The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2118 Earth Level Armor

Chapter 2118 Earth Level Armor
As the chief formation master of the royal palace, although Lu Cheng's personality is a bit arrogant, this guy does have real materials. This guy gave up a set of formation flags. circles are also common.

However, common array flags are common in the cultivation world, and the set in Lu Cheng's hands is obviously high-end. There are 81 array flags in Jiujiu, each with a strong aura. This set of array flags is very good, and it is likely to be Ancient things.

As soon as the ninety-nine 81 array flags were thrown out, a large trapped array immediately formed, immediately covering the area in front of you, and those demonized monsters were not unexpected, they were all trapped.

Qin Lang also felt a little envious when he saw it. He also wanted such a set of obviously high-end formation flags. After all, if there were no formation flags, the process of setting up formations would be many times more cumbersome. For the layout of a formation, if there is a complete set of formation flags, this step can be skipped directly, and the formation is undoubtedly much more convenient.

Of course, he used to have ordinary formation flags, but ordinary formation flags can only be used to arrange middle and low-level formations. Array formation requirements.

However, if several sets of ordinary formation flags are used together, there will be many flaws in the connection of the formation, so the formation master pays attention to these when setting up the formation. If there is no suitable formation flag, he would rather spend more time than use the ordinary formation. Flag to make up the number.

The ninety-nine and 81 array flags in Lu Cheng's hand are self-contained. Now they are lowered from mid-air, covering the small area of ​​Guxiandong Mansion. Each array flag forms an array eye. The connection is formed almost instantaneously.

At the same time, the demonized monsters in the formation are also separated by the formation. The formation not only traps the enemies, but also creates a thick fog inside, so enemies who are not very proficient in the formation are almost impossible to break out of the formation. It is impossible, of course, if the strength reaches a certain level, it is possible to break the formation by its own brute force.

As for the group of demonized monsters in front of them, the only ones who had the strength to break the formation by their own brute force were the two ninth-level demonized monsters, a two-headed dragon salamander, and a giant sea lion.

The two-headed salamander is a close relative of the ancient dragon race, but the bloodline is somewhat messy. It is the offspring of the cross between a dragon and a salamander.

The double-headed dragon is a water-type monster, good at magic attacks, and has mastered a variety of supernatural powers such as water control. Although the body of the double-headed dragon is not particularly powerful among ninth-level monsters, it is very troublesome to deal with, because it The water control spell is very disgusting. During the battle, the enemy whose strength is lower than it often can't break its body protection water shield, and can't wear its blood skin, and it has already been tossed to death by this guy.

The giant sea lion is also called the overlord sea lion. A powerful monster that is good at physical defense, coupled with supernatural powers, even among the ninth-level monsters, this guy is a rampage, not easy to provoke.

These two ninth-level monsters are very strong, and now after being demonized, their combat power is three points stronger than before. Fortunately, they have lost their own intelligence, and now they are just puppets of the demon god and primordial spirit. A bit better news, after all, the primordial spirit of the demon god left behind after the fall of the ancient demon god is just a piece of incomplete consciousness, and its spiritual intelligence is definitely not as good as that of everyone present.


After being trapped by the trapping formation, nearly a hundred powerful demonic beasts began to attack the entire formation. To break this large formation, sixth and seventh-order demonic beasts have limited combat power, and it is impossible to break through this formation at all. It is a high-level formation, but it is impossible to ignore the attacks of the eighth and ninth-level demonized monsters. Each of their attacks will consume more defenses of the formation, which will accelerate the loss of spiritual power of the formation.

Especially the ninth-level monsters, every blow can almost turn the river into a sea. When hitting the eye of the formation, the entire eye of the formation will tremble, and the spiritual power of the eye will be lost faster.

Boom boom boom!
A formation eye was hit by the overlord lion three times in a row. While trembling violently, cracks appeared on the formation flag. The impact of the overlord lion was too terrifying. The formation was broken by the power of the Overlord Lion. After all, it broke through ten thousand spells with one force, not because the defense of the formation was not good, but because the destructive power of this ninth-level monster was too strong.

"When you enter the formation, first entangle those two ninth-level monsters, and don't let them break through the formation... I'll deal with the weaker ones first!"

Resisting a bit of heartache, Lu Cheng had no choice but to open his mouth at this time, and let the armored cultivators around him enter the formation to fight those monsters. Although he looked down on the armored cultivators in front of him, he had to admit that if he was alone, it would be considered a battle. No matter how good one's skills are, he still can't deal with so many monsters in front of him.

So at this moment, Lu Cheng also had to rely on the power of these armors to deal with these demonized monsters in front of him.

"Go!" The Kaixiu team led by Su Lie was really waiting for this opportunity. As soon as Lu Cheng spoke, he waved his hand and rushed into the formation with all the Kaixiu.

These Kaixiu are divided into two teams, and one team deals with a ninth-level demonized monster. Although their strength cannot effectively kill the ninth-level demonized monster, if they are entangled with such a powerful existence in the formation, It can still be entangled for a long time. In this case, the two ninth-level demonized monsters will no longer be able to continue attacking the eyes of the formation.

And these demonized monsters know how to attack the eyes of the formation, and it is also because of the secret manipulation of the ancient demon gods. After all, the ancient demon gods must know some formations, knowing that only by destroying the formation eyes can the entire formation be destroyed.


After a group of Kaixiu rushed into the formation, they were dumbfounded. They didn't understand the formation at all, so after entering the formation, they were surrounded by fog like trapped demonized monsters.

However, afterward, the fog separated automatically, and Lu Cheng's voice came from outside the formation: "Don't worry, this formation is controlled by me. Although you don't know the formation method, I can guide you." Guide these people and two ninth-level monsters to surround them.

Lu Cheng directed the people in the formation to deal with the two ninth-level demonized monsters, and looked back, and found that the young man named Qin Lang invited by Su Lie had not entered the formation, so he couldn't help frowning , although he heard that the young man in front of him was very powerful and proficient in formations, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking that Su Lie was just boasting.

Qin Lang looked only in his 20s, no matter how talented he was, no matter how much he practiced, he couldn't surpass him, not only in the way of formation, but also in cultivation.

After all, Qin Lang's age is here, and Lu Cheng is an old guy who has lived over [-] years old. As a formation master, his cultivation base is also the strongest in the entire armor repair team. , it is possible to break through and enter the late stage of alchemy at any time.

When Lu Cheng was about to enter the big formation to deal with other demonized monsters, Qin Lang smiled slightly at this time, and had already entered the big formation first.

Three steps and two steps, Qin Lang moved freely in the big formation, the whole trapped formation seemed to him to be non-existent, while Lu Cheng was stunned, Qin Lang had already split several demonized monsters with his flying sword There are sixth- and seventh-level demonized monsters, and eighth-level demonized monsters. Qin Lang killed at least a dozen of these big guys in less than a breath.

And Lu Cheng knew that even if he, the manipulator of the formation, wanted to kill so many demonized monsters in such a short time, it would be impossible. It seems that this young man does have a little ability, and he doesn't know which guy cultivated it. The material, it is estimated that the elixir was soaked up, and the cultivation base can almost catch up with himself.

However, he doesn't think that Qin Lang's formation ability is stronger than his own, and he probably knows a little bit of formation technique, plus he pointed out those armor repairs just now, Qin Lang saw clearly from the side, so he appeared in this big formation The phenomenon of feeling like a fish in water, unhindered in action.

A little distracted, Qin Lang has already killed a quarter of the other monsters in the formation except for the two ninth-level demonized monsters, almost more than 20 monsters.

Although he killed so many at once, Qin Lang seemed very relaxed. After all, these demonized monsters were trapped, their movements were restricted, and they were fighting on their own. They couldn't exert [-]% of their original strength. It's much easier to deal with.

And at this time, Lu Cheng finally broke into the formation and dealt with other demonized monsters.

In addition to being the chief formation master of the palace, this guy is also an armor repairer in the middle stage of alchemy. He is wearing a top-level armor. It is the treasury of the royal palace, which comes from the prefecture-level armor in ancient times.

"Terrain armor! Such a powerful defensive force field... Such a powerful defensive ability..."

Qin Lang saw the quaint spirit patterns on the armor, and the vicissitudes of the past, and instantly felt the strength and extraordinaryness of this armor. The defense of this armor is definitely stronger than the general top-grade defensive magic weapon. He saw Lu Cheng After activating the armor, the spirit patterns of this set of armor formed a defensive force field covering the whole body, and the defensive force field almost condensed into substance, wrapping Lu Cheng's whole body inside, turning into a dazzling white light ball.

This kind of armor is definitely the best among the best. The treasures on Qin Lang's body that are comparable to this set of armor are probably the seven gourds of the Lingbao level. Mother crystals and other treasures that can produce original spirit beads are weaker than this set of earth-level armor.

Of course, if it is the Five Elements Spirit Orb, which is the source of the Five Elements attributes, it can still be compared with this set of armor. The Five Elements Origin Orb is a rare thing in almost any world, and it is a carrier that can be placed on the second soul. How bad is this earth-level armor?

(End of this chapter)

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