Chapter 2160 Qin Mansion
In fact, in terms of skills, Qin Lang doesn't have much to teach each other. After all, strictly speaking, the middle-aged blacksmith is already at the same level as Qin Lang, and his hands-on ability is no worse than Qin Lang. It is nothing more than Qin Lang's mind and thinking. For some, as long as middle-aged blacksmiths are willing to delve into it and expand their thinking, I believe that their abilities in this area will gradually be cultivated.

In fact, there is no end to learning in all walks of life, and there are strong and weak abilities among the master craftsmen. Only by maintaining an attitude of learning and studying can we continue to improve. After all, master craftsmen are also the end of an industry. You must know that in ancient times But there were masters, and the master craftsmen at that time were nothing... a lot of them.

After getting Qin Lang's guidance, the middle-aged blacksmith happily tried again. In fact, for him, whether the Huogong Workshop makes money or not is secondary. He can learn from Qin Lang, an astonishingly creative craftsman. It is the most important thing to expand one's thinking, which is of great help to the improvement of one's own refining ability.

The middle-aged blacksmith also feels very lucky to be able to get to know such a genius as Qin Lang. The trend of developing into a large-scale refining workshop, he already has the idea of ​​​​expanding the shop to recruit apprentices... This is something he never even dared to think about. It's just a refiner, but his life now has ambitions.

After refining the soul weapon, Qin Lang went to his mansion "Qin Mansion" in the third ring.

After all, it cost more than 200 million yuan to purchase the property. Although he has rarely stayed in the mansion for a while, if he has time, he still wants to come back and take a look.

"Master, you are back!"

The housekeeper was greeted by Ah Fu, a fat old man who had two years of experience as a housekeeper and was very loyal, so Qin Lang felt relieved to hand over the entire house to Ah Fu.

"Fu Bo, how is your house doing recently?"

Qin Lang asked, after all, he bought the house and handed over the mess to Ah Fu before leaving. He didn't take a good look at it, and he didn't know any difficulties in the follow-up process of "Qin Mansion".

"Everything is running normally...Master, the land near the street of the house also belongs to us. This is the second ring road and close to the third ring road. The flow of people is good. I think it can be built into a row of shops and rented out. It must be very popular! In this case, In the future, the house will be self-sufficient in all aspects of maintenance and servant expenses..."

Butler A Fu gave Qin Lang a suggestion.

"Well, let's do it like this! Tell me how much you need, and I'll transfer it to you."

Qin Lang nodded, although this Ah Fu is a bit older, but he has really good ability, he didn't think of the fact that the land around the house could be used.

Of course, this is also the reason why Qin Lang is a person who does big things, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to these trails after buying the house, so a good housekeeper is also very necessary.

"Master, I have already calculated that the land facing the street has a total of half an mu, and five shops can be built... The cost is about 35."

Ah Fu took a small notebook and looked at it. It seemed that this dedicated housekeeper had already made preparations in this regard, and was just waiting to report to Qin Lang.

"Okay, I will give you 40. You can rest assured to do this, and the extra will be the living expenses of people in the future! In addition, your suggestion is good. In the future, the commission of the store rent, um, [-]% will belong to you! "

Qin Lang said casually, and at the same time transferred 40 to Ah Fu.

"This...young master, you have given too much, the [-]% store commission is too old to bear..."

Unexpectedly, the housekeeper A Fu did not accept Qin Lang's commission immediately, but looked at Qin Lang hesitantly. After all, if the construction of this row of shops is completed, the monthly rent will be at least seven or eight thousand, which is lower than his wages. It is several times higher.

You must know that he is just an ordinary person, and the salary income of ordinary people in Dawan Country is only between a few hundred to one thousand a month, which is far inferior to that of an adventurer in Kaixiu.

"Not much, not much!" Qin Lang waved his hand and said: "From now on, you will take good care of this house for me, and the rent commission of the shop will be my extra reward... Well, that's it."

"Thank you, young master." Ah Fu was a little moved. After all, the previous master had never treated him so well. He had no children and only one adopted grandson. He planned to use the money to raise his own grandson in the future. , so that his grandson will become an armor repairer in the future.

After all, the occupations that ordinary people in the Dawan country are engaged in actually serve these armored practitioners in every way.

For ordinary people, becoming Kaixiu means a good way out. Kaixiu has better physical fitness and life expectancy than ordinary people, and his status is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This is the same reason that parents on the earth want their children to be admitted to good universities and become dragons and phoenixes among the people.

Although becoming a powerful Kaixiu will continue to take risks, challenge and break through himself, he will continue to encounter various risks in the process, and there may be the possibility of perishing, but in such a world that values ​​the strong and power, these are not enough. What kind of.

Qin Lang walked past the house, there were four servants in the house, two of them were trimming the flowers and plants, and the other two were actually taking a nap in the rockery pavilion.

"Master is here, wake up!"

At this time, a companion reminded that the two servants who were dozing off suddenly woke up, "Master... hello, master." The faces of the two servants who were awakened were a little pale, and they were a little panicked. After all, the master came to inspect during working hours , but I am deserting, this is not a good thing.

The main reason is that they didn't expect that Qin Lang would break through and come here today after not coming for a long time, so they were mentally relaxed.

However, unexpectedly, Qin Lang was not unhappy, instead he smiled and said: "It's nothing, in my house, as long as you finish your work every day, you can do whatever you want in the rest of the time, don't be nervous."

"Hehe..." The two servants touched their heads and smiled embarrassedly.

In fact, Qin Lang's tolerance for these servants is mainly because they are ordinary people, and it is not an important task to take care of this house, and he does not need to be so harsh on these ordinary people. Get closer to yourself, treat this place as your second home, and make the whole house more angry.

After all, these servants come to the mansion every day before dawn, and only go home after dark. In fact, life is not easy, please be more considerate. I hope the working environment here can make them happy, and Uncle Fu will command them It's also easier to come.

"Master... This is my grandson's little table."

Ah Fu pointed to a black boy who was playing quietly in the courtyard and said, Ah Fu has now moved into the house, so he also brought his adopted grandson here. "Little table, come here... call the young master." The old man beckoned, his eyes full of kindness.

"Master." This child is very obedient. He is only three or four years old, but he is not as naughty as his peers. It may be because he was abandoned by his parents at a young age. He has a maturity far beyond this age.

"Hehe, this kid is not bad." Qin Lang smiled, the small table's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at himself with a little timidity, it was because he was afraid of strangers, but he still walked over obediently.

From this point, it can be seen that this kid's temperament and control are very good. Qin Lang suddenly became interested and wanted to test this kid's cultivation aptitude. If possible, it would be okay to teach this kid a few hands. Ah Fu, the housekeeper, is also more loyal to himself.

After joining hands, Qin Lang found that this kid really has spiritual roots, but they are water spiritual roots.

Speaking of it, three-quarters of the people of Dawan Kingdom are ordinary people, but the remaining one-quarter are people with cultivation qualifications, that is, spiritual roots.

Of course, Kaixiu is taking the route of body training. If the training method is fixed, it is difficult to change, but if it is cultivated from a young age, there is still a chance to take the route of magic. After all, the practitioners in the cultivation world are also diverse, not like this The world is so extreme.

Of course, these armored cultivators in Dawan Country are in a much better situation than the body refiners in the ruined cities of the martial arts world. The Aegean Sea was once the battlefield of the ancient gods, and there are too many relics. There are many orthodox cities in the ruins of the former world, and if the inheritance of armored repairs obtained is complete, these armored repairs may not be without the possibility of immortality in the future.

However, Dawan Kingdom has excavated various relics for thousands of years, and the inheritance obtained is basically not very complete. It is said that the most complete exercises can only be cultivated to the middle stage of Yuanying, and the exercises after the middle stage of Yuanying are not complete. Literal records.

"Shuilinggen, the purity of the spiritual root is quite high, more than 90.00%..." Qin Lang looked at it and said, Dawan actually has a lot of aptitudes for cultivating waterlinggen, but more than [-]% of them have taken the pure body training route, no For practicing spells, only a few who have inherited spells and supernatural powers have the opportunity to practice water spells, but such examples are rare.

When it comes to fighting, armor repairs generally use the external abilities of armor and magic weapons to fight, and the effect that their own spiritual root attributes can play is actually very small, so these armor repairs pay less attention to the cultivation of their spiritual roots at ordinary times. His powerful physical strength and endurance turned into pure physical training.

At that moment, Qin Lang taught this kid a qi training technique, "Boy, practice this qi training technique well, if you can develop a sense of qi within three days, I will teach you another magic technique, Jiu-Jitsu."

"Thank you, Master." Ah Fu hurriedly said to his little grandson. As an ordinary person, he knew how precious Kaixiu was to his own inheritance, and it was impossible to pass on what he had learned to others easily.

And the master he followed is definitely a powerful armor repairer. After all, someone who can spend more than 200 million to buy a mansion near the third ring road and close to the second ring road is definitely not an ordinary person. It proves it.

"Thank you, master." The small table has to pass on Qi skills, and I know it is a treasure. After all, grandpa often tells him stories about how powerful Kaixiu is, and with what he has seen with his own eyes, he is also very envious of those Kaixiu in the city. .

Those Kaixiu muscles in the city are bigger than his head, and their strength is also amazing. Once a crazy horned bull appeared on the road, but he was subdued by a Kaixiu with one hand after running a few steps. It weighs several tons, and it is definitely a dead word for ordinary people to bump into it.

(End of this chapter)

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