Chapter 2105 King Tuna

The next day, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang's Kaixiu adventure team named "Rager" finally started their maiden mission after successfully registering with the official government, accepting the mission of hunting monsters at the official town hall of Qibi City.

What the mission requires is to go out to sea to hunt and kill as many monsters as possible, and the higher the level of the monsters, the better, in this case, the higher the city contribution you get.

The contribution of the city can also be used directly as currency, and can be exchanged for the equipment and various rare materials you need in the official treasury.

This time the team rented an iron-clad ship, which is also a specialty of the Great Bay Country. It is a small and medium-sized ship that can carry 20 people at the same time.

The speed of the iron-clad ship is very fast, reaching [-] nautical miles per hour. It belongs to the category of special magic weapons, and the energy used is also green chips.

However, Qin Lang's team only maintained a constant speed of more than 200 nautical miles on the sea. The reason why they did not advance at the maximum speed was because the movement caused by the ship reaching the maximum speed was too large, and the sea water within [-] nautical miles around would be stirred. .Even large-scale monsters that may be hidden in the seabed will be collectively alarmed. In that case, even if this team is strong, it will be thankless.

The sea is not calm. This is the offshore area. Along the way, there are many teams out to sea to hunt monsters. Most of them are small groups like "Rager" with less than dozens of people. They also rent iron-clad boats. Thousands of ironclad ships are speeding in the offshore area, and the scene is indeed spectacular.

Even the ironclad ship nearest to the "Rager" team was less than 20 meters away from each other, and the people at the bow could clearly hear what they said.

"Have you heard? Many powerful monsters have recently appeared in the area where the western sea and the near sea meet. These monsters are different from ordinary monsters. They are surrounded by black energy, and their combat power is far stronger than monsters of the same level. The nearest one The area has become a restricted area for middle and low-level armor repairers, and only a team formed by high-level armor repairers has the courage to pass through that place."

"The team that our old friend Yinhuo was in was almost wiped out a few days ago. I heard that it was the good deeds of these monsters covered in black energy... It has been marked as a dangerous area by everyone now, just like the sea. The three major restricted areas are at a dangerous level, with strength like ours, we dare not break in that direction..."


Hearing the discussion on the bow, Qin Lang and the others were a little stunned. The western sea...isn't that where the Ancient Immortal Cave Mansion is located?The place where the ancient fairy cave was inherited has trapped a group of powerful ancient demon god consciousness. It seems that the ancient demon god can't get out of the ancient fairy cave, but its aura can spread outside. That is to say, those monsters surrounded by black energy must be It was alienated by the influence of magic energy.

Those monsters who came to this area should have been strengthened as a whole. Therefore, the area around the ancient fairy cave has become a dangerous area that everyone talks about. Kaixiu, who is basically weak in strength, passes through this area. 90.00 Ninety percent of them may fall directly there.

People like Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian knew the inside story, and so did the eight high-ranking armors who survived from the "Storm" team. However, it seems that the number of people who know the inside story is limited, and the news has not spread.

However, for the time being, Qin Lang and his team have no intention of challenging the western sea. They have just escaped from the ancient fairy cave, and no one wants to make trouble again. Running out of it, if something happens, basically no one can escape.

The territorial waters of the Dawan State are offshore, about a thousand nautical miles away. Although there are powerful monsters in the coastal waters, but the number is very small, and it belongs to an area that has been opened up and is not too dangerous.

The outer sea is full of uncertainties. Sometimes you can't encounter any powerful monsters after staying in the outer sea for a day or two, and sometimes you may encounter a large number of powerful monsters one after another in a day. beast.

For example, a fleet of nearly 200 people who went out to sea once encountered a colony of eighth-order sea octopuses in the open sea, and was attacked by fifty or sixty sea octopuses. In that case, the entire fleet was almost dead. Three or five survivors escaped.

Among the three or five survivors, two became overly frightened and became idiots, and the other three never went to sea again in their entire lives.

It is worth mentioning that the three or five survivors who escaped are all high-level armor repairers. Fortunately, the armor was equipped with a short-distance flight external device, and they were lucky to avoid the long-legged ejection of the sea octopus tens of feet long in the air. That's the only way to escape.

You must know that it is not easy for a high-level armor to deal with an eighth-order sea octopus even if it is wearing a mysterious battle armor. What a blessing in misfortune.

After 10 o'clock, the iron-clad ship has come to the open sea. At this time, the other iron-clad ships around have gradually become sparse. The open sea is too big, and all the adventurers are moving towards different goals. Now [-] minutes may not be enough. Meet another team.

At this time, Sai Shenxian took out a map. This map was obtained for free at the official registration office. It contained detailed descriptions of the entire country of Dawan and the surrounding coastal waters, and even some areas that Kaixiu had explored. Marking, however, the marking of the open sea area is not as detailed as the offshore area. After all, the open sea is too big, and it is impossible for every area to be explored so thoroughly.

"In the outer seas of this area, there are three groups of monsters that we cannot provoke for the time being. One is the group of king sharks, the other is the group of mermaids, and the other is the area where the Henaga gathers." Immortal Sai said after looking at the map.

The Great King Shark is a seventh-level monster. Although it is a seventh-level monster, it has the strongest vitality among the seventh-level monsters. Even if the intestines are pierced, it will not die. powerful.

This kind of monster is not afraid of death in battle, and is extremely bloodthirsty. When it smells blood, it will definitely go into a state of madness.

A single king shark is actually not worthy of everyone's attention, but the map in Sai Shenxian's hand was drawn half a year ago, and it said... the number of king sharks in this outer sea area has reached a terrifying [-].

The mermaids in the mermaid community are a legendary species. The mermaids don’t actually look like humans, but their bodies have the same facial features and limbs as humans except for the tail, and the mermaids can communicate with each other through voice. of.

The mermaid is also a seventh-level monster. Although this seventh-level monster is not cruel, it has a natural hostility towards human armor. If the human armor offends them, they will scream sharply. Extremely powerful sonic attack, even a cultivator at the transformation stage may be injured by these sonic waves if he is not paying attention.

And Hanaga is a branch of the Sea Clan in the realm of comprehension, but in this world, it is just a monster with a trace of Hanaga's blood, not a real Sea Clan.

However, although the intelligence of this kind of monster with the blood of Hainaga is not high, it is not low, and its combat power is very sturdy, at least a monster of level [-] or above, and it is also good at a kind of space-tearing supernatural power. High-ranking monks will also have headaches when they encounter it. After all, this kind of supernatural power is basically unsolvable. Once cast, if they fail to evacuate the area of ​​supernatural powers in time, their bodies may suddenly be torn apart by space.

In that case, the end will naturally be extremely miserable, so this Hanaga is also the most difficult to deal with among the three monster groups.

Moreover, more than dozens of Henaga have always gathered together, and one of them is at least the king of Henaga who is at least eighth rank and above, leading the entire group. Whether it is fighting or hunting, the whole group obeys Henaga The dispatch of the king.

Therefore, in this area of ​​the outer sea, the Henaga community is the least annoying race. They emit supernatural powers together when fighting, and the spatial cracks formed by those supernatural powers can almost form a large net in the entire area, making it impossible for the enemy to fight. Fleeing everywhere, almost desperate.

After reading the map, Immortal Sai commanded the boat to sail directly to an area in the open sea. There was a small island in the sea. I heard that the island was covered with trees, and there was a special kind of giant spirit bee nesting among the trees. Each of the nests is half the height of a person and the size of a small house, and the honey produced in it is all natural treasure-level spiritual honey, which is of great help to the cultivation of practitioners.

This island is also a resting place for the surrounding monsters, and the giant spirit bee itself is a kind of spirit bee with a combat power equivalent to that of a sixth-order monster. There are at least a thousand of them in a nest. It is actually a very difficult task to get honey from the spirit bee hive. dangerous thing.

However, since Sai Shenxian and his party were planning to go to the island, they naturally made preparations in advance.This time it was mainly for the bees on the island. Of course, if there were monsters on the island, they would not be polite, and they would directly kill the city contribution points that could be exchanged for Qibi City.

In the process of moving forward, Qin Lang encountered a large wave of fish tide. Each fish in this fish tide is a big fish with a length of more than ten feet. Its body is golden yellow. It is the famous king tuna in the sea.

King Tuna is one of the rarest gourmet ingredients in Dawan Country. The purchase price of the food shop is almost [-] green chips per head, but this kind of fish is usually hard to come by. Moreover, King King Tuna is gentle, but each head is seventh-grade There is still a difficulty in capturing monsters.

"King King Tuna!" Sai Shenxian exclaimed, and said, "I never expected to meet this kind of treasure. A piece costs [-] green chips. Let's catch more this time, and we will prosper!" The tide of fish in front of me is at least thousands Only king tuna is gathered together, which is a rare big fish tide.

Although the king tunas are all seventh-level monsters, their gentle personality means that as long as no one provokes them, they will never fight back, so everyone can find a way to catch these rare ingredients one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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