The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2119 Tier 9 Overlord Lion Shows Its Power

Chapter 2119 The ninth-order overlord lion shows its power

However, if Qin Lang had to choose between the earth-level armor and the spirit treasure gourd, Qin Lang would definitely choose his own spirit treasure gourd. Lingbao, there is also the Primordial Purple Qi inside, it is a cultivation treasure that high-level monks can use for a lifetime, such a treasure is a blessing that has been cultivated for a hundred lifetimes, and the earth-level armor is actually still inferior to it value.

However, the earth-level armor is indeed a top-level treasure in the battle magic weapon. This thing was refined by the great power in ancient times. The Magic Treasure House is used as a flying implement.

And the refining materials of the earth-level armor are definitely not as common as the black-level and yellow-level armors. They are definitely made of a large number of top-grade refining materials. Immortal artifacts, after all, are treasures left over from the ancient gods and demons.

Compared with the semi-immortal-level terrain armor, the mysterious-level and yellow-level armors are like simplified versions of children's playhouses, and the refining materials and processes must have shrunk many times.

Lu Chengyi put on the terrain armor, and under the armor's amplification effect, his combat power was overwhelming. His combat power was directly comparable to that of Qin Lang, who was at the peak in the late stage of transformation, which also surprised Qin Lang. The amplification effect of this terrain armor is really amazing!

If he puts on this level of armor, will he also experience such an exaggerated increase in combat power? gone.

After all, although the existence of human immortals in ancient times was very common and existed in large numbers, it is almost difficult to find them nowadays.

The existence of human immortals may exist in the entire universe, but Qin Lang has never encountered them so far, so he also hopes that he can have this level of combat power.

In fact, the existence of human immortal level appeared once in the extraterritorial battlefield of the cultivation world. It was an ancient dragon, but Qin Lang didn't see it with his own eyes, so it can't be counted.

And human immortals are also immortals, which is also the goal he once pursued. After all, he now knows some things from the information he has obtained from the several worlds he has passed through. Other immortals are not immortal. Once they become immortals, their lifespan cannot be endless. , but there are still some tens of thousands of years of life.

Human immortals have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, and it is said that there are immortal kings above human immortals, whose life span has increased even more.

It is said that in the ancient gods and demons period, the fairy kings were not the top existences, and there were even more powerful existences above, but the ancient materials passed down to the present are too missing. Only these negligible rumors can be collected now.

"Hmph! To me, you are all, go to hell!" The extremely arrogant Lu Cheng is indeed worthy of arrogance. In addition to his status as the chief formation master of the palace, he is also the peak master in the middle stage of alchemy. Cultivation and a set of earth-level armor are also very important factors. With Lu Cheng's luxurious equipment, he can almost be regarded as the world's top combat power.

Therefore, Lu Cheng's arrogance was taken for granted. A strong man should have his own character.

Lu Cheng made a move, almost overwhelmingly massacred those seventh-level monsters in the formation, and he was generally merciless when dealing with eighth-level monsters.

This guy may have been stimulated by Qin Lang just now, and with the heart of competition, he thought that he could not be worse than Qin Lang, he could only be better than Qin Lang, so just now Qin Lang killed almost twenty demonized monsters at once, and he wanted one Sex kills more, compares Qin Lang.

kill kill kill!Lu Cheng didn't hold back his hand at all. He held a weird hooked sickle weapon and swung it again and again, like the scythe of death, constantly harvesting a large area.

At this moment, this guy who looked arrogant but with a touch of elegance has now completely turned into a bloody murderer.

In the big formation, the demonized monsters that appeared in front of him basically couldn't last for three seconds, because he hooked off their heads and took their lives.

As for the eighth-level monsters, because the large formation reduces their mobility, when they are attacked by Lu Cheng's hook weapon, although they can last a few seconds longer than the sixth- and seventh-level demonized monsters, it is only a few seconds longer. It only lasted for a few seconds, but in the end it was inevitable to die.

After all, they are greatly affected by the formation. Without the formation, it would be impossible for Lu Cheng to kill them as easily as it is now. After all, this formation is indeed a good formation. A master formation For an adventure team, the importance is known without saying, and this scene is an example.

In the end, Lu Cheng destroyed all the remaining demonized monsters except for the two ninth-level demonized monsters that were still entangled. This is actually Qin Lang's intention to see after he wiped out more than 20 monsters before. The performance of the super armor, and there is no reason to shoot again.

Otherwise, Lu Cheng really doesn't have much advantage if he wants to compete to kill demonized monsters. You must know that Qin Lang's combat power has not been fully utilized just now!

Even so, it took Lu Cheng a lot of physical strength and energy to kill nearly sixty demonized monsters. Lu Cheng, who was wearing earth-level armor, had already turned into a sweaty man, and his whole body was weak. Excessive performance.

It can be seen from this that this guy is also a very strong person. After all, a monk rarely sweats after reaching a certain level, and this phenomenon only occurs when he is overdrawn.

After the battle, Lu Cheng, who was panting heavily, did not forget to look at Qin Lang again. After seeing that the monsters that Qin Lang had killed were still around twenty, he turned his head arrogantly, took out the potion and began to recover itself.

His potions are all high-quality products from the royal palace. I believe that after taking the potions, he can completely recover his energy within a few minutes.

"Be careful!" At this moment, there was a sound of exclamation from somewhere in the formation, and at the same time, Kaixiu shouted: "No, the eye of the formation is broken, this monster is going to Master Lu Cheng!" Got past it!"

Then, there was a rumbling sound of water, and an extremely savage monster stepped on the sea water and slammed in one direction, a hundred times more crazy than a mad cow, and this big guy was the one with an extremely powerful body Overlord lion, after the talent supernatural power was activated, this guy was almost invincible. Even though there were many armored men besieging it, it still let it find a chance to break through the formation.

Because this guy is manipulated by the demon god Yuanshen, knowing that Lu Cheng is the key person who controls the formation, almost all the hatred of the Overlord Lion is attracted by Lu Cheng, and now he rushes in the direction of Lu Cheng as soon as the formation is broken. Come here, in fact, the distance between the two sides is not too far, so this big guy rushed to Lu Cheng in an instant, and then slammed him hard.

"Bang!" The explosive sound of the defensive force field appeared, and the ninth-level monster struck violently. The force was so great that Lu Cheng was immediately pushed up, even flying hundreds of meters away, out of the big formation.

And at this moment, one of the eyes of the formation was broken, the operator was attacked and flew away, the originally loose formation lost control, and another ninth-level monster, the double-headed dragon salamander, also saw the opportunity to break through the eye of the formation, and looked up. An incomparably thick jet of water sprayed towards the surrounding armors. These water jets suddenly split into countless ropes in mid-air, and wound around all the armors as if they were alive.

The two-headed salamander's water control skills are so superb!

In an instant, more than a dozen armor repairers were unable to evade in time, and were entangled tightly, improving their ability to move.

Seeing these dozen or so entangled Kaixiu, the two-headed dragon's indifferent compound eyes showed a cold light, and it was about to launch a second attack.

"Oops!" Seeing this, Su Lie, the leader of the group, felt his heart skip a beat. If he didn't handle this well, the dozens of Kaixiu would probably be finished. After all, this is a real ninth-level demonization. A monster, and it is still the ninth level of escape, it is simply not something that these people in front of them can resist.

"The overlord removes his armor!"

Without thinking too much, Su Lie went up to meet him. After he received the empowerment of the inheritance light group from the land of inheritance, he himself was also an armor cultivator at the alchemy stage, and this move was still a secret technique of the land of inheritance, so it still had some points. Make sure to help the dozen or so armored repairers take a block, and delay for two seconds, so that the companions can sometimes rescue them.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Suddenly, there was a sound of splashing water under his feet, and a gust of sea water entangled directly from his feet unconsciously, binding Su Lie tightly.

Control water!Another water control technique, the water control ability of the double-headed salamander is too strong, the whole sea can be said to be this guy's home field, many armored people who were trapped by the big formation just now haven't felt how powerful this big guy is, but Now that he was out of trouble, the guy's disgust was immediately revealed.

"Not good!" Su Lie's face suddenly changed, this might be the rhythm of annihilating a group, he didn't expect this ninth-level demonized monster to be so strong.


But at this time, Qin Lang finally made a move. He let go of a few rays of light, but they fell into the big formation that had already been broken by two holes, repaired the two broken holes again, and then the big formation started to operate again. stand up.

After all, the ninth-level monsters are not so easy to deal with. Even Qin Lang is not sure to kill the ninth-level monsters after breaking the formation, not to mention it is even more difficult to protect the armor in front of him.

His act of repairing the large formation is undoubtedly the most correct choice. Although the two ninth-level monsters have broken through the large formation and appeared outside the formation, after Qin Lang repaired the large formation, he directly protected all the armor repairers. Unless the high-level monsters break into the formation again, don't think about hurting these armor repairers again.

At this time, Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the royal palace who was thrown from the top, finally stood up again in a daze. The attack of the ninth-level demonized tyrannical dragon and lion is indeed very strong. If it weren't for this set of earth-level armor protection, he might have Under the blow just now, he was smashed to pieces.

However, even if the blow was blocked by the earth-level armor just now, Lu Cheng is not feeling well now, his whole body is full of blood, and his body should have suffered some hidden wounds, which are internal injuries from the shock.

However, under such an impact, the Terrain Armor only left a light white mark on the bottom. It is indeed a magic weapon at the level of a half-celestial weapon, and its defensive power is worth relying on.

(End of this chapter)

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