Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 132 Fire Phoenix Feather

Chapter 132 Fire Phoenix Feather

in the hall.

Nangongxue had expected it a long time ago, but Huang Yu was taken aback. She didn't expect, she didn't expect that there would be so many people.

And all of them are of extraordinary cultivation, and they are all old guys in the life and death realm.

Unexpectedly, there are so many strong people in the life and death realm in the entire Medicine King Valley.

"Master Nangong."

"Master Nangong."

"Elder Nangong."

Seeing Nangong Xue come out, everyone was very excited.

"Sect Master, elders, who are you?"

"Congratulations to Elder Nangong for his promotion."

"Congratulations to Master Nangong for becoming an eighth-rank alchemist."

"Congratulations to Elder Nangong!"


Everyone gathered around and continued to congratulate.

Of course, they also noticed Huang Yu's existence.

"This is Elder Nangong's new disciple, right?" Seeing Huang Yu's existence, everyone was extremely surprised.

Because Huang Yu has five attributes.

The five elements, the five elements gather together.

What a surprise.

He has reached the Yuanshen realm at a young age, and the five elements are gathered together. This young man is incredible, really incredible, and the five attributes are extremely pure.

This kind of qualification is absolutely unique in Tiger Roaring Country.

Everyone was jealous. Unexpectedly, Nangongxue got such a talented disciple.

Although they were jealous, they still congratulated, and each of them took out their own things, treasures, and gave them to Huang Yu as gifts.

Huang Yu knew that they were trying to please him, and in fact, they were also trying to please Nangongxue.

What do they want the eighth grade elixir, Spirit Realm Pill?

In fact, they didn't know at all that although Nangongxue's strength has broken through at this time, she has made some progress in alchemy, but there is still a certain gap between the eighth-rank alchemist. If she wants to break through the eighth-rank alchemist, she still needs an opportunity .

Huang Yu looked at the crowd, saw the things they handed over, and really wanted to accept them.

It has everything, and it's all of great value.

Sixth-grade mysterious beast pills, seventh-grade magical amulets, sixth-grade elixir, and even several ground artifacts. If these things are taken out, they will definitely cause looting.

If it is put up for auction, each piece will definitely not be less than [-] middle-grade spirit stones.

Huang Yu swallowed his saliva, wanting to get it in his pocket, but Huang Yu had to look at Nangongxue, after all, without Nangongxue's support, he would have nothing.

Even if he could redeem the Spiritual Realm Pill, it would be in vain, and it might lead to death.

"Take it." Nangong Xue looked at Huang Yu's eager eyes, and nodded.

Anyway, the news has already spread, who would believe me if I said that I have not become an eighth-rank alchemist?
I have never had the possibility of breaking through the late stage of life and death before, but in such a short period of time, I have broken through. Isn't it because I broke through the eighth-rank alchemist?Who would believe it?
Even Nangong Xue herself didn't believe it, so there was no way to hide this, nor could she explain it.

"This is a gift that we, as seniors, should take as a gift, and my nephew should accept it."

"Not bad."

The crowd agrees.

Huang Yu will agree with Nangongxue, so he is naturally not polite. These things are all good things and are of great value. If you accept them all, it will definitely be of great help to your own development.

Among these people, the suzerain Yi Tianxing was the last to come out.

I saw Yi Tianxing took out a fiery red feather.

Huang Yu didn't know what it was, but everyone's faces changed, they were surprised, definitely surprised.

"Sect Master, you..."

Nangong Xue was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Come on, your name is Huang Yu, right? You keep this feather, it will be very helpful to you, but whether you can get its approval or not depends on yourself." Put this fiery red feather in Huang Yu's hand.

Huang Yu suddenly felt a warm force flowing into his body warmly.

It makes people feel very comfortable.

Then, the fiery red feather fell into Huang Yu's palm.

At this time, not only Huang Yu, but also Yi Tianxing and others were shocked.

"What is that?" Huang Yu was taken aback, not knowing whether it was good or bad, he hurriedly asked Lulu.

"Master, you have developed." Lulu said.

"What? Lulu, what is that?" Huang Yu was amazed, "Could it be... Could it be that this red feather is still some kind of treasure?"

"Yes, I didn't expect such a good thing to exist here." Lulu said.

"What is that?" Huang Yu became more and more curious, "This thing is very expensive, does it have a lot of background?"

"Master, don't underestimate this feather. This feather is much more precious than those ninth-grade pills." Lulu said.

Huang Yu's eyes widened when he heard the words, it was more precious than the ninth-grade elixir, this... this... Doesn't this mean that this feather is worth at least a million high-grade spirit stones, or even tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones.

What feathers are so precious?This... this is too incredible.

"Lulu, what kind of feather is that?"

Huang Yu couldn't wait to find out what the origin of this fiery red feather was.

Could it be that this feather is some kind of artifact?If so, it would be appropriate.

There are also heavenly artifacts on top of the earthly artifacts. Above the heavenly artifacts, there should be higher levels, or fairy artifacts, or even divine artifacts. Could it be that this humble red feather is the legendary artifact? no?
If that's the case, then he is really developed.

"Master, this is a feather of the divine beast Fire Phoenix, and it is also the feather of fate." Lulu said.

"The natal feather of the fire phoenix?" Huang Yu was surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that there really was a legendary beast, and it was also the legendary fire phoenix.

"Yes, the legendary fire phoenix is ​​immortal and extremely powerful. An adult fire phoenix can blow out a mouthful of flames enough to destroy a world. This shows how terrifying the fire phoenix is, and the natal feather is the most important feather of the fire phoenix. , the fire phoenix has only three life feathers, each of which contains the terrifying power of the fire phoenix, the purest original power of the fire attribute, if you can get the natal feather of the fire phoenix, you can get the natal The inheritance of the flame, that is, the inheritance of the original flame, is much stronger than that of the Promise True Fire." Lulu said.

"So powerful? Then...then how did this fire phoenix's natal feather fall into this world, into the hands of Yi Tianxing?" Huang Yu was very surprised when he heard this. The fire phoenix is ​​so powerful that he actually got it If you can refine it and integrate it into your own power, then you have mastered the power of the fire phoenix, mastered the pure fire attribute power, as long as your strength is raised to a certain level, or , when one's own strength breaks through to the realm of life and death, there should be no opponents to speak of.

"However, master, don't be too happy too early. Although master has obtained the feather of the fire phoenix, with the master's current strength, it is not enough to use the feather of the fire phoenix. If you want to refine it, it is simply a dream. After breaking through this world and breaking the confinement, the master is barely qualified to touch that level. Therefore, if the master says that he wants to refine this fire phoenix feather, then don't think about it. It's a good thing to refine it, and you still want to refine the fire phoenix feather?" Lulu's words were like being poured with a basin of cold water on a hot day, and it was cold from head to toe.

"Isn't it?" Huang Yu was very depressed when he heard the words. If this is the case, then not only did he not gain any benefits when he got the fire phoenix feather, but he also had to worry about whether he would be refined by the fire phoenix feather. Drop, isn't this a pit, a huge pit?
"However, but the master doesn't need to worry now. Although the fire phoenix feather has a little consciousness, it is still in a deep sleep, so the master doesn't need to worry. Moreover, Lulu has also used a special method to turn the fire phoenix feather. Yu's consciousness has been completely sealed, as long as the master doesn't want to completely refine this fire phoenix feather, nothing will happen." Seeing Huang Yu's nervousness, Lulu smiled and said.

"That's good, that's good." Huang Yu said helplessly, "This is indeed a treasure, but now, I have no way to use it, and in the future, it may cost my life, this... Lulu, what can you do to solve it? Is this a problem?"

This fire phoenix feather is so powerful, even so powerful that it may endanger his life at any time, it would be strange to say that he is not worried.

Of course, Huang Yu is ambitious. Since the fire phoenix feather is so powerful, if he can refine the fire phoenix feather in the future, then his strength will definitely reach a terrifying improvement.

"There is no way now, but the fire phoenix feather seems to have recognized the master. The fire phoenix feather entered the master's body, and the consciousness was sealed by me. Therefore, the master can still use a little power of the fire phoenix feather to let the master The master first inspires the fire of the soul." Lulu said.

"Really?" Huang Yu was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words. If he could stimulate his soul fire, then his level of alchemy would be improved even more, because Huang Yu could now feel that even though he had practiced the Five Elements Yulong Jue The Fire Jue, the level of fire control, has been greatly improved, but because of the limitation of my own strength, and because I don't have a good flame at all, this completely limits my performance in alchemy. If I can have a If he planted a more powerful flame, then his alchemy time, quality, and alchemy rate would have a breakthrough, and he would even be able to enter the level of a fifth-rank alchemist in a short time. Huang Yu had this confidence.

"Of course, but it's not suitable to be excited here now," Lulu said.

Huang Yu nodded, of course he knew that there were so many old guys here, it would indeed be wrong for him to start arousing the fire of his soul now.

(End of this chapter)

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