Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 140 Scary Fire Scorpion

Chapter 140 Scary Fire Scorpion

Huang Yu pulled Zhang Yuaner back to the original place.

Zhang Yuaner, who was rescued by Huang Yu, was still in shock.

At this time, the two Zou Ming brothers returned to Huang Yu's side after forcing the huge phantom back.

At first glance, the huge shadow turned out to be a terrifying big water snake.

Long fangs, ferocious, black all over, with a circle of white markings on the neck.

On the top of the head, there is a sarcoma.

"This... what kind of mysterious beast is this?" Huang Yu was very surprised. This is not a dragon, but a real snake-like mysterious beast.

Among the mysterious beasts, there are also extremely terrifying ones, some of which are not weaker than the flood dragons.

As for this huge water snake, Huang Yu guessed that this guy's strength is definitely not weak, comparable to life and death, that is to say, this guy is a sixth-order profound beast.

Sixth-order profound beasts are rare.

And it's still in the middle stage of the sixth order, and may even reach the late stage.

Not easy to deal with, definitely not easy to deal with.

"Young master, be careful, this guy is the White King's Anaconda." Zou Ming said, "The strength of this White King's Anaconda is extremely terrifying, especially when it is in the water, its strength is comparable to that of a warrior in the late stage of Life and Death Realm, or even a warrior who has completed Life and Death Realm .”

Huang Yu swallowed his saliva, this guy is so tough.

It can be compared to the perfection of life and death.

"Does it have a weakness?"

Huang Yu looked at the white king anaconda, with its huge eyes gleaming with coldness, staring straight at Huang Yu and the others, spitting out letters.

"Don't worry, although the White King Anaconda is powerful, if it lands on land, its strength will be reduced by more than [-]%. As long as it lands, there is no need to be afraid of it. Our two brothers can still deal with it. However, so Once it comes, we will have to take a detour." Zou Ming said.

The original plan was to cross the lake, so the distance would be shortened by nearly half.

If you go around the lake, the distance will be much longer.

"It's okay, it's okay, safety is important." Huang Yu waved his hand and said, "So, let's make a detour by the lake."

The lake was extremely dangerous. Huang Yu felt that there was not only such a big guy in the lake, but also many terrifying mysterious beasts.

At that time, if it is planted on the water, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, safety is the most important thing, and Huang Yu doesn't want to be the food of the mysterious beast in the water.

Although I have practiced the Five Elements Yulong Jue, but I haven't practiced the Water Jue well yet.

Although Huang Yu has already practiced well the Thunder Jue formed by the combination of water and finance, but Huang Yu has not mastered the real Water Jue at all.

At this time, what Huang Yu really mastered was only the soil formula, fire formula, and wood formula among the five elements' Dragon Control Jue.

Jin Jue and Water Jue, although Huang Yu practiced Thunder Dragon Jue, but did not practice the separated Jin Jue and Water Jue.

It still takes a while to understand.

What's more, even if he has practiced water art, he still can't compete with these terrifying guys in the water.

Therefore, it is best to choose land.

Back off, back off slowly.

Seeing the four retreating, the White King Anaconda had no choice but to feel that the opponent was not easy to mess with. If it was in the water, it could still deal with it, but if it was on land, there was absolutely no chance. The White King Anaconda was A sixth-order profound beast has its own intelligence, so it is naturally not a fool.

After retreating a long distance, Zhang Yuanyuan was still in shock. This time, she was quite frightened.

"Are you okay?" Huang Yu patted her on the back. In the battle of the Changhe Gang, she killed countless enemies, but she was not as frightened as she was at this time, which surprised Huang Yu.

"It's okay, I... I... Brother Huang, I almost won't see you, I... I'm so scared." Zhang Yuaner threw herself into Huang Yu's arms and murmured.

Huang Yu was stunned when he heard this.

It's okay, it's okay to be scared, but it seems that this girl can't do without me.

Love debt, the love debt I bear is increasing, if one day, I want to leave this world, leave here and return to my original world, what will happen?

Huang Yu couldn't imagine it.

Up to now, we can only take one step at a time.

It took a long time before Zhang Yuaner let go of her hand.

Looking at Huang Yu, his face was flushed and his head was drooping.

The Zhang Yuan'er at this time is very different from when I first met her.

Huang Yu said softly: "It's okay, let's go."

"Yeah." Zhang Yuan'er nodded, she was so ashamed that she didn't dare to look up at him.

Zou Ming and the two looked at their young master and Zhang Yuaner, they both smiled and said nothing, men should be like this, especially powerful men, in the Zhenwu Continent, a strong man, even if he has thousands of concubines, is not an exaggeration .

Especially for a genius like Huang Yu, an unrivaled genius, what a great honor it is to be his woman. If he can give birth to a son and a half for him, his status, prosperity, wealth, etc., will make people envious .

But they didn't know what Huang Yu was thinking, and they didn't understand that Huang Yu was not from this world, he came from the earth, and there was a monogamy system there.



Although they didn't take the water route, everyone dared not relax along the way.

It is not to say that there is no danger if you do not take the waterway.

The dangers on land are no weaker than those on water.

It might even be bigger, because there are more profound beasts on land than in water.

If they encounter a powerful profound beast, the four of them have no choice but to fight hard.

Walking all the way, another half day passed.

The road was extremely quiet, and no danger was encountered.

And it was this silence that made Huang Yu feel something was wrong.

The golden ancient pupil technique is activated.

In the distance, a flame.

Ahead was a rocky sandy field.

On the fiery red stone sand are rows of fire scorpions.


Huang Yu couldn't help but gasped.

Incredible, this... really incredible.

It was actually fire scorpions, and there were so many of them.

The fire scorpion is a fourth-order mysterious beast, and the fire scorpion king is a fifth-order mysterious beast.

The reason why the fire scorpions make people fearful is not because of the strength of the fire scorpions, but because of the toxicity of the fire scorpions. Also, the fire scorpions are usually in groups.

At one time, there are at least thousands of them.

The eyes are densely packed.A radius of several hundred meters was covered by the fire scorpions, which shows how many fire scorpions there are.

Thousands of fire scorpions, how to resist?


Back, back quickly.

I finally figured out why I haven't encountered any profound beasts in this area.

It turned out that this place was occupied by a group of fire scorpions. With this group of fire scorpions here, even sixth-order profound beasts might not dare to come, let alone other profound beasts?

This fire scorpion is definitely famous for its terror.

Wherever he went, there must be no grass growing.

Killing all the way, all edible creatures will be killed and eaten by the fire scorpion.

Therefore, this fire scorpion is synonymous with poison, gluttony, bloodthirsty, and killing.

As for Huang Yu and the others, it was too late to leave at this time.

Those fire scorpions had already discovered the existence of Huang Yu and the others.

"Back, everyone, hurry up and back." Huang Yu said loudly.

"Young master, what's going on?" Zou Ming and the two hadn't discovered the existence of the fire scorpion yet, and Zhang Yuan'er looked at him in confusion.

"Brother Huang, what happened?"

"Quick, let's get out of here quickly, or it will be too late." Huang Yu didn't care too much, pulled Zhang Yuan'er and ran towards the place where he was going back.

The wind treading chase starts, the speed is astonishing.

Seeing this, the two of Zou Ming knew that something was wrong, Huang Yu would not be so bored to that point, it would be impossible to have fun, so something serious must have happened, otherwise he wouldn't be so nervous.

Run for dozens of miles.

Huang Yu took a breath, but found that those fire scorpions did not stop there, but continued to chase.

Huang Yu was very annoyed, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

How to do?
What to do now?
"Lulu, Lulu, come out quickly, how can we deal with those fire scorpions?" Huang Yu asked, frowning tightly.

"Master, what's the matter? Lulu is still sleeping." Lulu yawned and said in a waxy voice.

"Lulu, your master, I am in big trouble. Hurry up and think of a way to get rid of the group of fire scorpions behind me." Huang Yu hurriedly urged.

"Fire scorpion?" Lulu was startled when she heard the words, and after investigating, she said, "Master, did you provoke those guys?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Lulu, tell me quickly, what method to use to deal with these guys, or I will be in trouble for your master." Huang Yu couldn't care less, and hurriedly shouted.

"There is no way." Lulu paused and said, "This fire scorpion is extremely troublesome, even warriors in the life and death realm can't deal with it, but these guys are not invincible, they also have natural enemies. There are definite numbers.”

Hearing this, Huang Yu was speechless, what kind of magic stick was he talking about at this time.

"Lulu, tell me quickly, what method can we use to deal with these difficult guys?" Huang Yu was worried, now that the distance was getting closer and closer, if he didn't think of a way, he would be caught up.

"Actually, the masters of these guys can solve the problem by themselves, there is no need to find Lulu at all." Lulu said at this time.

"What do you mean?" Huang Yu didn't understand, how could he deal with these fire scorpions?It simply cannot be done.

Is it a talisman?Stealth?That's unrealistic, even with the invisibility talisman, there is no way to avoid these guys, Huang Yu knows this very well.

"Master's pet, Wyvern." Lulu said at this moment.


Huang Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, yes, he has a pet, that is an ancient beast, the Wyvern, because the Wyvern didn't grow up, it was locked in the pet space, it was just a coincidence , Wyvern, the time to be able to leave the pet space is today.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu stopped.

"Young master, what's the matter?"

Seeing Huang Yu stop, Zou Mingcai asked.

"It's the fire scorpions. There is a large group of fire scorpions chasing after us." Huang Yu said looking into the distance.

"Fire scorpion?" Zou Ming's eyes widened, "Young master, you...are you kidding me?" Zou Ming was startled, and hurriedly said, if it was a fire scorpion, it would be troublesome, fire He is very clear about the prestige of the scorpion, because he has seen the horror of the fire scorpion with his own eyes a hundred years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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