Chapter 2103 Busy
So, Qin Lang got busy in the fire workshop, borrowing tools from the blacksmith shop, and he began to repair the damaged armor parts, as well as the external parts of the magic weapon.

Since he has mastered the scale and measurement standards of the Great Bay Country, it is now much easier for Qin Lang to repair these parts, without having to work as hard as before.

Some of these damaged parts need to be remanufactured, some can be repaired by adding some materials, and some are completely damaged and missing, so they can only be recycled as materials.

Fortunately, the main material of the armor parts of the top grade Huang is [-]-refined refined iron, and there are not many rare materials added, so Qin Lang does not need to consider the problem of materials when repairing, which is also a good thing.

Qin Lang has been busy all day in the fire workshop, and the damaged parts on hand have been repaired to one-fifth of the appearance.

Of course, the second-hand armor and the damaged parts of the magic weapon externally purchased from Kaixiufang City today are also counted in it.

It is worth mentioning that when Qin Lang was in Huogongfang, he showed off a fine operation with super system ability, which left the father and son dumbfounded in their spare time. This young man's forging skills are so superb. To this extent, it feels like even those master craftsmen are no more than that.

However, master craftsmen generally don't do this kind of "picking up junk", and they are too busy designing and manufacturing armor!It is estimated that no master craftsman is willing to do this kind of work like "repairing the broken".

The father and son of Huogongfang never thought that Qin Lang was just a senior craftsman, and this senior craftsman was just promoted.

Qin Lang doesn't have any blueprints for armor manufacturing, nor can he manufacture new types of armor. However, the armors in the refining workshops of Dawan State basically have design copyrights and design patents, so others can't follow suit. After all, if If counterfeit goods appear, the manufacturer will be held accountable directly.

Nearly [-] parts were repaired in one day, and Qin Lang was very busy this day. This armor-making is definitely a hard job, too cumbersome, and it really can't be done without strong willpower and mental power.

Fortunately, after a busy day for Qin Lang, he finally had a harvest. If these more than 300 parts are put together with those parts that were originally disassembled, they can roughly assemble two sets of armor, and there are five magic weapons that can be placed outside. .

The second-hand armor of the top grade yellow is [-] pieces, which are pre-sold to a few of my companions, and those magic weapons are external, and the price is between [-] and [-]. In fact, they can also be taken by those companions. There is nothing, only with the addition of magic weapons and external devices can it exert a strong combat effectiveness.


Back at the residence, Qin Lang swallowed the elixir first, and then used the spiritual veins to conduct a short practice. During the practice, he first recovered his body that was too busy and slightly tired this day, so that his mental state could reach the best state.

After meditating, Qin Lang took the parts of the armor and started the assembly work. The top-grade yellow-level armor consists of almost a thousand parts. Although it is not as fine as the black-level armor, it is absolutely complicated compared to the composition of the magic weapon and the magic weapon house. More than ten times.

This is the second time for Qin Lang to assemble a top-grade yellow-level armor, so his proficiency has also improved a lot. Although the yellow-level armor is classified into different categories, there are various types of armor such as strength, explosive, and agility. This second piece of yellow The top grade is of the agility system, similar to the advanced version of the spider armor, it can be called the spirit spider armor.

The spirit spider armor is a very mature armor, and it is also the product of the master of the Bailianfang. However, the creator of this armor is not the master of the bull demon, but from another master of the Bailianfang.

After Qin Lang put together a set of parts, he assembled them according to the composition blueprint stored in his brain. His hands were flying up and down, almost turning into afterimages, and the progress of the assembly was improving little by little.

It took about half an hour, and the first piece of second-hand armor was successfully assembled.

And Qin Lang didn't stop. He felt that his mental state was very good. The energy and physical strength consumed in the assembly process just now were not much, and he could continue.

The second set of second-hand nails took even less time. Unfortunately, it took more than 20 minutes, which is equivalent to a stick of incense, and the assembly was completed accordingly.

"Two pieces!" Qin Lang clapped his hands and looked at his own results. These two second-hand goods, one with an agility system and one with a defense system, are currently the mainstream preparations for high-level armor repairers. When it comes to Xuan-level battle armor, the top-grade yellow-level armor is undoubtedly the most important choice.

After repairing the two pieces of armor, Qin Lang rested for a while, and then began to assemble the external magic weapon.

The powerful equipment such as the external magic weapon is also a must for every armor repairer. If it is only naked armor, then the combat power bonus is not very helpful to oneself, and the external magic weapon is also the weapon that armor repair mainly relies on. Fighting the enemy with bare hands, or fighting the enemy with a weapon, are completely different effects.

Qin Lang wants to assemble a giant sword the size of a door panel used by explosive armor, a source energy cannon, a source energy gun, etc. There are a total of five pieces in total.

The external magic weapon is much simpler than the armor structure, but it is also more complicated than most magic weapons in the cultivation world. Once this kind of weapon is installed on the armor, this armor can really be regarded as a complete set of combat armor. , Combat armor refers to the naked armor plus the external magic weapon.

Kaixiu is a comprehension group that relies heavily on combat armor. If there is no armor on his body, then this guy can produce nothing. In Qin Lang's view, Zhan Banli is definitely a scumbag.

And if there is armor on the body, Kaixiu can exert several times the combat power. Enemies that were originally difficult to fight one-on-one can now directly pick a dozen or dozens.

It took more than an hour to complete the assembly of the five sets of external magic weapons.

Next, Qin Lang only needs to hand over the two sets of armor to the two companions who have paid the deposit in advance, and at the same time trade the five magic weapons he has on hand to them.

The two sets of armor are worth [-] blue chips, and the five magic weapons are worth about [-] green chips. Half of the money spent in the second-hand trading area of ​​Kaixiufang City this morning is directly returned.

The most expensive of these is the source energy cannon. Even if it is a second-hand energy cannon, the price is almost the same as a piece of yellow-level mid-grade battle armor, not worth four to fifty thousand.

Although the structure of the source energy cannon is not very complicated, as a high-strength long-range combat weapon used by armor repairers, it must add a large amount of rare materials to ensure the quality and durability of the weapon. The chamber exploded after the second shot, not only would it lose a weapon, it would even injure the user himself.

After finishing these, there are still about four-fifths of the materials and parts on his body, but today Qin Lang does not intend to make any more. After assembling two pieces of armor and five pieces of magic weapons, he went out of the room directly, and put the The armor was sent to several companions who reserved it.

The two sets of yellow-level high-grade armor are one of explosive type and the other of agility type. The agility type is given to Miss Heitu, while the explosive type is given to Situ Shengnan.

Of course, this is also assembled according to the needs of several companions. Every part assembled by Qin Lang has been verified repeatedly. Although it is a second-hand weapon, it is very worth owning.


"Brother Qin Lang, did you get two sets of top-grade second-hand armor at the yellow level so quickly? That's great, uh...a set of agility and a set of explosive, neither of which suits me very well. I'll have to wait until I see it. "

Li Chuang was quite happy to see Qin Lang coming with the armor. The armor that Qin Lang gave you before was not suitable, so he directly transferred it to Sai Shenxian, and waited for Qin Lang to provide a better top-grade yellow grade.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter soon, the day after tomorrow at the latest... At that time, everyone in the team can wear yellow-level high-grade armor." Qin Lang laughed.

He also judged the time based on his own assembly ability. In two to three days, the remaining ones could be directly assembled with six or seven sets of armor and more than a dozen magic weapons.

Qin Lang first handed the second-hand armor to Heitu and Situ Shengnan, and then took out five magic weapons for external use, and said: "I also have second-hand magic weapons for external use, and they are also half priced... Do you want it?"

"Yes, of course." Situ Shengnan and Hei Tu were both poor and white. If Qin Lang hadn't provided the second-hand armor, they still didn't know how to raise enough money to buy the armor.

The combat power that a piece of naked armor can display is not very outstanding, but with the external magic weapon, it can create earth-shaking changes.

Afterwards, Qin Lang's eight magic weapons were directly divided among several companions, who had an additional debt of 20 green chips.

Fortunately, Qin Lang gave them interest-free loans, and their financial pressure was not too great. Later, they would go to sea to do more missions to hunt monsters, and they would be able to make up enough money soon. They were all confident in this.


On the second day, Qin Lang continued to rent the refining tools from Huogongfang, and repaired the parts again, and basically repaired the remaining four-fifths of more than 1000 parts, only a few with serious damage. not dealt with

With four-fifths of the parts and all the materials on his body, Qin Lang once again assembled eight pieces of yellow-level high-grade armor and twenty pieces of magic weapons.

If these armors and magic weapons are all dealt with, Qin Lang can make a small profit again, and the investment in the second-hand handover before is also earned back.

This time, a total of eight pieces of top-grade yellow armor were refined, and these companions around Qin Lang had the right to pick and choose their favorite armor this time.

In the end, the six companions all got the magic weapon or magic weapon that they were satisfied with, and the adventure team finally had the image of a professional team.

(End of this chapter)

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