Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 118 Upgraded Invisibility Talisman

Chapter 118 Upgraded Invisibility Talisman
The furnace has never had a good end, so if it is really a furnace, I must find a way to escape.Otherwise, you will be miserable.

This person is so perverted and his strength is so terrifying, how can he escape?
This is really a problem.

For a while, I really couldn't think of a good way to do it.

All in all, no matter what, I have to find a way to escape from the clutches of this so-called heir of the Bone Emperor.

An hour has passed.

Huang Yu was taken to a place.

That is a special formation.

The entire formation seemed to form naturally.

Enter the array.

The aura inside is abundant, like a fairyland.

It's completely different from what Huang Yu thought.

This is not a pile of bones, piled up like a mountain, but the gurgling water, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

What a paradise on earth.

I have to say that this place makes people feel extremely comfortable, and it is a holy place for cultivation.

The aura here is more than three times higher than that of Gui Yuanzong.

You must know that Guiyuanzong is originally a place of spiritual veins, and the aura is higher than other places, and the aura here is more than three times stronger than that of Guiyuanzong, which shows how amazing the aura here is.

"This place is full of aura? Is it a treasure land for cultivation?" Seeing Huang Yu's stunned look, the descendant of the Bone Emperor couldn't help smiling, and said complacently, "Don't worry, you will practice here. In half a year, you will be able to Stay here, you can practice enough."

"You arrested me just to let me practice here?" Huang Yu said in a bad tone.

For this guy, now Huang Yu doesn't have any good feelings for him.

"Of course not all of them, but it's about the same. Did you feel wronged by letting you practice here? Let me tell you, little guy, other people want to come to such a place to practice in their dreams. Don't be dissatisfied, kid." He looked at Huang Yu , said.

"It's not rare." Huang Yu shook his head, "When will you let me go?"

For Huang Yu, practicing here is useless.

I haven't reached my level yet, and there is no way to increase my strength.

No matter how abundant and rich the aura is, it doesn't mean much to me. Maybe, to others, this is a paradise for cultivation, but to me, it doesn't mean much.

It's better to fight monsters and upgrade yourself, it comes quickly.

"Leave? After half a year."

"Why did you arrest me here?" Huang Yu looked at him and said.

"I searched all over the country, even the entire Zhenwu Continent, and found you after 20 years of searching." Bone Emperor's heir sighed and said.

"What do you mean?" Huang Yu was taken aback. This guy has been looking for him for 20 years?Are you kidding, do you have anything to do with him?

"Your physique is special." The descendant of the Bone Emperor looked at Huang Yu and said, "My name is Bone Demon, and I am thirteen hundred years old this year."

Huang Yu's eyes widened when he heard that, [-] years old is not easy. There are not many people who can live to [-] years old. possible.

"Bone demon?"

"Yes, I still have another identity, that is, the descendant of the Bone Emperor in ancient times." The Bone Demon said in a flat tone.

"You are the descendant of the Bone Emperor?" Although Huang Yu knew it in his heart, he still pretended to be extremely surprised and shocked on the surface, ""

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill you." Seeing Huang Yu like this, he expected it.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"As I said, I'm over 300 years old, and now my strength has reached a critical point. A breakthrough is imminent. If I don't succeed, I will become a benefactor. Before that, I need to leave a way out." Bone Demon looked at Huang Yu said, "And you are the way out for me."

"You want me to be your stove?"

Huang Yu looked at him coldly, speaking so clearly, he probably wanted to use himself as a cauldron, a retreat after his failure, and once he failed, he could take himself away and be reborn again.

"The furnace?" The bone demon laughed loudly when he heard it, "You think too much, even if my bone demon fails, I don't need the furnace. If I fail, I will die. If I succeed, I will ascend to the upper realm. There is no other way to choose, and the retreat I am talking about is nothing more than leaving the inheritance."

Huang Yu has never heard of the bone demon, and he has never heard of the old immortal who has lived for more than 1000 years. He is very famous in the Zhongyuan Kingdom and even in the Zhenwu Continent.

However, can you listen to this kind of old fox?
The answer to this is no.

Unless this kind of old fox swears a heart demon blood oath, a soul blood oath, etc., talking about it casually is like farting, and it is not credible.

Of course, his own life is in his hands now, so of course he can't say anything.

In case this old fellow becomes angry from embarrassment and tries to kill him, wouldn't that be a tragedy?

So, hold on, hold on to the old guy.

Then find another way to get out of here.

So Huang Yu looked at the Bone Demon and said: "Leave the inheritance, do you think I will practice your so-called Bone Emperor Kung Fu?"

Huang Yu's tone was very disdainful.

"Your so-called exercises are very powerful?"

"Of course it is powerful? Now that you know the Bone Emperor, you know how powerful and powerful the Bone Emperor is. The Ten Thousand Bone Art he practiced is naturally not trivial. I dare not say it in other worlds, but in Zhenwu Continent, it is comparable to the Ten Thousand Bone Art. There is absolutely no bone art technique." When he said this, the bone demon was very proud.

"Wan Gu Jue, you can tell by the name that it's not a good skill." Huang Yu said disdainfully.

No matter how good the Wan Gu Jue is, it is not suitable for me.

Using killing to improve one's strength, although it is the same as owning a system, has the same effect.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu was shocked suddenly.

The Bone Emperor, who was so young at the time, was only in his twenties, killed countless people, and by killing people, he raised his strength to the peak. Could it be that that guy is also a time traveler like himself, and also has a system?

"That's not the case, the master is thinking too much." At this time Lulu said, "The Bone Emperor is born with evil bones, coupled with perseverance, various adventures, and killing people like hemp, can reach that state. By refining people's bone marrow and absorbing people's souls to cultivate themselves and grow themselves, this kind of cultivation method has a great impact on themselves. If ordinary people practice, they will [-]% go crazy, but the Bone Emperor has a special treasure that can maintain His consciousness is clear and not affected, so he can kill people and refine bones recklessly.

His successor, Bone Demon, also practiced Ten Thousand Bone Jue, but he didn't reach that level, because he didn't have such a good adventure, and he didn't have that treasure to help him resist the invasion of external evils. If he wants to stay awake, he must He has an extremely tenacious will, but no matter how strong his will is, he cannot be as unscrupulous as the Bone Emperor.

Therefore, the bone demon has not yet reached the broken state, and has not been able to ascend to the upper realm.

This time, he arrested his master, and it was really for this matter. He had already suppressed his own cultivation to the extreme. Once his cultivation broke out, he could no longer suppress it. At the peak of the Shattered Realm, lead to the Demon Tribulation. If you succeed, you can ascend to the Demon Realm. If you fail, you will be wiped out. "

"Do you think he arrested me just to pass it on?" Although Huang Yu knows that inheritance is very important to a person, a warrior, especially a powerful warrior, always hopes that his skills can be perfected If it is passed on in its entirety, there will be a mantle disciple.

However, Huang Yu didn't think that the bone demon would be such a person.

The Bone Demon practiced the Ten Thousand Bone Art, and his hands must have drained the blood of countless people.

Countless people died at his hands.

How could such a cold-blooded murderer spend 20 years looking for a suitable successor for inheritance?

If you don't believe it, Huang Yu doesn't believe it.

"This...Master, to be honest, I don't know. After all, my level is still too low, and I haven't been able to break the seal and obtain the previous memories. Therefore, I only know a little, and I can't detect all of this bone demon. information." Lulu shook her head and said.

"You boy, it's interesting. If someone hears this Wangu Jue, they will definitely break their heads and desperately want to take the Wangu Jue to practice. It is strange that you are so disdainful, but it also proves that I am not wrong. You not only Your physique is extremely suitable for practicing Ten Thousand Bone Jue, your state of mind, will, etc. are all suitable, but there is only one thing missing in front of you, and that is the ruthless and decisive killing intent." Looking at Huang Yu, the bone demon nodded slightly.

Ruthless, decisive killing, these can be cultivated.

The young man in front of him still has the heart of a woman. After slowly cultivating it, all these can be done.

"You want to train me? Hehe, I have to be willing. If I don't want to, no matter how much you train me, it will be a waste of effort." Huang Yu sneered.

"Don't worry, you will." The bone demon smiled. He didn't care about Huang Yu's words at all. If he couldn't even train an apprentice well, he would be called a bone demon in vain.

How many years have been in the Zhenwu Continent, and even a small hairy head can't handle it, so it's okay.

"You're very confident, we'll see."

Huang Yu was thinking about how he would get out of here.

With such an old and immortal big devil, you can feel as awkward as you want. Maybe there are countless bones buried in this valley.

It made Huang Yu's scalp tingle just thinking about it, and the golden ancient pupil technique really didn't dare to check it randomly.

"Lulu, is there any way to escape this old guy's eyes?" Huang Yu thought for a while and said, "Can the invisibility talisman be done?"

"Invisibility talisman, ordinary invisibility talisman can't do it." Lulu shook her head, "Because that bone demon has already planted a trace of spiritual power in your body, and with this trace of spiritual power, you can walk within a radius of three thousand miles. , he can find you anytime."

"That is to say, there is no other way?" Huang Yu frowned. The old devil was really cautious enough to plant spiritual power on himself.

"Yes, if the owner uses the upgraded version of the invisibility talisman, he can't find it. However, this upgraded version of the invisibility talisman only has an effect of one hour. The price is very expensive."

(End of this chapter)

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