by the incomparably fresh air with high oxygen content, and he felt like he was intoxicated with oxygen.

"Golden clam beads are indeed innate spiritual materials. Now that the gourd space has become so big and good, it can be used to cultivate more elixir and spiritual plants in the future. In addition, this space can actually be used as a secret storage space. In the future, you can store any particularly precious things here... No matter who it is, no one can take away any plants or trees in the space without my consent."

"In this case, the importance of this gourd space is much easier to use than any storage tool, which is equivalent to a more personal storage space.

At this time, he found that the Jinyuan wood had some changes compared with the past. It was difficult for the roots of this dead old tree to survive, but Qin Lang's gourd space saved it.

However, the previous gourd space could not meet the growth needs of the gourd space at all. After all, if there were no wood attribute resources and spirit stones to replenish the aura consumed in the space, the cultivation of these elixir and spiritual plants would be a big challenge. question.

And Jin Yuanmu has grown branches and leaves now, and Qin Lang's brain is also very active and sober in this aura-rich environment.

So after leaving the Gourd Space, Qin Lang directly began to try to repair the damaged armor and magic weapon on hand. Now that there is the most accurate calculation standard for the refinery industry in Dawan Kingdom, some small problems encountered in the repair process are right. It's nothing to Qin Lang, and it can be solved as quickly as possible.

The first thing Qin Lang picked up was a top-grade yellow armor. Today, Master Niumo instructed his apprentices to dismantle so many armors, so Qin Lang dismantled it very smoothly this time. It only took less than 10 minutes. The magic weapon has been disassembled into a hill of parts.

And Qin Lang picked out the parts with more serious damage in the small part of the parts hill, and repaired the damaged armor. To put it bluntly, it is to repair the damaged parts inside the armor. If it is lost, what needs to be repaired can be repaired directly.

As a high-grade yellow armor, the parts obtained after dismantling are actually only more than 800, less than a thousand.

After all, the yellow-level battle armor is still incomparable with the black-level battle armor. Only a master refiner can refine the mysterious-level battle armor. The complexity and precision of the parts are far superior to the yellow-level battle armor. Generally speaking, it would take at least four or five days to refine a new Xuan-level battle armor.

The top-grade battle armor of the flower bone level needs a senior refiner to refine, and now Qin Lang has successfully entered the senior refiner after receiving the guidance of the bull demon master, and he has a super system than some senior refiners They may be all powerful, but based on computing power alone, even ten senior craftsmen can't compare to one Qin Lang.

Qin Lang counted. After dismantling more than 800 parts of this damaged battle armor, at least a hundred of them are damaged or severely deformed. Those parts that are seriously deformed by external force are much easier to deal with. The hammer slowly hammers these deformed parts, and the deformed parts can slowly return to their positions.

The damaged parts need to be repaired or replaced directly with some materials. Although Qin Lang is now a senior craftsman, his experience in armor making is poor and inexperienced. It can be said that he is a rookie with no experience at all, so those damaged parts If the parts can be replaced with parts of several other armors, they can be replaced directly. If it is really not possible, then they are going to refine a new one by hand.

The process of dismantling the armor by himself is actually a process of combining learning and practice, and Qin Lang feels that his refining experience is improving.

At this time, Qin Lang dismantled three of the remaining four armors, leaving only one set of Xuan-level low-grade diamond armor undismantled.

The other three armors had more or less damaged parts. Qin Lang removed all the damaged parts, and then began to assemble the armor with the completed parts.

Now he doesn't have a special refining workshop, no hammer or something, so many jobs that require a hammer can't be started, and he can only use complete armor parts for simple assembly.

With the knowledge learned during the day, it is not difficult at all to assemble the finished armor with the disassembled parts. The fragments of the four sets of armor are finally assembled into a yellow-rank top-grade battle armor. The complete parts are no longer enough to assemble a second piece.

And Qin Lang didn't plan to move those broken parts again, and tomorrow he would follow Master Niu Demon to gain intermediate experience and master some armor improvement and repair skills.

He plans to use the workshop of the blacksmith shop in the city to repair it, or buy a set of blacksmith tools himself, and then play with the remaining parts and the same damaged magic weapons.

A top-grade yellow battle armor was assembled successfully. Qin Lang laughed. The brand-new top-grade yellow battle armor is worth [-] green chips, and this second-hand goods can be sold for [-] green chips even at half the price. This is equivalent to buying The money for the five sets of battle armor in hand can be said to be all back now.

If Qin Lang can monopolize the recycling and repairing of the second-hand market, and then convert it out, I believe there will be a lot of money, even more than the income earned by going out to sea.

After all, there are so many armor repairs in the entire Dawan country, and it is estimated that there are at least more than 800 million people, accounting for half of the total population.

The large number of armor repairs has indirectly caused the prosperity of the refining industry. Those high-level refining masters and refining masters may not look down on the second-hand goods trading market, but Qin Lang, who has a sharper vision, does See a huge business opportunity.

And this business opportunity is to enter the second-hand market for equipment recovery, repair and conversion. In fact, only mid-level and high-level refiners are qualified to enter this market, and the maintenance of second-hand goods is not easy for ordinary high-level refiners. , always needs to use a huge amount of calculations, Qin Lang has super system help, but he doesn't feel anything. Those who don't have Qin Lang's golden fingers can only rack their brains to kill countless brain cells to do what Qin Lang does.

Therefore, the money in the second-hand equipment market is not so easy to earn for ordinary refiners, and only Qin Lang, who has a lot of theoretical knowledge and self-motivated talents, can do it. At that time, Qin Lang only needs to repair a few more armors , A lot of green chips will be delivered to the palm of the hand.

Compared with how much it costs to buy a brand new armor, those armor repairs in the trading market are more enthusiastic about second-hand armor. After all, second-hand armor must have more spare money. In this case, if you can buy a good second-hand armor, armor It is definitely a big profit, and I have more spare money to do other things.

After assembling a piece of armor, Qin Lang realized that it was almost midnight.

He made a plan. Tomorrow, in addition to going to Bailianfang to help and study, he had to go to the armor repair trading market to collect more damaged armor and complete the assembly again with parts.

Of course, he kept those damaged parts all the time, and waited for the conditions to be right, so he could use more difficult armor parts repair tools.

Qin Lang feels that it is easy for him to survive in Qibi City after he has mastered the technology. Even if he does not go to sea, he may be able to live well with his skills. .

After finishing these, Qin Lang directly filled the "spiritual pulse" with green chips, took another Tianyuan pill, and started daily meditation practice every day. This is a regular homework. Unless there are special circumstances, otherwise every day will be carried out without any change.

(End of this chapter)

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