The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2120 Rescue the Chief Formation Master

Chapter 2120 Rescue the Chief Formation Master

At the same time as he stood up, Lu Cheng's face also looked very ugly. He knew that his negligence just now led to a big mistake, and now that the big formation was destroyed, those armor repairers would also be unlucky.

And just when he opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the formation, another huge shadow appeared in front of him, it was still the domineering lion, and this guy was so indomitable that he launched a second barbaric charge against Lu Cheng, once again Lu Cheng was sent flying.

"Fuck!" Even Lu Cheng, who is the chief formation master of the royal palace, who is distinguished and elegant, had to swear at this moment, and then a huge and incomparably loud sound appeared in an instant, and Lu Cheng once again turned into a A shell was knocked out.

Under the savage charge of the ninth-level monster, Lu Cheng had no time to react, and was hit again.


On the side of the big formation, Qin Lang has already repaired the two damaged formation eyes at the fastest speed. As a formation master, although it is difficult to arrange an unfamiliar formation, it only repairs one or two formation eyes If so, it is not very difficult for him.

After all, he has a super system, which can calculate more than one billion times in an instant, and it will not take long to calculate the repair method of the two formation eyes, not to mention that he was recovering while calculating just now, so the repair seems so fast. Instantly made up for the loopholes in the formation, allowing the formation to function again.

After the big formation was in operation, Qin Lang didn't stay idle, he went out of the big formation directly, and launched an attack on the double-headed dragon salamander with his flying sword:

"Sword split!"

An extremely thick sword aura appeared, and split into countless small sword auras in the blink of an eye, and these sword auras were all connected to form a sword formation.

This is also Qin Lang's ultimate comprehension in kendo. The sword array almost blocks all the movement space of the double-headed dragon, making it difficult for the arrogant double-headed dragon to deal with it at this time.

Facing the sword array, the double-headed dragon salamander once again spewed out a huge water column, and the water control ability was activated. The water column turned into a blue tornado and directly rotated in the air, absorbing and stirring the sword energy.

However, there was a lot of sword energy in the sword formation, and after part of it was wiped out by the blue tornado, some of it remained unabated and continued to stab at the two-headed dragon source. As soon as it was closed, a huge water mass immediately formed on the surface of the body, covering itself like a shield.

When those sword qi pierced into the water mass, they were immediately slowed and weakened, and their attack power was even weaker. Even if some of them pierced the skin of the double-headed dragon salamander, they were at the end of their strength and could not cause effective damage at all.

"As expected, it is a ninth-level demonized monster, so powerful..."

Qin Lang sighed secretly, he knew that he could already form a solo kill against the eighth-order monster, but if he wanted to form an effective lethality against this ninth-order monster, I'm afraid he had to improve his strength to the late stage of the transformation of the gods. Judging from the current cultivation base, there is still nothing to do with this level of demonized monsters.

And the ninth-order demonized monsters are already so powerful, the demon god Yuanshen trapped in the place of inheritance is only stronger than the ninth-level demonized monsters, Qin Lang is actually not optimistic about the armor in front of him at all. Xiu has the strength to destroy the ultimate boss, but Qin Lang didn't make such a judgment before he had seen the ancient chariot from the Shenhuo formation.

If the Ancient Cheli Shenhuo Formation is really that powerful, it is still possible to trap or destroy the Demon God Primordial Spirit.

Facing the ninth-level demonized monster, although Qin Lang couldn't directly destroy the opponent, his self-protection ability was more than enough. His combat experience was much richer than that guy Lu Cheng. After Lu Cheng put on the earth-level armor, he had nothing to lose The peak combat power, but it can't really show its due strength, at best it's just a personal meat bag.

If this guy doesn't have the help of the big formation, it is estimated that even if he wants to kill an ordinary eighth-level monster, it is quite normal for him to face a ninth-level demonized monster.

Now the hatred value of a ninth-level monster is entirely on Lu Cheng, and this guy is destined to be teased to the end. The defense of the earth-level armor is indeed very strong, but he is repeatedly hit by the ninth-level demonized overlord lion, and the internal injuries will intensify. Even more powerful, this guy will still be doomed by then.

After all, the Overlord Lion has a size of a hundred tons, and the force of the collision is still very lethal. In the state of dominance, it is similar to the impact of a meteorite hitting the ground.

Although Qin Lang didn't like the chief formation master of the royal palace who was so stinky before, but for the sake of the whole group, he decided to save Lu Cheng. Loss is also a huge burden.

Although Qin Lang's sword energy could not do anything to get the double-headed dragon salamander, he also successfully swung the big guy away. Then, Qin Lang started to speed up, flashing a few times, and started chasing the ninth-level demonized overlord lion, preparing to get out of the lion's mouth. save people.

Lu Cheng was bumped several times by the overlord lion, and now his movements of getting up are getting slower and slower. From this, it can be seen that the internal injuries on his body are getting worse and worse. If Qin Lang doesn't save people at this time, this guy may really It will be swallowed by the overlord lion.

For the huge demonized overlord lion, although devouring a human can only be regarded as small and not a staple food, but this human has caused some troubles and troubles for itself before, and it is considered small. Revenge.

Just when the demonized overlord lion came to the front and swallowed Lu Cheng who was almost unable to get up, Qin Lang finally appeared in front of him with a flicker and rescued Lu Cheng, and then disappeared five or six feet away with a flicker , running body quickly rushed to the direction of the formation.

"Aw!" Seeing the food on the chopping board disappear suddenly, the Demonized Overlord Lion was furious. This was an instinctive anger. The long brown hairs on the body exploded, and each root turned into two feet long needles.

Brush brush!
Numerous sharp needles broke away from the body and began to chase in the air. The attack power of this needle-like body hair is not inferior to magic weapons, and it seems to have the effect of breaking defenses.

This is also one of the innate abilities of the Demonic Overlord Lion. Although it is not comparable to the magical power of the overlord body, it can be regarded as a long-range attack method.

Facing the dense needle-like hairs that were chasing after him, Qin Lang opened the defensive force field and at the same time threw a lot of flames behind him, the fire of Kanli.

Kanli's fire is one of the top ten flames on the earth fire list, so it is not an ordinary fire. If this densely packed ox hair needle-like hair encounters a common fire, it will naturally be invulnerable to water and fire, but to Kanli's fire It is said that the ground is combustible, and it was ignited in an instant.

Then, the flames in the air seemed to be contagious, and all the needle-like hairs were ignited all of a sudden, and the area behind Qin Lang was burned red. The hair on his body was completely burned by Kanli's fire, but nothing was gained.

Although to the demonized Overlord Lion, the hair that just shot out just now is only a part of the body hair, not even one-tenth of it, but it also knows that it will be futile to use this kind of long-range attack, so it can only be reconciled After a roar, the main body directly accelerated and charged.


In this Aegean Sea, the ninth-level monsters can be regarded as the top of the food chain. The demonized overlord lion can be said to have never suffered a loss before being controlled by the demon god. Now it has been so provocative, out of a kind of instinct, Of course, Qin Lang must be pursued closely.

tower to...

Qin Lang summoned the ninth-floor Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda from the Magic Treasure House, and with the burning Xuanhuang Yan, he directly faced the ninth-level demonized Tyrannical Five Lions, and collided with them once.

boom!The barbaric charge of the demonized overlord lion was stopped, and the nine layers of Xuanhuang Linglong were also knocked away. However, although the top-grade magic house was knocked into the air, there was no damage and was called back by Qin Lang.

Let's go back to the big formation first!

Qin Lang carried the person, and finally returned to the formation after flashing a few times. This time saving people was considered a complete success.

In the big formation, other armor repairs did not see these battles happening outside.

After all, there was a lot of fog after the big formation. Although they were left inside the big formation, they were no different from being trapped. Their own safety was safe, but they couldn't know all the things that happened outside the big formation just now.

Seeing Qin Lang come back with Lu Cheng, all the armor repairers in the formation also breathed a sigh of relief. When the formation broke just now, they saw that Lu Cheng was flying from the top of the ninth-rank overlord lion. Unfortunately, they were powerless to save them.

And now that Qin Lang can rescue Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace, they are also happy. If something happens to Master Lu Cheng, not only will this action be abandoned halfway, I am afraid that the palace will not be very easy to explain, after all Lu Cheng is from the royal palace.

Although everyone will not be punished at that time, the palace will definitely not give them a good face in the future, which is not a good thing.

"Master Lu Cheng! Master Lu Cheng, wake up..." Lu Cheng was already in a coma when he was rescued. After all, even if he had an earth-level armor to protect his body, it would not be a bad idea to be hit by an overlord lion several times in a row. It's good, in fact, this guy has suffered serious internal injuries, and he lost half of his life. If there is no Qin Lang, his life will be gone.

After checking the condition of Lu Cheng's injury, all the armor repairers took out the potion and poured it on Lu Cheng. This potion was provided by the palace. It is said that the king Cang Mu made it himself.

King Cang Zhu is a well-known pharmacy master in the entire Dawan country. The potion he refined is naturally not ordinary. Even Qin Lang, who is also a master of alchemy, showed a hint of surprise in his eyes when he saw the effect of this healing potion. Although this healing potion It is not as good as Good Fortune Pill, but it is already equivalent to the healing effect of middle-grade healing pill, which is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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