Chapter 2109 Mad bees!

After filling the royal jelly, Qin Lang found the hive where the spiritual honey was stored, and filled more than a dozen bottles. Of course, this is not all the honey in the entire hive, but Qin Lang's dozen bottles of spiritual honey are almost one-fifth of the hive. The amount is up.

"Compared to honey, the bee pupae of the giant spirit bee is also a treasure of heaven and earth, not much worse than royal jelly. I will look for the place where the queen bee produces bee pupae. If I can get some, this trip Even if it's complete."

Qin Lang thought to himself, now that he has changed into the appearance of a giant spirit bee to muddle through, he really has the best time and place in this hive, so it is much easier to find these treasures.

The biggest reason for this success is that the giant spirit bee's intelligence is not high, so it has not been able to distinguish the true face of the pretender who sneaked into the hive.

The bee pupa of the giant spirit bee is closer to the beehive where the queen bee is. After all, all bee pupae are produced by the queen bee, and the queen bee is the production machine of the entire bee colony. Without the queen bee, a bee colony cannot grow.

At this time, Qin Lang saw the queen bee of this bee colony. This is a very big and ugly creature. It looks like a spirit bee. Same as the mountain.

Compared with other giant spirit bees, this guy's volume is at least a hundred times larger. Of course, this is from the perspective of Qin Lang's transformation into the giant spirit bee queen. Even if this guy fills up the entire beehive, In fact, it is no more than the size of a football.

The several beehives near the queen bee seem to have bee pupae. I don’t know about the other abilities of this big guy. This fertility is absolutely leveraged. Apart from eating and drinking, he is laying eggs and laying eggs all day long.

However, this guy's sensory ability is very sharp. Just when Qin Lang wanted to get close to a hive to collect bee pupae, the queen bee who was in production suddenly moved, moving the head with tentacles towards Looking here, a bright light even flashed across the big compound eyes.


Qin Lang didn't feel the fluctuations in consciousness and spiritual power, which proved that the Queen Bee possessed a telepathic ability similar to the sixth sense. Only then did he find that there was an abnormality not far away, but although there was a trace of abnormality, the bee After Qin Lang didn't see through Qin Lang's disguise, after Qin Lang moved back quietly, this guy turned his head back again.

Perhaps even the queen bee was wondering, thinking that there was something wrong with her induction just now. Anyway, as long as Qin Lang didn't get close to the hives with bee pupae, the queen bee would not be able to detect his evil intentions.

At this moment, the entire beehive vibrated. It seemed that Sai Shenxian, Li Chuang and others outside had begun to destroy Feng Guixi.

The queen bee's attention was suddenly attracted by the movement outside, and now she began to recruit all the worker bees in the entire hive, preparing to launch an attack on the monks who offended the hive outside.

And Qin Lang took advantage of the chaos and finally slipped into a hive with bee chrysalis, and directly collected all the bee chrysalis in the entire hive, each one was the size of a silkworm, and there were at least hundreds of them.


But at this moment, outside the beehive, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang had enlarged the hole of the ancient tree, exposing the beehive inside, and were stepping up the process of destroying the beehive.

The whole honeycomb is khaki, and the material is actually the beeswax spit out by the giant spirit bees. The beeswax actually has a certain economic value and can be used as a lubricant for armor parts, but it is not as precious as honey, royal jelly and bee pupae .

At this moment, a few people outside are digging the hive, peeling off the hive layer by layer from the tree hole. The entire hive can actually be divided into a piece-by-piece structure, and each piece is composed of hundreds of beehive cells.

These pieces of beeswax were being collected by Sai Shenxian and others, and as the hive was destroyed, a large number of giant spirit bees also flew out and began to attack these guys who destroyed the hive.

However, the giant spirit bees only possessed the combat power equivalent to a third-tier monster. Although the population was large, it was not something that could be done in a short time if they wanted to break through the defense of everyone's yellow-level top-grade armor.

Buzzing, buzzing...

The giant spirit bees were flying all over the sky, and the entire dense forest area was densely packed. It seemed that there were at least two to three thousand giant spirit bee worker bees inside the hive.

And when some giant spirit bees failed to bite people after several attacks, they also began to show their hole cards at this time, and those penetrating tail needles began to shoot out, attacking these hateful intruders.Although the giant spirit bees will die within a few hours after shooting the tail needles, their hole cards are indeed very powerful. Open, don't dare to be careless, let too many giant spirit bees launch suicide attacks on themselves.

Therefore, everyone also started to fight with these giant spirit bees and worker bees. At the same time, they paid attention to strengthening their own defensive force field, walked with flexible steps, and tried not to let too many giant spirit bees attack them.

At this moment, the outside was already in chaos, and Qin Lang's stealing of bee pupae was finally noticed by the queen bee. After the extremely angry queen found out that there were also disguised intruders inside the beehive, she was also furious and directly mobilized a large number of worker bees to deal with it. Qin Lang entered to chase and intercept.

Although Qin Lang's defensive power could ignore the attacks of these giant spirit bee worker bees around him, but seeing the queen bee approaching him little by little, he still decisively chose to retreat.

Why?Because compared with these third-order giant spirit bees, the queen bee is the real boss level, and the queen bee is definitely eighth-level, and this big guy has a big killer, the poisonous needle at the tail is several times thicker than those giant spirit bees times, and more than ten times longer, if attacked by this thick tail root, even if Qin Lang is a monk at the peak of the late stage of transformation, he may not be able to hold it.

What's more, this hive is the home of the queen bee, and there are too many thugs for the queen bee. Qin Lang can't fight the queen bee inside the hive at all. A large number of giant spirit bee worker bees have seriously affected his ability to move. and visual.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Lang evacuated directly on the way back and forth, while avoiding the constant entanglement of bees.

When Qin Lang appeared outside the hive, Sai Shenxian and others had collected one-fifth of the hive, which was the size of a small house. However, what they collected was basically beeswax, and the spiritual honey was in the hive closer to the core. Location.

If the entire hive is completely dismantled, it is estimated that at least 200 catties of spiritual honey can be collected this time, which is [-] million green chips.

However, the entire bee colony in the hive was alarmed, and they were also engaged in a desperate battle with these invading humans, which also made it more difficult to collect, and the queen bee in the hive would not let these human monks outside get what they wanted. If the BOSS, which is only equivalent to the eighth level, shows its power, everyone will have a headache.

The next moment, the queen bee also rushed out of the hive. Although this big guy looks like a small meat mountain, his mobility is very flexible. He has no wings, but his jumping ability is exceptional. Pounced on the intruders.

Buzz, buzz...

With the queen bee taking the lead, the bee colony formed a black cloud and attacked again.

In the crowd, Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang already possessed quasi-extraordinary combat power. At this time, they did not retreat, but the two joined forces to launch their respective inherited spells, Yimu Divine Palm and Wubu Divine Fist.

Yimu Shenzhang is the primary version of Yimu Shenlei, and Wubu Shenquan is a kind of magical power similar to fighting cattle across the mountain. These two methods of magic are left by ancient powers. They are not simple, and they are both high-level spells. Supernatural powers, extraordinary power.

The attacks of the two collided with the big boss, the queen bee. The eighth-level queen bee's defense ability is extremely strong. Even if the two old guys work together to attack, it will only shake the big guy away, and then faint for a second or two. , and began to chase here again.

Cattle across the mountain!

Plop flop flop!Behind the queen bee came the sound of the body of the worker bee bursting, but it was the five-step magic fist's Geshan Da Niu magic power, which directly exploded a dozen worker bees into liquid slurry, and the queen bee lost more than a dozen. a minion.

Although the loss of more than a dozen subordinates is nothing to the base of the entire hive colony, the queen bee was completely enraged at this time, her whole body suddenly glowed red, and she took on the second form... that is, madness status.

In the berserk state, the queen bee's size became larger again, and at the same time, two wings the size of a door panel grew behind her, and she finally flew up.

And as the queen bee flew up, this guy's mobility increased greatly, and his attack frequency was also higher. Even if Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang teamed up, they couldn't resist, and they retreated in a row.

And the queen bee in a berserk state naturally chased after her fiercely, and even threw out her tail at this time. As long as these two hateful human monks are stung by the tail, the strong toxin will definitely soften them into noodles. You can directly tear these two hateful guys into pieces.

"Guys, we are about to be overwhelmed... help!"

Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang had reached the limit of their endurance at this time, so they had to beg for mercy. Faced with the high-frequency attacks of the queen bee nearly a hundred times per second, even if they had the defensive force field of the yellow-level top-grade armor, their energy consumption would not be the same as It was drained in an instant like running water. Seeing that his spiritual power and internal strength plummeted, and the armor's defensive ability was about to lose its effect, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

If they lost their spiritual power and internal strength, the two of them would be no better than ordinary people. As long as they were even hit by this queen bee, their lives might be in danger.

At this time, the support of the whole body has also arrived. Of course, the key person to support is still Qin Lang. After all, Qin Lang is the one who is really capable of directly countering the existence of the eighth-order monster.

At this time, Qin Lang directly slapped a dozen palms, and the palm wind turned into a strong wind and blew over, forming a wall of gang energy.This palm wind is actually transformed by the fist power of the Dragon Elephant Fist. After the completion of the Dragon Elephant Fist, Qin Lang can not only use his fist power, but also transform it into palm power. After all, the ever-changing nature remains the same, and consciousness is the real foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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