Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 139 The wolf screams, the earth dragon sings

Chapter 139 The wolf screams, the earth dragon sings

The night is hazy, and the moon hangs high.

A bonfire lit up the whole field.

It is not quiet here, the roars of various wild beasts can be heard all around, and there are quite a few profound beasts.

Under this land, it is said that it was the main battlefield in the ancient times, and countless strong men had fallen here.

In the mist, there was a loud roar that shook the heavens and the earth.

Huang Yu and others woke up suddenly from their sleep.

"what sound?"

"what happened?"

Terrifying aura, a terrifying aura.

Huang Yu's complexion changed drastically. Such a terrifying aura is definitely not something that ordinary profound beasts can unleash. This aura is even more terrifying than the black water dragon that he met on the Cangming River that day.

"Lulu, what's the matter?"

"Don't worry, master, this is not a real mysterious beast, nor is it a fierce beast." Lulu shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Huang Yu was taken aback.

"Go out and have a look." Lulu said, "Don't get too close, this is an opportunity for the master, and for any warrior, it is a rare opportunity in thousands of years."

Hearing Lulu's words become more and more mysterious, Huang Yu felt relieved a lot.

But it is more and more curious.

out of the tent.

Huang Yu was stunned.

I saw two giant beasts appearing on the original huge plain in front of me.

A tall black giant wolf with long fangs, blood-red eyes, and bloody claws, it looks like it makes people feel chills in the back.

The other one is a terrifying earth dragon, with a huge head, terrifying eyes like a tomb, panting, and thick limbs. Standing there, one can feel that it is a king, and the breath of a king on land is everything. Surrender.

The two are confronting each other.

The wolf roared and the dragon groaned.

The terrifying momentum is shocking.

Upon closer inspection, it was found that the space was somewhat distorted.

This... this is not the real world.

It's... a projection from ancient times.

Yes, the projection of an ancient war.

"It's... so scary, then... what kind of mysterious beast is that?"

Zou Ming and the others were also dumbfounded.

It took a long time before he said: "These are the ancient Moon Howling Sirius and the Earth Savage Dragon. They are the kings of the ancient times. Their strength is even more terrifying than that of the human beings in the Shattered Realm. They can easily destroy a mountain."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the Xiaoyue Sirius and the earth savage dragon move.

The two huge bodies collided fiercely.

Terrifying power burst out, causing a mountain in the distance to crash and collapse, as if encountering a terrifying earthquake.

Even Huang Yu and others felt the shock of their hearts.

If he was present, he would definitely be crushed into meatloaf by this terrifying force.

"Look carefully, this earth-shattering battle is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it is definitely helpful for cultivation." Zou Ming said.

Huang Yu nodded, Huang Yu knew this very well.

To be able to witness such an unrivaled decisive battle is definitely a feast for a warrior, even if it costs millions of spirit stones, he is willing to do so.

That was the most primitive fight.



Claws tear.

over and over again.

It makes people's blood boil.

At that level, all the moves and skills lost their color.

In the face of absolute power, everything is false.

Between that collision, the space was shattered.

In just a few breaths, both of them were already scarred.

However, their eyes and their fighting spirit became more and more high-spirited.

The momentum did not drop, but continued to climb.

The power of the law is integrated into it.

That is the touch of law.

Terrible, absolutely terrifying.

Behind the superficial collision, there is a battle of invisible law forces.

Xiaoyue Sirius is the power of the law of the wind attribute, while the earth savage dragon is the power of the law of the earth attribute.

"Master, activate the ancient golden pupil technique." Lulu said.

Huang Yu nodded and activated the golden ancient pupil technique.

When looking at the battle scene in front of him again, everything changed.

In the phantom, there is a terrifying shadow behind the Xiaoyue Sirius. It is a taller giant wolf. The giant wolf opened its mouth wide, and a terrifying tornado spewed out towards the earth. The dragon swept away.

Similarly, behind the wild dragon of the earth, there is also a phantom.

Tall and mighty.

The huge foot stomped violently.

A thick earth wall rose from the ground.

The terrible tornado tore the earthen wall apart.

The Earth Savage Dragon was unwilling to admit defeat, and slapped its front paws violently.

The ground shook, and a huge shadow rose from the ground.

Upon closer inspection, it was a huge savage dragon.

Even taller than that tornado.

With a sharp blow from the claw, the tornado was scattered.


Finally, the Howling Moon Sirius and the Earth Savage Dragon collided together again, a huge explosion occurred with terrifying power, the whole world was shattered, the volcano erupted, and everything around it was turned into ashes.

The original phantom also disappeared in front of my eyes.

The silent night sky returned to tranquility.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock.

But at this time, the two brothers Zou Ming seem to have realized something.

For Zhang Yuan'er, she had some comprehension of such a terrifying battle, but because her level was too high, Zhang Yuan'er's strength was still too weak to comprehend it at all.

For Huang Yu, the help is the greatest.

The comprehension of potential, yes, is the comprehension of potential.

I have comprehended two sword moves before, one of which is the sword move like a mountain.

The earth savage dragon is the law of the earth attribute, and this sword is like a mountain, steady and crushing everything.

Isn't it exactly the same as the terrifying aura displayed by the wild dragon of the earth?

The towering mountain cannot be shaken.

Keep, the most important thing is to keep.

Huang Yu suddenly realized.

The sword is as powerful as a mountain, it is good to crush everything.

However, the most critical point in this sword move is not to attack or crush the opponent, but to defend.

Guard yourself, guard everything.

Thick as a mountain.


Huang Yu finally realized it.

There was an aura exuding from the whole person.

A heavy momentum.

Like a mountain.

The mountain-like sword is impenetrable and can stop everything.

To advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

Attacking is to crush everything, and defending is to be as thick as a mountain, which can resist all attacks and dissolve all attacks.

"Good boy, you really deserve to be the young master." The two Zou Ming brothers have already seen Huang Yu's strangeness, but they didn't expect Huang Yu to be so powerful. After watching this battle, the ancient battle, there was a breakthrough. And... this is Shi, the comprehension of Shi seems to be much stronger than his own.

There is a faint breath of the earth savage dragon.

The two were shocked. With such talent and comprehension, it might not take many years to become Broken Realm.

After Huang Yu calmed down and opened his eyes.

It might seem surprising to find yourself changing.

He faintly felt that his Five Elements Yulong Jue was about to break through again.

I didn't expect that this time I would have such benefits. The breakthrough of the Five Elements Yulong Jue is not so easy, and the understanding of the realm is extremely demanding.

It won't be long before I can reach the fourth level of the Five Elements Yulong Jue.

This is the most surprising thing. Every time Huang Yu breaks through the Five Elements Yulong Jue, Huang Yu feels that his strength has undergone a qualitative change. Although his own strength has not improved much, the change in the true energy in his body is huge .

Now if Huang Yu casts Thunder Dragon's Wrath, the power will be more than twice as strong as before.

The Five Elements Yulong Jue is still somewhat difficult to use in real terms.

Now I don't have any moves that are suitable for the Five Elements Yulongjue.

Therefore, I need to find a suitable secret technique for the Five Elements Yulong Jue.

If he finds a suitable secret method or move for the Five Elements Yulong Jue, Huang Yu believes that his combat effectiveness will be more than doubled.


The night passed, and after experiencing the terrible battle before, no one felt sleepy.

In the morning, several people were in high spirits. Huang Yu knew that everyone had realized something.

The strength has increased a lot.

Especially the two of Zou Ming, they were originally at the perfect level of Yin-Yang Realm, but now they saw such an earth-shattering ancient battle, and their strength has reached the verge of breakthrough. It is only a matter of time before they enter the Realm of Life and Death.

The two Zou Ming brothers did not expect that such an adventure would happen this time. The day of breakthrough is not far away, and both of them were pleasantly surprised.

If it wasn't for Huang Yu, it would probably take a lot of time for the two of them to break through, and it might not be possible to break through in one year, two years, or even ten or a hundred years.

In addition, after seeing Huang Yu's amazing understanding, the two made a decision in their hearts, and they will follow this young master for the rest of their lives.


Walk all the way.

left the previous campsite.

It is of great significance to Huang Si and the others.

That ancient peerless battle was firmly engraved in my heart and could not be erased.

Of course, the four of them benefited enormously from this epic battle.

After walking for more than a hundred miles.

That is a lake.

The lake is crystal clear.

Countless fish swim to and fro.

On the lake, white water birds are flying around.

On the edge of the lake, there are rows of willow trees with low-hanging willow branches falling into the water.

This picture is very beautiful.

Zhang Yuaner couldn't help but spread her hands and ran towards the lake.

At this time, Huang Yu's expression changed drastically.

Such a beautiful place, but no animals come to drink water, it is unreasonable, absolutely unreasonable.

"Zhang Yuaner, come back quickly."

As soon as the words were finished, Zhang Yuaner stopped, only to see a huge splash suddenly rising from the lake.

A huge shadow rose into the sky.

"Damn it." Huang Yu cursed secretly, and shouted: "You two seniors, save people quickly."

Zou Ming and the two had already started.

The two turned into two black shadows and attacked the huge shadow.

At this time, Huang Yu quickened his pace, stepped on the wind to chase, his feet rose on the wind, and rushed towards Zhang Yuan'er.

At this time, the two brothers Zou Ming slapped the huge shadow together, and slapped the huge shadow heavily with terrifying palm force.

"Boom bang bang..."

With a series of loud noises, the huge shadow was forced back.

(End of this chapter)

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