The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2110 Queen Bee Demon Pill

Chapter 2110 Queen Bee Demon Pill
At this time, Qin Lang used the Gang Qi Wall to finally block the queen bee's high-frequency attack. Although the attack power of the queen bee is not the most powerful among the eighth-order monsters, the attack speed after the berserk transformation is absolutely unique. Now that he can fly again, he can be regarded as extremely flexible, so even Qin Lang can't deal with it.

In fact, he was willing to deal with more powerful eighth-level monsters, and he was unwilling to deal with this kind of agile and speedy eighth-level monsters.

Because this kind of monster is not easy to fight at all. Although the defense ability is not very strong, but the movement is fast enough, it is not easy to hit the opponent.

In terms of flexibility, this kind of monster is not weaker than him at all, and it is not without wisdom. It is not easy to set up a plan for the queen bee to deal with it.

After fighting for more than 20 seconds, Qin Lang and the queen bee almost fought hundreds of times. Most of the time, the queen bee was doing crazy output, while Qin Lang was using his own strong defense to resist. Obviously, the overall strength of the queen bee was not as good as his own, but he couldn't help it. Not passive defense, this feeling is really weird.

The agility and speed of the queen bee have been brought to the extreme, and it is estimated that they have already produced a similar increase in talent effect, otherwise it would not be so perverted. Even if the current Qin Lang's agility and speed are brought to the limit, he still feels inferior to the crazy one. The queen bee has a big advantage in this regard.

Although the penetrating power of the queen bee's tail needle is stronger, Qin Lang's own defense is good, and he has the best defense magic weapon, so most of the queen bee's attacks are ineffective, and can only be hit on Qin Lang's defensive force field.

And the number of attacks increases, even if Qin Lang's defensive force field consumes more, and now he still has a mysterious middle-grade bull demon armor on his body, the comprehensive defense power of this battle armor can actually be comparable to a top-grade treasure, not as good as The general ultimate defense magic weapon is poor.

"I'm holding the queen bee, you guys quickly collect the hive..." Qin Lang called out at this time, although the battle was a bit difficult, but he still chose to do this, wanting to hold the queen bee alone, so that the rest of the team can clean up the hive Opportunities of those heavenly resources and earthly treasures.

After all, although he had benefited a lot from the hive early on and took the lead, the rest of the team hadn't gotten anything yet, so Qin Lang also wanted to help them.

After being reminded by Qin Lang, everyone did not neglect. At this time, they were all harassed by a large number of giant spirit bees, and began to harvest the hive. They took out large and large hives from the old tree holes, and then put them into them uniformly. In the storage bag of Immortal Sai.

After all, although several refining masters in Dawan State have mastered the space technology, the items such as external magic weapons and armors that can be refined to store things are very expensive, and it is difficult for ordinary armor repairers to raise enough money to buy them. , unless the core members of a particularly wealthy large team are eligible to have it.

Ordinary Kaixiu groups usually rent magical ships with storage functions to go out on adventures, and pay the renter a fee after returning to the city.

The old guy Sai Shenxian is also very rich. Pharmacists are a profitable industry. This old guy has a good level of medicine. Difficult, not a big deal to the old guy.

In fact, the storage bag on Sai Shenxian’s body has been with him for more than 20 years. After healed a martial artist, he got it back as a reward. This storage bag comes from ancient ruins, and it has a space of one hundred cubic meters. It is very good.

Of course, this can only be regarded as a good storage tool in this world. As long as Qin Lang has the materials, this level of storage bag can still be refined in large quantities.

However, Qin Lang can only refine the storage bag, and the space ring still cannot be refined. After all, his refining technology has only recently broken through and reached the level of a senior refining master, and the refining of storage tools involves the law of space. This requires solid professional training knowledge and hands-on ability. Ordinary refiners simply cannot do it, and only advanced refiners are capable of refining space rings. Ordinary refiners can only refine intermediate and intermediate rings. It's just a low-grade storage bag. Skilled ones can try to refine intermediate storage bags.

It is no problem to hold a hive in a storage space of [-] cubic meters. The problem is that there are thousands of giant spirit bees densely packed in front of you. Although one, two or three is not terrible, but the bee swarms attack together Sometimes, it is also very troublesome.

Sai Shenxian and others were busy collecting the hives, while dealing with the giant spirit bee swarms. Brother Situ, Thrush, and Black Rabbit in the team were the weakest, and it was even more difficult to resist the swarms. Fortunately, everyone is a mutual As a team of mutual aid, when Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang were fighting, they did not forget to block these guys a few times to reduce the pressure on their teammates.

Although the work of collecting the honeycombs was progressing with great difficulties and bumps, the overall progress was still being completed bit by bit. The honeycombs with a lot of honey and bee pupae were collected by everyone and sent to the storage bag space of Immortal Sai. middle.


After fighting with the berserk queen bee for 1 minute, Qin Lang found that the attack frequency of the queen bee began to change slightly, as if it was weaker. He knew that it might be because the queen bee's berserk transformation also required physical strength and energy. Although chemical battles can break out, what is overdrawn is one's own physical strength and energy.

This is of course a good thing. Qin Lang was refreshed and felt that there was a chance to kill the queen bee who was at the eighth-level boss level, so he began to fight, looking for a possible fighting opportunity, so as to give the opponent a fatal blow.

The madness of the queen bee lasted for a long time, and it began to disappear after a minute or so. The queen bee is the leader of a bee colony, and her intelligence is much stronger than other worker bees.

Gradually waking up from the berserk state, the queen bee knew that neither she nor her little brother could be the opponents of the group in front of her. In desperation, she prepared to give up the nest and fly away.

"I want to escape! It's not that easy!"

Qin Lang snorted, and when he let go, there were a few sword lights. This is the sword light of the heart. The biggest advantage over the sword light of the flying sword is that it has stronger penetrating power, faster speed, and the way of fighting is more unexpected.


The queen bee's large wings spread out, waving at high frequency, and it was about to fly away, but those sword lights had already flown from the upper, middle and lower directions, completely restricting its range of movement.

Under such circumstances, the agile and fast Queen Bee still moved a little bit to avoid being attacked, but her wings were rubbed, and she suddenly felt unbalanced, just like the effect of a plane crashing .

The queen bee's movement was unstable, and she suddenly revealed a big flaw. After seeing this flaw, Qin Lang certainly wouldn't miss the opportunity. If he doesn't make a ruthless attack now, he probably won't be able to hit this agile and fast guy later.

Swipe, swipe, swipe!At this time, Qin Lang started to use the flying sword. The improved Sansheng Jianjue is already considered a top-level swordsmanship. Qin Lang splits one sword style, and one sword energy splits directly into two, and the second becomes four, and then the four changes Eight, eight changes to sixteen... 64 sword qi have been split.

And after the appearance of these 64 sword qis, an attacking sword array was formed, directly covering the entire queen bee within the attack range of the sword array. This time, no matter how amazing the agility and speed of the queen bee, she could not escape the sword array blockade.

Chi Chi Chi... A series of sword qi crisscrossed, and the queen bee in the sword array was eroded by a large amount of sword qi. Even if it was an eighth-order monster specialized in defense, it might not be able to resist it, let alone this queen bee. So serious, the agility and attack speed are indeed powerful, but their own defense ability is actually not very good, even worse than ordinary seventh-order monsters.

In this case, under the hands of Qin Lang, the peak swordsman in the late stage of Huashen, the queen bee could not sustain this set of sword formations at all, and was directly torn to pieces by the sword energy, and then her body was split into pieces.

Of course, Qin Lang knew that he was able to kill the queen bee because he relied on a flaw in the queen bee just now to enter the instant kill and caught the opponent by surprise. The scene of that kind of battle is ugly. Qin Lang always defends mostly, while the queen bee attacks Qin Lang mostly. After all, although Qin Lang is also a monk of the agility line, the queen bee has the advantage of flying. She is small in size and has higher attack speed and frequency than Qin Lang. Some.

The queen bee was split into countless fragments by the sword energy, and a blood mist with a delicate fragrance rose in the air. This queen bee feeds on royal jelly, which is the nectar of countless elixir, and naturally also has a lot of spiritual energy. In fact, it should be regarded as one of the spirit insects. Kind of, if there are monks who don't mind, they can actually use the flesh and blood of spirit insects as food, which also has the effect of nourishing themselves.

However, Qin Lang was not very interested in the flesh and blood of the queen bee. It would be much better if it was bee pupae. After all, eating bee pupae is also a custom on earth.

Of course, the bee pupa of the giant spirit bee is also very nourishing, and it is also a wild food of the level of natural materials and earth treasures. The effect of each bee pupa is almost comparable to half a Tianyuan pill for high-level monks.

The queen bee died, and the bee colony finally dispersed. I don't know where the giant spirit bees flew to. Anyway, the entire hive was divided up by the monks in the team.

And Qin Lang held a demon pill in his hand, golden yellow, shiny, only the size of a fingernail, this is the demon pill of the eighth-order giant spirit bee queen.

I don't know what's going on, but the number of demon pills in the monsters of this martial artist's world is not very high, even for high-level monsters, it may be affected by the rules of heaven and earth.

If it is in the realm of comprehension, then there will definitely be a demon core in the body of a monster above the third rank.

Of course, the number of demon pills appearing in the body of the boss-level monsters in this world is much higher than that of ordinary high-level monsters, and there is more than half of the probability of them appearing, so Qin Lang has this queen bee demon pill on hand, and the demon pill follows the trend. The crystal nucleus of the shooting beast is somewhat similar, but the demon pill is in a round shape, which is the essence of the vitality of the monster beast, and it also contains the blood of the monster beast.

(End of this chapter)

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