The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2121 Big Bay Secret

Chapter 2121 Big Bay Secret
There are actually not many pharmacists in the entire Dawan Kingdom, and pharmacy masters are even rarer. Unexpectedly, the pharmacy master, King Cang Mu, concocted such a good potion. Lu Cheng was only given the potion for less than three breaths. He had already been rescued from a dying state, and the internal injuries were significantly relieved under the action of the medicine.

After being rescued, Master Lu Cheng didn't bother to talk to the people around him, and directly endured the serious injury in his internal organs, crossed his knees in the big formation, and began to meditate to heal his wounds.

And when all the Kaixiu saw Lu Cheng like this, they naturally wouldn't scratch him again. At this time, all the Kaixiu frowned a little. After all, those two nine-level demonized monsters were too powerful. Sitting at the entrance of the ancient fairy cave, they can't even beat the two demonized monsters at the entrance, let alone go to the place of inheritance to find the trouble of the demon god, it's a little discouraged to think about it.

"What should I do..." Su Lie also frowned. In the Aegean Sea, let alone ninth-level monsters, even eighth-level monsters are difficult to encounter, but for some reason these days, Demon God Yuan God has absorbed so many high-level monsters to appear here, and all of them have been transformed into demonized monsters. This sea area is about to cause a catastrophe.

If we don't deal with it anymore, with more and more powerful demonized monsters, the entire sea area of ​​​​the Great Bay Country may be surrounded in the end. Kaixiu and those sea merchants will not be able to go to sea in the future, and the trouble will be even greater.

Therefore, the demon god and primordial spirit must be eliminated, and this is also a rigid target issued by the palace... The determination of the palace this time can be seen from the generous rewards from the palace for completing the task.

"I'll try and see if I can lure those two big guys over again and trap them again."

Qin Lang sighed and said.

"Can it work?" Su Lie asked, Master Lu Cheng was not able to do it just now, and he didn't know if Qin Lang had this ability.

"Look and talk."

Qin Lang went out again, and as soon as he came out, he was attacked by two demonized monsters like a storm. Qin Lang was also an old acquaintance to the demon god Yuanshen. The bastard who repeatedly sabotages good things.

"Nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!"

Qin Lang summoned the pagoda again, and dealt with the two demonized monsters. At the same time, sword qi waved from his hand, directly entangled with the water column rope changed by the two-headed dragon's clear control technique.

And Qin Lang itself is suspended in mid-air, and he dare not get too close to the sea. The double-headed dragon's water control spell is too disgusting. The whole sea is its home field. If it is too close to the sea, he knows what abnormalities will happen in the sea. , that is not the result Qin Lang wanted.

Boom, at this moment, the Demonized Overlord Lion jumped into the air like a cannonball and rushed towards Qin Lang. At the same time, the demonic energy in his body was billowing, almost forming a black cloud to cover his entire body.

At this time, the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of the Magic Treasure House has just been entangled by the water control technique of Shuanglong Longyuan. It is impossible for Qin Lang to use other means to resist. He was afraid that none of them would be useful, so he summoned all seven gourds in a set.

The seven gourds formed a set of their own, forming a gourd array in the air, directly facing the charging Demon Ba Wuxi.

The demonized overlord lion was actually blown away by a strong spiritual force field, and the gourd array had the upper hand during the collision just now. After all, it is a treasure of the innate spirit treasure level, which is really extraordinary.

"So strong?" Qin Lang was still very surprised. He didn't expect that the Lingbao Gourd, which has been used as an auxiliary cultivation and using the gourd space to cultivate elixir and spiritual plants, is so powerful when used in battle. It is estimated that this is also the previous Ziluojin Gourd. The result of absorbing the innate spirit level white clam beads from the ancient immortal cave mansion for a second advancement, which also strengthened this set of spirit treasure gourds.

After all, innate spirit treasures can be automatically advanced. It is possible that the spirit treasures did not look very good when used in battle at the beginning, and they were not as practical as top-grade magic weapons. However, as they gradually cultivated, they absorbed a lot of spirit treasures to strengthen their abilities. By itself, it gradually became stronger.

Therefore, innate spirit treasures are all treasures that can grow, and this is the real reason why they are more precious than fairy artifacts.

Innate spirit treasures are already rare in this world, but now Qin Lang still has a complete set of seven gourds in his hand, which can form a gourd array, which is even more rare and valuable, which is considered the best among innate spirit treasures.

Therefore, the set of gourds that have been used as a support in normal times is actually not bad at all when used in battle.

However, Qin Lang rarely used this set of innate spirit treasures to fight, so he didn't develop more functions of the gourd. He could only rely on the material of the gourd itself to fight against the ninth-order beast. Fortunately, the material of the gourd Yes, there has been no crack in the confrontation so many times, which also makes Qin Lang let go of a little bit of worry.

If the gourd was cracked and damaged in the confrontation, he probably wouldn't be able to cry. This thing is probably the only one in the entire universe, and it is too precious.

Now it is also a last resort, Qin Lang will use this spirit treasure gourd to fight. If he has a choice, he will definitely not use this set of gourds to fight. For Qin Lang, this set of gourds is the treasure of cultivation and the treasure of the road. In terms of cultivation Help yourself even more.

After blasting away the ninth-order demonized overlord lion, Qin Lang directly relied on the sharpness of this set of gourds to gain the upper hand, and kept fighting against two ninth-order monsters, completely subverting the previous battle situation.

However, although the demon god Yuanshen who controls the two ninth-level demonized monsters is not very intelligent, he is not a fool. He knows that he can't beat Qin Lang now, and he also knows the reason for withdrawing troops. Tie it down and leave the battlefield directly.

Qin Lang knew that the demon god Yuanshen withdrew the two big guys back into the ancient fairy cave, but he couldn't pursue them. The two demonized monsters are very powerful, and the sea is their home field. Without this set of innate spiritual treasures, Qin Lang would not be able to He couldn't defeat them, and secondly, there were still many Kaixiu and Lu Cheng, the palace formation masters who were healing, inside the entire trapped formation, which was also a concern.

When Qin Lang returned to the formation, Lu Cheng was still in the process of meditating to heal his wounds, but his complexion, which was originally too pale due to serious internal injuries, has improved a lot after this period of recuperation.

In the big formation, many Kaixiu were still talking about something carefully, but when they saw Qin Lang returning, they all stopped talking and looked at Qin Lang expectantly.

"The two ninth-level demonized monsters retreated, and they should have entered the ancient fairy cave..."

Qin Lang spread his hands and said: "This task is very troublesome, you have also seen it, if you don't have any special means... I suggest that everyone should retreat first and come back next time."

"Wait for Master Lu Cheng and see what he has to say." Su Lie thought for a while and said.

In fact, he also knows that retreating is the best choice, but the demon god Yuanshen of this ancient fairy cave is strengthening his own strength all the time. After not seeing him for a while, he has already cultivated two powerful ninth-order demonized monsters. God knows what will be cultivated if we don't see each other for a while, and it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, he had a premonition that the place of inheritance of the ancient fairy cave mansion would not be able to trap this demon god for long. If this devil god is really allowed to escape from the place of inheritance, then for the entire Dawan country...even now the mainland island It is a catastrophe, maybe this catastrophe will affect the whole world.

In a word, the demon god primordial spirit is the source of disaster for the whole world, if one fails to deal with it, the world may become a Shura field.

"I heard that the Dawan King's Palace is already in contact with the tribe of the survivors. If this mission really fails, I'm afraid the three major tribes on the mainland island will participate in this matter... together to deal with the demon god Yuanshen, but the palace does not want The participation of these indigenous tribes, after all, the Dawan country has always been detached from the mainland, if the indigenous tribes look down on this matter, it will undoubtedly lead to more troubles and disputes in the future, and the whole country will never be as peaceful as it is now .”

After all, the Dawan country is an outsider to the indigenous tribes of the entire mainland island. For thousands of years, the mainland tribes have been busy with their own disputes and annexation, and have no time to pay attention to the development of this group of outsiders. Now the indigenous tribes are almost annexed At that time, the Dawan country had become a behemoth, and these indigenous tribes had to bow their heads.

The wealth of the Dawan Kingdom has always made the three major tribes jealous.

However, if the natives of the three major tribes unite, it will still pose a certain threat to the Dawan country.

Regardless of the fact that one of the three major tribes, the Remnant Tribe, has been in business and friendly relations with Dawan Country for so many years, if they really want to start a war, the other party will definitely be a white-eyed wolf.

This is national politics. Ordinary civilians and Kaixiu don't understand it, but these Kaixiu, as the elite of the entire kingdom, are more or less sensitive to political affairs. After all, the indigenous peoples of the entire mainland are very xenophobic.


From the tribe of the survivors to the official road of Dawan State, a group of hundreds of indigenous people is moving forward. This team is not a simple caravan, and there are priests from the temple, although it is not the high priest Bo card, but worth noting too.

After all, the priests of the Remnant Tribe Temple are also equivalent to the leadership of the entire temple. Basically, they rarely leave the temple in their entire lives. Once they leave, almost all major events happen.

This is equivalent to the bilateral state visits between countries on the earth, and it is a political event that cannot be ignored.

At that time, it was normal for the priests of the three major tribes to go on missions, but this time the priests of the Remnant Tribe went on missions to the human kingdom of Dawan, which was rarely seen once in a century.

"This time, the invitation from the Dawan King's Palace is said to be a very important day when the kingdom will hold a millennium celebration for a thousand years... This foreign country has developed thousands of miles unexpectedly, and its performance is getting more and more proud. This time, it is necessary to experience it carefully. .”

A black-robed priest surrounded by the natives said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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