Chapter 2135 Tampering
Although he didn't want to make friends with the Blood Shark Group, the conditions offered by Mellon were too favorable for the Storm Group, so Su Lie couldn't help but refuse.

In this way, among the five mines that were packaged, the storm group will divide out two poor mines, and directly own two rich mines and one lean mine. In the future, the income of the storm group will be much more after the mining quota is completed.

Su Lie signed a cooperative bidding agreement with the Wanggong direction, in triplicate, one for the Wanggong side, and one for each of the two adventure groups. In the agreement, the Storm Group and the Blood Shark Group will jointly control five mining areas in Binhai City and Qibi City. For the mining rights of the mine, the official monthly charge is 60.00% of the quota of six, and the remaining 30.00% of the quota of four belongs to the two adventure groups.

After signing the cooperation agreement with Wang Guan, the two adventure groups signed a specific subcontracting agreement in private, five mines, three green steel mines, one green crystal mine, and one black stone mine Among them, the cyanite mine and one blue-grain steel mine are rich ore, and the black stone mine and the other two blue-grain steel mines are lean ore.

Su Lie divided the Black Stone Mine and a lean blue-grained steel mine to the Blood Shark Group, and then left the palace, planning to rush back to Qibi City to complete the specific mining procedures. After all, the palace only agreed on the intention contract. The specific procedures still need to go to the city where you are located.


And when Su Lie left in a hurry, Mellon of the blood shark group showed a strange smile while holding the contract in his hand: "With this contract of intent, I only need to buy the fisheries departments of two cities ahead of the storm group, and when the time comes With some tampering, the entire contract can be adjusted one by one, so that my blood shark group can get three rich ores, and Baofengxuan can only get two poor ores! The things in his head are still a little tender, he probably didn't think of it, now wait to be slaughtered!"

Mellon often deals with officials of the two cities, and he likes to do such disgraceful things the most, but some officials' hearts are really eaten away by his money attack, so Mellon's doing this kind of thing can be regarded as Familiar with the road.

Next, Mellon followed Su Lie out of the banquet hall of the palace, took him directly to the palace, and was busy with these fraudulent matters. However, he needed to finish these things before Su Lie, so he directly arranged for him. I got an expensive flying beast car in Wangcheng, pulled by two domesticated eighth-level griffins. It is said that a ride costs at least 50 green chips, and even a person with status is usually not willing to waste such a waste.

Of course, what you pay for is what you get. The speed of the Flying Beast Vehicle is absolutely incredible, and it can reach any place in the kingdom within an hour. It may not be possible to rush to Qibi City where he is.


The Millennium Ceremony lasted for seven days, and the third day was also the busiest day. The salutes over Wangcheng had been ringing non-stop since the morning, and the ceremonies and music in the square were also playing non-stop.

Most of the guests in Wangcheng came to the square in Wangcheng. This is a square that can accommodate 10 people, which is not much compared to the Capital Square on Earth.

Tables and chairs have been lined up in the square long ago, fruit platters, tea and everything are provided in advance, and guests who come here can watch the programs prepared by the palace on this day... A big table has been set up in front of the square, and the official After contacting various stage troupes, singing and dancing, juggling, ventriloquism, sketch jokes... everything, of course, there is also Kaixiu who has unique skills, saying that he has unique knowledge, after all, this is a world of monks.

The royal palace divided the guests who came to the five cities to participate in the Millennium Celebration into grades, namely special grade, first grade, second grade, and third grade. Qin Lang's grade is considered a second grade guest, which is higher than ordinary guests, but it is still not comparable First Class and Extra Class.

The first-level guests are like the heads of powerful forces in Wangcheng, high-ranking people, and officials of the city lord level.

Special-level guests are basically foreign guests, and they are important figures among the foreign guests. For example, priests who lead a team to participate in the Millennium Celebration are considered special-level guests. After all, this priest is equivalent to an ambassador sent by a country, which has strong political significance. .

Although it is said that Qin Lang helped the group led by Su Lie to complete the mission of the palace last time, and killed the demon god Yuanshen, the palace may also know about this powerful existence, but after all, he did not see it personally, so in the official view, Qin Lang The influence is still a little bit worse, and only the level of second-level guests is given.

In addition, the completion of that mission was more due to the use of the ancient chariot from the sacred fire formation of Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace. Without that formation, it would be impossible to complete anything.

And even Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the royal palace, only had the second-level treatment in this millennium ceremony, and it was even more impossible for Qin Lang to raise the guest level.

However, fortunately, there are not many special-level and first-level treatment guests participating in this Millennium Grand Ceremony in Wangcheng, and the total number will not exceed one hundred. The rest are mainly second-level and lower-level treatment guests. , so Qin Lang's arrangement in the square is not bad, and he can clearly see the performance on the stage and the subtle expressions of each performer.

While watching the show quietly, someone came over at this time: "Is this Mr. Qin Lang?"

"Exactly, what's the matter?" Qin Lang turned his head and saw that he was dressed as a servant.

"My lord, please go over and talk." The servant pointed in a direction, and then led the way.

I don't know who is inviting him, Qin Lang really followed this servant and walked over out of curiosity, and then saw a 60-year-old man in Chinese clothes, he seemed to be an official, and his official position was very high, because there were many people around They are all getting close to this old hood.

"Master Wang, I'm here." The servant reported.

"Lord Wang?" Qin Lang was taken aback, feeling something faintly. ,

Then, the official turned his head and looked at Qin Lang carefully. After a while, he said slowly: "I am Wang Dacheng. The dog was taught a good lesson a few days ago, and now he is still staying in the hospital, yelling at others Revenge... I'm really curious about who taught Gouzi a lesson, and now I finally meet him, I can't think of him being so young."

"Master Wang, now I see the person who hurt your son...don't you want to show your son?"

Qin Lang asked back. He felt that it was weird for Wang Dacheng to ask his servants to invite him over. It should not be as simple as giving his son a head start. Moreover, in the square of the Millennium Celebration, the palace does not allow participants to have personal disputes. If Wang Dacheng did this , is likely to affect his official hat.

"Hehe, seeing my son being made like that, it is definitely impossible for me not to be angry... However, since I dare to make this kid like this under the premise of knowing his father's status, I guess I have nothing to fear... ...So, I can't do anything to you before I investigate clearly."

This Wang Dacheng still expressed his thoughts very frankly. He deserved to be a high-ranking official like the head of the Fisheries Department of Binhai City. Even if the official style is not good, this kind of momentum is not possessed by ordinary officials.

"Oh, how is that kid doing now? I guess his life and roots are on the line again! If I exploded that kid last time, I guess his father will not be so calm when he sees me."

Qin Lang smiled, the young man Wang Jie was just an insignificant figure to him, he didn't take it seriously at all, so although he made a move last time, the attack was still not very heavy, after all, his lifeblood was broken, With the level of pharmacists and doctors in this world, they can still be connected.

"Hehe...hehehe..." Wang Dacheng looked at Qin Lang, and suddenly smiled without warning, and he didn't know what he was laughing at. After a while, he said: "I only found out that you had a relationship with the storm group in Qibi City. Back and forth, a few foreigners registered a storm team in the official, and none of them are natives of this Dawan Island... Although you are young, you can see that you have experienced big storms. It is definitely not easy. Anyway, I also For fear of trouble, let's expose the dog's matter this time!"

Waving his hand, Wang Dacheng said that the matter with Qin Lang had been revealed, which also made Qin Lang feel extremely astonished. He didn't understand why Wang Dacheng didn't want to take revenge since he saw the enemy who hurt his son.

However, he also vaguely guessed that after Wang Dacheng found out about his own strength, he felt that it was not worthwhile to fight against him, so he let go of continuing to pursue the matter of his son's injury.

After all, as an outsider without heels, Qin Lang has nothing to worry about, and his strength is so strong. It is estimated that he can be regarded as the top in the entire kingdom. It is not easy for Wang Dacheng to find the right man to deal with Qin Lang, and he has to take care of him at any time. Backfire at your own risk.

So, Qin Lang shook his head, since Wang Dacheng has given in, there is no need to worry about it, not to mention that this matter does not involve any interests, it is just an example of a dude who pretends to be coercive and gets slapped in the face, for both parties It's really a trivial matter, not enough to worry about.

It has to be said that Wang Dacheng's ability to sit in the position of Minister of Fisheries Department of Binhai City is still very bright.

If there is a conflict with Qin Lang, Wang Dacheng will definitely suffer as a cultivator at the peak of Qin Lang's later stage of transformation.

After all, there are probably none of the armored repairmen and monks with Qin Lang's strength in the entire Dawan State.

Moreover, Qin Lang is a real cultivation strength, not a false value obtained after armor bonus.


Qin Lang was about to return to his seat, but at this time he heard the voice of arguing not far away, and the owner of the voice was very familiar. Qin Lang turned his head and looked, isn't that Su Lie, who will be the deputy head of the storm group soon?
He had also dealt with Su Lie several times, Qin Lang felt that this guy was half a friend, so he planned to see who the other party was arguing with.

Pushing aside the crowd of people over there, he realized that the person Su Lie was arguing with also knew him, and it was Mellon, the head of the Blood Shark Group in Binhai City who had been brought by the playboy Wang Jie to make trouble for him a few days ago.

"Melon... You bastard actually cheated, bribed the officials of the Ministry of Fisheries to plot the operation, and tampered with the previous private intention contract for the record..."

Su Lie pointed at Melon's nose and cursed loudly, trembling all over, looking extremely angry.

(End of this chapter)

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