Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 133 Crazy Orders, Killing 4 Volts

Chapter 133 Crazy orders, murderous intentions

"Sect Master, did you give him this feather?" Nangong Xue frowned.

"This is God's will. It's God's will. Huang Yu is the destined person for the fire phoenix feather. No wonder he hasn't had a clue for so many years." Seeing the changes in the fire phoenix feather, Yi Tianxing had a smile on his face.

He was so surprised, he didn't expect, he didn't expect that the feather of the fire phoenix would automatically merge into Huang Yu's body.

"It seems that my Medicine King Valley is really about to rise. Elder Nangong is really a nobleman of my Medicine King Valley." Yi Tianxing looked at Nangongxue, and the happy expression on his face was self-evident.

Nangong Xue smiled wryly in her heart, nobleman, this Huang Yu is the real nobleman, if it wasn't for him, she would never have been able to break through, it was Huang Yu's Spiritual Realm Pill that allowed her to break through from the middle stage of the life and death realm to the late stage, and alchemy He has also made progress, although he is still only a seventh-rank alchemist, but it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the seventh rank and becomes an eighth-rank alchemist.

"That's right. Elder Nangong is definitely a noble person in my Medicine King Valley. I believe that it won't take long for Elder Nangong to make our Medicine King Valley a fourth-rank sect and enter the Central Continent again."

"Fourth-rank sect, Central Continent? Yes, definitely. Now that Elder Nangong has become an eighth-rank alchemist, he will definitely make our Medicine King Valley a fourth-rank sect." Those old fellows heard it one by one. These words are all very exciting.



"Do you know? Master Nangong of the Medicine King Valley has now become an eighth-rank alchemist."

"The Medicine King Valley is about to rise."

"Eighth-rank alchemist, my dear, it's incredible, it's really incredible, how many years has it been since we in Huxiao Kingdom have an eighth-rank alchemist?"

"1000 years, a full 1000 years."

"Great, I want to tell Master this news, he will definitely reward me."

The fact that Nangongxue became an eighth-rank alchemist had spread throughout the Tiger Roaring Country, and even the surrounding countries of the Tiger Roaring Country also got the news.

Countless people flocked to Medicine King Valley.

Originally, the time for the Yaowang Valley to recruit disciples was approaching, and with this situation, the Yaowang Valley is now overcrowded.

In Lingdan Town, all the inns and taverns have been filled.

Even the wilderness is covered with tent fires.

People come and go here.

It has become the most lively time in the past few hundred years.

Although Yaowang Valley will be very lively when recruiting disciples and holding alchemy competitions, the current situation has far exceeded that time.

Back then, when Yaowang Valley was the most powerful and glorious, there were not so many people coming.

It can be seen how shocked Nangongxue was after becoming an eighth-rank alchemist.

The entire Medicine King Valley is hot.

Countless people want to get the legendary eighth-grade spirit pill, the Spiritual Realm Pill. If they can get the Spiritual Realm Pill, it will allow them to upgrade to a level without any pressure, and there will be no side effects. There, those old guys who have not reached the level of promotion have the biggest opportunity, especially those old guys who have no lifespan. If their strength can be improved and their realm is broken through, their lifespan will be improved out of thin air.

You know, for people at their level, breaking through a realm means that they can live for several years, even ten years, or even decades.

How could they let go of such an opportunity?
The answer is self-evident.

As the only true disciple of Nangongxue in Xuelian Peak of Medicine King Valley, Huang Yu became even more popular. Countless people came to curry favor with him, hoping to get Nangongxue the chance to refine a Spiritual Realm Pill through him.

The Spiritual Realm Pill requires a sky-high price to refine one.

Thirteen thousand high-grade spirit stones, plus an eighth-grade elixir.

The price is astonishing to the extreme.

Huang Yu couldn't believe that Nangongxue offered such a terrifying price, how many people would have the strength to obtain the Spirit Realm Pill.

To Huang Yu's surprise, there were quite a few people who came to let Nangongxue refine the Spiritual Realm Pill, as many as dozens of people, and there were eight people in the entire Yaowang Valley alone.

This surprised Huang Yu too much, rich, definitely rich, these guys are all filthy rich.

At first, I wondered if it was too expensive, but now it seems that it is too worth it, and it is even too low. The so-called rarity is the most expensive, and now the eighth-rank alchemist is the only one, and even the entire Zhenwu Continent is only one. There were only three mere people, and this still counted Nangong Xue.

Except for Nangongxue, the other two eighth-rank alchemists basically lived on Lingyun Peak, which is not accessible to ordinary people, so ordinary people, even ordinary large sects, have no possibility of obtaining eighth-rank Elixir.

But now, Nangongxue has become an eighth-rank alchemist, giving them this opportunity, and more importantly, it has also spread the most precious kind of elixir among the eighth-rank elixirs, which can help warriors improve their cultivation Spiritual Realm Pill without any side effects, this Spiritual Realm Pill can help warriors in the Realm of Life and Death to improve their cultivation by the first level, without any side effects, and the success rate is almost [-]%, which makes them so tempting for those old guys who haven't broken through for many years?

Therefore, after Nangongxue spread the news that people could refine Spiritual Realm Pills, the suzerains, elders, grand elders, and countless other old guys from various sects came out of the mountain.



"Master, the three spiritual realm pills have been sacrificed successfully." Huang Yu came out of the alchemy room, holding three white jade bottles in his hand.

These three elixirs fully earned him more than 8000, nearly [-] high-grade spirit stones, and of course it was more than that, plus three eighth-grade elixir.

Not to mention, the nine thousand high-grade spirit stones and the three eighth-grade elixir would be incredible.

Huang Yu has now integrated the medicine discrimination technique and the golden ancient pupil technique.

Now Huang Yu's identification methods are several times higher than before.

These three eighth-grade elixir are actually seedlings.

A red plant, the leaves of the plant seem to be transparent, and in the middle of the two leaves is a small fiery red flower, which turns into a firework, extremely beautiful.

Under the golden ancient pupil technique, Huang Yu saw the true face of this plant, which is a red sun grass.

This red sun grass is not an eighth-rank elixir, but a real ninth-rank elixir, but the one in front of me is just a seedling, so it looks like the red blood grass among the eighth-rank elixir. The difference between Yang Grass and Red Blood Grass is still very big. The seedlings of Red Sun Grass are very similar to Red Blood Grass. However, the seedlings of Red Sun Grass have traces of pure Yang energy radiating out. Although it is rare, you can still feel it. .

Although it was only a seedling, for others, the effect of this seedling might even be worse than that of the eighth-grade elixir, but in Huang Yu's view, this seedling was definitely a treasure.

Because I have wood spirits, and wood spirits can produce elixir.

If this ninth-grade elixir is placed in someone else's place, it may not be able to mature even in 500 or 1000 years, but it is different in front of me, and I can use wood spirits to ripen it.

However, there is a problem in front of me. I am not strong enough to ripen this ninth-grade elixir, but this is not a problem. My strength will continue to grow, and in the future, after I have the wood spirit space , this is not a problem at all.

Among the three elixir plants, one is a seedling of a ninth-grade elixir, and there are two other plants, one is Qingyuancao, which is a kind of spiritual grass that can restore vitality and can enhance life. The main medicine of Shou Dan.

The other one was a Golden Spirit Grass.

Golden Spirit Grass is the main medicine for refining Jin Po Pill.

The effect of Jin Po Dan is definitely a huge surprise for metallic cultivators, it can help metallic cultivators break through all bottlenecks, that is to say, for metallic warriors, the effect of Jin Po Dan The effect is the same as that of Spirit Realm Pill.

It's just that this Golden Potion will not help warriors with other attributes, but will be highly poisonous. It is only a panacea for metallic warriors, which can help them break through. Of course, if there are metallic warriors in the body Warriors, however, can also be thoroughly inspired.

The reason why this Jin Po Pill can help metal fighters break through the bottleneck is because it can completely stimulate the potential of metal fighters.

These three spiritual grasses are all rare, and their combined value is far more precious than 1 yuan of high-grade spirit stones.

For Huang Yu, there is no way to use these three elixir, and there is no way to use them for alchemy, because his level is still too low, and now he is only a fourth-rank alchemist. Grass, at the very least, you need to become a seventh-rank alchemist to be able to use them, otherwise, it is just a waste.

So, at this time, Huang Yu thought about it, and now he needs to raise these three elixir.

Now the time has come, I have enough spirit stones, and I need to open the wood spirit space.

"Ding, has the player opened the wood spirit space?"

"Turn on."

Huang Yu didn't hesitate, although he said that this would require a full 100 top-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to [-] million middle-grade spirit stones, but Huang Yu had no regrets.

If the spirit stones are gone, you can still earn more, and the help and benefits brought to you by the wood spirit space will definitely far exceed [-] top-grade spirit stones, and even [-] top-grade spirit stones are worth it .

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the wood spirit space and consuming [-] high-grade spirit stones."

The sound of the system sounded, and Huang Yu felt something extra in the palm of his left hand.

a space.

A space full of aura.

Huang Yu couldn't wait to penetrate his spiritual consciousness into it.

The space is not big, only a few square meters.

But the aura is astonishing, a hundred times that of the outside.

Huang Yu took a deep breath, he was so shocked, the aura here is so abundant, so suitable for the growth of elixir, it is worthy of the wood spirit space.

(End of this chapter)

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