Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 152 Trial Tower Level 36

Chapter 152 Trial Tower No.30 Sixth Floor
"Yes, Master, this Jade Dragon Breaking the Sky is originally a dragon clan's secret method of cultivation. After a person cultivates, there will be a situation of exuberant yang fire and surging blood, especially after using the secret method, it must be relieved in time, otherwise... ...Otherwise, she might explode and die." Lulu said with a blushing face.

"Death by exploding body?" Huang Yu was really frightened when he heard the words. This is death by exploding body. Doesn't that mean his life is threatened?He hurriedly asked, "Then...then Lulu, what can I do?"

"You'll be fine if you find a woman." Lulu blushed.

"Looking for a woman?" Huang Yu made a bitter face when he heard the words. At this time, where can he find a woman?Go out of the tower?That's too late.

"I can't take it anymore, Lulu, you have to find a way, quickly find a way for me."

Huang Yu's eyes turned red, and he had lost his mind.

But at this time, he felt a graceful figure appear in front of him, Huang Yu didn't hesitate, and rushed towards him.



After a long time, Huang Yu opened his eyes and moved, and there was something soft in his arms.

At first glance, it was a woman.

Looking again, this... this woman is... Lulu, an enlarged version of Lulu.

At this time, Huang Yu vaguely remembered that Lulu's body had grown bigger, and then, he couldn't control it anymore.

A wry smile, only a wry smile, I didn't expect that I would actually do it to Lulu.


"Master, you... Take it easy." Lulu murmured at this moment.

Huang Yu felt a little distressed when he heard the words, and hugged her tightly.

After a while, Lulu opened her eyes.

"Master, you let me go first." Lulu blushed.

"Lulu, I'm sorry, I...I will take responsibility for you." Huang Yu opened his hands lightly, then held her face, looked into her eyes and said.

"Yeah." Lu Lu nodded shyly, "Master, you must treat Lu Lu well, don't let Lu Lu go, and don't flirt with other women in the future."

Huang Yu nodded: "Don't worry, it won't happen, and I will never provoke other women again."

"Well, seriously, and I want to be a doctor." Lulu twisted her body and said.

"Okay, it's all up to you." Huang Yu pinched her nose, sighed in his heart, he had already pretended to be her in his heart.

"Master, you should practice first, I... I am going to rest." After speaking, without giving Huang Yu a chance, he turned into a phantom and floated into Huang Yu's body.

Huang Yu was a little helpless.

However, when Huang Yu checked his body, he was surprised to find that his mental strength was much stronger.

The Five Elements Yulong Jue is about to break through again.

This speed is too astonishing. I have only broken through to the fourth floor before, but now I am about to break through the fourth floor and enter the realm of the fifth floor.

Could it be because of the relationship with Lulu?
After thinking about it, I'm afraid this is the only one.

After trying mental winding, Huang Yu was surprised to find that the speed increased a lot, and he finished it almost at once.

This also means that I have completely succeeded in practicing the technique of entangling the mind.

Surprise, this is a great surprise, mentally entwined, at least doubling one's own strength.

Take a deep breath.

Mentally twisted.

Huang Yu's mental power burst out instantly.

Turn into silk.

Instantly wrapped around a stone pillar not far away.

Then the mental power condensed the steel needle.

Spiritual penetration.

Together, it is really seamless.



No.30 has three floors.

After Huang Yu stepped into the third floor of No.30, he was very calm.

There was no violent storm as expected, no terrifying pressure, and no powerful momentum.

But it was this tranquility that made Huang Yu feel a little scary.

The calmer something explodes, the more terrifying it is.

Huang Yu was deeply touched by this point.


Huang Yu hurriedly dodged.

A cut was cut on the arm in an instant, and blood flowed out along the clothes.

Can't see anything.

But it hurt.

The golden ancient pupil technique is activated.

I looked around, but there was nothing.

Huang Yu frowned.



Huang Yu hurriedly dodged.

Another hole.

what the hell.

Huang Yu was so annoyed that he couldn't see or touch.

I have already encountered two attacks.

What is hiding here?
What is attacking yourself?

In my memory, there has never been such an invisible thing, even my golden ancient pupil technique can't be seen.

If you ask Lulu, she will definitely know, but Huang Yu doesn't want to disturb her at this time, after all, she was tired enough from being tormented by herself before.

She needs to get some rest.

So, how can I solve the predicament in front of me and break through it?

Yes, voice.

The reason why I was able to avoid the vital point twice before was entirely because of the sound.

It's offensive, that has sound.

Relying on the sound, I can tell the direction of its attack.

line of attack.

Also, I still have mental power.

By the way, spiritual power.

Mentally twisted.

At this time, if you use the spiritual silk winding to arrange your spiritual power around, once you touch it, you can launch an attack instantly.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Since he couldn't see it, he simply closed his eyes.

In this way, you will be able to concentrate more.

Sure enough, after closing his eyes, although he couldn't see it, his perception and mental power formed an invisible big net.



Rhythmic breathing.

felt it.

Suddenly, Huang Yu opened his eyes.

His spiritual power has already been touched.

Eight o'clock direction.


Psychic flying knife.

Huang Yu gave a soft drink, and the mental power flying knife condensed in his hand shot out instantly.


There was a sharp call.

The thing showed itself.

It was a bat-like thing, but it was transparent.

What kind of mysterious beast is this?
Huang Yu was taken aback, he had never seen such a guy, and there was no record in his memory.

"It's still not dead!"

It keeps struggling there, and it keeps appearing and disappearing, and so on.

Is this thing born with invisibility?

If, if he could learn the talent of this little thing, wouldn't he be invincible?
Just as he was about to get closer, he took a closer look, and the thing turned into nothingness.

This time, it wasn't stealth or disappearing, but it was truly wiped out by itself.

This guy doesn't seem to be very strong, but... if his mental strength hasn't been improved, and he hasn't really comprehended the spiritual entanglement, he probably won't be able to deal with this guy at all.

It seems that this trial tower is really not easy.

From the very beginning, the purpose of this trial tower is to improve the spiritual power of the tester and strengthen the tester's understanding of spiritual power.

Now I have broken through the third floor of No.30, and there are three more floors to come.

After passing the third floor of No.30, Huang Yu did not rest, and stepped into the fourth floor of No.30.

The No.30 fourth floor is not a powerful mysterious beast, nor is it a terrifying powerhouse, but Rain.

Yes, it is rain.

This rain is no ordinary rain.

This rain can corrode everything.

As soon as he entered, Huang Yu was completely covered.

In an instant, Huang Yu felt the terrifying power of corrosion.

Mental shield.

Instantly open.

But the shield was also constantly corroded.

There is no other way, persistence, only constant persistence.

The mental power shield is continuously strengthened, and the mental power is continuously compressed to increase the strength of the shield.

10 minutes.

One quarter of an hour.

half an hour.

One hour.

In the end, when Huang Yu was about to be unable to hold on, the terrifying corrosive rain finally stopped.

At this time, Huang Yu's mental strength was also exhausted.

The whole person fell to the ground.

At this moment, a bright light fell on Huang Yu.

It’s over.

Seeing this, Huang Yu closed his eyes.

But he didn't want to, the bright light falling on him didn't hurt him, but it was quickly recovering Huang Yu's own spiritual power.

In just a few breaths, he returned to his peak state, and he continued to improve.

Hi, huge surprise.

Unexpectedly, this bright light was not an attack, but a recovery for himself.

This... is this a reward?

Huang Yu wanted to shout out loud.

So cool.

No.30 four floors are so rewarding, so what about No.30 five floors?
What will it be?
Suppressing his excitement, Huang Yu once again set foot on the fifth floor of No.30.

After entering the fifth floor of No.30, Huang Yu felt a terrifying coercion, which made it difficult for him to move an inch.

This is not the gravity of the earth-heavy giant elephant that I encountered before, but the coercion of pure spiritual power.

Huang Yu's whole body was suppressed.

A voice in my heart said: "Kneel down! Kneel down!"

Do not!
Do not!
I will never be pushed down.

Huang Yu roared in his heart.

How could I be suppressed.

Kneel down and kneel down to parents, never kneel down.

get up!

Huang Yu roared.

The blue veins on the forehead are clearly visible like steel bars.

stand up!

Throat is about to burst.

Huang Yusheng endured it.

The waist that was bent down, the knees that were about to kneel down, actually lifted up bit by bit.


Go up again!
I want to get up!

Finally Huang Yu stood up.

Stand up straight.



Huang Yu walked forward.

When Huang Yu walked to the middle, the terrifying pressure disappeared instantly.


It's too scary, the pressure is too scary, if there is one more second, I may not be able to hold on.

Huang Yu had never experienced such terrifying pressure, not even that powerful bone demon.

clap clap clap!
A few noises.

Huang Yu felt that he had improved again.

This... This is the reward for the fifth floor of No.30?

So, what is the next No.30 six floors?

This is the last floor of the trial tower.

I finally got to step up.

Is it a powerful coercion?

Or a terrorist attack?

Or come together?

Don't know, unknown, all unknown.

However, Huang Yu was not afraid, but full of excitement and anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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