The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2159 Beast Soul Fusion

Chapter 2159 Beast Soul Fusion
In the fire workshop, Qin Lang began to appraise the soul weapon created.

Zhuge Liannu: Earth-level middle-grade magic weapon is external, weapon spirit is activated, and skills are activated.

Skill [-]: Rapid Fire, which can be equipped with nine soul arrows at the same time.

Skill [-]: Shooting correction, long-range shooting accuracy plus one.

Skill [-]: Tracking, with the ability to track arrows.

Skill [-]: Resonance, when paired with fire arrows, the attack power is doubled.


The black rock armor on Qin Lang is also an earth-level rock armor, but without the blessing of the beast soul, so there is no skill blessing.

And the Zhuge Liannu after Qi Ling is activated can be regarded as a real fairy weapon, with four powerful attack skills, which also makes the external functions and power of this earth-level middle-grade magic weapon more diversified. Compared with the external magic weapon, it is like garbage, and there is no comparison at all.

This is the real soul weapon, in a word...powerful!
And just after Zhuge Liannu's soul weapon was activated, there was a faint spiritual fluctuation on Qin Lang's forehead, and a light red birthmark appeared from a vague state, and then a group of fiery red shadows left Qin Lang's forehead , directly submerged into the Zhuge Liannu.

"This is..." Qin Lang began to wonder, but later realized that he had already collected the soul of a fire-type bird in the death star belt on the battlefield outside the realm of comprehension, and he didn't know what kind of ancient bird it was. , maybe it was a phoenix, maybe it was a vermilion bird, which belonged to the same fire element as the luan bird, but it was just a broken soul, which disappeared after it turned into a soul birthmark, so I never paid attention to it.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, this group of incomplete firebird and beast souls actually revived after the Zhuge Liannu was trained, and voluntarily left his body and merged into the newly refined Zhuge Liannu.

Let's look at the Zhuge Liannu that has been integrated into the remnant soul of the ancient firebird...

Zhuge Liannu (Enhanced): Earth-level top-grade, weapon spirit activated, skill activated.

Skill 36: Rapid Fire, which can be equipped with [-] soul arrows at the same time.

Skill [-]: Shooting correction, long-range shooting accuracy plus [-].

Skill [-]: Tracking, with the ability to track arrows.

Skill [-]: Resonance, when paired with fire-type arrows, the attack power is doubled and an explosion effect is added.

After the incomplete Firebird Beast Soul was invested and strengthened, the power of the Zhuge Liannu became violent. These skill attributes made Qin Lang feel drooling, powerful, really powerful.

Of course, if equipped with beast soul arrows, it would be perfect.

However, Qin Lang doesn't have any extra beast souls on him now. If there are any, he can exchange grades no matter what attributes he has, and turn them into fire-type arrow-type beast souls. The power will definitely go against the sky.

Qin Lang was elated for a while, and started to make ordinary arrows. He had no choice but to make some ordinary arrows if he couldn't get soul arrows for the time being. I hope that Zhuge Liannu can also increase the power of this ordinary arrow.

In fact, it is an ordinary arrow, and the materials are not ordinary. They are leftovers from refining the Zhuge Liannu. This kind of material quality is more than enough to manufacture a mysterious magic weapon for external use.

Ding ding ding, Dang Dang.

In the fire workshop, Qin Lang carefully hammered for three more hours before refining 36 low-grade Xuan-level arrows.

These 36 arrows do not have skill attribute blessings. The only advantage is that they are high in hardness and sharp enough. If they are paired with Zhuge Liannu, they should be able to easily break through the defense of the ninth-level monster and shoot through the body of the ninth-level monster.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to kill a ninth-level monster with one arrow and two arrows. After all, the vitality and defense ability of any high-level monster is against the sky, unless Qin Lang can attack the weakness and vital points of the ninth-level monster Almost, that way there is a possibility of killing with one or two arrows.

As for Qin Lang without Zhuge Liannu, the first consideration when dealing with a ninth-level monster is not whether he can kill the opponent, but to find a way out first, so that he can escape if he can't beat it.

After all, even Qin Lang, who is in the late stage of becoming a god, can't be stronger than the ninth-order monster in terms of physique. The monster has a natural advantage in physical defense, which is unmatched by human monks.

And the only thing that human monks are better than monsters is wisdom.

However, some powerful monsters have no worse intelligence than human monks, and they can even transform into forms. If the transformation is successful, they will be demon cultivators. They completely crush human monks of the same level in all aspects. A powerful pet monkey once conquered by Qin Lang This is such an example, the monkey with the powerful real martial body succeeded in transforming into the eighth-level, and the combat power is absolutely leveraged, I am afraid that it can directly face the ninth-level monsters, which is far stronger than Qin Lang at that time.

"Master Qin Lang... Can you see what's wrong with this low-grade toad armor I modified?" Just after Qin Lang finished his work, the middle-aged blacksmith of Huogong Workshop came over with a second-hand armor .

As Qin Lang's partner and partner, the middle-aged blacksmith's fire workshop has made money in the past two months, and at the same time he has learned a lot from Qin Lang.

He was originally a senior craftsman, and what he lacked was Qin Lang's unconstrained spirituality and thinking at that time. Therefore, after studying with Qin Lang humbly, and after a lot of modification practice, the middle-aged blacksmith finally broke through and became a master craftsman in the past few days.

However, even if he became a master craftsman, the middle-aged blacksmith found that his ability was still not as good as Qin Lang, so he still regarded Qin Lang as his teacher.

Although he is much older than Qin Lang, no matter which profession he is in, he has no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher, so no matter how young Qin Lang is, he still respects Qin Lang.

It was his first attempt to repair and refit the external Xuan-level magic weapon this time. After finishing it, he brought it over to Qin Lang for tasting.

And Qin Lang happened to be busy with the work at hand, so he glanced at this piece of black-grade armor. This is a set of low-grade black-grade toad armor, the favorite of explosive armor. Cannons are more powerful than other types of explosive armor.

Of course, the toad armor also has a big disadvantage, that is, although it can be equipped with energy cannons, its own weight has always been a big problem. More than two tons.

Although Kaixiu's physical fitness is very strong, but if he puts on this kind of bulky armor and installs some heavy-duty magic weapons around it, his body skills and moving speed will be absolutely horrible, probably not much faster than a snail.

Although most of the Explosive Armors take the team route, you can rest assured that you can hand over your back to your companions, just rest assured that the burst output is enough, but if you can increase your own movement speed, then I believe that every Explosive Armor It's all solid.

And Qin Lang made a breakthrough modification for this second-hand explosive armor toad armor, that is, changed some load-bearing structures inside the armor, carried out a series of optimizations, and reduced the weight of the entire armor by 15.00%.

Regardless of the weight reduction of only 15.00%, for Explosive Armor, this means shedding hundreds of catties of weight, and once these hundreds of catties are removed, Explosive Armor's agility and movement speed will be at least It can be increased by 20.00%.

This is a major breakthrough. In fact, there are many similar breakthroughs. It was Qin Lang's inspiration during the modification process. Therefore, after Huogongfang monopolized the second-hand armor and magic weapon external market in Qibi City, the business was surprisingly booming. Not only are the vendors in the second-hand market in Qibi City willing to cooperate with Huogongfang, but vendors from several other surrounding cities have gradually been absorbed.

After all, the external performance of the improved armor and second-hand magic weapons is even better than the new ones. I believe that after the discovery of those armor repairs, there is no one who does not regard these second-hand armor and magic weapons as external treasures, which has formed a word of mouth.

Once the word of mouth is formed, the market will gradually expand like a snowball, and the corresponding profits of Huogongfang will also gradually increase.

After all, the after-sales and maintenance of second-hand armor and magic weapons have always been a huge market. Nowadays, the major refining workshops in Dawan country only maintain their own products, and do not maintain the products of other workshops. The scrap rate of armor and magic weapons in the market is very high.

Qin Lang and Huogongfang are now equivalent to joining it, entering the recycling and modification, which is equivalent to seizing a large piece of cake.

And Huogongfang's overall profit last month has reached 100 million, 50 to [-], Qin Lang has been divided into [-], and next month I believe it will be more.

Moreover, this is the case that the fire workshop has not enough people to get so much profit. After all, apart from Qin Lang, there are only two blacksmith fathers and sons in the entire fire workshop. Now one of them is a master craftsman and the other is a senior craftsman... Yes, the blacksmith's son also broke through recently!

After all, magic weapon modification is a high-intensity coolie job. After all, the grade of modification and repair is not low. At the same time, you can get a lot of training experience. , that is definitely being lazy.

"This toad armor is not badly modified!"

Qin Lang looked at it and nodded, but still pointed out three of them that are worth noting: "Look, here, in fact, the psionic circuit does not need to be designed so long, of course, we are not for Save materials, but if the spiritual energy circuit is shorter, less modification materials will reduce the load, and these three places can be optimized a little bit, which means that the weight of the event armor can be reduced by three to five catties."

"As for the explosive armor repair, if the weight of the armor can be reduced a little bit, you don't understand what it means... Hehe, so, when modifying, you must be clear about your thinking and purpose. Strictly demand yourself according to the standards, and strive to improve the accuracy of your modification..."

"So that's the case! No wonder I always feel that this armor is a little bit flawed. It turns out that the problem is that the design of the three psionic circuits is a little longer..."

The middle-aged blacksmith realized that he had actually broken through to a master craftsman, so he knew everything.

(End of this chapter)

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