Chapter 2101 Gifts
The next day, Qin Lang still came to Bailianfang to observe the improvement of the Bull Demon Armor by the Bull Demon Master. The Bull Demon Armor is the painstaking effort of the Bull Demon Master all his life. He heard from the old guy that the Bull Demon Armor was based on a piece of paper from an ancient book more than 100 years ago. It was designed by the original formula with a high degree of incompleteness obtained from the ruins. For more than 100 years, the bull demon master has been studying that prescription, and only then did he design the bull demon armor a year ago.

The Bull Demon Armor test armor was put into use three months ago. Qin Lang obtained the No.1 test armor from the ring competition is only one of the channels, and other adventurers also obtained the test armor through different channels.

However, before one of the adventurers had an accident with the Psionic circuit failure of the test armor, so this time, Bailianfang also urgently recovered the test armor to avoid similar accidents.

After all, if the psychic circuit of test A becomes unstable and causes an explosion, it may still endanger the life of the tester. It is impossible for Bailianfang to ignore this news, even though it has signed a waiver with the user of test A. Statement, but if a major accident occurs, the sign and reputation of the refining workshop will be affected.

Now that the improvement of the Bull Demon Armor is proceeding in an orderly manner, in fact, there is no need for Qin Lang to make any more suggestions, after all, what should be mentioned has already been mentioned yesterday.

And Qin Lang's visit this time is mainly to observe the bull demon master craftsman. This kind of opportunity is very rare for him, and it is also very helpful to increase his refining experience. He has already benefited from being promoted to a senior craftsman yesterday. , If you can break through again today... Of course, this is just thinking about it. It takes a longer time for a high-level craftsman to break through to a master craftsman, and some craftsmen can't even break through to a higher level in their entire lives.

After all, not only cultivation depends on comprehension and chance, but also refining equipment depends on comprehension and chance. Sometimes it is clear that all aspects have reached the critical point of breakthrough, but if they can't break through, they can't break through. Lack of savvy and opportunity.

Today, Niu Mo is very energetic. When building those new parts, the hammer swings into an afterimage. Under his high-end operation, the material is like soft noodles. A new part is basically formed within a few minutes.

But in fact, those materials are not that soft, on the contrary, they are very tough, that is to say, Master Niumo used secret methods and advanced forging skills to work hard together, which made him so obedient.

And the dozen or so apprentices of Master Niu Mo are also busy. They also observe and study while they are working. A large workshop like a workshop can only serve as an apprentice to a master.

But they are undoubtedly lucky. After all, if they often observe the master's work, it will be very helpful to improve their refining level, which is better than groping alone.

This is also one of the real reasons why these apprentices would rather be apprentices under the master, even though they can stand on their own outside. For them, being an apprentice to the master is also a blessing, and this opportunity is even more rare.

This is also one of the most effective shortcuts for their refining skills to reach a higher level.

It was another whole day for Qin Lang to observe and observe. On this day, Master Bull Demon finally completely transformed this piece of Bull Demon Armor.

After the transformation, the parts of the cow demon armor are [-] fewer than the original, but there are still [-] parts.

This is equivalent to a thorough optimization of the entire armor once again, removing redundant and unreasonable parts. In addition, the shape and function of some parts have changed, making the improved Ox Demon Armor even more refined.

Now this armor is about ten catties lighter than the original one, only less than ninety catties, but its nature is completely turned upside down compared to before, and it is more than three times stronger.

Of course, how powerful this armor is still needs to be tested, but now its level has been determined, that is, the top grade of the mysterious level, which is a small level higher than before the transformation.

"This armor is really good." Seeing the streamlined armor set, Qin Lang couldn't help revealing a trace of longing. Wearing a high-grade Xuan-level armor on his body must be equivalent to a top-grade magic weapon, and this kind of magic weapon of the same level has no effect on his combat power. There must be arc augmentation, so this armor is also a treasure for Qin Lang.

"How is it? Little brother like it..."

Master Niu Mo saw Qin Lang's vague desire just now, he couldn't help but smiled knowingly, and then pushed the armor that was still warm after being tempered by water and fire: "This armor is given to you, it is my little brother who gave those precious ideas. remuneration."

He said yesterday that he wanted to give Qin Lang a gift, but unexpectedly, he really gave it, and what he gave was the Xuan-level high-grade cow magic armor that was just finished.

"Thank you, thank you."

Qin Lang was stunned, and immediately realized that he didn't expect Master Niu Mo to be so generous. After all, the market value of a mysterious high-grade armor is at least more than 200 million green chips, and there is still no market.

And more than 200 million blue chips can be piled up into a mountain in a small room. Qin Lang has been in this continent for so many days, and he has never seen so much money. When he has the most green chips, he has reached It looks like more than 80.

Therefore, the large share of the bull demon master is not invaluable. If this set of armor is placed in a large-scale auction in the cultivation world, it will also be the finale of the auction, and even ordinary top-quality magic weapons are not as good as this set of armor.

"You're welcome, little brother... Brother, I'm also seeing you hit it off this time, hahaha!"

Master Niu Demon is very happy, all the problems of the Niu Demon Armor have been solved, and now this set of armor can finally be matured and put into production.

And if he used his ability to refine this kind of mysterious battle armor, although he might not be able to refine one piece in a week, but if he could produce three or four pieces in a month, it would greatly improve his reputation and the reputation of Bailianfang. Helpful, and you can make a lot of money with high-level battle armor.

And with the successful refining of the mysterious high-grade battle armor, Master Niu Mo will undoubtedly become the most prominent person in the entire Dawan country's refining industry, and also the example and goal of all refining masters. This is very face-saving and prestige The thing is, it is impossible for a master craftsman at the level of the bull demon master to be short of money, but the improvement of face and reputation is an irresistible temptation.

Qin Lang left Bailianfang with a temporary non-sale item worth 200 million. As for why the Bull Demon Armor is not for sale, it can be explained in this way. It takes more than a week for the Bull Demon Master to create one Bull Demon Armor, and only three or four pieces a month. .

At present, if the top-grade Xuan-level Bull Demon Armor is refined in the past few months, it will be impossible to circulate it on the market, and it will not even be possible to circulate it within a year or two. After all, the Bull Demon Master himself is a very prestigious person. After refining the top-grade Xuan-level Bull Demon Armor, the pre-orders will not be as many as snowflakes. At that time, only the Bull Demon Master will be too busy to breathe, and there will be no products to worry about selling phenomenon occurs.

Back at the inn, when Qin Lang saw the Immortal Sai, he suddenly remembered that he still had a top-grade yellow armor on his body. He planned to sell it in Kaixiufang City, but it was delayed when he watched the improved armor of the Bull Demon Master in Bailianfang today. This piece of armor is still on their body, and Saishenxian and others just lack a powerful armor. The top-grade yellow armor is just what they need, and the second-hand market price is half cheaper. Only [-] green chips are needed. Enough is enough, they basically have enough money to buy them.

"Li Chuang!" Qin Lang called Li Chuang who was the closest to him at this time, and asked him in a low voice: "Have you collected enough money to buy a new armor in the past two days?"

"Don't mention it, although I have found jobs in the city these two days, they are all odd jobs, and I can't make two dollars a day! It's far less rewarding than taking risks... When will I earn [-] if I go on like this!"

Li Chuang sighed: "However, Sai Shenxian has submitted the team registration application to the official report. Our team initially has seven members, and the maximum number of personnel is [-]. At that time, we can form a small team and go to sea to do city missions."

"City mission?" Qin Lang asked a little strangely.

After all, he is not an aborigine here, nor has he settled in a fixed city, so he doesn't know enough about all aspects of a city.

Even if it is a field adventure mission that practitioners often pay attention to, he can't understand everything clearly.

"It is to go out to sea to hunt monsters. Every year during the vegetation season in Dawan country, sea monsters will flood, seriously affecting the navigation of ocean-going ships. This is very detrimental to the commercial development of Dawan country, and it will make the whole country and the outside world worse." Communication is getting more and more difficult, so the official four major cities have sea missions similar to hunting monsters almost every day, and the rewards are pretty good."

"That's it."

Qin Lang nodded and said, "By the way, you are trying to collect money to buy new armor... I have a second-hand set of yellow-rank top-grade battle armor here, the performance is not bad, and the price is half cheaper than the new armor, what do you want? I can give it to you first, and then give me money after a while when you have enough money."

"Second-hand armor with good performance?" Li Chuang's eyes lit up, and he said, "Let me take a look."

"Hmm..." Qin Lang took out the second-hand armor that he assembled, "I can still get this kind of armor in the past two days. If everyone needs it, you can come and get one."

"Not bad, not bad."

Li Chuang caressed that top-grade yellow piece fondly. Although it was second-hand armor, as long as it could be used normally, it was really not much different from new armor, and the price was half the price. A fool would not want this cheap.

Moreover, Qin Lang can let him pay on credit first, then he can wait until he has more money to buy armor for Qin Lang. The fifty thousand green chips on hand can be used to replenish some urgently needed supplies in the past few days.

"By the way, you can get several similar armors?"

At this moment, Li Chuang remembered what Qin Lang said just now, and couldn't help but come back to his senses.

"That's right." Qin Lang nodded, as long as he goes to Kaixiufang City to add more, then there will really be as much as he wants.

"That's great, everyone must need it, I'll tell them... let's all make up the money!"

Li Chuang is also very happy about this. If the entire team can carry out a major equipment update, then going to sea is a certainty. If you have a yellow-level top-grade battle armor, you will save your life when you encounter those powerful monsters when you go out to sea. The ability of his body has also been strengthened a lot, and he can even try to kill some powerful monsters to obtain materials.

(End of this chapter)

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