The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2106 Level 8 Poisonous Sea King Clam

Chapter 2106 Eighth-order Poisonous Sea King Clam

The king tuna is golden yellow all over, thick and round, with a streamlined appearance, and its caudal fin is crescent-shaped.

There are obvious small fins on both sides of this ten-foot-long large fish tail handle, and a bra made of gradually expanding fresh pieces on the shoulders. Each piece of these bras has the size of a lens, which is also important for a master craftsman. Refining materials.

King Tuna is a hot-blooded fish monster. Although it is a monster of water attribute, it has a small amount of thin fire attribute in its body, so King Tuna can spray red-hot water jets in the water. The temperature of those water jets is as high as [-] degrees Celsius. Ordinary fish and shrimp can be scalded directly, which is also one of the main predation methods of king tuna.

The iron-clad boat approached the fish tide, and everyone was busy. Saishenxian's yellow-level battle armor was equipped with a special external magic weapon, a nail gun. This is a magic weapon that can attack from a distance. But it does not consume energy, and only needs a small amount of internal energy to activate.

The ammunition of the nail gun is a three-inch long metal nail, which is a special alloy. There are more armor repairers using this nail gun in Dawan than the source energy gun and the source energy gun. After all, the source energy Guns and energy cannons consume a lot of energy every time they are activated, so they cannot be used for protracted battles, while the nail-shooting bullets of nail guns are much cheaper. In terms of protracted battles, it is actually the most reasonable to use nail guns.

This nail gun is actually a second-hand product. It was assembled by Qin Lang from the materials collected from the second-hand goods area of ​​the Kaixiu Market. At that time, Sai Shenxian’s [-] green chips were counted. However, it was formed on credit for the time being. After all, the rest of the team Now they are all poor ghosts, and they are still counting on making money and paying back the money from this trip to sea.

Aiming at a king tuna, Sai Shenxian's nail gun fired first, and the nail emitted a silvery-white light, which disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, a thin line pulled the king tuna towards the direction of the iron-clad boat.

It turned out that the bullet was actually refitted, connected by a tail wire, which was refined from high-level monster tendons, and its strength and toughness were very high. I was hit, and I couldn't get rid of it for a while.

"Brothers, let's hunt together!"

Hunting is a matter for everyone, so after Sai Shenxian launched the attack, everyone was busy. All kinds of strange magic weapons launched different attacks, and they all attacked the big fish. The king tuna had not responded yet. When I came here, I was completely beaten, and then turned into residual blood, captured by everyone, and sealed with a prohibition seal.

Dawan country has a well-developed refining industry. Although there are not many refining masters who have mastered space storage technology in each city, there are always a few.

The external price of those armors and magic weapons with storage function is three or four times higher than similar items, and ordinary armor repairers can't afford them at all.

However, if you can’t afford it, leasing is very popular in the Greater Bay Area, and it has become a trend.

These rented iron-clad ships are actually equipped with storage functions. The storage space inside is not small, five hundred cubic meters, and it is not a problem to hold a hundred king tunas in it. After all, the Kaixiu group went out to sea to hunt monsters. , The journey is far away, and the time spent in the open sea is usually very long. Every time I go to sea, I must make enough money. At least I have to earn back the money for chartering the boat and armor repair costs. If there are no storage tools to store the loot, then It is indeed too wasteful.

The "Storm" team's new hunting of monsters was very successful. The king tuna was successfully caught as a trophy. This kind of monster fish is very economical. If they can catch more, it is more cost-effective than hunting other kinds of monsters.

After the first king tuna was caught, the iron-clad boat leaned against the tide again, and moved towards the second king tuna. Maybe the first king tuna caught caused the blood to spread, and these king tuna became more alert. When approaching, the king tuna in this place all swam away to the other direction of the fish tide.

However, the team has a long-range nail gun. Even if these king tuna escaped twenty feet away, the nail gun can still shoot them and pull them back slowly.

This may also be the easiest type of seventh-level monsters to deal with. They don't have a strong sense of attack. They are like fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. As long as the team takes the initiative, their combat effectiveness will be reduced to the lowest level. It was too late to resist the vitality, and it was already taken away by everyone's concentrated fire.

One head, two heads, three heads... fifteen, 25... 67!

In the fish tide, everyone worked together to catch 67 king tunas, and as the number of king tuna caught increased, the rest of the fish tide became more vigilant, and it was obvious that this place was already a dangerous area and could not stay longer. So I left here in a hurry. The speed of Zunwang Tuna's shuttle in the sea is notoriously fast. Even if everyone drives the iron-clad boat to the maximum horsepower, they may not be able to catch up.

67 king tuna!
This is a real 67, just like this.

This process was actually relatively smooth. Although the king tunas would resist when they were attacked, after all, everyone had the upper hand. In this case, the strength of these king tunas' resistance was much smaller, and their own innate magical powers could not be displayed. When he came out, he was beaten to death by the group of human monks on the iron-clad ship.

There are seven people in the team. If one point is 67, each person can get at least [-] points. Basically, everyone is satisfied.

Of course, Qin Lang is a person who has seen a lot of money. Now he can go to the second-hand market to buy goods and make money by repairing armor and magic weapons, so this money is nothing to him. The most exciting thing is the team. The other six people have already gained so much in just half a day out at sea, and they will definitely have good luck this trip.


After experiencing the fish tide, the iron-clad boat sailed towards the small island again, and after about an hour, it finally arrived at the island.

The island is divided into east and west sides, the east side is a reef beach, and the west side is a dense forest. Although the iron-clad ship is a magic weapon-level ship, it cannot be changed in size, so it can only be stranded on a reef beach for the time being. Qin Lang arranged a magic circle on the spot Guard the ship, and then everyone went to the reef beach together.

ooh ooh...

Near the edge of the dense forest was the howling sound of monsters, and there were more than one of them. It was actually a green wolf the size of an elephant. This was a wind wolf, a sixth-order monster that could shoot wind blades.

The number of wind wolves on the island is the largest, there are several groups, and each group is at least hundreds of wolves. This is also the indigenous monster on the island.

In fact, apart from this kind of native monsters, the island is actually filled with a large number of foreign monsters who live temporarily. There are all kinds of monsters, and even eighth and ninth-level monsters may appear.

When the sixth-order wind wolf faces the invasion of the territory by foreign monsters, it will make a warning cry. When it feels that it can beat the opponent, it may swarm to attack. The wolf is very cunning, and will quickly flee into the dense forest immediately.

The current situation should be that there are foreign monsters invading the territory of this group of wind wolves, and the two sides confronted each other. Qin Lang took a closer look and saw a large meat mountain similar to a lump appearing a thousand feet ahead. The body size is a hundred tons, and the aura exuding from his body is definitely on the eighth level.

"This is the eighth-order monster sea king clam!" Qin Lang was also surprised when he took a closer look. The sea king clam is similar to a toad, its skin is the color of mud, and its body is covered with rotten lumps. Rotten lumps are poisonous glands, and the toxins inside can definitely poison everyone in a city to death.

The most terrifying thing about this kind of highly poisonous monster is the poisonous glands on its body, and the supernatural power of the sea king clam is the highly poisonous attack. The poisonous glands on its body can spray out poisonous water arrows. , may kill the victim in just a few breaths.

Therefore, this group of sixth-order wind wolves is probably a disaster for Haiwang clams. They still don't know how powerful this eighth-order monster is, and they dare to scream at Haiwang clams. Given their cunning, they would definitely not dare to touch them, and would only run away if they saw them.

ooh ooh...

The wind wolves saw that the sea king clams were forcibly occupying their territory, so they finally couldn't help launching the first attack. Dozens of wind wolves fired their wind blades at the same time, and rushed towards the sea king clams at the same time, wanting to bite.

In the face of the wind blade sea king clam, it didn't resist at all, allowing those wind blades to hit, and at the same time splashed a large canopy of blood and green blood. In fact, the red was the blood, and the green was the venom splashed from the ruptured poison gland.

Haiwang Haibo is thick and thick, this attack is nothing to it at all.

Although the sea king clams are not as agile and responsive as the wind wolves, they are the ones who suffer first. The moment the wind wolves pounce, the juice from the poisonous glands split by the wind blades splashes on them. The cyan body-protecting qi on the wind wolf's body was directly corroded and penetrated, and then the juice touched their bodies, melting their bodies directly like iron juice.


The toxicity of this strong corrosion is terrible, and the wind wolves with more than 30 heads in the front were instantly corroded into a pool of liquid.

And the wind wolves at the back had some body armor that could withstand the penetration and corrosion of the venom, and did not hurt the body, so they escaped unharmed. This tragic situation is also extremely frightening.

Then, this kind of wind wolf who is most aware of current affairs knew that this foreign monster in front of him should not be provoked, so he turned around in unison in an instant, and fled away in the direction of the dense forest. Reckless courage.

"The poison of the sea king clam is recorded in the medical school of the heavenly medicine school. It is one of the three most poisonous monsters in ancient times. Even the eighth-level sea king clam may poison the ninth-level clam. The King of Monster Beasts... against these sixth-order monsters, even a little bit of venom is not something the Wind Wolf can contend with."

Qin Lang is also very afraid of this kind of monster. Although he has Queen Mother Grass, which is said to be able to cure all poisons in the cultivation world, he is not very sure about this corrosive poison. It has a detoxifying effect on this terrifying toxin, and he can use Queen Mother Grass in time when poisoned, but the part of the body that is touched will definitely be corroded, even if Queen Mother Grass is used in time, it cannot be avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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