Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 131 Rank 5 Zongmen

Chapter 131 Fifth Rank Sect
"How much do you need? I still have a lot of spirit stones. As a seventh-rank alchemist, I never lack spirit stone pills." Nangongxue looked at Huang Yu and said.

"Naturally, the more the better, so I hope that Master can help me sell Spirit Realm Pills." Huang Yu didn't want to owe too much to Nangong Xue, even though she is his master now.

I can't always say that I want to use a woman's money and wealth to cultivate myself. This kind of behavior makes Huang Yu particularly despised, and Huang Yu hates eating soft food.

"Do you want to continue to sacrifice?" Nangongxue frowned slightly, "Is this harmful to you? If you really need the spirit stone, I can help you find a way to sacrifice to get the elixir, which will definitely do you a lot of harm .”

"Master, it's okay." Huang Yu shook his head, "This is good for Master, and it can help Master gain fame, and... I think many people, many old antiques will need this Spirit Realm Pill. How you want to slaughter them is up to you, Master. As for the harm to me, there is nothing wrong with it. However, I can only sacrifice three times a month at most. As long as it does not exceed three times, there is no problem. "

"You..." After hesitating for a while, Nangongxue nodded. Although she didn't know why Huang Yu needed so many spirit stones, she didn't ask too much. Everyone has their own secrets.

For Nangongxue, as long as he, Huang Yu, is a disciple of Xuelian Peak and doesn't do anything that hurts Xuelian Peak or Medicine King Valley, it doesn't matter.



On this day, the entire Medicine King Valley boiled.

Yes, boiling over.

It was boiling because of Xuelian Peak and Nangongxue.

Who is Nangong Xue?He is the best and most powerful alchemist in Yaowang Valley, the only seventh-rank alchemist in Yaowang Valley, and even in the entire Tiger Xiao Kingdom.

She actually refined a elixir, that is the spirit realm elixir.

Moreover, she herself, because of taking the Spiritual Realm Pill, raised her cultivation from the middle stage of the Life and Death Realm to the late stage of the Life and Death Realm.

Spirit Realm Pill, that is the eighth grade pill.

Being able to refine the Spiritual Realm Pill means that Nangongxue has now become an eighth-rank alchemist. It's amazing, this is really amazing.

Moreover, the Spirit Realm Pill is not an ordinary eighth-grade pill, it is a pill that can elevate the strong in the Life and Death Realm, and even the strong in the Broken Realm to a higher level.

It's amazing, it's really amazing.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Medicine King Valley erupted.

Medicine King Valley is a super-class sect.

In the sect, there are naturally quite a few strong men, those old antiques, all of them are elders, at the level of elders.

All of them are in the realm of life and death, and the weakest ones have reached the great perfection of yin and yang realm, and those who have half stepped into the realm of life and death.

There are dozens of people.

Huang Yu was also shocked, there are really too many strong people in the Valley of the Medicine Kings.

Compared with Medicine King Valley, together with the strength of the entire Zhongyuan Kingdom, it is not much stronger than Medicine King Valley.

It can be seen the horror of Medicine King Valley.

In the entire Tiger Roaring Kingdom, Medicine King Valley is definitely the number one sect.

At this time, Snow Lotus Peak was extremely lively.

All the old antiques are crowded in the main hall of Snow Lotus Peak.

"Where's Master Nangong?"

"Yes, yes, yes, quickly let Master Nangong come out."

"Hurry up, why don't you go soon?"

Each of these people is a strong man in the realm of life and death.

The female disciple almost wanted to cry. These people are all old monsters, they are all elder-level tasks in Yaowang Valley, and they are just a small outer disciple.

Do you need to embarrass me?
The female disciple thought so in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out of her mouth.

"Returning to the elders, the peak master is guiding Shaofeng master to practice."

"Lord Shaofeng?"

"Has your peak master accepted disciples?"

Everyone was amazed, Nangongxue had been promoted to the eighth rank alchemist, and also accepted apprentices, this was a shocking news, but it was not spread.

"So, let's wait patiently."


"That's right, you can't disturb Master Nangong teaching his disciples."

These old guys nodded one by one.

They came here to beg for help, if Nangongxue was provoked, it would be a waste of time.

So each of them sat down obediently, although they were a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

Their strongest strength is only in the middle stage of life and death, and most of them are in the early stage of life and death, but together, it is also a terrifying force.

At this time, another person came outside the hall.



Seeing the person coming, everyone stood up one by one.

Because the person who came was Yi Tianxing, the suzerain of Medicine King Valley.

"Everyone is there."

Everyone smiled embarrassedly: "Sect Master."

"Understood, I understand too." Yi Tianxing said with a smile, "This is the blessing of my Medicine King Valley. I didn't expect Elder Nangong to break through, and now he has reached the level of an eighth-rank alchemist. There are only a few people."

"Yeah, my Medicine King's Valley is really about to rise. In the Tiger Roaring Country, my Medicine King's Valley is a first-class sect, firmly occupying the number one sect in the Tiger's Roaring Country. In comparison, the foundation of Medicine King Valley is still too weak." An old man with gray beard and ruddy complexion said with a strand of beard.

"Yes, with Elder Nangong, the eighth-rank alchemist, it will be much easier for us in Yaowanggu to enter the first-class sect in Zhenwu Continent." Another elder said.

On the Zhenwu Continent, sects can be divided into five ranks.

The general sects are first-rank sects, Guiyuan Sect, and Zhongyuan Sword Sect belong to second-rank sects, but Yaowanggu can also be regarded as third-rank sects, and the real first-class sects must reach fourth-rank sects. The super-first-rate sect is the fifth-rank sect.

A first-rank sect only needs to have Yin-Yang realm fighters sitting in the gate to be called a first-rank sect, while a second-rank sect requires a strong person in the life-and-death realm, and a third-rank sect requires ten living and dead sects in the sect. Among the warriors in the Realm of Life and Death, there must be a warrior in the late stage of Life and Death Realm.

The fourth-rank sect needs one Broken Realm expert, and the fifth-rank sect needs three or more Broken Realm experts.

Obviously, Yaowang Valley is only a third-rank sect now, and there is still a big gap from the fourth-rank sect. After all, there are no strong people in the Broken Realm, so it is impossible to enter the Central Continent. It's just the periphery of the mainland, and the real big sects are all in the central continent.

Once the sect is promoted to a fourth-rank sect, it means that it has the strength to enter the Central Continent.

This is the goal that some third-rank sects strive for.

In the Central Continent, the aura is much stronger than here, and it is much better for practitioners.

Therefore, practitioners have sharpened their heads to squeeze in, but it is not so easy to enter the Central Continent.

There is a huge ban between the Central Continent and the Zhenwu Continent, which blocks the Zhenwu Continent and the Central Continent.

Therefore, if the cultivation base has not reached the Broken Realm, there is no way to enter it.

Of course, some geniuses can pass.

In the Central Continent, there will be a selection every ten years, which is to select talented practitioners from other continents to enter the Central Continent.

But now, there is only one year before the selection every ten years.

In addition to this, there is another way, which is to make the sect a fourth-rank sect, that is, to give birth to a strong man in the broken state. A strong man in the broken state can establish a sect in the Central Continent and bring 100 people into the Central Continent .

In fact, the Valley of the Medicine King originally belonged to a fourth-rank sect.

However, later the Valley of the Medicine Kings fell, and the Valley of the Medicine Kings in the Central Continent was kicked out of the Central Continent again.

In the Central Continent, the major sects competed fiercely. Except for the fourth-rank sects, other sects without Shattered Realm experts would be kicked out.

At the beginning, Yaowang Valley was kicked out because of the strong men in Broken Realm who died in battle.

Returning to the Central Continent again has always been the dream of every suzerain of Medicine King Valley.

Now there is an eighth-rank alchemist in Yaowang Valley, which means that Yaowang Valley is likely to enter the Central Continent again.

How can this not make Yi Tianxing excited?

Nangongxue is the person in this generation who has the most hope of breaking through the realm of life and death and reaching the realm of brokenness. Originally, Yi Tianxing thought that there was no chance, but he did not expect that Nangongxue would break through at this time, and her cultivation base reached the realm of life and death. Not to mention the later period, the alchemist has also been promoted to the eighth rank.

It's hard to say if it's just the late stage of the life and death realm, but once you enter the eighth rank alchemist, it will be much easier to break through the life and death realm.

Back then, the ancestor of Yaowang Valley first broke through to the eighth-rank alchemist, and then broke through the life-death realm and entered the broken realm.



At this time, in the alchemy room.

Huang Yu is refining the elixir, which is the fourth-rank Dan Bing Ling Dan. This ice elixir is a high-grade fourth-rank elixir, which can help people with ice attributes improve their strength and aptitude. Although this elixir is only a fourth-rank pill , but it is extremely difficult to refine, so it's not as bad as a fifth-grade elixir.

"Ding, the player failed in alchemy."

over and over again.

Huang Yu has already failed four times.

It still didn't work, which made Huang Yu a little impatient.

"Xiaoyu, you can't be too impatient in alchemy. The reason why you haven't succeeded once is because your mind has not been able to calm down. Your pursuit of success is too urgent and you have lost your sense of normalcy." Looking at Huang Yu again The failure, Nangong Xue said.

"Master, I understand." Huang Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the depressed feeling in his heart, and exercised his mind, and his whole body became much more relaxed.

"Okay, let's stop here today. You should review it carefully and think about it carefully. Don't rush for success and refine it tomorrow." Seeing that Huang Yu had adjusted his mood, Nangongxue nodded very satisfied. It is really rare to adjust your mind.

"Yeah." Huang Yu nodded.

In fact, Huang Yu has already touched the edge of success. If there is one more time, Huang Yu believes that he can succeed, but he is a little tired. In this state, even if he can successfully refine it, the quality of Chengdan will not be very good. This is not what Huang Yu thinks, since we have to do it, we must do our best, this is Huang Yu's mentality.

(End of this chapter)

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