Chapter 2140
Qin Lang took down the azimuth map of the mysterious ruins in the open sea, so although the voyage was nearly [-] kilometers this time, he was still able to guarantee that he would find the land.

The speed of the iron-clad ship was maximized by Qin Lang, advancing at a speed of [-] knots per hour. At this speed, it would take at least three days to reach the destination even if it was a non-stop journey.

This speed is already very fast. Of course, ordinary Kaixiu can't support this kind of rushing rhythm at all. After operating the iron-clad ship for an hour or two, the speed will inevitably slow down. Only Qin Lang can travel at this high speed. During the voyage, he has always insisted on unrelenting spirit.

Three days later, Qin Lang finally saw the area where the mysterious ruins are located. There are still a large number of sea monsters gathered here, and most of them are high-level monsters. Fortunately, there are no ninth-level monsters, and the most powerful ones are around eighth-level .

After all, as the world's top monsters, ninth-order monsters are not everywhere like radishes and cabbages. In fact, they are still very rare in the sea. Usually, Kaixiu may never encounter them in his life when he goes to sea. The reason why Qin Lang can meet A few times, it was because the places he visited several times were the most dangerous areas in the Aegean Sea, so the chance of encountering ninth-level monsters was high.

Qin Lang took a look. Although there were no ninth-order beasts gathered in this sea area, there were more than ten of the eighth-order beasts, and there were not a few of the sixth- and seventh-order monsters. Together, there were at least two hundred monsters. number.

And if you add those low-level monsters around, the number is very impressive.

In such a situation, even if a large armor repair team comes here, I am afraid that they will not be able to squeeze into the portal of the relics. After all, the surrounding area is shocked by these densely packed monsters. In a densely populated area of ​​beasts, breaking into it by force is undoubtedly similar to courting death.

Frowning, Qin Lang looked at the location of the portal of the ruins, secretly said, he hasn't come here for a while, unexpectedly, the number of monsters gathered has increased a lot.

And the reason why these monsters were gathered here was obviously attracted by the fluctuation of the spiritual energy of the enchantment on the outside of the ruins. This is equivalent to a luxurious meal in front of them, and it is estimated that few people do not want to eat it.

However, the enchantment of this ruin is obviously very high-end. Although it has been exposed to the open sea, no one has been able to break it yet.


After owning the land-level battle armor, Qin Lang didn't intend to rely on the ability to change the way to get past this time like last time, but was going to rush in and try his skills to see how powerful this set of terrain armor is.

Therefore, Qin Lang directly activated this piece of terrain armor, and then directly killed it with a flying sword in his hand.


When those monsters saw a humanoid creature wearing armor as thick as a black rock rushing towards them, they immediately exploded. Obviously, they all sensed the powerful momentum and killing intent of this humanoid creature, so they entered the fighting state one after another.

For the monsters below the seventh rank in the monster pile, Qin Lang doesn't care at all now. He finds that these monsters are impossible to break through the defense of his armor. After all, this is an earth-level armor, and it is still a defensive category. The defense power of the ultimate defensive magic weapon is probably not as strong as this black rock armor.

Therefore, the attack of monsters below the seventh level hits this armor, which is directly immune to defense. Qin Lang found that there is not even a trace of energy fluctuation on the surface of the armor. The armor has no energy consumption at all.

As for the attack of the seventh-order monsters, after the armor's own defensive force field supports it, the consumption is very small, and the small one can almost be ignored.

In fact, only the attacks of the eighth-level monsters can consume a little bit more energy on this earth-level armor, but that's all. I'm afraid even if the dozen or so eighth-level monsters in front of me attack together, wearing black rock Qin Lang in armor can also support half an hour under this high-intensity intensive attack.

This is already quite remarkable. You must know that without this black rock armor, even if Qin Lang himself is a monk at the peak of the late stage of transformation, it is impossible for him to persist for more than a minute under the siege of more than a dozen eighth-order monsters. He was beaten and fled.

After all, if more than a dozen eighth-level monsters attack together, the power is not much worse than that of a ninth-level monster. If it weren't for the defensive ability of this earth-level armor, it would be equivalent to a semi-immortal weapon. It is simply impossible for the defense strength of the magic weapon to last for so long.

Of course, Qin Lang, who broke into the monster pile, was not only beaten, he also used his movement skills, dodging while rushing inside the monster pile, avoiding too many attacks, only a small part of the attack could not be avoided , which is directly accepted.

It is getting closer and closer to the portal. At this time, there are more and more monsters of the seventh and eighth ranks. Sometimes Qin Lang faces the attacks of seven or eight monsters of the seventh and eighth ranks at the same time. He is also a veteran who has been killed for a long time. With too much attack, the body can only bear a small part of the attack that cannot be avoided.

The earth-level armor on his body is really powerful, and it firmly guards Qin Lang who is squeezing towards the gate of the relic enchantment. After running for a while, Qin Lang's defensive ability is not consumed much at all. On the contrary, during the sprint, those monsters Many people turned their backs on their backs, and many were killed by Qin Lang.

Basically, if those seventh-order monsters were attacked to the point by Qin Lang, it would be a sword.

As for the eighth-level monsters... If it weren't for the fact that there were too many monsters at one time, Qin Lang might be able to kill one of them with only four or five swords.

Of course, now Qin Lang is just trying to cause as much damage as possible in the monster pile, and he doesn't ask how many high-level monsters must be killed.

Basically, those high-level monsters that came into contact with Qin Lang were all defeated, either dead or injured. Although Qin Lang was in the pile of monsters, the rhythm of the battle was always firmly grasped.

Among them is the great contribution of the earth-level armor. This armor is indeed very powerful. Without it, Qin Lang would definitely not be as easy as he is now when sprinting in the monster pile.

"The yin and yang of the dragon elephant breaks!" At this time, Qin Lang faced an eighth-level Lei Zexiang rushing towards him and sent out a great dragon elephant fist. Facing Lei Zexiang, which was hundreds of times bigger than himself, Qin Lang's fist looked like It was so inconspicuous, but when the punch was released, the momentum was earth-shattering.

This fist directly hit Lei Zexiang's huge body, making an extremely dull sound. After the sound, Qin Lang was still in place, but Lei Zexiang was directly sent flying, feeling that the whole body was as weak as paper. This guy is hurt.


With a scream, Lei Zexiang fell heavily into the sea tens of feet away, and it took a while to float up after being hit in the sea. After being injured, his body movement has become much slower. It seems that the injury caused by Qin Lang's punch is not serious .

"Popopo!" Qin Lang found that rushing into the monster pile is the best way to use body skills combined with boxing techniques, and the powerful defense of the earth-level armor Black Rock Armor on his body is the biggest guarantee for his own safety. After all, he is using the fighting style of the agility department. While running the Phantom Wind Walk to move cleverly, each punch is so just right, causing the greatest damage to the surrounding monsters as much as possible.

"Hahaha, this earth-level armor is really awesome... In the past, even if I broke into the monster pile, it was not so easy for me, but now I feel that I can fight with ease, it's so refreshing!"

When Qin Lang faced so many high-level monsters, he had never fought so heartily like today.

Boom boom boom, Qin Lang swayed his tail with a dragon, stepped on a powerful eighth-order monster in the air, and then broke through the crisis blockade again, appeared in the rare gap among the monsters, and started to swim again. fight.

Pupupu, the situation just now is actually very dangerous, because there are at least five eighth-order monsters attacking Qin Lang at the same time, hitting Qin Lang from several directions. Very big.

Qin Lang, who has rich combat experience, naturally wouldn't let his fighting rhythm get out of control, and immediately launched his body skills to break out of the encirclement.

"Death!" At this time, Qin Lang approached a seriously injured eighth-level monster and punched it hard. This eighth-level monster was hit by Qin Lang several times before, and the injury was very serious, but this time Qin Lang Unleashing a powerful blow, the big guy couldn't resist anymore, and was hit in the head with a punch.


White, red, and flowers all spilled out from the hole in the big guy's head. The Dragon Elephant Fist was originally fierce, and the Dragon Elephant's yin and yang were broken and the anode gave birth to yin. So now that Qin Lang's Dragon Elephant Fist has been completed, The control and grasp of power has almost reached the extreme.

As a result, an eighth-rank monster was headshot by Qin Lang's incomparable punch.

It's incredible to think about it. You must know that the physical defense of monsters has always been very strong. The physical defense of the eighth-order monster is almost comparable to that of a monk in the late stage of transformation, or even stronger, but when facing Qin Lang. It's so careless.

Because Qin Lang is wearing a prefecture-level armor with strong defensive capabilities, Qin Lang has no worries about his own defense, so his combat power is at least three points stronger than before. This is also one of the real reasons for the current explosive combat power.

Boom boom boom!
Qin Lang knocked away a few powerful monsters blocking the way, and was gradually approaching the enchantment portal of the ruins. At this time, he looked back, hey, he rushed here from the edge of the monster pile this time, at least two miles away There was a dense mass of monsters behind him, and the number of monsters he killed and injured was insignificant compared to the huge base of monsters.

Of course, most of the monsters that Qin Lang killed and injured were high-level monsters. After a short battle, he easily killed more than a dozen eighth-level monsters in the chaos, and several others were injured. Injuries of different degrees, and the sixth or seventh level of extermination, can reach more than dozens of heads.

(End of this chapter)

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