Chapter 120
"Huh... what's going on? That kid actually disappeared?" The bone demon who was fighting with Chen Mao suddenly found that his spiritual imprint had disappeared, and his heart was shocked. Could it be that Chen Mao came here for that kid?Shout out?Good means, really good means.

The bone demon doesn't think that Huang Yu can leave the formation blockade he has set up with his strength, and he still has his own spiritual imprint on him. Huang Yu is only in the Yuanshen realm, how can he erase his spiritual imprint?Therefore, there is only one possibility, and that is Chen Mao's method.

"Chen Mao, you... you... are really good at it."

The bone demon saw that the anger in Chen Mao's heart reached its peak. He managed to find a suitable successor, but he didn't expect to be robbed by Chen Mao, and even his life might be in danger. Once Huang Yu died, then It is basically impossible to find a suitable successor by myself.

"Hmph, you're not bad, Bone Demon, you will die in my hands today." Chen Mao naturally didn't know what was going on in the Bone Demon's mind, and he didn't understand what was going on. He thought that the Bone Demon was being forced into anger by himself .

"Humph, Chen Mao, you are so shameless. If you let that kid go today, maybe I can spare your life, otherwise next year today will be your death day." The bone demon's aura climbed again, and it was several times stronger than before .

Chen Mao was taken aback when he heard the words, what does this bone demon mean?Let the kid go?Who is that kid?What does it have to do with the Bone Demon?
For a while, Chen Mao was a little confused, but he also knew that that person was very important to the bone demon, and now that the person disappeared or was taken away, he blamed himself.

Of course, the bone demon is angry and angry. This is what Chen Mao wants to see. It is best to lose his mind. In that case, his chances will be great.

"Bone Demon, you are so naive. I have already killed that kid. If you want to find him, go to hell." Chen Maolang laughed.

" Mao, you really want to die." Hearing what Chen Mao said, the boy had already been killed, and the bone demon's eyes turned red instantly, and he became crazy. To him, Huang Yu was Once the person of his own inheritance dies, his own inheritance will be cut off, so how can the bone demon not be angry.

The whole person turned into a gigantic demon head with a dense body of bones.

It is more than ten meters high.

Horrible breath.

A few meters long jagged bone blade, faint bone fire, as if burning everything.

Not good, this devil is crazy.

Seeing the bone demon like this, Chen Mao was shocked.

I underestimated the horror of the bone demon. I really underestimated. It turned out that the bone demon I had hunted down for the past 300 years had suppressed their cultivation.

I didn't expect him to be so terrifying.

Chen Mao's expression was serious.

"Sword formation, get up!"

Chen Mao raised his hands, and countless swords flew into the sky behind him, turning into a huge sword net, covering the bone demon.

"It finally came out." After Huang Yu came out, he was relieved.

As for the spiritual imprint of the bone demon, it was also suppressed, and the consumption was not small, enough to consume a thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

At this time, Huang Yu didn't know that the Bone Demon and Chen Mao were serious about it. Chen Mao fully believed that Huang Yu had been killed.

Just because he didn't know, Huang Yu didn't plan to return to Yuanzong for the time being, but was going to wander around, fight monsters, and get promoted.

My level is too low, and my cultivation has reached the upper limit, so I can't improve it, so this is the key issue.

Now my properties are as follows:
Huang Yu
Level: Level 26 (13000/27000)

Cultivation level: the ninth floor of Yuanshen Realm (Consummation)
Blood volume: 2600
Attack: 99999
Defense: 99999
Dodge: 99999
Lucky: 5
School: no
Cultivation method: Thunder Dragon Jue (fifth floor) Five Elements Yulong Jue (0)

Life energy: 194000
Lingshi: 19050 middle-grade spirit stones, 900 top-grade spirit stones
Weapons and equipment: Fruit Knife (Normal Grade), Wild Wolf Bracers (Mortal Grade), Wild Wolf Soft Armor (Mortal Grade), Black Flame Armor (Human Grade), Shadow Dagger (Human Grade), Purple Light Ring (storage ring, attribute unknown) Ziji Sword (lower ground level), Wulong Ding (higher level earthenware)
Skills: Knife Flying Technique (lower human level can be upgraded), gathering technique (lower level human level can be upgraded), ancient golden pupil technique (midlevel heavenly level), chasing wind (lower human level), Thunder Dragon Fury (lower level earth level) sword Potential Remnants (Such as Mountain Sword Power, Angry Wave Sword Power, Earth Rank Middle Grade), Fufeng Swordsmanship (Human Rank High Grade), Golden Sword Qi (Grade Unknown), Ten Thousand Swords Guizong (Earth Grade High Grade), Medicine Distinguishing Technique (Human Rank High Grade Can be upgraded) Alchemy (upgradeable for upper-level human level)

There are nineteen thousand middle-grade spirit stones and nine hundred top-grade spirit stones.

Cultivation method, now that I have finally obtained the Five Elements Yulong Jue, I haven't started practicing yet.

Also, I have medicine discrimination and alchemy, these two powerful skills, I haven't started learning them yet.

In addition, my harvest this time, besides the Five Elements Yulong Jue, is the Five Dragon Cauldron. The Five Dragon Cauldron is a high-grade earth weapon. Although it has no attack defense, it can be used for alchemy. This is different from my alchemy. are closely related.

All in all, my trip to the general's tomb this time is definitely a huge gain.

The only thing that bothered me was that I was being targeted by such a terrifying guy as the bone demon.

Although the spiritual imprint has been eliminated, the trouble is huge. In front of his terrifying cultivation base, even though he has a disguise mask to change his appearance, it is useless.

It's not far from where the bone demon is, only two hundred miles away, so Huang Yu didn't dare to stay at all.

Speed ​​up the pace and run towards the distance.

The destination of this trip is not Guiyuanzong, but the Huxiao Kingdom in the east.

The Tiger Roaring Kingdom is to the east of the Zhongyuan Kingdom, and it is powerful. Compared with the Zhongyuan Kingdom, it is wider and more vast.

The strongest sect in Huxiao's country is Xiaoyuezong. The holy beast of Huxiao's country is the white tiger, while Xiaoyuezong is the strongest sect in Huxiao's country, and its totem is a wolf.

According to rumors, the Xiaoyue Sect is the guardian sect of the ancient wolf.

The founder of the Xiaoyue Sect established the Xiaoyue Sect because of the help of the ancient wolf, and became a generation of peerless powerhouses.

Of course, Huang Yu's purpose is not Xiaoyuezong.

It's the tiger roaring in the country, the Cangming Mountains.

The Cangming Mountains are located to the west of the Tiger Roaring Kingdom, and the Zhongyuan Kingdom is close to it.

This is the border between the two countries.

A mix of fish and dragons.

Among them, there are many mysterious beasts in the Cangming Mountain Range, which is the best place for experience and development.

Of course, in comparison, Guiyuanzong's Xuanshou Valley has a higher concentration of Xuanshou, and is better than the Cangming Mountain Range, but now Huang Yu has no way to go back, so he has to choose the Cangming Mountain Range.

After walking eastward for a full eight hundred miles, Huang Yu slowed down.

The sky has darkened.

It's time for me to rest too.

The imprint of mental power has been removed, and the bone demon is still entangled, so it should be impossible to catch up so quickly.

Huang Yu's spirit also relaxed.

I looked around and chose a relatively dry place.

Start a fire.

I had beaten some mysterious beasts before, the meat quality was good, and Huang Yu kept a lot of them.

The bonfire was roaring.

Grilled meat.

All of a sudden it sizzled.

The fragrance is rich and overflowing, and it hits the nostrils.

Immediately the taste opened up.

At this time Lulu also came out, sitting on Huang Yu's shoulder, looking at the barbecue in front of her, drooling.


"Master, hurry up, Lulu is starving." She fixed her eyes on the barbecue, swayed her calves, and gently tapped Huang Yu's face with her hands.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, it will be ready soon." After Huang Yu sprinkled some seasoning, he tore off a chicken leg.

This is a mysterious beast called Bamboo Fragrant Chicken, and the meat is extremely delicious.

"Delicious! It's delicious!"

Huang Yu smiled and started dinner too.

an hour.

Eat and drink well.

Huang Yu lay down, got up, and prepared to practice.

The Five Elements Yulong Jue, this is the skill I got in the tomb of the general.

It is also the most suitable method for me at present.

The Five Elements Yulong Jue is the top grade of the earth.

"Ding, is the player practicing the Five Elements Yulong Jue?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully practicing the Five Elements Yulong Jue."

"Since the Thunder Dragon Jue is an evolution of the Five Elements Yulong Jue, will the player integrate it?"

Sure enough, this Thunder Dragon Jue really evolved from the Five Elements Yulong Jue, but it is only a part of it.

What's the hesitation?

Huang Yu nodded and chose fusion.

"The fusion has begun, please wait patiently!"

About 10 minutes passed, and the system's prompt sound came to my ears again.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully integrating the Thunder Dragon Jue, and the Five Elements Yulong Jue has reached the second level."

After the fusion was successful, Huang Yu could only feel a new force in his body, constantly devouring the original true energy.

This newborn true energy is not as domineering as before, it has become softer, but its quality has increased, it is much more refined, there is softness in the rigidity, rigidity in the softness, and the combination of rigidity and softness.


Huang Yu opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath.

Then punched hard.

The fist light pierced the night sky and bombarded a big tree in the distance.


That big tree was crushed from the middle by Huang Yu's fist, forming a hollow.

So strong!

I didn't expect that my strength has improved so much, and a random punch can have such power. This Five Elements Yulong Jue is really extraordinary.

This is only the second level of cultivation, what will happen if you reach the third level, fifth level, or even the ninth level?
I'm afraid I can punch through a mountain with one punch.

If you succeed in practicing the Five Elements Yulong Jue, then your current zhenqi will be the five elements zhenqi.

However, it seems that the thunder attribute has also been retained.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, plus thunder attributes.

Is this still the Five Elements Yulong Jue?
No, no.

After thinking about it carefully, this thunder attribute was originally evolved.

In fact, it is produced by the evolution of metallic and water properties.

For Huang Yu, the fire attribute and the wood attribute are the most helpful now.

Because of alchemy.

So these two properties are extremely important.

try it.

I don't have any prescriptions or medicinal materials in my hand.

After thinking about it, see what can be exchanged from the system.

The easiest and simplest elixir is Bigu Pill. This Bigu Pill is used as food by ordinary practitioners in retreat. It requires simple medicinal materials and is easy to refine.

"That's it." Huang Yu finalized the first pill to be refined, that is, Bigu Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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