Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 121 The Need for Alchemy

Chapter 121 The Need for Alchemy

Medicinal materials, these simple medicinal materials can still be exchanged, and do not need to consume much life energy or spirit stones.

There are many kinds of materials for refining Bigu Dan, but Huang Yu chose ginseng as the main ingredient, plus some other medicinal materials.Of course, the year doesn't need to be too good, after all, it's the first time to refine the elixir by yourself, and it doesn't need to be too good.

The alchemy furnace is naturally the five dragon cauldron obtained before.

The grade of this pill can be divided into nine grades.

Yipin is the most time.

Suddenly Huang Yu found a serious problem.

I am not an alchemist now, so I can't make alchemy.

Although the apprenticeship system has been triggered, he has not become a disciple of an alchemist.

"Lulu, what should we do now? Is there a way to solve this problem?"

"This is easy. Although the master only needs to trigger the apprenticeship system, the master has already worshiped the master. Although he is not a master of alchemy, there are still other ways. The master only needs to exchange for an alchemist's certificate. The apprentice card is enough," Lulu said.

An alchemist's apprentice card?Huang Yu frowned slightly.

The apprentice card still needs to be exchanged, so the price is probably not cheap, right?
However, now in the wilderness, where do I go to learn from my teacher?Moreover, those alchemists will not accept apprentices casually.

After thinking about it, I decided to exchange it for an apprentice card. As for how many spirit stones I needed, I had to change it. In order to become an alchemist and refine the pills I needed, this was a must.

"How many spirit stones do you need to get an apprentice card?" Huang Yu asked through gritted teeth.

"Not much, one hundred middle-grade spirit stones are enough. If the master is willing, he can also directly increase the level of the alchemist? Upgrading a level requires ten times the spirit stones. That is to say, the master wants to become a second-class alchemist A first-grade alchemist only needs [-] middle-grade spirit stones, a third-grade alchemist needs [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and so on."

Huang Yu rolled his eyes straight, which is a good thing, but the key is that he doesn't have so many spirit stones now.

Alchemists can have apprentice cards, so can others, such as talisman masters and weapon refiners, also have apprentice cards?

"Lulu, are there apprentice cards that can be exchanged for other professions?"

"Yes, apprentice cards can be used for some basic professions, such as craftsmen, talisman masters, cooks, architects, array mages, etc. These professions can all be obtained with apprentice cards, but there are limitations Yes, the master needs 100 middle-grade spirit stones to redeem an apprentice card once, but if the master redeems the second apprentice card, the price needs to be increased by 100 times, that is to say, if the master wants to redeem the second apprentice card, then It needs [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and so on, the third apprentice card needs [-] million middle-grade spirit stones." Lulu said.

Huang Yu was speechless when he heard the words, he was cheated, he was really cheated, he deserved to be a system.

With my current situation, I can only get two kinds of apprenticeship cards at most.

According to Huang Yu's calculations, the alchemist's apprentice card must be exchanged, and the remaining types, talisman and formation, are used as alternatives.

Of course, at present, talismans can be used frequently, but relatively speaking, arrays are more necessary, because talismans can be exchanged by themselves, and formations cannot say, I want to break the formation, what can I use to exchange?There is no way, once encountering a formation, there is basically no other way but to rely on oneself, so becoming a formation master is also a top priority.

But there is a problem with this, that is Lingshi, and I don't have many Lingshi now.

It takes [-] middle-grade spirit stones to exchange for the second apprentice card. Although I have [-] middle-grade spirit stones now, I need to improve my cultivation level, or exchange some special items for mobility.


Poor, I am still too poor.

If there are tens of millions of spirit stones, are you still worried about these?
Exchange for all kinds of powerful talismans, then go to fight monsters to upgrade, and then improve your cultivation base.

Unfortunately, this is just a thought.

It's better to exchange the alchemist apprentice card first, and then make alchemy.

Honestly, take your time, step by step, you can't expect too much.

"Ding, do you want to exchange the alchemist apprentice card?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Alchemist Apprentice Card, which consumes 100 middle-grade spirit stones."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for using the alchemist apprentice card and becoming a first-rank alchemist."

Finally became an alchemist and can make alchemy.

After becoming an alchemist, Huang Yu felt that he was not very thorough in alchemy, but he understood it thoroughly.

Alchemy, in fact, is not difficult, but it is still not easy to refine a good pill.

Give it a try.

There is always a first time in life.


The medicinal materials are added to the Five Dragon Cauldron.

Put your hands up.

Gentle fire-attribute true energy slowly poured into the alchemy furnace from the body.

1 minutes passed.

The pill furnace didn't change much, but the temperature rose slowly.

10 minutes later.

Huang Yu clearly felt that the medicinal materials in the pill furnace began to melt and turned into juice.

After melting, there is the next step, which is also a crucial step.

Refining impurities.

Be careful.

Huang Yu controlled the liquid medicine in the alchemy furnace.

Slowly refine the impurities.

This process requires great care.

It took Huang Yu nearly half an hour, or three ten minutes.

Half an hour passed, and the refining of impurities was completed.

Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and the next step was the last step.

Condensate into Dan.

This step is the final process.

Being careful, sweat broke out on Huang Yu's forehead.

Dare not have a little relaxation.


After a light drink, a reminder sound came from the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully refining Bigu Pill."

It succeeded, this time the alchemy was successful.

Victory at the first stop.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yu opened the pill furnace.

I saw a milky white pill lying in the pill furnace.

Strong aroma.

The grade of this Bigu Pill has actually reached the second grade, which is much better than ordinary Bigu Pills. I didn't expect that my first alchemy would have such an effect, which surprised Huang Yu very much.

Now I can refine alchemy by myself, and I can only refine one, which is a bit inefficient.

Logically speaking, the refining of Bigu Pills can produce up to twelve pieces at a time.

When the strength is strong, twenty pieces can even be refined at one time.

After Huang Yu took this Bigu Pill, he felt a gentle medicinal power melt into his body.

feel good.

So go ahead.

With the experience of the first time, the refining of Bigu Pill for the second time went very smoothly, and the speed was much faster, but at the end, when the liquid was separated and the liquid was condensed into a pill, I had to be a little careful, after all, what I refined this time was not a pill , but two bigu pills.


"Ding, congratulations to the player for making alchemy successfully."

It's done again.

However, Huang Yu did not show any joy.

In fact, only one of the bigu pills was refined this time, and the other was useless.

Looking at a bigu pill and a mass of waste in the pill furnace.

Huang Yu sighed.

Alchemy is indeed not accomplished overnight.

It takes time and experience.

It takes continuous accumulation.


Three days later.

Huang Yu's level of alchemy has improved significantly. With unremitting efforts, he spent a full two thousand middle-grade spirit stones as the price, and reached the realm of a second-grade alchemist.

Some simple recovery pills were also refined.

Among them are some healing pills.

Second Grade Healing Pill.

These pills are amazing.

Huang Yu was quite satisfied.

Hundreds of them were refined at once.

These one hundred pills are enough to consume myself for a while.


Tiger Roaring Country, is this the border of Tiger Roaring Country?

Looking at a big river in the distance.

This is the dividing line between Zhongyuan Kingdom and Tiger Roaring Kingdom.

This river is called the Cangming River, because the Cangming Mountain Range got its name here.

After crossing this river, you will enter the territory of Tiger Roaring Country, and the towering mountains in the distance are the Cangming Mountains, which is also the destination of your trip.

Cangming is hundreds of meters wide, and the current is so fast that swimming across it is definitely unrealistic.

Although I am a martial artist in the Yuanshen realm, there are many powerful mysterious beasts in the Cangming River. If that is the case, I am courting death.

Therefore, we must find a way.

Looking up, I found a tall boat on the bank of the river.


This is a warship.

Under the observation of the golden ancient pupil technique, Huang Yu found that the strength of the people on board was not weak, the strongest reached the perfect yin and yang state, many of them were in the thunder calamity state, and most of them were in the primordial spirit state.

Those people all wore uniform clothing, and occasionally there were some businessmen in gorgeous clothes.

It seems that this is not only a warship, but also a merchant ship.

If you want to get on the boat yourself, you can still do it.

Huang Yu jumped up and came to the bank of the river.

Looking around, he cut off a dead tree and threw it into the river.

With a jump, he landed on a dead tree, and with a burst of strength, he rushed towards the big boat.

After approaching, Huang Yu jumped into the boat.

"Who?" Seeing Huang Yu, the guards became nervous one by one, and immediately surrounded Huang Yu.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to take a ride." Huang Yu smiled slightly.

"Don't move, I'll report to your lord." A guard looked at Huang Yu and said.

"Okay, I'm in trouble." Huang Yu didn't want to make enemies with these guys. Although his own strength could defeat the Thunder Tribulation Realm, he couldn't compete with the strong Yin-Yang Realm.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a square face came over.

This person's strength is at the late stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

There are three Yin-Yang realm practitioners on the entire ship, and this middle-aged man is just one of them.

"Don't be nervous, let's go." Seeing Huang Yu, Guo Zilian waved his hand, motioning for them to leave.

"Little brother, don't be restrained, sit down." After the guards left, Guozi faced Huang Yu and said, "My name is Zhang Yanzhao and I am the head of the Changhe Gang. What's your name, little brother?"


"Don't be a senior, just call me Lao Zhang, or Big Brother Zhang. I'm a rough man, not like you young masters." Zhang Yanzhao said heartily.

"Brother Zhang, my name is Huang Yu. To be honest, Brother Zhang, I am a native of Zhongyuan Kingdom, and I am also an alchemist. This time I came to Huxiao Kingdom, and I heard that Huxiao Kingdom Medicine King Valley is recruiting disciples. This time I came to learn from a teacher. of."

(End of this chapter)

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