The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2170 Soldier Tree Jungle

Chapter 2170 Soldier Tree Jungle
And just when Qin Lang's own consciousness was forcibly pulled into the jade-colored fruit on the top of the tree, and his whole body was trembling slightly, Su Lie and the surrounding Kaixiu felt Qin Lang's abnormality. This time, the storm team entered the Black Stone Ruins Among Qin Lang's former companions, Li Chuang had the best relationship with Qin Lang, and he was a little worried seeing Qin Lang like this.

"Master Qin Lang, what happened to him..."

Li Kai came over and asked.

"I don't know, but I think we'd better not mess with his body..."

Seeing Qin Lang's painful expression, he has been absorbing a lot of black stones, but his spiritual consciousness seems to be losing all the time, and he can't make up for it with black stones.

You must know that Qin Lang absorbed at least dozens of black stones in just one or two minutes just now. If the energy of these black stones is added together, even an armor repairer at the alchemy stage can't hold it, and I'm afraid the entire sea of ​​consciousness will be supported. burst.

But Qin Lang's physical condition is special, and now Su Lie really doesn't know what kind of unexpected situation Qin Lang encountered, so he really didn't dare to mess with Qin Lang's body.

In this way, Qin Lang has been replenishing black stones continuously for half an hour, consuming at least one or two thousand yuan of black stones. The black stone powder on the ground is almost piled up into a hill, and the jade-colored human-shaped fruit on the top of the tree finally stopped absorbing Qin Lang's energy. Conscious energy.

Qin Lang suddenly relaxed, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted. His current consciousness of the sea of ​​consciousness has been completely changed, all of which are newly transformed, and the original consciousness is almost completely replaced by the jade-colored human-shaped fruit. Absorbed.

Moreover, the jade-colored human-shaped fruit not only absorbed all of his original consciousness, but also absorbed a lot of newly transformed consciousness, which is equivalent to two or three times the original consciousness of Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness.

After absorbing such terrifying spiritual energy, this heaven-defying fruit finally exploded, and a humanoid creature fell down.

"Dear Master, did you give the Jade Knight freedom?"

"Jade Knight Earth..."

Qin Lang murmured to himself, now his body is overdrawn, his eyes have double images, and he only sees a white figure swaying in front of his eyes.


At this time, the humanoid creature stepped forward, supported Qin Lang's swaying body, and at the same time a pure and incomparable spiritual force fed back, Qin Lang's dry and cracked sea of ​​consciousness was nourished, and it was not so uncomfortable, although the black stone It can quickly replenish the divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, but the newborn divine consciousness is still much worse than the original divine consciousness, and it will take time to refine it before it can be completely transformed into the real one.

And this part of the spiritual consciousness fed back by the Jade Knight is just like his own original spiritual consciousness, even more pure. At this moment, Qin Lang was so comfortable that he almost moaned, as if returning to heaven from hell.

"Is the master feeling better? The birth of the Jade Knight requires a lot of mental energy, and I had to do it just now. Fortunately, the master survived."

The jade knight's concerned voice sounded again.

And Qin Lang's eyes finally returned to clarity at this time, and then he saw clearly that there was a particularly tall white armored knight in front of him. The whole body of this white armored knight was covered by jade armor. Like those black knights, only two pupils were exposed, and the pupils What flickered were two dots of golden light, which were somewhat different from the green flames of the black knight's pupils.

Moreover, the jade knight is not as sluggish as the black knight, and his intelligence is normal.

Seeing the birth of the Jade Knight, Qin Lang thought to himself, this Jade Knight was born after consuming so much of his consciousness, it should be a very powerful pet, otherwise he would be at a big loss, and almost died just now to convey his consciousness.

Black Knight...Jade Knight...Knight Tree...

Now everyone finally knows that this big tree is called the knight tree, which is a primitive soldier tree, and the name soldier tree is actually the information revealed by the jade knight.

This large forest of thorns is actually a forest of soldier trees, and whether it is the rice ear spirit plant that Qin Lang and the storm group encountered before, or the flea monkey trees are actually a kind of soldier tree.

However, compared with the rice ear spirit plant and the flea monkey tree, the knight tree is much more advanced, but the jade knight said that the rice ear spirit value is the second-level soldier tree, and the flea monkey tree is the first level.

And this knight soldier tree is actually called the reverse knight tree. It was originally rank nine, but I don't know how many years ago it hurt the origin of the tree, so the rank was reduced to eight rank.

Otherwise, the reverse knight tree can produce real reverse knight fruit, and the reverse knights produced are higher than the jade knights.

However, the rebellious knight is also called the rebellious knight. It is impossible for such a soldier tree creature to recognize its master. Only when the master is particularly powerful can it be possible to suppress the rebellious knight and make the rebellious knight submit. However, the loyalty of the rebellious knight is the same. Not high, if not controlled well, there is a possibility of rebellion at any time, so although the strength is high, the value is actually inferior to the Jade Knight.

And the Jade Knight's strength is similar to that of Qin Lang who was in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, especially the talent in the aspect of spiritual consciousness. I am afraid that even the current Qin Lang may not be comparable. It is an auxiliary department.

"Soul healing technique..."


"Spiritual purification!"



In fact, apart from chaos, which is an auxiliary attack spell, the others are pure auxiliary types.

Of course, apart from the supernatural powers aimed at the divine consciousness, the Jade Knight's own combat power is still good. Its movement speed is similar to that of Qin Lang. Although it does not have attack spells, the explosive power of the Jade Spear it carries is still amazing. If you hit it with all your strength , I am afraid that even a cultivator of the same level as the Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation of the gods must avoid the edge.

"Soul healing!"

"Spiritual purification!"

The two white lights continued to hit Qin Lang's body. Qin Lang had undergone a spiritual purification just now, so he was able to recover quickly.

And now the Jade Knight once again casts the innate supernatural spell, and the second spell makes Qin Lang's body recover faster.

At this time, Qin Lang was finally not dizzy, his eyes were not dazzled, and he finally had the strength to walk.

Clap clap... clap clap...

At this time, the fruit of Datong fell. It turned out that after the jade knight fruit exploded, these red ripe fruits began to fall for some reason. There were nearly a hundred fruits, and basically the entire storm group entered the armor of the Black Stone Ruins. Xiudu got one and carried out a dripping blood recognition.

Of course, there were also a few who didn't get the quota, but Su Lie promised to give some compensation to those Kaixiu who didn't get the knight fruit.

And Qin Lang didn't compete with these Kaixiu for those knight fruits anymore. After all, he now has a black knight, and now that he has a jade knight, it is even more impossible to compete with others.

In addition, the black knight is actually not very helpful to Qin Lang now. After all, he has already reached the great consummation in the late stage of transformation. The black knight whose strength is close to the stage of transformation is really not very useful to him. Fighting won't be of much help, just serve tea and water like a servant, and the black knight in his hand may be traded or given away in the future.

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

"See master..."


Rows of knights exploded, and those black knights were all recognized as masters by dripping blood, and they met their masters.

And after these armor repairs in the alchemy stage have a black knight, it is equivalent to getting a powerful combat partner, and the combat effectiveness of the entire group has nearly doubled.

And in the process of Kaixiu receiving the black knight, Qin Lang also got a lot of information about the space of the Black Stone Ruins from the Jade Knight. This thorn forest has existed for at least 10 years. After all, the knight tree has grown for 10 years. It has been ten thousand years, and the Jade Knight Fruit only grew 3 years after the knight tree grew, and it has been a full 7 years now.

Originally, if there is no supplement of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness, the Jade Knight Fruit will take 3 years to fully mature. If it falls to the ground after maturity and does not recognize the owner, it may become a wild monster, which is similar to those flea monkeys before. same creature.

And wild monsters can't recognize their masters. If the jade knight really becomes a wild monster, then people like Qin Lang may encounter a big battle if they meet. Hard work, not much weaker than a ninth-order creature.

According to the information obtained from the Jade Knight, Qin Lang knows that there are a lot of soldier trees in this thorny jungle, among which there are not many primitive high-level soldier trees like the knight tree, but there are also many, so if you go deep into the jungle, there are still many May be dangerous.

In addition to the creatures produced by the soldier tree, there are some real monsters in the jungle, both ordinary monsters and primitive monsters. Some powerful monsters or clusters of monsters must be avoided, even the jade knights have them. May not be able to beat.

However, in addition to a lot of risks, the soldier tree forest also has a lot of opportunities. For example, many soldier tree creatures can get tree soul fragments after being destroyed, which is the fruit essence. These tree soul fragments are resources for cultivation , some high-level tree soul fragments are as greedy as Qin Lang, who is in the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

In addition to these, I heard that there is a shocking secret hidden in the soldier forest, but what is the secret, even the Jade Knight does not know, after all, he is the knight tree that grew out after 3 years in this soldier tree forest. , and some ancient places may have a longer history than the knight tree.

In this case, even with the inheritance memory left by the Knight Tree, the Jade Knight still has no way of knowing what those secrets are.

After getting these news, the whole group started a heated discussion on whether to continue to explore. After all, it has been more than a day since they entered the Blackstone Ruins. Four times, with such strength, after going out and dealing with the remnants of the blood shark group and the adventure group that came, it is not a big problem to keep the entire Blackstone ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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