Chapter 2136
"what happened?"

At this time, Qin Lang grabbed Su Lie, who usually looked very stable, but now looked like an angry lion. He had rarely seen Su Lie lose his position before.

"It's Master Qin Lang!"

Surrounded by a storm group, Su Lie's subordinates greeted Qin Lang respectfully when they saw Qin Lang.

"Qin Lang?" Mellon, the leader of the Blood Shark Group, turned his head and glanced, and found that it was the young man he met a few days ago.

"Ah, Master Qin Lang, you are here's like this..."

And Su Lie also saw Qin Lang, and after hearing Qin Lang's question, he calmed down and told him the cause and effect of this matter.

In general, Mellon, the leader of the Blood Shark Group, had planned to trick Su Lie a long time ago, and changed the contract record one step ahead of time, and transferred the three rich ore points out of the five mines of the intentional big contract given by the palace. The mine was taken away, and the original two poor mines were left to Su Lie.

In a word, it is a transfer. This guy bribed the officials of the Ministry of Fisheries and played a civet cat in exchange for the prince.

"Is there no way to change this?" Qin Lang frowned.

"I can't help it! The contract of intent signed by the palace before was very general, and it didn't specify which of the five mines belonged to... The contract signed by the Storm Group and the Blood Shark Group at that time did explain this, but now the Blood Shark Group Mellon, a shameless guy, actually bribed the officials of the Ministry of Fisheries first, and changed the privately signed contract in his hand for filing. Now the Ministry of Fisheries only recognizes the fake contract in his hand, and does not recognize the one in my hand..."

Su Lie was also a little helpless. This time he was really tricked by Mellon. He never thought that Mellon was so insidious and shameless. If he knew, there would be no possibility of cooperation between the two parties.

This can only be blamed on Su Lie being confused at the time. After all, Mellon was willing to buy two poor mines with 200 million. You must know that the mining of these mines must pay 60.00% of the quota to the government every month. There will definitely be losses in the mine, which is equivalent to sharing the risk for the storm group.

So Su Lie was tempted, and agreed without thinking too much at the time, but he didn't expect that the other party had already designed a trap for him to jump into.

And being cheated by Melon, the entire Storm Group suffered a huge loss, and Su Lie might lose the position of deputy head that he had already confirmed. Layers will definitely complain.


"This brother's name is Qin Lang! You can be regarded as an acquaintance. Last time Mei was offended, please don't be wary... However, Mei hopes that you will not participate in the commercial dispute between the blood shark group and the storm group. This matter has nothing to do with it." It doesn't matter to you."

The leader of the Blood Shark Group, Mei Long, cupped his hands with Qin Lang, and then turned his head back.

"Su Lie, I admit that you are good at outdoor adventures, but in some's just your inexperience. There's a lot to learn in the future, let's take this time as a lesson!"

Facing Su Lie with a sinister smile, Mei Long raised the filing documents in Yang's hand. He already knew that Su Lie was a straightforward guy with little wealth, so he was not afraid that this guy wouldn't be fooled when he did this game, and it turned out to be like this .

Now Mellon has used some means to complete the record filing of the Ministry of Fisheries, and he is not afraid of the other party making trouble. Spray.

"You..." Su Lie was really angry this time, pointing at the sinister guy's nose, he didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, let's learn a lot of wisdom!"

Qin Lang patted Su Lie on the shoulder. He also knew that under the current situation, Su Lie really couldn't reason.

"Let's forget it like this? Let's forget it like this..." Su Lie still couldn't accept it.

But then he was pulled away by Qin Lang. After all, it would be a waste of words and energy to argue, and it is not appropriate to have any disputes on such an occasion. After all, this is the place where the palace's millennium ceremony is held. If he complains, Su Lie will even be disqualified from participating in the palace's Millennium Ceremony.

In the other direction of the meeting place, facing some noisy noises around, Qin Lang was giving a move to Su Lie. He also felt that the blood shark group had gone too far this time, and no one would feel happy if they didn't fight back.

However, how to fight back is a problem. After all, the other party has signed a record contract with the Ministry of Fisheries in advance, and it is difficult for the Storm Group to change it.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lang made a move: "Su Lie, you can find out which officials from the Ministry of Fisheries that Mellon bribed at the beginning, first catch the handle of these officials, and then put eye drops on the blood shark group, I believe At that time, the mining of the blood shark group's mines... will not be so smooth."

"In addition, you can also create some public opinion in Kaixiu's circle, exposing the blood shark group's deceit and cheating their peers. I believe this will also have a certain impact on the reputation of the blood shark group... In the future, what will happen to the blood shark group? It will undoubtedly be very difficult if you borrow from your peers. After all, there are lessons learned from the past, and this kind of behavior of destroying reputation is a big stain. Even if the record contract in hand of the Blood Shark Group is passable, people with a discerning eye will know the tricks in it."

"That's the only way to go at the moment." Su Lie nodded and sighed helplessly.

However, this time he came to Wangcheng to conduct a commercial bidding on behalf of the storm group. He spent 200 million to go out, but what he got in exchange was only two poor ore mines. , Now it seems that I think too much.

Now I only hope that after the two lean ore mines are mined, they can reach a balance of income and expenditure, and there will be no excessive losses. Otherwise, the complaints in the regiment may always accompany him in the future, making him uneasy. After all, this means that everyone's interests have been damaged.

"It's really hateful..." The contract he signed privately with the Blood Shark Group has now been tightly squeezed in the palm of his hand and turned into a solid ball. He seems to want to vent all his anger in this paper ball.

And Qin Lang was also deeply moved by this incident, no matter which world the business competition is full of intrigues, this time the Blood Shark Group used cunning means to trick their peers and strengthen themselves, it is indeed a very shameful act , but due to some rules, the two large Kaixiu adventure groups cannot fight in the city for the time being.

Of course, if they meet in the wild, the two sides are still likely to clash, but it seems that the strength of the storm group is not as good as that of the blood shark group. After all, the blood shark group is the first armor repair adventure group in Binhai City, with hundreds of people The members of the regiment, and the storm group can only be counted as the top ten in Qibi City, not the first, and the number of people is not more than a hundred.

Therefore, even if people from the storm group meet, they may not be able to defeat the blood shark group.

Of course, this means that the storm group used to be, and now the strength of the storm group has increased a lot.

Although the Guxian Dongfu and his party lost a lot of manpower, the storm group also added eight masters through the inheritance of light group, seven of them were early alchemy members, and Su Lie was promoted from the early alchemy stage to the middle stage. In this case, the storm group The gap between its overall strength and the Blood Shark Group has also narrowed a lot.

On the sixth day of the Millennium Celebration, Qin Lang and Su Lie, who had completed the palace mission for a while, gathered together again and rushed to the palace treasury to receive rewards.

Since it is a B-level mission released by the palace, this is also the most rewarding one in the palace missions in the past few years. Among them, the one with the most breakthrough performance can even get a prefecture-level armor that the palace treasures.

Earth-level armor!This is a high-end armor that cannot be refined by all the refining masters in the entire kingdom. Nowadays, the research on armor by the refining masters in the kingdom is still at the level of the middle-grade mysterious grade, not even the high-grade mysterious grade. Breakthrough!
It is conceivable how precious the prefecture-level armor is. In fact, there are not many armors of this level in the palace. It is said that there are only a few pieces.

The royal palace treasury contains all the materials that the entire country of Dawan has collected from various ruins for thousands of years. After so many years of collection, only a few pieces of prefecture-level armor have been collected, which shows how rare prefecture-level armor is.

At the exchange office, everyone was exchanging the materials they needed in the treasury according to the contribution they got after completing the mission. Many materials that are not seen on the market can basically be found in the treasury, so participate in this mission All the armor repairs feel that they have made a lot of money.

Of course, Su Lie, the person in charge of this task, was still a little bit exhausted when he was exchanging money. It can be seen that he suffered a lot of damage when he was cheated by the blood sharks. You must know that it was not just a loss of 200 million. It also includes the possible burden of mining in the next year.

The highest contribution to the palace mission is not the captain Su Lie, but Qin Lang and the palace's chief formation master Lu Cheng. But only one.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the royal palace, has a lot of money, and he has already owned a piece of earth-level armor, so he doesn't care about the mission reward this time. The armor reward was given to Qin Lang.

Although this guy Lu Cheng's expression was dragged to death, Qin Lang still hugged his fists, this time he accepted this guy's affection.

The Chief Formation Master of the palace doesn't seem to be good at communicating with people, but his essence is not bad. Dealing with such a person is at least much better than dealing with a disgusting guy like Mellon from the Blood Shark Group. people calculate.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Lu Cheng is the chief array master of the palace, he has no popularity at all. He has been alone for so many years. Like the last mission in the palace, it is equivalent to being assigned. After all, the palace The position of the chief formation master is actually very high, and he didn't have to perform such a dangerous task at all. Someone in the royal city must have felt unhappy with this guy, so he sent Lu Chengfa out.

(End of this chapter)

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