Chapter 2107 Entrapment
Now the territory occupied by the sea king clam has become a taboo. Qin Lang made up his mind to try not to provoke this highly poisonous high-level monster if he could not provoke it.

However, everyone was a little dumbfounded afterwards, because this sea king clam blocked the passage leading to the dense forest, that is to say, if Qin Lang wanted to go to the dense forest to find the honey of the giant spirit bee, he had to go through the passage occupied by the sea king clam. Pass through to enter the dense forest.

Because there is only one entrance in the entire dense forest, and other places are blocked by heavy vines outside the dense forest. These vines are famous blood-sucking vines in the cultivation world. Give suck adult dry.

Therefore, how to pass the blockade of Haiwang clam is a big problem.

"Do you want to call?"

Qin Lang frowned tightly. Fighting this kind of highly poisonous monster is the most thankless thing. Although he has queen mother grass, he still really doesn't want to fight the sea king clam in his heart.If you fight, it's no problem if you can beat it. If you can't beat it, you will definitely have some losses on your side.

"What should I do, do I still need to enter the dense forest..."

Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang also came over. Sea king clam, a highly poisonous monster, was famous in ancient times. It is actually recorded in some classics in the cultivation world, so Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang have also heard of it, and they know that the big meat is not far away. Shan is the queen of the highly poisonous sea king clam, and the two are also very worried.

They couldn't think of a better way to enter the dense forest, but they felt unwilling if they didn't enter the dense forest. After all, there is a lot of giant spirit bee honey in the dense forest. It is very helpful to the practitioner's practice, even if you don't trade it for your own use, it is also very good.

I heard that the giant spirit bee honey is very popular in the square market of Qibi City. A catty of spirit honey can be sold for a sky-high price of [-] green chips, and any giant spirit bee hive is half the height of a person, the size of a small house, and At least tens of catties of spiritual honey can be produced, so this dense forest in front of you is definitely a treasure house for everyone, and since it is here, you should not miss it.

After discussion, everyone decided to take action on this sea king clam. Of course, they didn't want to kill this big guy, as long as they could lure it away.

At least the bait is Qin Lang's second soul avatar. Qin Lang gave the second soul avatar several attack magic weapons, let this guy act as a bait, and lure this big guy away first.

Of course, in the process of seduction, the second soul avatar is also very careful not to let the venom of the sea king clam splash. After all, the venom is too poisonous. The second soul avatar is not a body of flesh and blood, and it is also possible to be corrupted.

The second soul avatar is part of Qin Lang's split consciousness, so it can be commanded by Qin Lang, but also has its own thinking ability and action ability. Qin Lang can not only conduct remote control, but also allow it to deal with the ugly pimple meat mountain sea king clam by itself .

However, just to be on the safe side, Qin Lang still decided to manipulate the second soul avatar to lure Sea King Clam himself.

The second soul avatar is holding a top-quality flying sword, and a sword energy is directly swept towards the sea king clam at this time. Although the strength of this second soul avatar is not as strong as the main body, it still has [-]% of the strength of the main body, so the power of the sword air Not weak.

Of course, the second soul clone doesn't have as many spells, supernatural powers and powers as the main body, so the overall combat power is even worse than the main body.

brush brush...

A series of sword qi swept towards the sea king clam, and the second soul clone finally launched an attack. The second soul clone did not approach the sea king clam, so this long-range attack method was used.

The sea king clam's defense is not strong, but as an eighth-order monster, its vitality is very terrifying, and its recovery ability is amazing, so even if these flying swords hurt it, it is not a big problem for it, anyway, it will recover after a while. Can be restored as before.

At the same time when the sea king clam was attacked, this guy was also completely enraged. He suddenly turned his head, let out a croak, and sprayed a green poisonous arrow. The poisonous arrow went straight to the second soul clone, and the second The Yuanshen avatar also knew that the poisonous arrow was not easy to mess with. Under the control of Qin Lang's consciousness, it flickered and left the place in an instant, appearing in a place further behind.


The venom of the poisonous arrow fell to the ground, bubbling and bubbling, and a thick pungent smoke was formed, which was the result of the rapid volatilization of the venom.

It turns out that the more intense the venom is, the easier it is to volatilize. The highly corrosive venom like Neptunus clam volatilizes almost as soon as it appears in the air. Therefore, if the venom of Neptune clam is generally exposed to the air , it will be completely evaporated in no more than 3 minutes.

After dodging the venom spray, the second soul clone approached again, and continued to arouse the anger of the eighth-level monster with practical actions. The sea king clam is not easy to deal with, if it is an ordinary eighth-level monster At this time, Qin Lang may have killed it alone. It is a pity that this eighth-level monster has a highly poisonous attribute, and its own recovery ability is also very strong, so it is considered a top-level existence among the eighth-level monsters. .

Even some ninth-level monsters are not necessarily stronger than sea king clams.

Therefore, Qin Lang also knows that it is not impossible to kill this sea king clam, but it will take a lot of time, and it is simply impossible in a short time.And there are no valuable materials on the sea king clam except for the venom. Even the demon pills are poisonous and can only be used to refine poisons, not pills. Even if they are used to refine pills, they are poison pills.

Under the repeated stimulation of the second soul avatar, the anger value of this sea king clam also increased, and was finally attracted by the second soul avatar, and began to run after the second soul avatar.


The cry of the sea king clam on the deserted beach gradually moved away, and it was finally lured away by the second soul clone, and even left the island, no longer being the door god blocking the way.

And now Qin Lang and the others can finally enter the dense forest smoothly, looking for the giant spirit bee hive.

After entering the dense forest, the interior is another scene. This dense forest is full of ancient native tree species. Some trees may not be hugged by ten people, and one tree almost covers a large area.

Although this island is not big, this piece of native dense forest has an area of ​​nearly [-] mu, which is comparable to the area of ​​a small village on the earth.

There are also various monsters in the dense forest, most of which are indigenous monsters from the deserted island, such as wind wolves.

The first thing Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian, and Li Chuang encountered when they entered the dense forest was of course the wind wolves, the local overlords of the deserted island. It is bigger, there are about 150 of them, it is a large population.

Seeing these wind wolves, Sai Shenxian's expressions became solemn, and there was no need for Qin Lang to make a move. He and Li Chuang had already launched an offensive against the wind wolves.

"The two of us will deal with them!"

Both of them have activated their armors. Both of them have the strength of middle-level martial arts masters. Coupled with the assistance of yellow-level high-grade armors, their combat effectiveness has reached quasi-extraordinary.

Therefore, after activating the armor, the two have no problem dealing with this group of sixth-order wind wolves. Although the population of these wind wolves is quite large, with more than 150 heads, judging from the ability of the two who have activated the armor, they can all be dealt with. It's just half an hour.

The battle started, and Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, beating these wind wolves to the brim, even if there was a seventh-rank wolf king in the wind wolves, it was useless, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were very strong, basically As long as they meet these wind wolves, they will not have any enemies under their hands.


At this time, the wolf king couldn't help it anymore. This wolf king was at the peak of the seventh rank and was about to rise to the eighth rank. However, he was not the opponent of two Kai Xius who were equivalent to the level of monks in the transformation stage.

Wolves have always had tofu waists with copper heads and iron tails. Even wind wolves, monsters in the cultivation world, have such flaws, so the cooperation between Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang is not without purpose, they are all attacking these wind wolves Weakness, as long as these wind wolves are discounted, they will completely lose their ability to move.


The wind wolf is a monster of the wind attribute, so its speed is still very fast, as if it has a pair of wings growing on its back, coming and going like the wind.It's a pity that long-range weapons such as nail guns are also quite lethal to them, and Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang also have inherited secret skills. If they are used directly, the wind wolf will be even more invincible.

The wolf king fought with the two of them for a while, and he suffered a lot. Even now, he would get a shot or two on his body, which caused serious injuries.

This is also because the wolf king is alert enough, otherwise, it is not possible to suffer from such a disadvantage, and it is even possible that he even lost his life just now.

Ow!Once again, the wolf king was shot by one of the two, screamed and flew out, and fell hard on the ground twenty feet away, causing the rotten branches and leaves on the ground to be splashed, and there was a crackling sound on the ground, That is the result of crushed rotten branches and leaves.

And when the wolf king got up, he roared again, but this time the roar was full of fear. It was obviously gathering troops to give up attacking the people in front of him. For him, the humans in front of him were too powerful. It's simply not something they can provoke.

Wolves are cunning, and when they find prey they can deal with, they will hunt without hesitation.

And when they find that the enemy is so strong that they can hardly deal with it, they will also appear very cunning, and directly avoid confrontation with such an enemy. Even when they find that they cannot deal with it, they will choose to give up and directly withdraw from the battle with the enemy.

And Qin Lang discovered the thoughts of these wind wolves, but he didn't have the idea of ​​deliberately chasing them. These wind wolves are very cunning, if they want to escape, it is actually not easy to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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