The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2115 Great Bay Country

Chapter 2115 Great Bay Country

After Team Storm took over the task, the team didn't go to sea immediately, but planned to stay in the city for two or three days.

The reason for doing this is replenishment is one reason, and the other reason is that the team is preparing to have a full staff. After all, the team's upper limit is ten people, and there are still three gaps. Sai Shenxian and Li Chuang plan to fill this gap after discussion.

After all, adventures at sea are full of dangers, and the sense of security brought by one more capable helper is completely different from the sense of security brought by one less.

Therefore, the team continued to announce the recruitment of players in the official mission hall, announcing the cultivation base requirements and treatment of the participants, and then returned to the residence together.

In the next few days, Qin Lang has been studying second-hand magic weapons and armors, preparing to make a lot of money in silence. He went to Kaixiufang City again, in addition to purchasing some new parts and materials. The second-hand magic weapons and armors assembled by myself were sold to those vendors, earning about [-] yuan.

In this case, Qin Lang has more than 90 funds in hand. This kind of life is very exciting. He exchanged all the excess funds for Blackstone, leaving only [-] green chips for spare.

And Qin Lang now has about 8 or [-] black stones in total. Black stones are an important material for cultivating spiritual consciousness. Of course, the more this thing, the better. It can be used at any time. value is greater.

Dawan does not produce black stones in its native land, but there are one or two small black stone mines on the sea. The main source of black stones is actually the Remnant tribe, one of the three major tribes on the mainland island. The entire Remnant tribe is located in one of the huge black stone mining areas. After valuable mineral wealth, this tribe can be said to be very rich.

The Blackstone tribe is also the tribe that trades most frequently between the mainland island and the human kingdom. The trade between the two parties is carried out almost every half a month, and both sides have witnessed the rapid accumulation of each other's wealth.

The status of the human kingdom on this mainland island is a bit detached. Although it is the most powerful force, it is slowly developed by foreign forces.

People in this human kingdom all migrated from another continent, and they are of the same origin as those martial practitioners in the ruined city. Kaixiu.

In the nearly thousand-year history of the Dawan Kingdom, there are basically no conflicts and conflicts between the natives of the mainland and the human kingdom has never been involved in wars between tribes.

In this way, the Dawan country finally gained a firm foothold on this mainland island, slowly developed, and gained the recognition of all tribes on the mainland island.

In the past thousand years of history, the Dawan Kingdom has also witnessed the rise and fall of the tribes on the mainland and islands. The initial dozens of tribes slowly evolved into three large tribes. Although these indigenous people are powerful, they are not like the human kingdom Bian has mastered wisdom and advanced production and life technologies, and in the process of trading with merchants in the human kingdom, he often plays the role of fighting for the upper hand. Sophisticated manufacturing technology, but expensive handicraft products are provided to the indigenous people.

Of course, food is also the main import port of the three major tribes. The three major tribes cultivated slash-and-burn farming with low productivity, while the human kingdom has modern farming techniques. Naturally, the output is not comparable to that of the natives, but the selling price is not low. .

As for food production, the total agricultural output value of a commoner in the Dawan country can almost be compared with the combined production capacity of the [-] natives of the three major tribes.

The ratio of one to twenty, in terms of agricultural skills, those indigenous people can't compare with horses, so they can only learn from humans quietly. Unfortunately, these production technologies are also the foundation of Dawan Kingdom, and the royal palace attaches great importance to it, so it is impossible leak out.

Of course, even if it was leaked out, those natives could only stare blankly, but they couldn't help but have those special and incomparably precise mechanical tools, and those tools couldn't be operated without a certain professional foundation.

These human beings in the Dawan country can be considered to have escaped the catastrophe in the world of martial arts thousands of years ago, and the Aegean Sea can be regarded as a paradise. In the past thousand years, the life of the civilians in the Dawan country has become better and better, and there are also more and more people. More and more people choose to practice.

The unique environment around the Aegean Sea has also contributed to the development of the refining industry. This is also the result of the joint efforts of the refining industry and the masters of armor making. The armor civilization has become a symbol of the Great Bay Country.


Three days later, Team Storm finally found three new players. These three players are all resource adventurers, and they all have the strength in the early stage of foundation establishment.

In the early days of foundation establishment, Kaixiu was considered to be of medium cultivation in Qibi City, but compared with other veteran members of the Storm team, these three new members were not enough.

Therefore, these three new members are also very honest. I heard that almost everyone in the team can order these three, and these three new members will not have any opinions.

Of course, the rest of the team didn't make things difficult for the three rookies, they just asked the three rookies to quickly change their outfits, take off the yellow-level middle-grade armor they were wearing, and put on the two-year-old yellow-grade top-grade armor on credit.

One piece of yellow-grade high-grade armor is [-] green chips, and Qin Lang can get a [-]% discount on the second-hand armor, so these three people think it is a good deal, and if the price of second-hand armor is not high, the new entrants can still buy it A few reliable magic weapons are externally placed.

"Hello everyone, my name is Leifeng!" "Hello everyone, my name is Niu Tianliang!" "Hello everyone, I'm Mi Xiaoqi."

The three new members introduced themselves to everyone, and were ready to quickly integrate into this small group of the team. There are ready-made models for all of this, so the speed of integration is also very fast.

The team is full now, and Sai Shenxian has set a time to go to sea, two days later, but this time Qin Lang is not ready to participate, and continues to be busy assembling second-hand magic weapon externals and armors. There are too many orders recently, and he has been busy all the time .

And the fire workshop has now completely become his workshop, and the two refiners have become his helpers... Under the temptation of Qin Lang's high returns, both father and son no longer care about the type of work, and started to use second-hand parts This is a great help to Qin Lang's work progress.

After all, one of the two father and son is a high-level refiner and the other is an intermediate refiner, and the level of refiner is not low.

And Qin Lang is just a senior refiner, and the ability of this senior refiner has only been improved recently.

Now the fire workshop is completely assimilated by Qin Lang, and there is a tendency to transform into a professional repair shop, and the father and son are also impressed by Qin Lang's superb repair skills, and they don't look down on Qin Lang because of Qin Lang's age, he is a genius in the refining industry.

Even, Uncle Refiner wanted to transfer part of the shop to Qin Lang, so that Qin Lang could also participate in the shares of Huogongfang, but was rejected by Qin Lang, after all, he could not stay in this city for a long time.

With the addition of two refiners from Huogongfang, Qin Lang's work efficiency is now higher. The assembly and maintenance of magic weapons and armor parts in the second-hand market in Qibi City has now been completely monopolized by Qin Lang. The profit obtained through assembly and maintenance every day exceeds 50 every day.

Although it will take a certain amount of time to collect discarded equipment materials in the second-hand market, and to digest these repaired and assembled recycled equipment, it is estimated for the first time that Qin Lang's monthly profit will not be less than 300 million.

The profit of 300 million yuan is almost the sum of a month's profit of a large-scale refining workshop in Qibi City. The fire workshop is now repairing and improving second-hand equipment, excluding labor expenses and material consumption, bringing Qin Lang It is really not easy to have such a high profit.

This is also the result of Qin Lang borrowing the technology of the father and son in the fire workshop. It is different to have two new forces joining. Of course, the two fathers and sons did not make less money. They originally joined the work of second-hand magic weapon externalization and armor repair. Side business, but now the side business has a monthly profit of almost 100 million, which is higher than the profit of their new armor and magic weapon externally, so the focus of work has shifted.

And working with Qin Lang, the biggest benefit for the two father and son is that the idea of ​​​​refining has been developed. After seeing Qin Lang's whimsical ideas and rigorous work style, both of them have a certain breakthrough in their refining ability. Uncle Qi has a faint tendency to break through and become a master of refining equipment in the near future.

After all, the assembly of second-hand armor and magic weapons is much more complicated than their original work. In their original work, they only refined one or two series of new products, but these no matter what type of second-hand magic weapons and armor list they are They have to do it, but there is no doubt that forging has strengthened the refining level of the two people, making them more experienced and capable.

Therefore, the father and son joined the repair work of second-hand equipment, and Qin Lang got help... This is a win-win result, both parties get benefits and benefits, and it can be regarded as a happy ending.

In the process of repairing and improving second-hand equipment, Qin Lang acts as a guide. The father and son of the refining master don't need to use too much brains, just do it directly. This is also the key reason for the rapid improvement of work efficiency. If there is no intermediary factor of Qin Lang, The work progress of the master craftsman and his son may not even be a tenth of the original.

As for Qin Lang's assembly and improvement of second-hand equipment, the biggest reliance is the precise calculation and analysis capabilities of the super system.

After all, second-hand armor and magic weapons are all precision parts inside, without powerful precision calculation and analysis capabilities, it is impossible to carry out this work.

Because the technical entry threshold is too high, no one can seize this monopoly business market. For a long time in the future, it is estimated that it will still be a big fat in Qin Lang's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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