The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2171 Activating Polygonal Crystals

Chapter 2171 Activating Polygonal Crystals

"It has been more than a day since we entered the Blackstone ruins. It is estimated that the remnants of the blood shark group have surrounded the Blackstone mining area with people from other adventure groups. Stop it for a while. After all, all we left in the mining area are wounded soldiers, and the overall strength is still relatively weak... Therefore, we must allocate some personnel to support the mining area now."

Su Lie thought for a while, and said, "Half of our 100 people will go back the same way. Let's go back to support those companions in the mining area. The rest will continue to explore the Black Stone Ruins."

"Well, those who leave will be brought back by me, and those who stay will be commanded by Master Qin Lang, so that's it..."

So, Su Lie left here with fifty early stage armor and most of the harvest from the ruins. At the same time, he also left the extra storage bag for a tall team leader named Zhang Qinzhi to hold. The small captain is temporarily the leader of the 50-person armor repair team, but all the team members have to listen to Qin Lang's command in this ruins. After all, Qin Lang's abilities in all aspects are trustworthy. If there is Qin Lang's command, then the entire team The risk factor in the exploration process is much smaller.

"Okay, Master Qin Lang, I'll leave them to you, I wish you all the best!" Su Lie waved to Qin Lang and the remaining team members, then turned and left with fifty armored soldiers.

"Don't worry! Captain, we will return with a rewarding experience this time..." Zhang Qinzhi shouted towards Su Lie's back.

"Okay, let's go!" The exploration of the ruins continued, and Qin Lang chose a path in the jungle that looked relatively open.

After walking for about seven or eight miles, Qin Lang suddenly stopped: "Get ready to fight!"

At this time, all the Kaixiu spiritual wave detectors also detected a large amount of spiritual wave vibrations, and then there was a slight buzzing sound.

Not long after, a group of lead-gray clouds flew out from the depths of the jungle. This group of lead-gray clouds rolled quickly and moved directly towards Qin Lang.

And as the buzzing sound got louder, everyone could see clearly at this time, what kind of lead-gray cloud was there, but a swarm of bees densely packed together by fist-sized fronts? What kind of bee, however, these gray bee tail needles are one or two inches long, and there is a faint blue awn on them, maybe they are highly poisonous, and if they are stung, they will definitely not feel good.

"Ready to fight!" Team leader Zhang Qinzhi conveyed Qin Lang's meaning, and at the same time commanded these armor repairers: "Explosive spider armor, toad armor repair source energy cannon preparations, defense fighters act as shields in front, agility armor repair... Now, launch the long-range energy cannon!"

This Kaixiu squad leader is very talented in commanding team battles. After Qin Lang gave the command to fight, he immediately arranged the whole group to be obedient. Guys do better.

"Ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Everything is ready!"

"The source energy cannon... the first round of firing..."


The white light of the source energy cannon illuminated the area at the same time. There were more than a dozen armor repairmen carrying the source energy cannon in the team of 50 people. This was also the powerful long-range firepower that Su Lie deliberately left behind before leaving.

And after a salvo, the large lead gray bee swarm in the distance was immediately scattered, and it was unknown how much was lost.

The remaining poisonous bees scattered in the air for a while like headless flies, and then some began to attack in the direction of Kaixiu's team.

"The source energy cannon... the second round of firing..." The bee swarm exploded the nest just now, which also gave Kaixiu, who was carrying the source energy cannon, a chance to replenish energy, so the second round of firing started again.

Boom!Boom boom boom...

There were at least tens of thousands of poisonous bees in this large group of lead gray clouds. After being bombarded by two waves of energy cannons, about one tenth of them died. About a thousand of them flew in the direction of the Kaixiu group.

Now the scattered poisonous bees are getting closer and closer to these Kaixiu, and it is time for close combat. The defense department Kaixiu held a large defensive shield with a large door panel and blocked it. Then, behind him was a series of ping-pong sounds of energy guns, In close combat, the power of the source energy gun is still good.

The agility-type armor also moved at this time, holding all kinds of light weapons and shooting down the poisonous bees in the sky one by one. Each of these poisonous bees with big fists has the strength of a seventh-order monster. The cannon broke them up, and I'm afraid that Qin Lang's group will really encounter trouble. After all, even Qin Lang will feel a headache after being surrounded by tens of thousands of seventh-order poisonous bees.

Now the strength of the entire Kaixiu group has reached above the early stage of alchemy, so it is not difficult to deal with more than 1000 poisonous bees of the seventh rank. Even those black knights are not very useful, and these poisonous bees have been killed one by one. disappear.

After the bee colony was broken up, Qin Lang had the best eyesight. He saw a poisonous bee that was bigger than ordinary poisonous bees flying crookedly in one direction in the air. It should be a boss like the queen bee. Wounded in the bombardment.

And this queen bee is not an ordinary BOSS depending on the situation, it is likely to be a monster of the original level, the original strength may be at the ninth level, or near the ninth level, and now the aura emitted after the injury is still at the eighth level.

The defense of the queen bee is indeed a little weaker. After all, ordinary ninth-level monsters may not be able to break through the defense even if they are bombarded with energy cannons.

However, this may also be related to the fact that the strength of the armor repairers has increased to above the early stage of alchemy. After all, the power of each cannon fired by the armor in the alchemy stage is naturally much greater than that in the foundation stage.

The bee colony is fleeing, Qin Lang has some interest in the queen bee, if the queen bee is really a primitive monster, then he may get a ninth-order or quasi-ninth-order monster soul, and this beast that poisons the queen bee The soul is probably also of the arrow type, and it can be directly refined into a cloud-piercing arrow without transformation.

So Qin Lang asked the team to stop first, and he led the jade knight and black knight to chase after him. Although the poisonous bee queen was injured, he flew very fast. During the chase, Qin Lang found that his speed was only a line faster than the injured poisonous bee .

In the process of chasing, Qin Lang found that the Jade Knight's movement speed was indeed much higher than his own, so he was able to keep up with him all the time, while the black knight was gradually pulled down. After all, the overall quality of the black knight was inferior to the two. too much.

After running for more than three miles, a large beehive appeared in front of me, standing in the middle of the road, all made of mud, like a mud house in the jungle.

And the poisonous bee queen flew directly into the hive. When Qin Lang and the Jade Knight arrived, Qin Lang gave the order to destroy the hive.

Then, when the hive was split in two by the Jade Knight, a large number of poisonous bees flew out of the hive.

"The Fire of Kanli!" Qin Lang summoned the Fire of Kanli at this time, the fire of Kanli can burn everything, and it is also a fatal nemesis to these poisonous bees. The poisonous bee's defense ability is very poor, probably similar to that of a fifth-order monster.

Facing the flames that restrained the poisonous bees, after some of these poisonous bees died, the rest flew around in the sky, and they didn't dare to approach Qin Lang at all.

And Qin Lang asked Jade Knight to find the queen bee in the hive. Now this queen bee is at the end of the road, and it is normal for him to kill him.

hum!Three or four poisonous bees of the same size as the previous queen bee flew out of the hive. It was unexpected to Qin Lang that there were so many queen bees in this hive, and there was a white jade-like insect on the back of one of the queen bees, without wings, but Qin Lang After seeing it, she was overjoyed: "Queen Bee!"

At this time, Qin Lang knew that the queen bee was the real king of the entire hive, and the previous queen bees were just high-level thugs of the entire hive. After all, these three or four queen bees were all controlled by the queen bee.

This kind of ninth-level or quasi-ninth-level monster king's defense ability is very weak, which may be similar to that of ordinary seventh-level monsters, so even if Qin Lang faces three or four monsters, he is still fearless and confident in killing them all.

And the queen bee of this bee colony has no wings, and it seems that it is very inconvenient to move. Even if she is stronger than the queen bee, she will be slaughtered. Qin Lang believes that as long as he kills these three or four queen bees, the queen bee will not be able to jump out of his palm.

"Kanli's fire..." Qin Lang's Kanli's fire formed a fire dragon and sprayed it directly in the sky. At the same time, the Jade Knight formed a left and right encirclement with himself and attacked the four queen bees from two directions.

And the queen bee on the queen bee's back sensed that the crisis was coming, and then emitted a milky white light, and then the queen bee swept by the milky white light swelled up, her whole body was gray and shiny, and her own defense ability was also layered. increase.

"Damn, the queen bee is of the auxiliary system, the light of defense is so powerful..." Qin Lang cursed secretly, with the light of defense of the queen bee, these four queen bees finally have the defensive ability of the ninth or quasi-ninth level. The queen bee was originally strong in offense and weak in defense, but now she has the power to fight against Qin Lang and Jade Knight.

Buzzing buzzing, two of the queen bees did not retreat but advanced at this time, and directly greeted Qin Lang and the Jade Knight. The first time the two sides fought against each other, there was a "bang", and they all passed by in a flash, and they didn't even take advantage of it. .

And Qin Lang just hit a strike with a nine-layer chain of strength, but the strength of the rebound made his whole body numb. With the blessing of the queen bee's defensive light, Qin Lang found that now these queen bees, let alone four, may be counted as one. He can't beat himself alone, and he has always been afraid of the queen bee's tail needle, if he gets stung, it will definitely be even worse.

Facing the three and a half queen bees who now have the combat power of quasi-ninth rank and above... one of them is only half injured, Qin Lang still has a hole card, and at this time he takes out four polygonal red crystals, one by one are activated.

After the four polygonal red crystals were activated, they all copied the mirror images of the queen bees, and turned into creatures that were exactly the same as the entities of the queen bees in front of them. Under Qin Lang's control, they began to fight with the four queen bees.

(End of this chapter)

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