The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2157 Refining Soul Suit

Chapter 2157 Refining Soul Suit
I don't know when, the bastard youth stopped following Qin Lang. It is estimated that after several hours of continuous monitoring, there was nothing to gain, and that guy felt boring.

At this time, Qin Lang had already absorbed the books and historical materials on the bottom layer, so he began to enter the second layer of the historical materials library.

The books and historical materials on the second floor require a slightly higher reading authority than the first floor, but Qin Lang has the pass with the highest authority, so there is no problem going directly to the fifth floor.

The books and historical materials on the second floor of the Historical Archives are still basic books, but the depth of content is higher than that of the first floor. There are more than 3 books and historical materials on this layer. It still took Qin Lang three hours to fully understand these Books and materials are recorded in the super system.

Qin Lang stayed in the historical archives for two full days without coming out, and the information he was looking for was basically on the fourth and fifth floors of the historical archives. He found a way to decipher the ancient text of the soul armament production blueprint of the mysterious ruins, through With the knowledge he has absorbed, he is already fully confident in deciphering the production method of "Cloud Piercing Arrow".

In the process of searching for information and deciphering the text, Qin Lang also knew the origin of the "beast soul" and "soul armament", as well as some deeper things.

In ancient times, monsters were divided into common monsters, primitive monsters, king beasts, emperor beasts, and emperor beasts. Among them, ordinary monsters are similar to the monsters in the cultivation world today, and they are divided into ranks one to nine. .

Primitive monsters are generally stronger than ordinary monsters, and their ranks start at least nine ranks, and there is no upper limit.Different from ordinary monsters, the beast soul can be separated after the original monster is killed, and this beast soul is the material for making soul weapons.

Even, beast souls are also called immortal beast souls in the ancient cultivation world, which corresponds to becoming human immortal immortal souls.

To become an immortal needs to condense the immortal soul, which is also one of Qin Lang's greatest achievements in the historical archives.

The Dzogchen cultivators in the late stage of transformation can merge and transform the immortal beast soul into their own immortal soul, thus condensing the immortal grid to become a human immortal.

Of course, there are some cultivators who don't need the souls of immortals and beasts. They can condense the souls of immortals and become human immortals by themselves.

Correspondingly, a cultivator who condenses immortal souls on his own through pure penance, after becoming an immortal, is far more powerful than a cultivator who absorbs the souls of immortal beasts and transforms them into human immortals.

However, it is too difficult to condense the immortal soul by pure penance. Even in ancient times, the success rate of cultivators after reaching the cultivation level is less than one in a thousand.

And more cultivators are actually the first to absorb immortal beast souls for fusion transformation to ascend to immortality. If they absorb powerful immortal beast souls, their cultivation after ascending to immortality is actually no worse than that obtained by pure penance.

Therefore, the immortal beast soul is definitely a good thing, and Qin Lang definitely made a lot of money this time.

However, king beasts, emperor beasts, and emperor beasts are higher-level existences than primitive monsters, and they will never appear in the realm of comprehension. Qin Lang did not find any information about them in the historical archives.

After reading these materials, Qin Lang also has a better plan for his own journey of becoming an immortal in the near future, and he will definitely make himself a strong among the newly promoted immortals.

"Soul armament..." Qin Lang mobilized the information about soul armament in the super system. Soul armament refers to armor and magic weapons above the ground level. The refining method is very harsh, and the refiner needs to have at least the late stage of alchemy Only the cultivation base can do it.

Through the information, Qin Lang found that the black rock armor he got from the palace was not a complete soul armor. Although it was an earth-level armor, it was not integrated with the beast soul and could only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

And if it is a complete soul armor, the black rock armor with the beast soul will become even stronger. The defense ability of this earth-level armor, which is good at defense, can be increased by at least three or four times.

At that time, this soul weapon will be regarded as a real fairy-level armor, because the soul weapon in ancient times is actually the fairy weapon in the mouth of the comprehension world, and the beast soul in the fairy weapon is the tool spirit in the comprehension class. , Of course, a fairy weapon with a weapon spirit is completely different from a fairy weapon without a weapon spirit.

Immortal artifacts are definitely more powerful treasures than top-grade magic weapons and magic weapons. At present, Qin Lang only has a set of growth-stage Lingbao Ziluo Jingou that can be compared with immortals, and even has a greater value than a set of fairy artifacts. After all This set of Lingbao-level congenital gourds is the supreme treasure of the great way, containing the primordial purple energy born at the beginning of chaos, which is rare in the entire universe.

Immortal Artifact... If Qin Lang can refine the Immortal Artifact, then he can definitely walk sideways in the Three Realms, even if he encounters monsters above the ninth rank, he doesn't have to be afraid anymore.


Qin Lang knew that he had just entered the late stage of becoming a god, and he still needed some accumulation to become an immortal, but if he wants to improve his combat power now, it may fall on the soul armament.

I now have a phoenix beast soul in my hand, but the shape of the beast soul is Zhuge Liannu.

In addition, I have the refining blueprint of the "Cloud Piercing Arrow". If the Cloud Piercing Arrow is paired with the Zhuge Liannu, it will form a complete set of soul weapons, that is, immortal weapons. It is easy to take the head of a person thousands of miles away. The attack power is definitely leveraged.

He planned to study the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" first after returning home, and then collect materials to see if he could make a "Cloud Piercing Arrow".

In addition, through the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" blueprint, he can reversely calculate the blueprint of the Zhuge Liannu, and refine the Zhuge Liannu at that time.

And Zhuge Liannu has the most important beast soul material in the soul armament, so it should not be difficult to gather other materials. The difficult thing is that it is not easy to find a suitable beast soul for the cloud piercing arrow. After all, it requires a suitable original Beast Soul.

As for the protobeast, it doesn’t matter whether Qin Lang can beat it now, whether there is a second protobeast in the cultivation world is a problem, and even if it is found, it is also very important whether it is an arrow-type beast soul after killing it. After all, if it is another type of beast Soul, that cannot be transformed at all.

Qin Lang was very lucky. He found an ancient spell of transforming beast souls on the top floor of the Historical Archives "Equal Level Exchange", which can change the attributes and shapes of the beast souls he already has at will. This is definitely a top-notch spell. In this case, if Qin Lang can find a new beast soul, he doesn't need to check whether the newly obtained beast soul is from the arrow system, he can directly transform it into an arrow-type beast soul, and then refine the real "cloud piercing arrow ".

When the time comes, the Zhuge Liannu combined with the "Cloud Piercing Arrow", this set of soul armament will be the most powerful fighting method in Qin Lang's hands in the future.

After coming out of the Historical Archives, Qin Lang searched the material market of the entire Dawan Kingdom through some channels, looking for the refining materials of Zhuge Liannu and "Cloud Piercing Arrow", except for the most needed beast soul in the refining of "Cloud Piercing Arrow" Except for nothing, the other materials are almost collected.

This also cost Qin Lang nearly 300 million. It can be said that more than half of the net worth accumulated in the Dawan Kingdom for one or two months has been consumed.

After all, among these ordinary materials, the worst ones are star quenching gold, fine gold, and secret silver refining materials, which are very valuable, and some higher-grade materials are more valuable, so it is normal to spend a lot.

And Qin Lang should be grateful that this world is not a real realm of comprehension, and the occupation rate of cultivation resources in Dawan Kingdom is not high, which also makes Qin Lang's process of collecting resources much more convenient.

Although there is currently no beast soul needed for the "Cloud Piercing Arrow", Qin Lang has almost reversed the production blueprint of the Zhuge Liannu through the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" blueprint. After all, this set of soul weapons are related to each other of.

During this period of time, a large number of high-level armors and second-hand magic weapons were refined. Qin Lang's refining experience has broken through to the master level, and he has the qualifications to refine earth-level armor and soul weapons.

After that, Qin Lang began to refine the Zhuge Liannu.

The Zhuge Liannu is a top-grade prefecture-level crossbow. There are more than 300 parts in the whole crossbow machine. The parts are not too many, but there are not many.

These parts require high manufacturing precision, and many of them require professional tools to build. Fortunately, Qin Lang has a cooperative relationship with Huogongfang, and can borrow all the professional tools of Huogongfang. In this case, the manufacturing accuracy of parts is not high. What's the problem.

It took three days and three nights for Qin Lang to build all the parts and assemble them successfully, and then began to integrate the phoenix and beast souls into the Liannu, and this earth-level Liannu began to become a real soul weapon.

Three days and three nights of uninterrupted building, this process was very hard. Qin Lang was already very tired after the building was completed, and he didn't care about admiring the newly built Liannu, so he directly swallowed the elixir and meditated to restore himself.

Then, Qin Lang, who recovered, had the energy to look at his newly refined treasure.

call out!
After incorporating the beast soul, the Liannu glowed as a whole, possessing spirituality. When touching it with hands, one could feel that this weapon had a unique rhythm, beating with the pulse.

In a trance, Qin Lang even heard the crooning of the phoenix bird and beast soul inside it. This kind of crooning was not heard with the ears, but sensed with the sixth consciousness. In fact, there was no sound in the ears at all.

"What a crossbow..." Qin Lang admired in his heart, he could feel the power of the crossbow machine with his soul, and now the Zhuge Liannu was finished, only one good arrow was needed to form a set.


The storm regiment, the mine station in the sea.

Su Lie, the acting deputy head of the Qibi City Storm Group, was naturally tricked by Mellon, the head of the Blood Shark Group in Binhai City. After getting three poor mining areas, he had to accept this fact. Evidence of official corruption, but more energy is spent on mining.

In order to open mines, the Storm Group recruited more than 1000 ordinary miners, who were distributed on one black stone lean mine and two star pattern steel lean mines.

It has been more than a month now, and last month's performance was that the three mines had a total loss of 45 yuan after deducting the taxes paid and personnel expenses.

This is not a small number. You must know that this is the first month of mining, so much loss. After a year, the Storm Group may lose at least 500 million, or even 1000 million. After all, with the deepening of mining, all aspects The investment will definitely increase.

(End of this chapter)

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