The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2167 Obtaining the Beast Soul

Chapter 2167 Obtaining the Beast Soul
Next, the exciting moment came. Most of the 100 people who entered the Blackstone Ruins in the Storm Group this time were elites in the middle and late foundation establishment stages. The armor repairs in the base stage all successfully broke through and entered the alchemy stage.

Of course, to go from the early stage of alchemy to the middle stage of alchemy, it is definitely not something that can be done with one or two pieces of spiritual plant paste and pulp. It is estimated that at least five pieces will be enough, and it will take a long time to transform the body. One or two days is the minimum, so for the time being, there is no Kaixiu in the team who has entered the middle stage of alchemy after taking the rice ear spirit plant ointment.

It has been more than an hour since the team cautiously entered the irrigation jungle to pick the rice ears and spiritual plant fruits. The whole team has picked at least [-] fruits. Of course, another [-] were consumed in the process, so now the team A total of two hundred fruits were harvested.

Now everyone has gone deep into the bushes and entered the hinterland of the plateau. The roads in the bushes are very narrow, and the structure of the distribution of rice spikes is like a maze, so the team also marked the way when they went deep to prevent people from coming back. Time to get lost.

After all, although the sky inside the Black Stone Ruins is bright, there is no reference object such as the sun. If you really get lost, you will not be able to make a correct judgment at all.

Moving forward with the team, Qin Lang also accumulated more than 30 fruits in his hands. Unlike the team's harvest, the fruits picked by Qin Lang are all his own, so these [-] fruits are completely his, which is equivalent to harvesting [-] fruits. A Tianyuan pill.

And Tianyuan Dan is also an important cultivation elixir for the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of transformation, so these fruits, Qin Lang, can be used even at this level, which is a good cultivation resource.

Of course, the use of the rice ear fruit is much more important than Tianyuan Dan. It can make the foundation-building stage monks advance in a balanced way, but Tianyuan Dan does not have such a function. If the foundation-building stage monks use Tianyuan Dan, the explosive power of the pill will It will definitely cause a foundation-building stage monk to explode and die.

Although the pulp of the rice ear fruit will make the monks of the foundation period feel painful when transforming the monks of the foundation period, but this kind of pain is within the range that the monks of the foundation period can bear, so the medicinal power of this kind of fruit pulp is actually much calmer. , but also much more precious.

The reason why Qin Lang has been picking the fruit of rice spikes and spiritual plants is that in addition to using these fruits to replace Tianyuan Dan, another idea is to see if this fruit can be used for compound medicine and used for alchemy, so as to give full play to this fruit and make it more powerful. Great medicinal effect.

And there are too many rice ears and spirit plants in this spirit plant bush, densely packed like an ocean, although the proportion of mature rice ears and spirit plants is less than one percent, but if you look slowly, you can still find them. A lot of fruits can be found, so the team moved forward, and more and more fruits were harvested and harvested, gradually reaching more than 400 pieces.

At this time, Qin Lang obtained as many as eighty fruits.

At this time, Qin Lang swept his consciousness and found a place in the Lingzhi bush with special aura fluctuations, so he told Su Lie that Su Lie led the team to the place with special aura fluctuations.

Then, everyone discovered that there was a teleportation point in the spiritual plant bushes, and this teleportation point was actually complete, which meant it could be activated at any time.

"Where does this teleportation point teleport to?" After everyone thought about it, Su Lie still made a decision to use the teleportation ability of this teleportation point to teleport everyone away from here.

After all, although the spiritual planting shrubs and jungles on the plateau are very good, after the storm group has harvested more than 400 fruits, it is enough to increase the overall strength of the entire group by a large margin, and this rice ear spiritual planting fruit is obviously not a black stone relic The most precious thing, time is running out, and there are still many areas that the whole group needs to explore. Maybe this teleportation point will take everyone to some core areas of the Blackstone Ruins. In that case, the chances of discovering some important treasures and resources will be much greater.

Although it is said that doing so will encounter great risks. After all, in the process of exploring the ruins, risks and opportunities coexist, but the adventurer Kaixiu knows that if he does not take certain risks, he will not be able to obtain rich returns, so facing the next step The possible risks, the armor repair of the whole group is actually eager to try, this is also a kind of opportunity and challenge.

This teleportation point is very large, enough to cover the entire team of [-] Kaixiu, and then Qin Lang activated the teleportation point, and the white light of the teleportation point lit up instantly.

The next moment, Qin Lang and his team disappeared in the Lingzhi bush.


The transmitted white light lit up, and when everyone opened their eyes, they came to a strange place, where there were also thorns and shrubs everywhere, but these thorns and shrubs were not spiritual plants like ears of rice, but some different Spiritual plants.

Everyone is now at the edge of this thorn bush area, where the thorn bushes have formed a huge forest, and deep in the forest, there are giant trees that are hundreds of feet high. If those giant trees are spiritual plants, then think about it. It's scary, and I don't know what level of Lingzhi can grow like that.

In this area full of thorns, everyone finally saw some primitive monsters again, among them was the kind of weak toad that the team had faced before.

You can get the toad's beast soul by killing the toad. Although the toad's beast soul is very weak in the primitive level, if you collect more, you may be able to refine these beast souls together, and then you can make a beast equivalent to The beast soul of the ninth-order primitive beast.

After all, only the beast souls of primitive beasts above the ninth rank can refine the beast soul armament. If the quality of the beast souls does not reach the ninth rank, it cannot truly become a fairy weapon spirit.

Although it is not easy to kill these toads whose strength is equivalent to that of an eighth-level monster, it is not too difficult. As long as these armor repairers cooperate tacitly, a group of four or five can kill one of them in half a stick of incense.

Of course, the premise is not to be hit by the yellow supernatural light of the toad. Once the gold coins in the yellow light hit Kaixiu's body, it will make Kaixiu's body as heavy as a mountain. Maybe one or two gold coins with yellow light When the gold coin hit Kaixiu, Kaixiu could still hold on, but three, four, five... There were too many gold coins stacked on his body, even Kaixiu in the early stage of alchemy would not be able to bear it.

And Qin Lang also told the whole team how to collect the beast souls, and told Su Lie and the armor repairs of the storm group that these beast souls are of great use to him, and the beast souls collected by the armor repair killing the toad can be handed over to him later. You can pay the corresponding price in exchange.

As for the beast soul that Kaixiu obtained after killing the toad, Qin Lang gave a price of [-] for one, which is already a very good price. After all, if you change people in normal times, a high-level Kaixiu may not necessarily earn [-] for an adventure. , and now killing this kind of weak primitive beast in the edge area of ​​the thorn bushes in the Black Stone Ruins, every time you kill a beast soul just obtained, you can earn [-], which is very good.

You must know that there are actually quite a lot of toad monsters like this thorny bush. After a team of five Kaixiu masters the fighting method, they can kill one of them for every stick of incense on average, and the whole team has been divided into two groups. Twenty teams, so the speed of killing monsters is still very fast.

The entire storm group has entered the money-making mode. In this mode, more and more toad primitive beasts are killed, one, two... eighty, except for the beast soul, the flesh and blood of those toads They should be good resources and materials, they were all collected by the whole group and put in the super large storage bag on Su Lie's body.

This time, for the trip to the Black Stone Ruins, Su Lie had seven or eight storage tools on his body, including five large storage bags, a storage belt, and a storage ring. The space is more than [-] cubic meters, and one or two hills can fit in such a large space.

It's here, it's really developed, and now the entire Stormtrooper Kaixiu is almost crazy!
This black stone ruins is indeed a treasure land. The previous harvests are not counted. Now that they enter the edge of the thorn bushes, they can already earn 400 million from the [-] beast souls collected from the toad monster.

Before it was finished, how could they dare to imagine that they could gain so much by going out and making money from adventures in the wild.

It can be said that as long as they survived, they really made a lot of money.The so-called seeking wealth and insurance, they feel that it perfectly fits with their own experience on this trip.

And as the number of beast souls obtained by the team increased, Qin Lang also felt a lot of pressure. After all, his net worth may only be around 400 million. If the storm group continues to obtain beast souls in the future, he will have to find ways to make money After all, he doesn't want to miss the beast souls of those primitive beasts. He has mastered a skill of transforming beast souls "equal-level exchange technique". If it is enough, you can convert any beast soul you need. In this way, you can use any kind of soul weapon research and refine the soul weapon you need.

"With these beast souls, I must be able to gather the arrow-type beast souls for the Cloud Piercer Arrow... The quality of the beast souls required for the Cloud Piercer Arrow is at least rank nine, and it also needs to be a fire-type soul. If there is no rank exchange technique , no matter how many of these eighth-level toad beast souls are in front of me, they are of no use to me, but now I only hope to get as many beast souls as possible..."

Qin Lang doesn't care about the quality of the beast soul at all now. He knows that as long as he has a beast soul of sufficient quality, he will not only be equipped with a set of fairy-level crossbows and bows and arrows, but even if there are more, he can also refine more. Many fairy artifacts.

As for how precious the fairy artifact is in the world of comprehension, I believe that every comprehensionist can know its value, and it will definitely cause a sensation at that time, and it is definitely a priceless treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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