The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2117 Siege Demonized Monster Beast

Chapter 2117 Siege Demonized Monster Beast
Unlike Qin Lang's friendly face, Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace, has always had a stinky face, showing a look of avoiding strangers, and looks extremely difficult to deal with.

However, as the commander-in-chief of this operation, Su Lie had no choice but to try his best to reconcile the relationship between Lu Cheng and everyone. This operation is very important. It cannot be done without the armor in front of him, and it is also impossible without Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace. no.

Of course these two big bosses, Su Lie, have to serve him. There is nothing he can do about it. This is his responsibility. After all, after entering the land of inheritance, there are too many places to rely on the two big bosses. Without these two big bosses Without the help of others, the crowd simply couldn't deal with the demon god primordial spirit.

In this area of ​​the sea these days, there have been a lot more Kaixiu picking up the task of killing demonic monsters. Correspondingly, the number of demonized monsters that were originally relatively dense is also much less. The team led by Su Lie has nearly a hundred people. Until they were about to reach the entrance of the Ancient Immortal Cave, they did not encounter any decent demonized monsters.

However, when approaching the entrance of the enchantment of the ancient fairy cave, everyone finally encountered an obstacle. The entrance of the enchantment of the ancient fairy cave can be said to be the place where the most demonized monsters are concentrated. This small area is actually densely packed with hundreds of them. Together, there are even eighth and ninth ranks among them.

With the palace mission elite team led by Su Lie now, it is not a problem to deal with ordinary eighth-level demonized monsters, but ninth-level demonized monsters are a hurdle. The entire team, except Qin Lang, who is in the late stage of transformation After defeating the monks, others may not even have the qualifications to fight against this level of existence.

However, the formation master Lu Cheng may have a way to use the formation to deal with and fight with this level of demonized monsters, so it can barely be regarded as half.

But if you go head-to-head, Lu Cheng, who is only in the middle stage of alchemy, can only court death for demonized monsters. This kind of cultivation is barely enough to challenge eighth-level monsters. If you challenge ninth-level demonized monsters, even Lu Cheng is fully armed and has top-quality armor on his body, so he can't beat him.

You know, the ninth-level monsters are already comparable to the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and even their physical combat power is even stronger. What does the armor repair in the middle of the alchemy use to fight against such an existence of the same level? Although the armor integrates offense and defense and can greatly increase the combat effectiveness and survivability of Kaixiu, it also has a certain limit.

"Divide and dissolve...everyone, lure away the demonized monsters at that gathering point one by one, disperse them, and then deal with them one by one..."

After reading it, Su Lie made a decision. After all, human beings are the spirits of all things, and they are intelligent creatures. This is something that most other races cannot compare with. If all this pile of demonized monsters can be wiped out, the final casualties and losses will be huge.

After all, even Qin Lang needs to cheer up when facing ninth-order monsters. If he is not careful, he will not be able to protect himself, and he can't care about other people. choking enough.

And if you quietly separate the large pile of demonized monsters in front of you, and deal with them one by one, it will be a lot safer. I am afraid that even if Qin Lang doesn't take much action, most of the demonized monsters can be easily handled by other people. The only trouble is They ordered those eighth- and ninth-level demonized monsters.

The strength of the eighth-level demonized monsters is far stronger than that of the same-level monsters, and they are almost close to the ordinary ninth-level monsters, but now nearly one hundred people are the elites of the entire kingdom, and the weakest ones are built. In the late stage of the basic stage, armor repairs, generally speaking, if they wear yellow-level top-grade armor, their combat effectiveness is actually similar to that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

If so many Kaixiu fight together, there is no problem in dealing with an eighth-level demonized monster. The premise is that when you lure monsters, don't lure too many times at once.

Fortunately, these armor repairs are all the elites of the kingdom, and each of them grew up through strong winds and waves. They have rich combat experience, so the process of guiding them is very cautious, and there are no major troubles.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the lack of spirituality of the demonized monsters. Although the overall strength of the demonized monsters is stronger than before, their spirituality has dropped a lot. After all, the demonized monsters are faintly Under the control of the Demon God Primordial Spirit, the Demon God Primordial Spirit can transform any demonized monster into a real puppet at any time through the connection of demon energy.

Of course, the primordial spirit of the demon god itself is not a high IQ existence. As the residual consciousness of the ancient demon god, it itself is incomplete and incomplete. puppet.


Not to mention those sixth- and seventh-level demonized monsters, as long as they are lured out, the royal palace mission team in front of them can easily deal with and eliminate them with a few people.

But demonized monsters that have reached the eighth level are not easy to deal with. The entire palace mission team must dispatch at least half of the manpower to have the possibility of besieging and killing them.

Qin Lang did not make a move. Now that the entire palace mission team has the strength to deal with eighth-order demonized monsters, he doesn't have to surrender his status to make a move. Besides, Lu Cheng, another boss-level palace chief formation master in the team, He also didn't make a move, and of course it was even more impossible for him to let that guy underestimate him.

A team of 60 or [-] people was assigned to besiege and kill an eighth-level demonized monster. This scene is still very spectacular. Although the strength of the eighth-level demonized monster is far stronger than that of a single armor repairer on the mission, if there are too many ants, there is still a chance. Chances of killing an elephant.

The eighth-level demonized monster in front of him is facing such a tragedy. This is a black wildebeest with black wings growing behind it, which is also called ocean black wildebeest.

This kind of water monster is born with strong water control ability, and can also fly short distances above the sea. After all, the wings on its body are more than two meters wide, which is not compatible.

However, this kind of flight can't last long, the sea wildebeest is not very good at flying, this kind of flying ability is actually just a kind of blood instinct.

Now this big guy is being suppressed miserably by everyone.

It's not that it's not strong enough, but that it's isolated and has no allies and subordinates to support it. Therefore, no matter what tricks these ant-like human Kaixiu play, it can only follow through.

In fact, the rhythm of the battle has been controlled by this armor repair team. If there is no accident, this eighth-level demonized monster will definitely be defeated.

But what is surprising is that the eighth-level demonized monster is really thick and fleshy, and a team of five or sixty people has been at a disadvantage with it for ten minutes. Kill it directly, it seems that it will take less than half an hour to completely kill this big guy.

"Ang..." All of a sudden, the demonized monster beast that was struggling for life let out a howl at the end of its life. The effect of this sound was astonishing. A wave of demonized monsters rushed over here.

Good guy, although this wave of demonized monsters is mainly at the sixth and seventh levels, but the existence of the eighth level finally attracted three of them. This is not something the team can bear.

Therefore, Su Lie immediately made a decisive decision to ask the team to abandon the eighth-level demonized monster that was already dying, and evacuate from this place first. Those demonized monsters that have left the gathering point, so it is no longer appropriate to entangle them at this moment.

Humans are intelligent creatures, which are far beyond comparison with the natural demonization of wild beasts. With their IQ, they can naturally suppress these stupid creatures.

Of course, wisdom is one thing. Without the corresponding combat power, these armor repairs are not even qualified to challenge them.

After retreating for a certain distance, everyone used the old method to deal with these demonized monsters. The number of those demonized monsters gathered at the gate of the ancient immortal cave decreased a little bit, and finally only a ninth-level demonized monster and three monsters remained. The first eighth-level demonized monsters, and more than 30 sixth- and seventh-level demonized monsters.

The remaining demonized monsters will not be alone no matter how they are tempted. It is very likely that the Demon God Yuantuan in the place of inheritance sensed that too many demonized monsters gathered at the entrance of the enchantment of the ancient fairy cave suddenly disappeared. Knowing that it was not good, he took over these demonized monsters with a sliver of consciousness.

In this case, the demonized monsters controlled by the demon god primordial spirit will completely become the consciousness avatar of the demon god primordial spirit, and those controlled to death by the demon god primordial spirit will lose all their remaining spirituality and completely become puppets , Naturally, it will not be affected by emotions and become rash, and the whole will truly become a whole.

"Need to set up formation..." Seeing this situation, Su Lie frowned. He felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to break through the blockade of demonized monsters at these portals.

And if you want to fight more easily, you need to rely on formation masters such as Qin Lang and Lu Cheng. After all, formation is also the most magical existence in this world, and its existence also gives monks infinite possibilities, even if a low-strength A good monk, if used well, can also kill everyone's powerful opponents with the formation.

"Master Lu Cheng, can you set up a trap, the whole world urgently needs your help..."

Su Lie passed the word at this time and immediately asked Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace. Although Qin Lang was also proficient in formations, Su Lie chose to discuss with Lu Cheng. He didn't know that Qin Lang's formation skills were also at the master level.


Lu Cheng snorted, and didn't say much, and began to prepare a formation. Although he was a little displeased with Su Lie's seemingly begging order, he still knew the danger of this palace mission. If he didn't If he grasped it well, if the armor repairs in front of him were killed or injured, he would also bear part of the responsibility at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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