The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2108 Looking for the Giant Spirit Hive

Chapter 2108 Looking for the Giant Spirit Hive
And the main purpose of everyone entering this dense forest is for spiritual honey. Since the wolves have been scared away, all the wind wolves in this dense forest will not come to harass you again. After all, these wind wolves are connected. This group of wind wolves was defeated, and the other two groups now know that this group of people is not easy to mess with, and they will not offend them again.

Although it is in a dense forest, the light in this dense forest is very good, and the outside light can come in through the leaves, so there is no feeling of darkness inside.

The spiritual energy in the dense forest is obviously much more abundant than that of the outside world. Qin Lang sniffled his nose and felt that there should be a spiritual vein on this island, otherwise, this phenomenon would not have occurred.

This can also explain the real reason why those monsters from the outside world like to gather on this island. The monsters are still very sensitive to aura. After all, aura is beneficial to the evolution of the body.

However, the spiritual vein in this island should be only a small spiritual vein. Although the spiritual energy in the dense forest is more than the outside world, it is only two or three times higher.

After beating the wind wolf away, everyone began to concentrate on looking for the giant spirit hive. They said that the giant spirit hive was as tall as half a person and the size of a small house. It should be obvious that the hive is so big, but they have been searching for a long time but they have not found it. .

It turns out that the nests of the giant spirit bees are hidden very secretly. They like to build their nests inside some ancient trees or rocky ground with cracks. They don't like to expose their nests to the outside world, so it is difficult for people to find them.

And it is because the giant spirit bees have this special habit, and it is a lot of trouble to find their nests. However, everyone has not given up after searching for a period of time without success. In fact, everyone knows it well. In which direction to fly, which place is the most focused, you can basically guess where they are hiding.

The giant spirit bee is a large bee species comparable to mature cicadas, each of which has the strength equivalent to a third-order monster. Their most powerful weapon is the tail needle, but only those worker bees have it.

The tail needle of a worker bee is one inch long, and the tail needle contains a strong paralyzing toxin. If ordinary people are stunned instantly by this tail needle, but if they are attacked by several spirit bees together, there will be a considerable shock. Life is in danger.

The tail needle of the giant spirit bee is also a very good refining material. It has a penetrating effect and can be used to refine some hidden weapon treasures, which can be used to penetrate the enemy's force field defense layer.

Of course, this kind of penetrating effect is only for low-strength practitioners. When the strength reaches a certain level, the tail needle of the giant spirit bee will not be able to penetrate.

For example, Qin Lang now, even if he stands in the bee colony and allows these giant spirit bees to attack, those tail needles can't pierce his true energy defense layer, and he doesn't even need to activate the defensive magic weapon.


"The giant spirit bee brews nectar from nectar collected from natural treasures such as elixir and spiritual plants. This kind of spirit bee is extremely durable. It is said that it can fly for three months without stopping, traveling tens of thousands of miles to collect it. Honey, and after the honey is harvested, except for a part of it is used to fill the stomach and supplement consumption, the rest of the nectar will be brought back to the hive thousands of miles away, which is really a model of hard work.”

"This kind of spirit bee has a lifespan of three years, which means that the giant spirit bee can live for three years from larvae to mature body, and then die of old age... Giant spirit bees usually die in the hive when they die of old age, using their bodies as the nourishment for the larvae , work hard all your life, and the value of life will not be wasted when you are old."

"The values ​​of the giant spirit bees are not in line with human society at all... After all, this is the world of insects. The biggest task of a worker bee's hard work in his life is to feed the larvae besides taking care of the queen bee."

Qin Lang murmured, not to mention that there are a large number of beehives in this dense forest, but the worker bees of the giant spirit bee have to go to collect spirit honey from thousands of miles away. , otherwise, it is not easy to find these busy worker bees.


Just as he was thinking, there was a buzzing sound from a place in front of him, and Qin Lang was overjoyed: "I found it, there is the sound of the giant spirit bee's wings flying over there!"

At this time, everyone rushed to the place where the sound was made, and found a small group of nearly a hundred giant spirit worker bees. This should be a team returned from a certain hive. After all, these worker bees the size of cicadas are all The belly is round, and the fluffy tentacles under the belly are covered with pollen. These are the pollen of the spirit flower, and a faint fragrance radiates from these pollen to the surroundings.

"Follow them!" Sai Shenxian whispered at this time, ready to lead the team to sneak up, this is also a time when there is no way, the giant spirit bees also have a certain amount of intelligence, if they find strangers breaking in, it is impossible for them Homing, and they will go back only if they have to find ways to get rid of the trackers. After all, they also know that it is definitely not a good thing to bring the enemy to their lair.

"Here, this is the concealment talisman, each of you take a picture." Qin Lang took out a dozen elementary spells at this time and gave them to the team. There are such spells as the concealment talisman, and it is not very high to hide them. The spirit bee is actually very easy.

Swipe!Shuashuashua... The rays of light inspired by spells flashed, and everyone was basically hidden in the air.

However, Qin Lang did not use the concealment talisman, but directly performed the transformation technique, and a different giant spirit bee worker bee suddenly appeared in the air. This worker bee was a circle larger than the ordinary giant spirit bee worker bee, but it happened to be transformed by Qin Lang .

It turned out that after entering the sixth floor of the Dao of Transformation technique, Qin Lang can now change his body shape arbitrarily, and he can change into a living thing or a dead thing. It is really no different from the legendary 72 transformations.

The worker bee that Qin Lang changed quickly approached the group of bee colonies, but when he was about to approach, he met the vigilance of some worker bees of the opposite colony.

Fluctuations of spiritual messages followed, and these worker bees seemed to be asking: "Which hive are you from, not our way... Get out of here! Otherwise, you're welcome!" There may be a lot of hives in this dense forest. , but there is no communication between the hives of each hive. If other hives are found to enter their own territory, there is only one result, fighting.

Each queen of the giant spirit bee leads a colony. If there is a conflict between the colonies, it will definitely be the result of endless death.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, not to the extent of life and death, there will be no fighting between the bee colonies, which will consume the overall strength of both sides, which is not conducive to survival.

These hidden beehives in the dense forest should also have their own territory of influence. Generally, different bee colonies will not trespass on other beehive territories.

As for Qin Lang's behavior of changing this big head, this team of worker bees will naturally be on guard. However, although these worker bees found Qin Lang as an intruder, they didn't feel anything unusual. They really thought that Qin Lang was someone else. A worker bee in a hive.

This can only be blamed on the fact that although these worker bees have a little judgment ability, their IQ is still not high, because then Qin Lang suddenly changed, the original breath on his body disappeared, and the same breath as this group of worker bees appeared on the other side. It directly confused this group of worker bees.

"Huh? It's actually our own people, I misread..." Those worker bees who were extremely vigilant all put away their vigilance and returned to the team, as if the abnormalities that happened just now did not exist.

At this time, Qin Lang finally fooled around and joined this worker bee team. The other worker bees in the team returned with full rewards. Although the worker bee he turned into was big, he had never harvested bees at all. It's a pity that these stupid worker bees let go of such an obvious flaw.

In this way, although Qin Lang transformed into a giant spirit bee worker bee, and at the same time simulated the same breath of these worker bees, the flaws on his body are definitely one after another.It's a pity that these worker bees were too stupid to find out, and finally brought the tiger into the flock.

And behind this small group of giant spirit bees, several members of the small group that took the spell to hide also quietly followed, and together they chased to the hive where the worker bees would arrive in the future.

This dense forest is surrounded by a large tree, all of which are red fire-attributed spiritual woods. The spiritual woods have grown for thousands of years. Although the quality of spiritual woods is nothing in the cultivation world, they can also be used to refine magic weapons. and low-level spells.

And the hive of this group of giant spirit bees is under the root of one of the huge spirit wood trees. There is an inconspicuous gap, the size of a palm, where the giant spirit bees enter and exit the hive.

Qin Lang followed this group of worker bees into the hive, and found that the underground hive was not much different from a maze. After all, there were thousands of hives, each of which looked similar, and it was too difficult to recognize the way.

And these worker bees obviously have a special way to recognize the way, and they walked very calmly all the way. Qin Lang guessed that the worker bees should distinguish the way through the smell, which is something he can't do.

At this time, Qin Lang followed into the hive center and saw worker bees unloading in the storage room, unloading the honey into the honeycomb, and storing the pollen in the beehive near the queen bee. The pollen can be used to brew royal jelly, which is worth more than honey Taller and also the staple food of the queen bee.

These giant spirit bees obviously lacked a tendon in their brains, which also gave Qin Lang an opportunity to find the two hives where royal jelly was brewed, and put all the royal jelly inside into the ruby ​​in the storage bag Among the bottles, there are three full bottles.

This royal jelly can be called the best natural treasure, whether it is taken directly or used for alchemy, it is very good. If it is taken directly, it will be of some help to Qin Lang who is now in the late stage of God Transformation. It can improve his cultivation and at the same time Deepen your understanding of your state of mind.

And if it is used for alchemy, it is usually used as a fusion medium, and it is also a top-quality material to improve the quality of elixirs. It can be used in the refining of many high-level elixirs.

(End of this chapter)

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