The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2113 Poisonous Sea Beast

Chapter 2113 Poisonous Sea Beast
As for the heavenly armor, there is no refining inheritance left at all. It is said that the heavenly armor has surpassed the grade of the best magic weapon, and is close to the legendary fairy weapon.

But even the heavenly armor cannot be regarded as the real armor of the gods. The armor of the gods is more powerful than the fairy weapon. After the ancient gods and demons put on the armor of the gods, almost all of them can exert the power to destroy the world, which is very terrifying.

Of course, this is just a rumor obtained by the Dawan country's craftsmen from ancient books. No one knows how powerful the divine armor is. I have seen it, not to mention the divine armor above the sky level.

It didn't take long for Qin Lang to arrive at the place where the abnormal changes happened in the outer sea. At this moment, there are already a lot of sea monsters gathered here, most of them are six or seven ranks, there are hundreds of them, and the ones above the eighth rank are thirty or forty. .

And among these sea beasts there are two powerful ninth-level existences. One looks like a turtle, but it is hundreds of times bigger than a turtle. The whole is like a giant sea ship. This guy looked at the corpse of the whale and sea beast and howled. After a while, it looked like it should be the giant turtle and sea beast that fought in another sea area before.

And the other ninth-order sea beast is a strange big guy with a human head and a snake body. I don't know what kind of species it is. It seems that he is very afraid of this guy.

Whales and sea beasts were finally poisoned and died here. They were poisoned to death by an eighth-order sea king clam. This guy is really unlucky, but who made sea king clams one of the most poisonous monsters in the cultivation world? So even a ninth-level whale and sea beast can't stop that kind of violent toxin.

Although the ninth-level whale and sea beast was poisoned to death, the surrounding sea was not polluted. Although the toxin of the sea king clam was strong, after being diluted countless times in the body of the whale and sea beast, the toxin still faded little by little, so this This kind of toxin only wreaks havoc within the body of the whale and sea beast, but cannot spread outside.

It is a good thing that it cannot spread, otherwise, the sea area in front of me will be polluted, and when the time comes, the creatures will become extinct, and it will be really terrible.

Qin Lang's arrival did not attract the attention of these monsters, because when Qin Lang approached here, he also transformed himself into an inconspicuous monster, with a thin body, basically belonging to the kind that anyone who sees will ignore it .

However, when a seventh-order monster saw Qin Lang approaching and was about to provoke Qin Lang, it was shocked by the powerful monster breath that Qin Lang suddenly released. Although the breath that Qin Lang released was imitated, it The feeling given to this monster is that the thin monster in front of him is at least close to the ninth level, and it has kicked the iron plate.

To the surprise of this monster, Qin Lang just shocked it with his breath, and didn't attack it.

This shows that it is almost impossible in the world of monsters. If a powerful monster is provoked, it will definitely fight to the death with the provocateur, and will not stop until the provocateur is killed.

However, this seventh-order monster has low intelligence, and can't figure out why Qin Lang didn't do this. It doesn't know that the powerful monster in front of him is a disguise. Qin Lang is not a monster at all, but a human being. With his own independent thinking, he will not only know how to fight with brute force like a real monster.

The seventh-order monster was stunned for a while at first, and then heard the threatening roar of the powerful monster disguised by Qin Lang, and immediately reacted, with two trembling backs and kept retreating. Dive into the water and disappear in this sea area in a hurry.

And Qin Lang sneaked into this sea area, and found that the dead whale and sea beast was really big, a full several hundred tons, and now the floating corpse, with blue and purple lumps on the outside, was obviously a symptom of poisoning and death, but it was a pity that it was covered with bruises. The material is definitely not usable.

If this whale and sea beast hadn't been poisoned, perhaps its current body would not have remained so intact. It had been eaten up by the monsters around it long ago, and it was because of the poisoning that it kept a whole body now.


Qin Lang knows that the meat of the ninth-level monsters is very nourishing. If these hundreds of tons of meat are released, they can definitely sell 50 million blue chips, and there are many other materials on the monsters that are also valuable. Now Basically ruined.

Staring at this ninth-order monster, Qin Lang knew that even if there was a demon pill in the ninth-rank monster, it would probably become a poison pill now. This kind of demon pill cannot be used for alchemy, unless he has a way Extract all the toxins inside the demon pill, but this is almost impossible, because the poisonous toxin of the sea king clam spreads in the body of the whale and sea beast, which is equivalent to an infection process, and the ninth-level monster must have been infected Thoroughly, I want to purify and separate the toxins in the inner alchemy...

For the time being, Qin Lang doesn't have this technique yet, so I'm afraid he will have to wait for his alchemy ability to reach the level of a master before trying again.

Qin Lang approached this ancient relic, and found that the domain enchantment of the whole deed was obvious. The domain enchantment of this ancient relic seemed to be integrated. With his current formation level, he couldn't find any breakthrough.

Wandering around the enchantment of this relic field, Qin Lang found a light gate somewhere, which should be the entrance.

However, there is a small hole on the light door, which looks like a keyhole. Qin Lang doesn't have the key to Qing, so he can't open the light door of this relic and enter the interior.

Qin Lang tried it, wanting to rely on violence to destroy this domain enchantment, but the final result was futile. After all, the domain enchantment of this ancient relic can directly bounce off even ninth-order monsters. Although Qin Lang is the peak of the late stage of transformation A monk, but not much stronger than a ninth-level monster, so there is nothing to do.


Shaking his head, Qin Lang knew that it was impossible for him to open this ancient relic for the time being. This relic was obviously of high grade. If he couldn't find the key to enter it, it would be useless even if he raised his cultivation level to the late Dzogchen stage.

After realizing that there was nothing he could do about the ruins for the time being, Qin Lang could only leave with regrets. He knew that even if he continued to spend time here, it would be meaningless. He might not be able to enter the ruins in one year, two years, ten years or 20 years.

When he was about to leave this sea area, Qin Lang looked at the corpse of the whale sea cover again. Although the whale sea beast was poisoned to death by the highly poisonous sea king clam, the value of the materials on his body was too amazing, so he was a little unwilling to give up like this .

Qin Lang collected some bones from sea beasts, and dug out the demon pills, and then took them back to study to see if they could be used to sacrifice magic weapons. After all, even if these materials are poisonous, as long as they don't eat them, they should be fine.

Afterwards, Qin Lang quietly decomposed the floating corpse. The surrounding monsters didn't pay much attention to a poisoned whale and sea beast that had no edible value. For them, as long as they couldn't eat, they didn't have much attention value.

And half an hour later, Qin Lang finally picked out the inner alchemy of the whale and sea beast and a few large bones that were two to three feet long. The surface of these materials was a little black, which was the result of being infected by toxins.

After sealing all these materials with a ban, Qin Lang put them into a large storage bag, then clapped his hands and left.

Behind him, those monsters continued to move in this area, but the streamer on the enchantment of the relic domain in the central area surrounded by the group of monsters became weaker and weaker, and the entire domain enchantment seemed to disappear soon.

This is actually a harbinger of the disappearance of the domain enchantment of the ancient ruins. The entire domain enchantment was triggered by a specific condition, and it was hidden again when another specific condition was reached.

Seeing this, Qin Lang made some marks on this sea area, making sure that if he comes again in the future, he will be able to find the place where the ruins are and activate the enchantment of that domain again.

When Qin Lang returned to Qibi City, the storm team had already reported to the official mission. This time, everyone in the storm team made a fortune by going out to sea to hunt monsters. The value of the spirit beeswax, spirit honey, and royal jelly was enough More than a million, and everyone preyed on some king tuna, plus some miscellaneous odds and ends. If they are all disposed of, everyone can harvest 30 green chips.

Of course, Qin Lang gained more, and he was allocated 60 green chips alone. After all, he was the one who worked the most in the team, and he guaranteed everyone's safety with his own strength, so it was worth allocating so many materials.

These people sold some of the materials and exchanged them for green chips to offset Qin Lang's debts, and then everyone left a little bit of spiritual honey and royal jelly for cultivation and breakthroughs. After all, these are also available for monks to practice. Treasures of heaven and earth.

After having tasted the sweetness, the Storm team went to sea again after preparing for a rest. After all, accepting the official task of hunting monsters, in addition to harvesting money and supplies, they can also get some city contribution.

Although this kind of city contribution is not money, it is a stepping stone to exchange for some good things in the official treasury. The official treasury of several cities in the Dawan country is basically open to all Kaixiu once a month. Things, Kaixiu not only needs to be rich, but also has enough contribution to the city.

The degree of city contribution can be seen as how much a Kaixiu has contributed to the entire city. If a Kaixiu gets a lot of city contribution, it proves that he has helped the city a lot. In return, the official treasury will also be Open as much as possible to this Kaixiu, as long as there is something needed in it, this Kaixiu can exchange it as soon as possible.

And there are a lot of official goodies, and I even heard that the treasury has the top-ranking mysterious high-grade armor in the Dawan Kingdom. Even a master craftsman may not be able to refine this kind of mysterious high-grade armor.

In addition to the mysterious high-grade armor, the official treasury has also collected a lot of natural materials and earth treasures, which also aroused the enthusiasm of most armor repairers to do tasks. .

(End of this chapter)

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