2139 - Chapter [-]

Now that the news about the house has been inquired, it is natural to see the house. Accompanied by Su Lie, Qin Lang met the original owner of the house.

This is the property of a declining family in the city. I heard that the business lost money and was eager to transfer urgent working capital, so I had the idea of ​​​​abandoning some fixed assets, and Qin Lang bought a house at this time. It can be regarded as a lot of advantages, otherwise, Given the location of this property close to the second ring road for 210 million yuan, it is impossible to get it. The normal price is definitely more than 300 million yuan.

"My dear Qian Dachuan, you are the one who wants to buy a house... welcome."

This is a fat middle-aged man. Seeing Qin Lang's arrival, he seemed very enthusiastic. In fact, it is impossible not to be enthusiastic. After all, the Qian family is in urgent need of a large sum of money, and Qin Lang's 210 million can be paid immediately. , that will undoubtedly temporarily alleviate part of the crisis.

"Well," Qin Lang shook hands with the fat man, and then went to see the house under the guidance of the enthusiastic owner.

After entering the courtyard, Qin Lang found that the courtyard was really good. There was a small garden inside. Many trees, flowers and plants were planted in the garden, as well as rockery pools and the like. There is a lot of grass or something.

But this is not a problem. When the house changes hands and the housekeeper and servants are in place, there will naturally be a housekeeper to take care of the yard, and everything will look brand new.

Afterwards, Qin Lang followed Qian Dachuan to look at the houses one by one. In the courtyard of [-] square meters, there was a house that was neither too big nor too small. I am going to ask the housekeeper to tidy up the second floor, so that it can be used as a study and tea room or something. If I want to relax in the future, I will be on the second floor. Of course, I can also create a practice room in the second floor.

The main hall of the first hall is very large and will be the meeting place in the future, while the residences of the housekeeper and servants will be arranged in the side rooms on the first floor. Anyway, there are many rooms, there are eight rooms, and they are empty, so it is better to divide them into several chapters Live for the housekeeper and servants.

This is also the reason why Qin Lang lives alone. If there are any relatives and friends living together, then the servants will definitely move out. There are many houses of the same size in the city. Only the housekeeper lives in the house for a long time. They rushed to the house during the day like going to work, and returned to their respective homes at night.

Of course, this is also the reason why the house is not big enough. I heard that the big mansions of the top rich people cover an area of ​​more than several acres, and the rooms are arranged in hundreds of rooms. Naturally, the housekeeper and servants can arrange for the servants, so there is no need to move out. .

Of course, with Qin Lang's current financial ability, he is not yet able to buy such a large mansion. His current wealth can't even afford a house in the central business district. However, if he makes more money in the future, it is not impossible to consider these.

It's just that Qin Lang didn't think it was necessary. After all, he didn't have any relatives or friends around him, and the big house in front of him was enough for him to live in.

After seeing the house, Qin Lang nodded: "The house is good, I want it!"

"That's great, let's hand it over now!"

Qian Dachuan was also waiting for the money to be used urgently, so hearing what Qin Lang said, he almost jumped up excitedly.

And Qin Lang is not a long-winded person. After seeing this house, he felt quite satisfied, so he directly transferred 210 million to Qian Dachuan, and then signed a contract between the two, and Qian Dachuan handed over both the land deed and the house deed to Qin Lang.

And the name of the head of the household on these two land deeds and house deeds is still Qian Dazan, so after Qin Lang got the land deed and house deed, he had to go to the real estate transaction center in Qibi City to transfer the land deed and house price in hand.

Afterwards, Qin Lang went to the real estate transaction center, and spent a fee of [-] Qingjing coins to enter the procedure of changing the name of the real estate, that is, the transfer of ownership.

After completing the account transfer, Su Lie took Qin Lang to the talent market, and asked Qin Lang to interview the housekeepers and ordinary people who applied for the job. Not only Kaixiu, but also a large number of ordinary people, and these ordinary people also need to find a life.

"My poor man, Fu, once worked as a housekeeper for a poor family for two years..."

A fat old man introduced himself to Qin Lang.

"Oh? Have you been a housekeeper for two years...then why did you leave?"

Qin Lang felt that if he wanted to recruit people, he should be more loyal.

"This one……"

The old man named Ah Fu hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth: "It's like this, that dilapidated family offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and was ruined. In the end, we housekeepers and servants also had to leave the house. .”

"Is it like this?"

Qin Lang looked into Ah Fu's eyes, he could see that Ah Fu was not lying, so he nodded: "Then the housekeeper is fine with you, um... so old, I will call you Uncle Fu!"

"Don't dare!"

The old man hurriedly lowered his head and bowed his hands to Qin Lang.

After choosing Uncle Fu as the housekeeper, Qin Lang selected four servants in the talent market, all of whom were honest and honest, and then took these people to the horse market to buy a carriage and some living things. Supplies, that's why these servants drove the carriage back to the mansion.

Afterwards, the housekeeper and servants entered their respective roles and got busy.

First of all, it was the cleaning work of the entire courtyard, and then some parts of the house that Qin Lang felt needed to be renovated and rebuilt, so he mentioned them to the housekeeper, and gave the housekeeper a sum of money to let him purchase materials.

In addition, there is a plaque hanging at the gate of the house. Qin Lang spent two thousand green chips to create a plaque of the Qin Mansion, and asked the servants to hang it, so that the whole house will have a soul.

Like on earth, if you move to a new home, you must be setting off firecrackers and feasting guests, and this world actually has similar customs, but Qin Lang has no other friends, so he invited people from the Storm Team, plus Su Lie , I had a good meal in the house.

And this meal did not order from the restaurant, because one of the four servants Qin Lang hired this time is an experienced cook who is very good at cooking local specialties, and the total number of guests who eat is just right. There are not many people to gather for a table, so this meal is directly arranged by the cook.


People like Li Chuang and Sai Shenxian all gave red envelopes. Although the amount of red envelopes was only 2000 yuan, it more or less represented a heart.

"Congratulations, everyone sit down."

As the owner of the house, Qin Lang is also warmly entertaining. The food on this table is made of carefully selected high-end ingredients, and he even bought ten jars of the most famous local incense.

After a table was seated, Qin Lang slapped away the sealing clay of Chen Nixiang and filled it up for everyone, "Come, come, come, let's do it together!"

Shen Nixiang is a good wine, although the alcohol content is not very high, but this wine is very fragrant, and the fragrance can even waft ten miles away after the wine seal is opened.

However, this kind of wine is not very expensive, and there are hundreds of jars in the local area. Most of the refiners in the refinery workshops in Qibi City like to drink, and most of them drink this kind of incense.

While drinking, everyone was discussing some recent life and some other things that happened around Qibi City.

During the chat, Su Lie also talked about the fact that he sent people to investigate the bribery of officials from the Fisheries Department in Qibi City and Binhai City. It seemed that he had found some clues and was digging deeper.

In addition, the Storm Group has recently recruited more than 500 miners, and plans to send these miners to the two mines in the sea in half a month to officially start mining.

Qin Lang has also heard about the two mines. One is the Black Stone Mine and the other is the Star Pattern Steel Mine, but they are both poor mines. Even if these miners try their best to mine at that time, it is estimated that most of them will lose money.There is no other way, after all, the monthly quota to be handed over to the official is a heavy burden.

In the following year, the Storm Group will spend a lot of manpower and material resources on these two loss-making mines. After all, in addition to recruiting miners, the Storm Group also organizes a mine protection team to prevent monsters from the sea from invading the mines. Threat to the lives of these ordinary miners.

The life of all members of the group this year is definitely not ideal. According to preliminary estimates, the income of the next year may only be one-third of the previous year's income.

However, for the time being, Su Lie has no better way to reverse this situation. Fortunately, the contracting right of the mining area is signed once a year. Thinking of this, he can still think about it. Now it's better to treat it as a loss for one year.


For Qin Lang's purchase of real estate, the old guys of the Storm Team are also very envious. In fact, if they didn't have much money, they would also want to buy real estate in Qibi City, so that they would not stay in hotels for a long time.

After all, as far as they are concerned, the cultivation resources on this mainland island are too rich, and they all have the idea of ​​​​settling here now. If they have money, buying a house is indeed a good choice.

At present, they have just paid off Qin Lang's arrears, and they can't think too much about it for the time being, so everything can only be done slowly. I believe that after joining the storm group, the economic income of everyone in the team will increase faster. The growth rate of income will also be faster, after all, this is a virtuous circle.

After getting his stable foothold in Qibi City, Qin Lang had the idea of ​​exploring the mysterious relic in the outer sea. The key he got from the ancient fairy cave mansion, the demon god Yuanshen, was the same as the key to the mysterious relic portal in the outer sea. The socket looks exactly the same, and it is likely to be the key to open the enchantment portal.

It is definitely a very high-end relic. If you can open it and explore it, you may have unexpected gains.

But this time to explore this mysterious relic, Qin Lang did not call others, and went alone. After all, there are very few people in Dawan who can help him. His own strength and cultivation are here. If he goes alone to explore Not necessarily more convenient.

Before setting off, Qin Lang also made some preparations, got enough supplies, and then told the housekeeper to inform Huogongfang that he would go to sea, so he left Qibi City directly, rented an iron-clad boat, and directly out to sea.

Although Qin Lang has the magic weapon of flying, he doesn't need to rent a boat at all, but if he can save a little energy by going to the open sea to take risks, he can save a little energy, and then he will have more energy to deal with emergencies when he fights.

(End of this chapter)

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