Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 119 Earth escape talisman, out of control

Chapter 119 Earth escape talisman, out of control
Expensive, the price is very expensive, so I have to buy it, otherwise if I stay here all the time, I will always feel a little scared.

As for spirit stones, I still have a lot of spirit stones. There are more than 3 middle-grade spirit stones, and [-] top-grade spirit stones. These are all harvested from the general's tomb.

"How many spirit stones do you need?" Huang Yu asked.

No matter how much it is, it shouldn't be too outrageous. I have [-] spirit stones anyway, so I want all of them?If that's the case, it would be too deceitful.

"One of ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones."

"What? So expensive? Isn't it?" Huang Yu almost vomited blood when he heard it.

1 yuan for a piece of Lingshi, that is simply robbery.

"Lulu, are you kidding me? The invisibility talisman before was only a mere 100 yuan mid-grade spirit stone, and you want [-] now? This... This is too expensive." Huang Yu said.

"I can't help it. Lulu can't be the master. This is set by the system, and I can't change it." Lulu shrugged slightly.

"Does the master want to exchange it?"

Huang Yu thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for a while."

It's too expensive, and I can't afford it. Maybe there are other ways.

"Eh... you boy, come here." Suddenly the bone demon's eyes changed, and when he saw Huang Yu, he frowned, as if he had discovered something.

Huang Yu's heart skipped a beat, this guy isn't that powerful, is he?Could he still find Lulu?Can you find that the system is not working?impossible?
However, Huang Yu didn't move, but there was nothing he could do.

"Don't worry, it's not against you. I think you seem to be under a secret technique." Seeing Huang Yu's nervousness, the bone demon smiled and said, "Remove the forehead ornaments on your forehead."

He found himself infected with tarsal maggots?
That's all right.

Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Bone Demon was so powerful that even Lulu and the system could discover it.

The forehead ornaments on the head were removed.

The hideous mark appeared in front of his eyes.

"This is... the tarsal maggot? You got hit by the tarsal maggot? Unexpectedly, you can still live, yes, yes." Seeing the mark on Huang Yu's forehead, the bone demon was very surprised. He didn't expect Huang Yu to be hit by this tarsus It is not easy to survive the bone maggot secret technique.

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Huang Yu snorted coldly.

"Of course it has something to do with it. You are my apprentice now. I managed to find the successor. If something happens to you, where can I find another successor?" , ordinary people can't get rid of it, but it still doesn't bother me."

As he said that, the bone demon grabbed Huang Yu's head with one hand.

A powerful force submerged into the forehead.

Huang Yu trembled and lost consciousness.


"Bone Demon, get out of here...get out..."

"Damn it, the old bastard is here again." Hearing the shouts outside, the Bone Demon frowned tightly.

The person who came was Chen Mao from Lingyun Peak. He was powerful and had already reached the Shattered Realm. He was his deadly enemy. He had been chasing him for more than 300 years. For these [-] years, Chen Mao had been chasing him to death.

If he hadn't suppressed his cultivation, this Chen Mao would not be an opponent at all, but if he hadn't suppressed it, his evil calamity would have dropped immediately.

"The ghost doesn't go away."

There is no other way but to go out and face the enemy.

"Old man, you have been chasing me for 300 years, and you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed?" The bone demon flashed, and appeared outside the formation, looking at Chen Mao who was holding a long sword not far away, his tone was cold road.

"Bone Demon, where are you going this time? Is this your lair?" Chen Mao looked serious when he saw the Bone Demon come out. He knew that the Bone Demon was no weaker than himself, so he kept running away for many reasons. It may be to suppress the cultivation base, once you let go of your hands and feet, you may not be able to win.

However, for the sake of the safety of the cultivation world, I have to move my old bones.

"Chen Mao, since you want to die, you can't blame me." Bone Demon's eyes turned cold, and he said lightly, "Today I will show you my strength, don't think that you are invincible because you are in Broken Realm. "

After finishing speaking, the bone demon waved his hand, and rows of skeletons appeared out of thin air.

Then those skeletons and bones gradually fused together, turning into a huge skeleton man, with pale flames shining from the empty eyes.

With a bone blade in his hand, the sawtooth on it makes people feel chills.

Chen Mao's long sword flicked, and purple light lingered on it,

The clothes on the whole body are automatic without wind.

Narrowing his eyes, he stared closely at the skeleton man.


The two moved at the same time.

at breakneck speed.

It turned into two bright lights, one purple and one white, colliding together.

The powerful energy blows everything around him away.

Those trees were smashed to pieces at once, like a hurricane sweeping through.


Huang Yu woke up and patted himself on the head.

"Lulu, Lulu, what happened just now?" Huang Yu asked without knowing why.

"Master, don't worry. It's a good thing. It's a good thing. The tarsal maggot of the master has been removed." Lulu said.

"Has the tarsus maggot been removed?"

"That's right, the master will save you trouble." Lulu said.

"Strong." Huang Yu was not very happy when he heard the words. Sooner or later, the tarsal maggots would be eliminated by themselves, but the biggest problem was now. This bone demon was so strong that the tarsal maggots would be destroyed as soon as they were said to be dropped. It was too powerful.

"Lulu, where is the bone demon? Where is it now?" Huang Yu asked with a slight frown as he didn't notice the bone demon.

"Master, the opportunity has come. If the master wants to leave, now is the best time." Lulu blinked her eyes and said.

"The best timing? You mean, when the bone demon isn't here?" If so, it's a really good opportunity. It is also very risky to redeem the upgraded version of the super stealth talisman by yourself.

"No, that bone demon is fighting with people." Lulu said, "He has no time to clone at all. If the master wants to escape from here, now is the best time."

When Huang Yu heard this, he was very surprised, who is so strong, who can actually fight that bone demon.

To know the horror of the bone demon, Huang Yu couldn't be more clear. Those who can contend against the bone demon are probably at least in the late stage of life and death, or at the peak of perfection, and may even be in the broken state.How powerful is that bone demon.

"Really? Lulu, are you kidding me?"

"Master doesn't believe it, you can use the golden ancient pupil technique to see if it's true or not," Lulu said.

"Okay." Huang Yu nodded, and activated the golden ancient pupil technique. He saw that outside the formation, there was an earth-shattering scene, and the entire outside was razed to the ground. The terrifying vigor was like an atomic bomb explosion.

Two people are facing each other floating in the air.

All of a sudden, the two of them disappeared quickly, and then reappeared all of a sudden, the terrifying vigor was constantly aroused.

I have to admit that this is much more exciting than watching a movie, it is still live broadcast, and there is sound.

"Lulu, what can you do to get out of here?" Huang Yu said.

Even if he was able to go out, it might not be an easy task to leave safely. The vigor outside was affecting him, and he was only in the primordial spirit state. In the face of that terrifying vigor, he couldn't resist it at all.

"The talisman, the master can exchange it for other talismans." Lulu said.

"Don't you want 3 spirit stones?" If that's the case, I would have to spend [-] spirit stones all at once, which would be a big loss. Although I now have more than [-] middle-grade spirit stones, that's not the case Consumed.

"No, not so much." Lulu shook her head.

"What kind of talisman? How many spirit stones?" Huang Yu was relieved when he heard that, he didn't need [-], that's okay, if it was [-], he would go bankrupt, which is not a good thing.

"Earth escape talisman, a piece of 980 eight middle-grade spirit stones."


Pit, this pit, is there any big difference between 9988 middle-grade spirit stones and 10000 middle-grade spirit stones?Speechless, completely speechless, this system is really a huge pit.

"Earth escape talisman, how far can you escape? I don't think I need to use the invisibility talisman anymore, right?" Huang Yu almost vomited blood when he heard this, but if he didn't need to buy a super invisibility talisman to use it together, then it would be fine, barely passable, after all If you only need [-], you can still pay.

"The distance is one hundred kilometers."

One hundred kilometers, that is, two hundred miles, is already far away.

A piece of talisman paper, let me escape two hundred miles from here at once.

The two were fighting, and if they escaped for two hundred miles, they should be able to leave. After all, the bone demon cannot be separated, and two hundred miles is really not enough in normal times.

For the strong in the Broken Realm, one or two hundred miles is really nothing, and they can get there in a few minutes.

However, if he didn't get rid of the ray of spiritual power that the bone demon had planted on him, that guy would still be able to find him sooner or later.

Guiyuanzong, he must go back to Guiyuanzong, and the bone demon can find him as long as he goes to Guiyuanzong. In other words, he can run away from a monk, but not a temple.

We must find a way.

However, I can't control that much now.

Get out of here first.

"It's been exchanged." Huang Yu gritted his teeth.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Earth Escape Talisman, which consumes 9988 middle-grade spirit stones." The prompt sound of the system made Huang Yu feel like his heart was bleeding. This is cutting flesh.

Nearly [-] middle-grade spirit stones disappeared in an instant.

Take a deep breath.

Huang Yu said: "Lulu, can the Earth Escape Talisman be used in this formation?"

"It's fine here." Lulu said, "otherwise, wouldn't the Earth Escape Talisman of [-] middle-grade spirit stones be too bad? This Earth Escape Talisman is so expensive, so it has its own strengths. In this Zhenwu Continent, there is no one that can block it." The formation and restriction of this Earth Escape Talisman."

"That's good." Huang Yu was relieved when he heard this.

"Let's get started, don't delay, once they finish fighting, it will be impossible for the master to leave." Lulu urged.

"Okay." Hearing this, Huang Yu took the light yellow talisman in his hand, squeezed it lightly, and the earth escape talisman turned into a yellow light, covering Huang Yu, and then he quickly escaped into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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