The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2114 National Mission

Chapter 2114 National Mission
"Have you heard? The official has released a new task, the level is A-level magic source purification..."

"Magic source purification? Level A? This has not happened for many years! City missions are generally in three levels: B, C, and D. B level is the most difficult, D level is the easiest, and the magic source beyond B level Purification is probably a palace mission, because I heard that only the palace can release missions above A level... So A-level missions are also called national missions, and it is estimated that this mission list will appear in all the official cities of Dawan State at the same time."

"That's right, that's indeed the case. This magic source purification was released by the palace, and it was released by His Majesty the King himself!"

"A task issued by His Majesty the King himself? This is rare. His Majesty the King is a famous master of pharmacy. Doesn't he usually ignore government affairs? Government affairs are handled by his sons. He has been studying his precious medicine in retreat! Why did you show up this time when you have time?"

"I have no idea……"

"I don't know, maybe this mission is very important..."


In the center of the city, in the official mission hall, some Kaixiu were talking about the official mission crystal screen. Naturally, the discussion was about the just-appeared palace mission, the purification of the magic source.

The task of purifying the magic source: looking for the source of demonization. A large area of ​​demonized monsters appeared in the western waters of Dawan Country, which caused great trouble to the safety of the route. Where is the source of demonization, purify the source of demonization, and completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the route safety in the western sea area.

Everyone in the storm squad for this mission knows what the root of the demonization is. Isn't the area in the west sea area the area where the ancient fairy cave is located?Those demonized monsters must have been created by the demon god primordial spirit, and the demon god primordial spirit is the source of demonization.

Therefore, the source of demonization can be completely cut off only by eliminating the demon god primordial spirit.

But is the Demon God Primordial Spirit really that easy to clean up?Even Qin Lang, who was at the peak in the late Huashen period, could only lead everyone to escape from the inheritance land of the ancient fairy cave. Now these armor repairmen in Dawan country want to take over this task, and it may be extremely difficult to complete.

The people in the Storm Team are insiders, and there are other insiders, which are the large-scale armored adventure team Storm Group in Qibi City. Although the Storm Group has the same name as the newly created Storm Team by Sai Shenxian, this team is comparable to the Storm Team. It is more famous, and it is one of the three most famous Kaixiu adventure groups in Qibi City. The whole group has three Kaixiu adventure teams, plus more than 100 peripheral members.

Last time, Su Lie, one of the team captains of the storm group, led more than three to forty members, as well as Qin Lang, Sai Shenxian and other non-staff personnel to enter the ancient fairy cave. As a result, the entire storm group lost nearly thirty people, and only ten people remained With the help of Qin Lang, three members finally got out of trouble.

The ten members of the storm group can be said to be both unfortunate and lucky. Unfortunately, they have gone through many dangers in the ancient fairy cave and lost so many companions and comrades. This loss is too unbearable.

Fortunately, after experiencing this adventure in the ancient fairy cave, they have gained a lot. The main gain is naturally the inheritance light group absorbed by the inheritance place, which made their strength improve by leaps and bounds. Captain Su Lie is now a team leader. The armor repair of the name of the alchemy stage, this is the real cultivation that does not rely on the armor, not the false alchemy strength that relies on the armor to improve.

And most of the other team members have reached the cultivation base of the late foundation establishment stage, and they are only a step away from the alchemy stage.

After Su Lie came out of the Ancient Immortal Cave Mansion, he must have told the core leadership of the Storm Troupe about what happened in the Ancient Immortal Cave Mansion. Now the entire Storm Troupe should be aware of this matter. The news is reported to the official.

But now the Western Sea Region has become more and more dangerous due to the appearance of a large number of demonized monsters. These demonized monsters are stronger than normal monsters of the same level. trouble.

Therefore, when Kaixiu went to sea to accept hunting missions, many people with insufficient strength would not choose to go to the Western Sea Region to find it boring. They're just kidding with their own lives.

Leaving aside the storm group, people like Qin Lang also learned some news about the palace from this mission.

The Dawan State is a centralized monarchy system, but the governance of the country is very fair and loose, and most of the officials are very clear.

As for the royal palace, King Cang Mu is a master-level pharmacist. He has been keen on the study of pharmacy all his life, and he doesn't care much about government affairs.

Most of the country's government affairs are usually handled by Cangmu's three sons, and Cangmu has five daughters, but there has never been a precedent for women to participate in government affairs in Dawan, so these daughters of Cangmu rarely go out Showed up before people.

This time Cang Mu actually released the national mission in person. It can be seen that His Majesty the King must have discovered something from the recent anomalies in the Western Sea Region. He is a master who specializes in pharmacy. Once the blood and materials are studied, one can know that the demonic energy in the demonized monster is very unusual. If it is not restrained, it may affect the future of this country... and even the stability of the entire continent.

Find the source of the magic source...

Qin Lang and the others were very clear about the details of this task. They were about to take this task, but found that the task list for the purification of the magic source had changed again. The task was no longer to find the source of demonization, but was divided into two branches.

The task of purifying the magic source: [-]. Eliminate demonized monsters in the western sea area. A large area of ​​demonized monsters appeared in the western sea area of ​​Dawan State, which caused great trouble to the safety of the route. Now the official is calling adventurers for these demonized monsters. Carry out cleaning to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the route safety in the western sea area.

[-]. Eliminate the source of demonization. It is reported that the source of demonization is located in an ancient fairy cave. The official is now preparing to organize a strong team to completely eliminate the source of the disaster. All adventurers are invited to sign up .

As for the branch task of eliminating the source of demonization, there is a side note: Lu Cheng, the chief array master of the palace, will join this task and accompany the team members to eliminate the source of demonization. Great array of divine fire.

The task has changed. It should be that the palace has received some deeper information. After all, if it is not known about the existence of the demon god Yuanshen in the place of inheritance, the palace will not make such a targeted task branch.

The members of the Storm Team knew that Su Lie's Storm Group should have launched it, and they had already revealed some truth to the palace in advance.

And from some of the Kaixiu who appeared in the Western Sea Region during this period of time, Qin Lang and Sai Shenxian knew another news, that is, although the demonized monsters in the Western Sea Region are powerful, it is not impossible to restrain them. The flames can hurt these demonized monsters and disperse the demonic energy on them, and as long as the demonic energy is dispelled, it will be much easier to deal with these demonized monsters.

However, Zhiyang's flame is no problem against demonized monsters, but it may not be able to deal with the large group of demon gods and primordial spirits inside the inheritance land of the ancient fairy cave. After all, Qin Lang used Kanli's fire to burn After passing through the group of demon gods, although there is some damage to the demon gods, the consciousness of the demon gods is very concentrated and has a strong recovery ability. The damage caused by the fire of Kanli is almost negligible. Once its consciousness is affected If it is damaged, it only takes one or two breaths to replenish and recover.

"It's not impossible to deal with the demon god primordial spirit, but special means are necessary... The official knows that the demon god primordial group is very powerful and difficult to deal with, and now they are planning to summon the adventurer Kaixiu to go there. The greatest confidence lies in Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace. Is this formation master really that powerful? With his formation formation ability, he can destroy the demon god primordial spirit?"

Qin Lang showed doubts in his eyes. After all, he himself is also a formation master, knowing that with his own ability, it is impossible to deal with that group of demon gods. Transforming into a demonized creature becomes its puppet minions.

If the chief formation master of the palace is not strong enough to make a joke, then all the members who follow will be unlucky. Everyone will probably have to feed the demon god Yuanshen, and then become a demonized armor repair who is neither human nor ghost.

"Cheli Shenhuo Formation..."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang stared at a column of text on the crystal screen in the hall. This crystal screen is also a large-scale display magic weapon, which can transmit message patterns and text over long distances. It is one of the important city magic weapons of the Dawan State.

However, crystal screens are expensive and consume a lot of energy, so they cannot be popularized in thousands of households in the Greater Bay Area. Only some public places in the cities have such devices.

Cheli Shenhuo formation, this should be the official's confidence in dealing with the source of demonization. The official must think that with this formation, the extremely powerful demon god can be completely suppressed.

Qin Lang was also very curious about this, and wanted to see if the official team could destroy the Demon God Primordial Spirit with this large formation. Even if it couldn't, it would be great to be able to seal it.


After the mission of the source of demonization appeared, Sai Shenxian and the others took over the mission branch one after discussion, and prepared to go to the Western Sea Region to hunt and kill those demonic monsters. Level monsters are much higher, and the contribution they get is at least half as much.

Although demonized monsters are more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters, it is really nothing to the members of the storm team whose strength has soared and everyone has a yellow-level top-grade armor. With the current strength of the team, even If Qin Lang doesn't move, they can join forces to deal with ordinary eighth-order monsters.

Of course, the combination of these guys can deal with ordinary eighth-level monsters, but they just maintain a stalemate, and they don't have the strength to directly kill an eighth-level monster.

The ancient fairy cave in the western sea region is stored between the near sea and the outer sea. Most of the demonized monsters are monsters of the sixth and seventh ranks. The monsters of the eighth rank are relatively rare, and it is impossible for the ninth rank sea beasts to appear.

After all, ninth-order monsters can only appear in the high seas of the outer seas, and even in the outer seas, they are not very common. This may also be the top type of monsters in the pyramids of the Aegean Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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