The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2168 Fire Crow Beast Soul

Chapter 2168 Fire Crow Beast Soul
"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." As Fa Cai's team went deep into the thorn forest, suddenly, someone in the team heard a sound similar to a rat's cry in the depths of the thorn forest.

What is that sound?
After discovering this strange sound, everyone became vigilant, maybe they discovered a new kind of monster!

The mouse-like sound was getting closer and closer, and then, the entire storm team saw some flea-like creatures jumping towards this direction from the depths of the jungle. Approaching here, you can see some football-sized green-skinned monsters that resemble monkeys.

Although this kind of weird green-skinned monster is small in size, every time it jumps and falls in the jungle, it is more than two meters high. It is very appropriate to say that they are flea monkeys.

I don't know how many flea monkeys are coming. Anyway, the area in front of them is densely packed. Similarly, Qin Lang can't sense the level of these monsters. He doesn't know whether they are ordinary monsters or primitive monsters.

"Retreat, fight while retreating!" Su Lie issued a new order.

After all, those flea monkeys are running too fast. If the storm group does not resist at all, it may suffer a loss this time, and these large numbers of monsters do not know how strong they are. This is what makes the whole group most afraid matter.

But there is no way now, these flea monkeys are rushing over too fast, and the storm group can only think of a way to retreat, while biting the bullet and fighting with them.

The battle started soon, and the strength of these flea monkeys was not as strong as imagined. This may also have something to do with the overall strength of the entire group members of the Storm Group. After all, everyone is above the early stage of alchemy. Xiuwei.

Basically, a Kaixiu in the early stage of alchemy can deal with two or three flea monkeys at the same time without being weak. That is to say, the strength of these flea monkeys should be between the fifth and sixth ranks, and if it is the seventh rank, then At the early stage of alchemy, Kaixiu definitely didn't have such an easy time dealing with so many flea monkeys.

After discovering that these flea monkeys were only numerous in number and not as powerful as imagined, Su Lie also breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave the order to attack freely.

After all, there are so many flea monkeys now, and what is rare is that they are not very strong. Free attack is the best way to deal with this kind of creature.

Soon, some flea monkeys were wiped out, and Kaixiu found that after the disappearance of these flea monkeys, the bodies of these flea monkeys were not flesh and blood, but fibrous like plants. There are essence substances similar to fragments, and these fragments are very rich in aura, which should be a good training material for Armor.

Therefore, while killing these flea monkeys, Kaixiu continued to collect the essence of these fragments, and slowly cleaned the battlefield.

And although these flea monkeys are not afraid of death one by one, they are really good. It is estimated that they are the bottom creatures in this black stone ruins.

Half an hour later, this large wave of flea monkeys was basically wiped out by Kaixiu of the storm group, and Qin Lang didn't take much action.

After eliminating these flea monkeys, the entire adventure group harvested a total of more than 1000 shard essences. These fragment essences were also green. If it weren't for the amazing fluctuations in aura, Kaixiu really couldn't find these things in the flea monkeys.

After eradicating the flea monkeys, the storm group found a large area of ​​strange trees in the jungle. The reason why they are called strange trees is that the fruits on these strange trees are very strange, which are exactly the same as those flea monkeys before.

These strange trees are more than five feet tall, with branches and leaves spread out like banyan trees, and they are very vigorous.

However, the flea monkey fruits on the strange tree are much smaller than the flea monkeys that were eliminated just now. It seems that monsters like flea monkeys should be formed from the fruits that fell from the strange tree. They are actually plant bodies. The fruit should not be ripe yet, so it didn't fall and turned into a flea monkey capable of fighting.

The storm group Kaixiu jumped around under the strange trees, and at the same time prevented the fruits on these strange trees from falling, and became a flea monkey capable of fighting again.

However, the fruits on the strange tree are not yet ripe, so after the storm group and the armor repairs eliminated the previous wave of flea monkeys, they are now unimpeded under the strange tree and have never encountered new troubles.

Someone knocked open the immature flea monkey fruit on the strange tree, but this time they couldn't get the shard essence from the fruit. It seems that the shard essence of this fruit can only be found in the mature body.

At this time, there was a group of Stormtroopers trying to absorb this fragment essence, and found that after absorbing a piece of fragment essence, it was worth the result of their previous month of hard work.

After comparing it, Qin Lang knew that this fragment essence can be used for cultivation, the effect may not be as good as the rice ear fruit pulp paste found before, but it is not too much difference, but I don’t know if it will be the same as the rice ear fruit pulp Like plaster, it has a miraculous effect on the rapid breakthrough of monks in the foundation building period.

Then, as the whole team went deep into the thorny jungle, they encountered many flea monkeys again, and there must be a large number of flea trees in the area where there are flea monkeys. After all, these fruits are all borne on flea trees.

After eliminating these flea monkeys, the entire storm team harvested one or two thousand pieces of essence one after another. At the same time, they also encountered a new monster, the fire crow.

This is a kind of golden bird similar to a crow, each of which is the size of a millstone, and there are 21 in total. When they fly towards the storm group, the golden flames on their bodies are burning. It seems that the flame is not simple. It should be at the same level as Kanlizhihuo and Xuanhuangyan.

They gathered together in the sky, croaking and screaming, looking very arrogant.

"I'll deal with them..."

Qin Lang sensed the powerful fire energy in the body of these fire evils, and knew that this creature is at least an eighth-order creature. If these fire crows are primitive beasts, then he can directly collect 21 fire-type beast souls, maybe they are arrow-type Beast souls may not be able to use the high-level exchange technique at that time, so they can condense these fire crow beast souls into the quality they need to refine soul weapons.

"Kill..." Qin Lang opened the Zhuge Liannu, and directly shot out the arrow made of earth-level materials. After the arrow was shot, it made a sharp sound of piercing through the sky, and instantly pierced a fire crow, croak... the fire crow With an extremely ugly cry, it fell from the sky.

However, Qin Lang didn't feel the extinction of the fire crow's breath of life. Sure enough, the next moment, the guy flew up from the ground again, and the arrows on his body had disappeared.

Qin Lang found that the earth-level arrow on the wounded Huoya had disappeared, and the original wound was a penetrating wound. At this moment, there was still golden blood dripping with flames. The fire attribute energy in the monster's body is really powerful.

"That arrow... I'm afraid it was melted by the fire energy of its body. The flames covering the fire crow are not simple, it should not be weaker than the fire of Kanli..."

Qin Lang glanced at it, and was also secretly surprised. At the same time, he found that after the arrow that shot through the fire crow was melted, the fire crow's body was recovering little by little with the help of the flame. The healing effect is amazing.

"Quack, quack..." After being attacked, the fire crows rioted. At this time, all 21 fire crows attacked Qin Lang. Qin Lang's attack on one of the fire crows just now was a kind of provocation in their eyes.

And Qin Lang showed no fear, stepping on his feet to move and dodge under the attack of the fire crows, and at the same time trying to eliminate these fire crows.

Since the golden flames on the surface of the fire crows are not ordinary flames, Qin Lang knows that if ordinary magic weapons and weapons attack them, they will not be able to destroy them, but will be melted by the special flames on their surfaces.

While walking, Qin Lang quietly arranged a large trapping formation on the ground, intending to trap these fire crows in the formation, and then destroy them.

The formation he arranged is the ancient chariot from the sacred fire formation, the ancient chariot from the sacred fire formation can communicate with the sky fire, and the sky fire is a flame higher than the earth fire, so Qin Lang believes that this large formation should be able to deal with these fires Department of biology.

It is not easy to set up the ancient chariot away from the Shenhuo formation, the whole layout process is very cumbersome, even the formation master usually needs help to complete it.

But Qin Lang has mastered the super system, so the formation is much simpler. In many cases, he can use the super system to calculate the most accurate formation pattern with just a glance, and complete it according to the calculation in his mind.

And with the completion of the ancient chariot from Shenhuo formation, Qin Lang paid a green chip to activate the formation, and the entire formation was fully activated and functioning.

"Quack...quack..." Those fire crows who were trapped in the formation smelled the breath of death at this time, and knew that this big formation was lethal to them. At this time, they were also panicked and panicked. There is no such arrogance as before.

However, even if they exhausted all their strength, they still couldn't break through the eye of the Shenhuo formation.

After all, this is a super large formation, and even ninth-level creatures trapped in this large formation have no way to escape, let alone these eighth-level fire creatures.

In the end, Qin Lang evenly harvested these 21 fire crows. These 21 fire crows were indeed primitive monsters. After being killed, Qin Lang got 21 groups of fire-type beast souls, and these beast souls were all arrow-type, which happened to be Qin Lang needs it.

As for refining the cloud-piercing arrow, I am afraid that the eighth-order original beast souls are not cohesive enough, so Qin Lang still needs to gradually improve the quality of these 21 beast souls. , then there is a chance to successfully refine the real cloud piercing arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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