The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2141 White Hair Venom

Chapter 2141 White Hair Venom
Looking at the group of monsters behind him, Qin Lang showed a smile. At this time, he took out the key that exploded from the demon god Yuanshen of the ancient fairy cave, and pressed it directly on the light gate of the enchantment. Sure enough, the key was the same as this mysterious The enchantment light gate of the ruins is matched. Once the key is inserted into the keyhole of the light gate, the entire light gate will light up.

Then, the portal of the enchantment finally opened, and it was a long passage.

Qin Lang beckoned behind him, and went straight into the passage, and no longer entangled with the monsters behind him, and gradually his figure disappeared into the passage.

But behind him, the roar of the monster beast was burst after burst.


Not long after Qin Lang entered the mysterious ruins, there was a new movement in this sea area, and a large wave of adventurers came here.

"Sure enough, a relic was born here, but there are too many monsters around here, how can we break through..."

"Don't worry, Master Lu Cheng will solve this problem!"

"That's good……"


In this team, there is an old acquaintance of Qin Lang, Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace, and the actual adventurers are not weak, and they are at least the elites of armor repairs in the late stage of foundation establishment.

In addition, besides Lu Cheng, there is also a girl covered with a white scarf in this adventure team. If Qin Lang is here, he should be able to recognize this girl. Yellow eyebrows.

The members of this adventurous team are actually elites from the royal city, among which the most distinguished one is Huang Meimei, followed by Lu Cheng.

However, the captain of the team is a young man in his 20s. He looks like a little boy, but the adventurers around him all recognize him, so he must be strong.

At this time, Captain Xiaobailian approached Lu Cheng, raised his eyebrows and said, "Old Lu, these monsters around here are a little in the way, so I'll leave them all to you!"

"Hmm!" Lu Cheng is not a person who is good at words. After taking on the responsibility of expelling monsters, he immediately got busy and arranged the formation.

I saw 81 [-] formation flags flying out, and immediately a large cloud of dark clouds descended from the sky, covering several armored ships where the adventure team was in.

And this team also had a tacit understanding with Lu Cheng, knowing that Lu Cheng's formation skills were good, at this time a few iron-clad boats drove directly into the monster pile, heading towards the gate of the ruins.

This dark cloud-like formation is actually moving, and has been advancing with several iron-clad ships, and when it hits the surrounding monsters, those monsters are bounced away by the dark cloud, and these monsters are bounced away. Sometimes they roared again and again, and launched counterattacks against this dark cloud formation one after another.

"Five ships, distributed in five corners, guard this big formation!" Captain Xiaobailian dispatched at this time, although Lu Cheng has already arranged the dark cloud formation, but if this formation is continuously attacked by a large number of monsters, it will consume a lot of energy Yes, so these people in the formation can't be idle when they are moving forward. If they can put in more effort, they will do so.

With the protection of the dark cloud array, the forward fleet went smoothly all the way, and those monsters that were berserk outside the array were also cleaned up one by one by the team members. Sixth and seventh-order monsters were the best to deal with. The fire can kill them, but the eighth-level monsters are a little more troublesome. Except for a few armor repairs with cultivation bases above the alchemy stage in the team, other adventurers can't defeat monsters of this level at all.

The speed at which this group of people reached the gate of the enchantment was much slower than before Qin Lang. Qin Lang used violence all the way to break through the barrier, and this adventure team relied on the guardian ability of the dark cloud formation. Although the formation is very powerful, there is no doubt that the huge team base It affects the speed very much. You must know that there are at least fifty or sixty people in this team.



"finally reached!"

"Hey, why is the portal of this ruins opened, did someone enter the ruins in advance?"

"I don't know, go in and have a look!"

When the fleet arrived at the enchantment light gate of the ruins, everyone saw that the enchantment light gate was open. Of course, they would be surprised. At this time, the little white-faced captain looked behind him. Adding up, the number of monsters eliminated is quite a lot, at least more than 300, but most of them are monsters below the seventh level, only three of the seventh level and above disappeared, and none of the eighth level.

Of course, this is also the result of the lack of effort by the mid-stage alchemists in the team. After all, as the core of the team, these mid-stage alchemists are all ready to recharge their batteries and use their energies on the development of this mysterious ruin. explore up.

"Let's go, enter the ruins!" The adventure armor repair team of the palace seems to be a professional team of ruins exploration, so they are very skilled all the way, and not long after, the group of people also disappeared into the portal of the ruins.

Qin Lang is currently lurking in a valley in the ruins. There is a road leading to the depths of the ruins in this valley. However, the valley is full of a kind of white-haired poisonous spiders. These white-haired poisonous spiders are not big, about the size of The appearance of the third-order monsters is similar to soybeans, but the venom can corrode the defense layer formed by the true energy layer, which is very powerful.

There are too many white-haired poisonous spiders in the valley. If there are intensive-density terrors passing by, they will probably faint if they look at them from a distance. They are all counted in billions.

Although Qin Lang's defense is strong, he tried to break through before, but when he was sprayed by the dense poisonous spider venom, the toxin can be superimposed, and the superposition of layers is very terrifying. Qin Lang has not yet walked through one-fifth of the valley. Dozens of layers have already been superimposed, and the entire defense layer is pitch black, and has shrunk quite a bit.

Qin Lang, who felt that it was impossible to rush over, had to go back the same way, and then lurked at the edge of the valley, thinking of ways to deal with these white-haired poisonous spiders.

Suddenly, he looked into the distance and saw a red poisonous spider inside the densely packed white-haired poisonous spiders, at least as big as a fist, like a mutant, in stark contrast to the surrounding poisonous spiders.

Spider Queen!

After Qin Lang saw it, he was surprised. The ancient spider species of white-haired poisonous spider has long been extinct in the cultivation world, but in ancient times, it was ranked among the top three poisonous insects, and ordinary white-haired poisonous spiders are all white. Hair, only the spider queen is red, and her body is much larger.

However, the Spider Queen is not a third-level monster, but an eighth-level monster. Because of its high poison, it is harder to mess with than some ninth-level monsters.

Because the venom of the spider queen is three times stronger than that of the ordinary white-haired poisonous spider, in this case, even if the poison of the sea king clam encounters the spider queen, it will be far away, and the sea king clam has poisoned the existence of the ninth-level monster. It's not easy, of course, compared to the Spider Queen, it's even more difficult.

Qin Lang knew that if he could control the spider queen, he would have no problem passing through this valley. After all, the spider queen was the biggest boss of the entire group of white-haired poisonous spiders, and all the white-haired poisonous spiders were under the control of the spider queen.

If Qin Lang can control the spider queen, he can indirectly control the entire group of white-haired poisonous spiders in the palm of his hand.

As for how to control the spider queen, Qin Lang thought of a method, which is currently being implemented. He wants to lure that spider queen out, and it will be easier to deal with it if he leaves this valley. Then Qin Lang will find a way to control it.

Of course, the spider queen cannot be killed during this process. In fact, it is much easier for Qin Lang to kill the spider queen, but it is undoubtedly very difficult to control the spider queen.

However, now that Qin Lang thought of a way, he immediately started to implement it.

He used the method of throwing stones, smashed a large stone and threw it at the place where the spider queen was, and suddenly a small-scale explosion occurred in the whole spider group, killing more than a dozen white-haired poisonous spiders, and then, the spider queen was killed. The spider queen was startled, the wisdom of the spider queen was much higher than that of ordinary white-haired poisonous spiders, and she quickly discovered the direction of the master who caused this disaster, and immediately rushed towards it, shaking her eight pointed feet angrily.

Seeing the spider queen lured out by him, Qin Lang chuckled, knowing that his plan had been half successful.

As for the other half, let's wait for his next performance. Qin Lang started to move out of the valley at this time. While moving, he kept swinging stones to increase the spider queen's hatred value. Don't let the spider queen lose her hatred value and get out of sight .

And the spider queen, who was full of hatred, burst into anger, and kept chasing Qin Lang. She swung her eight tiny pointed feet quickly. Although this guy has some wisdom, he is a monster after all, and he is easy to be fooled. Qin Lang is obviously Deliberately provoke it and seduce it, but it has been kept in the dark.

The spider queen was led away from the valley all the way, but those white-haired poisonous spiders did not follow. After all, these ordinary white-haired poisonous spiders have a fixed range of activities, and the valley is their territory, so it is impossible for them to appear in the valley. In addition, only big bosses like the Spider Queen can leave the territory.

"Restraint!" Qin Lang used the binding technique, but the effect was not ideal. This spider queen is a lively eighth-order monster, and the venom is so powerful. Qin Lang just put on the binding technique, and was corroded by its venom Lost.

But it doesn't matter, Qin Lang intends to consume this little guy's physical strength first. As long as this guy's physical strength is consumed, it will be much easier to control this guy. Poisonous pets are still awesome.

Qin Lang began to use his little silk-wrapping hand, constantly competing with this spider queen, consuming its physical strength all the time.And the spider queen's physical strength is also very amazing, but Qin Lang is trying to design a way to deal with it. Even if it has amazing physical strength, its energy is still in the process of continuous consumption.

Qin Lang estimated that it would take half an hour to deal with the spider queen, but he was not in a hurry, so he was the guide, and everything was under his control. The spider queen should not be able to get out of the palm of the Tathagata Buddha. .

(End of this chapter)

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