The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2156 Palace Historical Materials

Chapter 2156 Palace Historical Materials
Qin Lang stayed in Qibi City for a week. After dealing with all the affairs at hand, he went directly to Wangcheng. After all, he had a lot of questions about the information about beast souls and soul weapons. able to find a result.

Two days later, Qin Lang, who arrived in Wangcheng, directly contacted Wang Mengmeng through some means, and the little princess kept her promise and gave Qin Lang a pass for the Palace of Stars. The temple is fine.

Palace of Stars.

This is a large building complex, covering an area of ​​more than [-] acres. The historical materials museum that Qin Lang is going to is only a part of the Star Hall, and all the historical materials and books collected by the Dawan Kingdom for thousands of years, as well as all the folk books are collected here. .

The Star Palace is actually the palace of knowledge most yearned for by researchers from various industries in Wangcheng. I heard that even His Majesty the King often visits here. After all, His Majesty the King is a pharmacist in private, and he can be regarded as a member of the army of researchers.

When Qin Lang entered the Star Palace, he found that there were quite a few people entering and leaving the Star Palace. The flow of people in the entire Star Palace is estimated to be at least hundreds of people every day. This proves that the palace is not self-preserving in the promotion of knowledge. This may be the national strength of the entire Dawan Kingdom One of the thriving features.

However, these people who enter and leave the Palace of Stars all have certain identities and status, and are basically upper class. After all, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get a pass if they have nothing to do with it.

As the upper class, these people who enter the Palace of Stars are very particular about their clothes, and Qin Lang has just returned from an adventure, and he is not very particular about attire, so a slightly cheap dress is more attractive in this palace. Some people who enter and leave the Star Palace come for knowledge, and don't pay much attention to how other people dress. Only a few people with ulterior motives will care about these things.

"Did you see... that guy, he should be a commoner, I don't know how he got here in the Star Palace!"

A voice of discussion sounded not far away. Although the palace and star palace did not clearly specify that only the nobles and the upper class were allowed to enter and leave, if the common people could not get a pass, it was impossible for them to be eligible to appear here.

Therefore, for a long time, there has never been a commoner class in the palace and star palace.

"Heh!" Qin Lang's hearing is very good, but he just smiled lightly at other people's comments, so what happened to the nobles?What happened to civilians?In his eyes, he treats people equally, and such a person can only prove his superficiality by talking about such things, and true knowledge and learning are not distinguished by nobles and peace palaces.

Qin Lang came to the Star Palace this time because of the historical materials in the Historical Archives, so there is no need to care about this kind of person, completely turning a blind eye.

However, Qin Lang doesn't care about this kind of people, but there are always some self-righteous people in this world who will jump out and make things difficult for others, and he has also met them.

"Stop! Who are you... How did you come to the Star Palace? This is not the place for you."

A gorgeously dressed bastard stopped Qin Lang.

This is a 27-year-old young man who looks a little older than Qin Lang. He is still holding a pile of books in his arms. These are the books that are going to be returned to the Xingdian Historical Archives.

"The Chronicle of the Continent", "Armor Evolution", "One Hundred Questions in Armor Making"...

Qin Lang noticed that the books that this young man rented were almost all related to refining armor. It seems that this young man should be a junior refining master.The reason for judging that this guy is a junior craftsman, not a craftsman apprentice, or that he is an intermediate, senior craftsman or master craftsman, Qin Lang also has a basis.

First of all, the books this young man relies on are relatively superficial books on the refining industry in Dawan State. It is basically impossible for such books to be borrowed by intermediate and above refining masters, and only junior refining masters or below primary refining apprentices can borrow them. It is possible to borrow.

And the reason why he judged that this young man was not a craftsman apprentice, but a junior craftsman, Qin Lang also had his own comprehensive judgment. First of all, this young man had a mid-stage foundation-building cultivation base, and there was a thin layer of cocoon on his hand. The cocoon should be It takes several years to forge metal materials before it can appear, and those who have several years of forging experience are either high-level apprentices or junior forgers.

And the young man cannot be a high-level craftsman apprentice. After all, among the books he borrowed at hand, there are several books about the experience and experience of the craftsman in the crafting process. Only when the level has risen and reached the level of an elementary craftsman can one experience and understand those experiences while practicing.

Qin Lang took a look at the bastard, ignored him, and walked straight to the Historical Archives.

However, seeing Qin Lang's attitude, the bastard was actually annoyed, and shouted loudly: "Guards! Guards... someone trespassed on the Star Palace, why don't you come and take care of it?"

The guards came over quickly, saluted Qin Lang and said, "Sir, please show the Star Hall pass, if you don't have the pass, please leave."

Facing the palace guards maintaining order, Qin Lang frowned, then took out the hot gold passport on his body.

But the guard saw that the pass was real, and immediately saluted and let him go. "I'm sorry to have scratched you, sir."

The quality of these palace guards is very good, and Qin Lang didn't lose his manners because Qin Lang dressed like a commoner. It seems that the palace's training on etiquette is in place.

He actually has a pass... He actually has a pass?How can this be?Who gave him that pass?
The bastard youth was stunned. This guy was so shameless before that he looked down on Qin Lang who was dressed as a commoner. He thought that Qin Lang had simply entered the Star Palace. How could he know that the other party really had a pass for the Star Palace.

Moreover, what he didn't know was that the bronzing pass on Qin Lang's body had a very high level of authority, higher than the one on him, and belonged to the top-level pass. He could view all the information that required authority to be able to view the Star Palace. After all, this is a small The princess got it herself, how could the things the princess sold be shabby.

The second-hand youth felt that his brain was short-circuited, and Qin Lang's figure disappeared completely. Then he recovered, shook his head, and started to walk towards the Historical Archives Museum.


In the Historical Archives, the second-rate youth discovered Qin Lang again, but Qin Lang did not notice him. After all, the most important thing for Qin Lang to come to the Star Palace is knowledge, and other things can be ignored.

But the second-hand youth is different. After returning the books he borrowed last time, he has been staring at Qin Lang. He has always felt that there is something wrong with Qin Lang, and he thinks that his judgment will not be wrong. It was not a gift, but it was picked up by accident, or stolen from somewhere.

Therefore, this smart bastard has been staring at all Qin Lang's actions in the Historical Archives, hoping to see some clues, and then continue to expose this cunning guy who entered the Star Palace by fooling around.

And after watching it for a while, the bastard youth really noticed something was wrong. The speed of the target flipping through the books in the historical archives was too fast. The bookshelves passed by row by row. Going back, if you were a normal person, you wouldn’t be able to see what you’re looking for at this speed, and you don’t know if you’re really looking for a book. I saw this guy walking past the bookshelves and didn’t know what he was looking for. Or have ulterior motives.

Anyway, the second-rate youth was not far behind Qin Lang, and it took less than 10 minutes to find a row of books with almost [-] books. With Qin Lang's book-turning speed, it is estimated that it would take no more than twelve hours to search through the entire fifth floor.

Is it possible to search the entire fifth floor of the library for twelve hours?This kind of fast flipping through the book can't even read the words clearly. Does this guy come to the historical archives to find information...

A big question arose in the mind of the second-hand youth. However, besides the ridiculous speed of turning the pages of the book, the current target person has no other abnormal behaviors, so he can only continue to follow.

In fact, what he doesn't know is that Qin Lang turned the book so quickly not for himself, but for the super system connected to his brain. As long as the super system scans these books, all the contents will be directly recorded, so Qin Lang has such a Outrageous behavior occurs.

As for all the books that have been turned over, Qin Lang has actually burned the data into the super system. When needed, Qin Lang can call up these recorded materials from his brain at any time, which is also one of his exclusive abilities.

At present, Qin Lang is immersed in the ocean of materials in the historical archives, so he has no energy to pay attention to other things, so the bastard youth is following him, but he doesn't notice at all.

Of course, even if he noticed, he wouldn't care, after all, that bastard youth was just an inconspicuous young man to him. Compared with the precious materials in the historical archives, he had no extra time to waste On this kind of young man, after all, he is a Dzogchen cultivator in the late stage of transformation, how could he waste his extra time on boring things.

Twelve hours later, Qin Lang browsed through all the books and materials on the fifth floor of the Palace Historical Archives. In order to ensure that it would be more convenient to organize these materials in the future, he closed his eyes and connected to the super system to go through all the directories. Form a directory chain like the root system of a big tree.

After doing this, he closed his eyes and meditated for a while to rest. After all, he entered the working state and continuously recorded books and historical materials for twelve hours. No matter what he said, his body would feel a little tired. Fortunately, the body of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation The quality is very strong, and in just a minute or two, all the fatigue is swept away.

(End of this chapter)

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