The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2111 The clone encounters an accident

Chapter 2111 The clone encounters an accident
In essence, monsters are more valuable than radiant beasts, and the eighth-level demon core is definitely more valuable than the eighth-level radiant beast. Some impurities require pharmacists to use professional means to purify them before they can be turned into real medicine refining materials.

The Radiant Beast Core Crystal is more versatile than the Yao Pill in terms of uses. This is the only advantage. After all, the base of low-level Radiant Beasts in the wilderness is huge, hundreds of millions, otherwise it would not be possible to form a large-scale beast horde. .

The output of low-order crystal nuclei is also large, which can be used in industry as industrial energy. Industrial settings such as some lighting in ruined cities can use low-order nuclear crystals as energy sources. Some advanced technological weapons such as gamma ray guns, gamma Cannons, the energy used is even high-order nuclei.

The eighth-order bee queen demon pill is still very valuable. For such a small one, it should not be a problem to exchange seventy to eighty thousand green chips. Green chips are not only important cultivation resources on this mainland island, but also hard currency. Every practitioner Can not do without.

The spirit contained in each piece of this thing is almost equivalent to half of the best spirit stone. The only difference from the best spirit stone is that the energy inside the best spirit stone is relatively pure and can be absorbed directly, while the energy inside the green chip is violent and chaotic. Some special means of energy conversion are absolutely impossible to absorb directly. If you absorb it forcibly, you will only end up exploding and dying.

The queen bee was killed, the giant spirit bee colony completely dispersed, and the entire hive has now become the team's possession. The total value of this hive alone is definitely over 100 million.

Of course, among the 100 million yuan, Qin Lang definitely takes the lion's share. The most essential part of the entire honeycomb is royal jelly. Qin Lang filled three big bottles, followed by bee pupae and honey. Qin Lang also collected a lot.

The materials Qin Lang got...including the Queen Bee Demon Pill, should be close to 20 green chips.

And if other people give 30 points to one point, it should be no problem for everyone to harvest [-] to [-] green chips this time.

And think about it again, this is actually just the first beehive that everyone collected shortly after entering the dense forest. There must be more than one population of giant spirit bees in the dense forest of this island. If you can find one or two more beehives, everyone can make another small fortune This trip to sea, it shouldn't be a problem for these guys to earn enough to pay off their debts.

Although this island is inconspicuous in the sea, it has spiritual veins, clear springs, berries, etc., which are very suitable for sea beasts to survive, so it attracts many sea beasts from far away.

In the eyes of Kaixiu in the Dawan Kingdom, it should be considered a dangerous place. In fact, even the Kaixiu team wearing black-level battle armor would not dare to take risks in this direction.

As for the storm team, this time the team opened up wasteland so smoothly in the dense forest. The main key is because of Qin Lang in the team. The beasts are [-]% sure that they can kill one by themselves.

Next, everyone began to search patiently in the dense forest. As long as they find another beehive, they can share a large amount of natural materials and earthly treasures. When the time comes, the harvested materials can be used by themselves, or they can be exchanged for green chips in the market. Well, all very good.

However, it is really not easy to find the hives of the giant spirit bees. If it is not to find clues from the activity tracks of worker bees in the dense forest, it is almost impossible to find these hidden hives. It is big, but it is also several miles wide. If a beehive is hidden in it, it is as inconspicuous as a grain of sand on the beach.

And the giant spirit bee worker bees sometimes even fly thousands of miles when they go out to find honey, and it is possible that they never come back for a month or two. It's even more difficult to find a hive
But since everyone has entered the dense forest of the island, there is no reason to give up, so they searched the entire dense forest of the island carefully. During this process, many original monsters in the dense forest were alarmed. Not as good as the wind wolf, now even the wind wolf avoids adventurers who break into the dense forest, and these monsters dare not stroke their beards even more. After being bumped into by these intruding humans, they run away in shock.

After searching the entire dense forest, Qin Lang was lucky enough to find a hidden beehive again, so the second beehive also suffered a complete disaster, and everyone once again harvested almost 50 worth of materials.

It was an accident to be able to find this hidden hive. The boss bee queen of this hive had just survived a thunder disaster, and the big tree she was hiding in was chopped black and turned into lightning strike wood. Of course, everyone would notice such an obvious mark.

It's quite unlucky to say that the BOSS queen bee has only been through the catastrophe for a few days, and she is probably thinking about how to move and build a new hive, but unexpectedly, the race has suffered a devastating blow before it has recovered from the catastrophe.

The hive was destroyed, and the BOSS queen bee was not accidentally killed by Qin Lang. After all, the queen bee was not even as powerful as the first queen bee after the disaster, so it was of course easier to deal with.

After finding nothing in the dense forest, he finally returned the same way, and when he returned to the deserted beach, Qin Lang's expression froze slightly, and a new message came from his brain.

This is the message sent by the new dual god avatar. It turns out that Qin Lang used the second soul avatar to lure away the poisonous monster sea king clam before entering the dense forest, and led this terrible monster away from the island. The sea king clam's anger value At the peak, the second soul clone was also in hot pursuit. The two sides fought and fled, and gradually moved away from here for about forty nautical miles.

And forty nautical miles away from here, there are two sea beasts fighting.

The highly poisonous sea king clam is like a mountain of meat, and it is at least thirty or forty tons in size. It is a big guy.

But compared to these two sea beasts, they are not enough to see. The two sea beasts are small in size, one is similar to a big turtle, and the carapace on its back is as wide as a swimming pool, and the larger sea beast is similar to a whale. Like a large sea-going ship, it seems that its weight starts at least a few hundred tons, and may reach a thousand tons.

These two sea beasts are both rank nine, and they should also be monsters of the overlord level in this Aegean Sea. I don't know how they appeared in this section of the open sea and fought with each other.

As for the two guys who broke into the battle area suddenly, the whale and sea beast weighing at least a few hundred tons directly opened its five-foot-wide bloody mouth, and sucked it hard. A large amount of seawater was directly sucked into the belly of the whale sea.

The ninth-order sea beast, which is definitely comparable to the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of Huashen, even with a stronger body, can directly crush the sea king clam and the second soul clone. Although both the sea king clam and the second soul clone are very strong, the sea king clam They even have the ability to challenge the ninth level, but that is only a possibility, and it is just as incompetent against the real ninth level.

These two ninth-order sea beasts are definitely not ordinary monsters, they are full of tyrannical aura, and after sensing this aura, the second soul clone feels a little familiar, it should be magic energy, these two ninth-order sea beasts should be It was because of the demonic energy that he became so violent and war-loving.

However, after Qin Lang's second soul avatar reacted, it was already too late. Both he and the sea king clam were swallowed by this sea beast at the same time. It looked like a whale, but it was several times bigger than a whale. The digestive tract in the sea beast's body is like a long tunnel, but the environment inside is very harsh, a lot of fish, shrimp and rotten meat are mixed together, full of stench.

The second soul avatar was pushed down the esophagus by an invisible force, and fell directly into the stomach. This sea beast has a big stomach. Qin Lang saw that the sea king clam was also pushed over, and it slapped like a bunch of fish and shrimp. It fell in the middle of the stomach, and then the sea beast's stomach began to squirm, secreting highly corrosive digestive juice. Qin Lang saw that the fish were all melting quickly under the digestive juice.

And the body of the second soul avatar is a gold yuan bead, not a real flesh and blood avatar, so it is slowly corroded by the digestive juice.

But Neptune clam, a pity eighth-level highly poisonous monster, fell into the stomach of ninth-level sea beast. After being stimulated by the digestive juice, the bulges all over the body sprayed out a large amount of milky white liquid at the same time. When in the ninth-level sea beast digestive juice, the corrosive nature of the digestive juice is more terrifying. The whale sea beast's stomach was severely injured immediately, and it completely lost the ability to resist.

Then, the second soul avatar only felt dizzy and dizzy. It should be that the whale and sea beast started struggling and bouncing in pain after being severely injured in the body.

And as the highly toxic venom spreads in the stomach of the ninth-level sea beast, corroding the stomach wall, the second soul avatar quickly moves away from the area of ​​the stomach of the sea beast. He doesn't care about the digestive juices in the stomach, it should be digested by the ninth-level whale and sea beast. The liquid can't hurt it at all.

However, the venom against the sea king clam is different. The sea king clam corrodes nothing, it can corrode the magic weapon of the monk, it can corrode the defense layer of the monk's force field, and even the thick steel plate can be corroded directly. Neither can bear it.

The second soul avatar went all the way down the intestinal tract, and the ninth-level sea cover whale bounced and sprinted in the sea under severe pain. All kinds of tricks were very intense, like a wild horse jumping rein, but there was no way to stop it A corroded wound in the stomach in the body.

Horrified, this ninth-order sea beast has no intention of fighting the giant turtle and sea beast. After going berserk, it ran away for a while, and it didn't know where it rushed to the Aegean Sea. Gradually, the stomach injury expanded to a certain extent, and the whole body became Much weaker.

Now, trying to bury the excrement opening in the intestinal tract, the second soul avatar who wanted to squeeze out suddenly saw a black liquid coming from behind him, and couldn't help but be surprised. This black liquid is the stomach of a ninth-level whale and sea beast. The poisoned blood gushed out of the rotten wound on the stomach and the digestive juice are mixed together. Although the toxicity is much weaker than that in the stomach, it is also harmful to the second soul clone.

(End of this chapter)

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