The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2142 Collecting the Spider Queen

Chapter 2142 Collecting the Spider Queen
Sure enough, with Qin Lang's efforts, the spider queen finally exhausted her physical strength after half an hour, and at this time Qin Lang once again used the binding method to seal the spider queen.


The Spider Queen was still very angry, but now that her physical strength was exhausted, it was no longer able to resist Qin Lang's restraint, and was finally banned after Qin Lang's series of spells.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Are you convinced..."

"Are you convinced or not?" Qin Lang started the first step of taming the pet, his whole body exploded, and he kept exerting mental pressure on this wild and unruly guy.


The spider queen was powerless to resist, and now she has become meat on the chopping board, and has no choice but to succumb to Qin Lang's lust.

"That's good, let me split a sliver of spiritual consciousness into your sea of ​​consciousness, and don't resist..."


The Spider Queen agreed.

Then, Qin Lang split a trace of consciousness into the brain of the spider queen, and began to control the primordial spirit of the spider queen, branding his own primordial spirit.

After all, it is not easy to subdue this kind of wild monster insect. Fortunately, the primordial spirit of the spider queen is not strong, and Qin Lang's primordial spirit is much stronger than the spider queen, so the whole control process is very smooth.

"Woo!" Qin Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief, the Spider Queen was finally under his control, so now there is no big problem passing through the valley in front of him.

Moreover, after the Spider Queen is controlled by him, he is equivalent to gaining a powerful poisonous pet. The loyalty of this poisonous pet does not seem to be very high now, but it doesn't matter much. If you cultivate it slowly, your loyalty will gradually increase. up.

And with the spider queen, Qin Lang knew that he could move freely in the densely packed white-haired poisonous spider territory. Under the control of the spider queen, those white-haired poisonous spiders would never move him at all.

Next, with a laugh, Qin Lang walked into the valley.

Two hours later, a team from the royal palace expedition also came to this valley to see the dense white-haired poisonous spiders. These people were also stumped.

"How to pass here? Captain Ning..." several team members asked cautiously.

And the little white-faced Captain Ning thought for a while and said: "Although there are flying armors among us, it is not advisable to fly there. Breaking through the level will definitely trigger an unknown restriction, which is not good. Therefore, to pass through the valley in front of you, you can only find a way from the ground..." He turned his head and asked, "Old Lu, you set up a dark cloud formation, We pushed all the way through..."

The Dark Cloud Formation, the Chief Formation Master of the Palace, is a movable defensive formation. It has also played a good role in the past few adventures of the Palace Team. One of Lu Cheng's unique magic circles.

Lu Cheng was still withdrawn. After nodding his head, he began to get busy. The 81 Hundred Array flag was thrown out, and a cloud of dark clouds descended from the sky to envelop the adventurers.

After half an hour...

A group of people withdrew from the valley with ugly faces. They also did not expect that the defense of the dark cloud formation could not stop the dense white-haired spiders in the valley from concentrating fire for half a minute. The strength dropped rapidly, and in the end they were broken before they even retreated completely, and even one side of the formation flag was damaged.

For this, Lu Cheng was also a little distressed. After all, this set of formation flags is a high-end formation flag, and it is the best set of formation flags that he has used all his wealth to exchange for from the palace treasury. This set of formation flags is also his housekeeping treasure. Well, all of his abilities depended on this set of formation flags, and now that one side has been destroyed, it can be said that most of his abilities have been lost.

Of course, without the formation flags, Lu Cheng can still set up formations, but the speed of formation is not as convenient as when he has formation flags. After all, having a set of high-end formation flags is different from not having formation flags. Si and Gao Fu Shuai have different starting points in life, and the situation is similar. Poor Diaosi walks out of society with nothing, and needs to start from scratch and work hard to be successful.

And Gao Fushuai was born with a golden key in his mouth, and stepping out of the big tree of his father's generation played a big role. They don't have to worry about the path and direction of life, and they can thrive under the big tree of their father's generation.

Therefore, one can imagine how bad Lu Cheng's mood is now after destroying a formation flag. However, he has never been good at expressing anything, and now his expression is just a bit ugly.

After exiting the valley, Captain Ning looked at the valley again, frowning together, this little white face is so pretty, even frowning is very attractive to women, at least Huang Meimei, who is wearing a white scarf, has more than one glance now.

"I see, try to attack with fire..." a team member said at this time.

"Alright, this time we are well prepared, and we have a lot of Lihuo Talismans on hand. I hope we can use the spells to open a way!" Captain Ning nodded after listening to the team members' suggestions. The ancient talisman made by the secret recipe is very lethal to monsters. When the palace was on a mission before, many armor repairers exchanged a large number of Lihuo talismans to deal with demonized monsters, and the effect was very good.

As for the adventure armor repair team from the palace, the members of this adventure armor repair team naturally carry enough Lihuo Talismans. Each person has at least [-] or [-] pieces of Lihuo Talismans. Cleared the way.

After the Lihuo Talisman is cast, it is no different from the situation of an incendiary bomb exploding. After the small-scale white-haired poisonous spider touches the flame of the Lihuo Talisman, it almost instantly turns into ashes. After all, the white-haired poisonous spider is actually It is only a third-order creature, and its defense ability is not strong, and the Lihuo Talisman can even deal with seventh- and eighth-order monsters, so it is naturally easy to kill this kind of scum.

However, after the Lihuo Talisman exploded, the explosion range was only one or two feet. In the face of the entire valley densely packed with hundreds of millions of white-haired poisonous spiders, the power of a Lihuo Talisman after it was blown up was very limited. All the Lihuo Talismans of the entire team were exhausted, and it was impossible to wipe out the white-haired poisonous spiders in the entire valley, not even one percent.

However, this is not the key point. If the team uses Lihuo Talismans to open the way, the effect is still good. I saw these Kaixiu lined up in a formation. As he moved forward, he assisted Kaixiu on the periphery to kill some white-haired poisonous spiders that might slip through the net after the Lihuo Talisman exploded.

Finally, this team passed through the valley smoothly, but the number of Lihuo Talismans consumed was frowning. It was less than 3 minutes away, and the Lihuo Talismans consumed by everyone together reached at least [-] Zhang above.

And behind the armor repair team in the palace, the passageway that was blown out was quickly covered by white-haired spiders coming in like a tide. Consumes a lot of Lihuo Talismans.

This is not good news for the Royal Palace Kaixiu adventure team. If they encounter any situation in the ruins and consume all the Lihuo Talismans, they will not be able to pass here when they return, so everyone knows that what happens next? When encountering a battle, the Lihuo Talisman can no longer be used.

Fortunately, everyone's psychological quality is strong. Even if the Lihuo Talisman can no longer be used, the methods on everyone are not only the Lihuo Talisman, but also other powerful means that can be used, so if you encounter an emergency There is no need to be afraid.

"Huh?" Not long after leaving the valley, Lu Cheng, the formation master in the royal armor repair team, discovered a destroyed space node. This is a space node in the ruins. The location of the teleportation must be a very important place in the ruins. , otherwise, there is no need to get out this space node.

As a formation master, Lu Cheng has a lot of research on formations and space nodes. At this time, he is going to repair this teleportation node to see if he can restart the formation.

"Ah... What a beautiful fox..." At this time, Huang Meimei, who was not helping in the team, was doing nothing, and suddenly found a moving shadow not far from the team. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a golden hair. Little Fox.

As a girl, Huang Meimei naturally doesn't have much resistance to this cute-looking animal. Usually she looks cold, but in fact she is also a wild person at heart, otherwise she would not often leave the palace to wander around.

When Huang Meimei saw the golden-haired fox, she immediately went to catch it, but the captain surnamed Ning immediately stopped her from such a risky move: "Miss Meimei, there are many dangers in this ruin, although the golden creature in front can't be seen A powerful monster, but being able to appear in this ruins itself represents extraordinary, so you can't go there."

"Okay!" Huang Meimei sighed inwardly, and then replied with no expression on her face.

And the golden-haired fox didn't seem to be too afraid of people. Seeing these Kaixiu not far away, it didn't leave, and just stayed there.

This little guy didn't show the form of a monster for the time being, just like an ordinary animal, foraging and resting in place.

And the palace adventure armor repair team has always been on alert, surrounded the entire transmission node, and then watched the formation master Lu Cheng busy there alone, after all, they can't help, only Lu Cheng is the formation method in the entire team Master, it is natural to leave it to Lu Cheng to repair the teleportation array node now.

Fortunately, the repair of this teleportation formation is not very difficult. Lu Cheng has prepared sufficient materials. Before long, the entire teleportation formation has experienced fluctuations in spiritual power, and then the formation began to activate. It's fixed.

"Okay!" Lu Cheng accepted the materials.

"The formation has been activated, everyone enters the coverage area of ​​the formation! Pay more attention when teleporting over later!" Captain Ning reminded the team members.

"Okay, captain!" The team members responded one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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