Chapter 2102
"Really, can Brother Qin Lang get second-hand yellow-level high-grade armor? [-] pieces... That's great, of course we want it!"

Sure enough, there was no accident, Sai Shenxian and others were also very happy to hear the news. They really broke their hearts in order to collect money to buy armor these days, but unfortunately, the money has not been enough.

So even though it was a second-hand armor, as long as the performance of the top-grade yellow armor obtained by Qin Lang was similar to that of the new armor, several of them were willing to buy it.

In an instant, Qin Lang's second-hand armor business received five more orders before he got the money.

However, this time Qin Lang directly collected part of the deposit first. After all, he also needs to purchase materials. If he has too little money, it may not be enough.

Although he still has more than 40 blue chips, it seems that he does not need the deposit for these, but in addition to purchasing, his daily practice and expenses also cost money, so his funds are starting to be a little tight now.

Qin Lang doesn't collect much deposit, each person takes [-] green chips as a deposit, and the remaining balance will not need to be paid when the delivery is made. When the team officially goes out to sea to do missions, and after hunting a few monsters, everyone will have enough money. Just make the payment.

Therefore, Qin Lang is also interesting enough, and it is impossible for everyone to appreciate it.

After receiving a deposit of 12 (Li Chuang paid [-] like everyone else), Qin Lang planned to go to the second-hand area of ​​the Kaixiu Market to purchase materials tomorrow, and he even planned to find a refining workshop to process the damaged parts, so that If it is, you should be able to produce a few more sets of armor.

After studying with Master Niu Mo for two days, Qin Lang now has enough confidence, after all, he is now a senior craftsman.

Although the senior refiners are not the top figures in Qibi City, a city where there are many refiners, they are also the elite among the refiners. After all, there are only a dozen or so masters in a city at most.

It is estimated that there are no more than [-] senior refiners officially registered in the entire city. Most of these senior refiners have their own refinery workshops in the city, and some of them have joined large workshops, or given Master as apprentice.

And the entire Qibi city's refiner circle will conduct a ranking evaluation every two or three years, and determine the city ranking of the refiner based on their ability and performance in the recent period. That list is called the refiner ranking list.

However, the list only captures the top [-], and the rest of the refiners are not included in the list, so this also increases the competition among the refiners in the entire circle of refiners. After all, everyone wants to show their faces on the list. This is also an extremely honorable thing.

Master Bull Demon of Bailianfang was originally ranked sixth in the list of refiners. Now that he has successfully upgraded the improved Bull Demon Armor to the top-grade quality of Xuan-level, it is believed that his position in the list of refiners will rise a few more steps. It is not impossible to even win the number one throne.


There was nothing to say all night, and Qin Lang came to Kaixiufang City early the next day. At this time, most of the stalls in Fangshi City had not yet opened, so Qin Lang came a little early.

However, Qin Lang was not impatient, and while waiting quietly in the second-hand area, he was thinking about the problem of armor parts fighting demons.

Although the top-grade yellow-grade armor is not as good as the Xuan-grade armor, it is already a better quality armor that can be found on the market, and it is also very popular.

After waiting for about half an hour, the stalls in the second-hand area opened one after another, and Qin Lang was also preparing to start today's Taobao.

And when Qin Lang was shopping for treasures, a guy saw Qin Lang from a distance, and his face suddenly changed. This guy seemed to be the eagle-browed middle-aged man who had been taught by Qin Lang in the second-hand area before. Come over, but disappeared in a flash.

I don't know if Qin Lang has discovered that guy, but Qin Lang is confident when he comes here. How can he be a cultivator at the peak of the late stage of transformation, how can he take a gangster in his eyes, even if he finds out I won't pay too much attention to it.

Qin Lang started to scan the goods again in the second-hand area of ​​the market today, mainly picking out the broken high-quality armors, and some broken magic weapons to hang. This time, he plans to spend all the previous 40 green chips, and then continue to do the same as a few days ago Buy a bunch of "junk" to go back.

And the arrival of Qin Lang, who was taken advantage of, did make the forty or fifty stall owners around the second-hand goods area overjoyed. Qin Lang didn't come these two days, and gradually their anticipation calmed down, thinking that Qin Lang would never appear again. It's time and now to appear here again, this is simply a boy who gave away money!
For such a money-giving boy, all the stall owners in the second-hand area showed rare enthusiasm, one and two tried their best to sell the products of the stall, and they seemed to not let Qin Lang go if Qin Lang didn't buy it.

And Qin Lang really lived up to expectations, and started the process of sweeping the goods, choosing directly as long as he liked it.

Of course, he still has certain skills in selecting goods. It is impossible to collect all the rags. Only those armors or external parts that can be dismantled into a large number of parts are eligible to be selected by him.

When the shopping came to an end, Qin Lang was suddenly surrounded by a large group of people, and one of them pointed at Qin Lang and said to these people: "It's him, this kid...the one I saw in the second-hand area a few days ago Things, but this guy snatched them by force. Everyone must help me teach him a lesson this time."

"Hehe, your blue eyebrows are also taken advantage of by others."

Seeing that the target was surrounded, the surrounding gangsters didn't take Qin Lang very seriously, but directly laughed at the middle-aged man named Meiqing, and the two sides quarreled, of course, the one that suffered was always the one with fewer people.

Seeing that these noisy guys didn't take himself seriously, Qin Lang coughed and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong.

But what I didn't expect was that although this group of people was noisy, there was no possibility of letting Qin Lang, a big fish surrounded, be spared. Unfortunately, Qin Lang was not an ordinary person, but an existence they couldn't afford.

Seeing the blocking in front, Qin Lang frowned and shouted: "Go away!"

It is necessary to use a technique similar to Zhanyi Eighteen Drops to get rid of the enemy.

Most of these gangsters in front of them are only high-level cultivation of Qi refining, and only one or two are in the foundation building stage. With such strength, it is fine to bully Bie Kaixiu in the market, but it is basically the same as delivering food to Qin Lang.

Phantom Wind Walk!
Qin Lang's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, like a butterfly flying among the flowers, which made people feel dazzled.

And when he was out of the encirclement, Qin Lang pranked the acupoints of these gangsters directly, and finally seven or eight gangsters were immobilized, which can be regarded as a small lesson for the other party.

In the end, this big circle gang can only be defeated. The big circle gang has some influence in Sanxiufang City, but it is not enough in Qin Lang's eyes, as long as he is willing to destroy it.

In the end, these guys fell straight to the ground, and some of them were still shaking when they fell to the ground, because they were hit by Qin Lang's acupuncture points for epilepsy.


After dealing with what just happened in the market, Qin Lang Shiran left the city and prepared to start his own big business. First, he had to assemble a batch of big businesses.

After leaving the market, Qin Lang unknowingly came to a familiar family-style refining workshop, Fire Workshop.

Huogongfang is run by two fathers and sons, and its main product is a middle-grade yellow bone armor, also known as Huogongjia.

The two fathers and sons have been working hard for many years, so they are both very strong, like two strong bears.

When Qin Lang walked into the workshop, the two father and son were on the sidelines, hammering a large piece of fine iron. After thousands of hammering and refining, the refined iron will turn into refined iron, which is also one of the most basic materials for making armor.

When Qin Lang walked in, the two father and son were working selflessly, so they didn't notice Qin Lang's arrival. The two of them were full of muscles, and sweat dripped from their oily forehead, face, neck, arms and body when forging. It flowed down to the ground, almost forming a puddle of water.

It seems that forging iron is not an easy job. I heard that the refined iron of Bailian needs to be hammered at least [-] times before it can be formed. From ordinary iron to refined iron, this process is actually hammered out. It is also one of the basic abilities of a refiner.

Nine thousand... nine thousand 230 one, nine thousand 230 two... nine thousand eight hundred... nine thousand nine hundred... ten thousand!
Finally at Ten Thousand Records, the two of them threw off the hot hammer at the same time, raised their heads and wiped their sweat with the towels on their shoulders, and at this moment, they realized that Qin Lang, an old acquaintance, had actually walked in again.

"What's the matter, that mysterious bone battle armor was destroyed so quickly? How about it? Although it is not guaranteed, I can give you a [-]% discount on the repair price, and I will count it as the cost price for you." The middle-aged strong man said with a smile.

"No, I'm not here to repair the battle armor."

Qin Lang shook his head. In fact, he hadn't used that Huang-level middle-grade battle armor much after he bought it. After all, for him, the grade of Huang-level middle-grade armor was still a little lower.

"Then, did you buy the external magic weapon? Although we are a small workshop, we can also refine several external magic weapons."

The middle-aged man smiled, but his physical strength was exhausted after forging, so his smile seemed a little stiff.

"No." Qin Lang still shook his head and said, "I want to borrow your tools and process some armor parts myself."

He expressed his thoughts, saying that he is also a refiner.

Since Qin Lang directly took out three thousand blue chips as a deposit for borrowing the venue and tools for three days, the strong man waved his hand: "Okay, you can use the tools in the workshop as you like, but it can't affect our father and son's refining of armor. If we father and son occupy a place, then you have to avoid it."

This is basically not a problem. Qin nodded to express his understanding. After all, other people's refining workshops also need to operate normally. He can only occupy some blacksmithing tools and refining facilities without disturbing the normal operation of the workshop. Work hard to repair those armor parts.

(End of this chapter)

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