Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 153 The source of spirit, imitation of all things

Chapter 153 The source of spirit, imitation of all things

With infinite tension and anticipation, Huang Yu stepped into the sixth floor of No.30.

At this time, the people outside the tower were stunned.

"Up, up."

"Floor 36, Master Huang Yu has already gone to the sixth floor of No.30."

"Quick, go and tell the Patriarch."

"It's terrible, it's really terrible. As for the 36th floor, no one from our Liu family has ever gone up there except for the first-generation Patriarch."

"My God, are my eyes blurry?"

"It's incredible, it's really incredible."

"It's amazing. Master Huang Yu is really amazing. I want to marry him."

"I want to worship him as my teacher."

"Go, go, why are you joining in the fun? All of you are ugly, have low cultivation, and poor aptitude. Only our young lady is worthy of Master Huang Yu."

"Not bad."

"That's right, Missy and Master Huang Yu are really a match made in heaven."

"If the eldest lady marries Master Huang Yu, then our Liu family will really rise. When the time comes, Master Huang Yu will become the peak powerhouse in the Shattered Realm, and he can lead our Liu family into the Central Continent. It is said that the Central Continent is full of aura. There are many beauties."

"You bastard."

"Nonsense, I'm not lustful, this is appreciation, just appreciation."

At this time, Liu Wuming was also shocked.

Liu Xuyan on the side was also very surprised. She knew Huang Yu's strength very well, and it was much weaker than her own. I thought that he could break through the seventh floor of No.20, and it would be great if he could break through the 28th floor at most. Unexpectedly, Huang Yu broke through the fifth floor of No.30, and now he has reached the sixth floor of No.30, the last floor.

This... This news is simply too sudden.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the trial tower?

No, it's impossible, it's impossible for the trial tower to go wrong, then...then Huang Yu's talent is too amazing.

Like Liu Xuyan, Liu Wuming also thought that there was a problem with the trial tower, but when he thought about it, it was so easy to go wrong with the trial tower.

Well, in this way, there is only one reason, this Huang Yu's talent is too amazing, comprehension, control, and learning ability are all amazingly powerful.

Child of Destiny, this must be the Child of Destiny.

Only the son of destiny can have such a strong comprehension and learning ability, and have such a heaven-defying luck.

This person must be firmly grasped.

Liu Wuming looked at his granddaughter, if he could tie the Liu family and Huang Yu together, he would be his granddaughter.

But Liu Wuming is also a little entangled. This granddaughter of hers has extremely high vision, and she has a strong personality. If she insists on talking to her by herself, it might be counterproductive.

Therefore, you have to think of a way.

At this time, Huang Yu naturally didn't know that his actions had caused the entire Liu family and the entire Tianji Peak to explode.

He entered the sixth floor of No.30.

None of the expected things happened.

It's very peaceful here.

Not a hint of crisis.

I thought it was the same as the previous No.30 third floor, so dangerous

But unexpectedly, I waited for almost 10 minutes, and there was no crisis.

But Huang Yu didn't dare to relax his vigilance easily.

Walk forward step by step.

It was found that there was nothing on this layer.

In the middle of the room, there is a table.

There is a box and a porcelain bottle on the table.

Huang Yu checked carefully and found that there was no threat, so he was relieved.

First, I used the ancient golden pupil technique to check, and found no traps or poisons inside, so I opened the box with confidence.

Jade slip, there is a jade slip inside.

And in the porcelain bottle is the pill.

It is the concentration pill.


No, not the Concentration Pill.

This should be higher than the general Concentration Pill, super Concentration Pill.

It is the eighth grade elixir.

The eighth-rank Concentration Pill can improve a person's mental strength a lot.

You can almost let yourself break through a big level.

Surprise, what a surprise, I didn't expect that the sixth floor of No.30 actually has such a thing, there is no challenge, test or the like, it is pure reward.

The Super Concentration Pill will be of great use to him.

Take a closer look, there are actually three, a full three.

Although I know I need one, but if I take it out, it's all spirit stones.

However, after thinking about it, after all, what I took was from the Liu family. I used one for myself, and gave the remaining two to the Liu family. Come to think of it, they would not treat me badly.

Put away the pill.

Huang Yu looked at the jade slip.

With a thought, spiritual power penetrated into the jade slip.

The source of spirit, imitating all things?
so smart.


This is actually a kung fu method, a kung fu method for spiritual power cultivation, called the spiritual simulation formula.

Concentrate the source of the spirit, and use the source of the spirit to simulate all things.

Such exercises made Huang Yu's heart skip a beat.

There is no doubt about the strength of mental power, and Huang Yu already has a deep understanding of this.

Then if he practiced this spiritual simulation technique and added this super concentration pill, his strength would definitely undergo astonishing changes.

Keep checking.

After reading it, Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that this Super Concentration Pill is called Concentration Immortal Pill.

It is a necessary thing for practicing this spiritual simulation art, and it is used to build a foundation.

There is a requirement for practicing spiritual skeuomorphism, and it must have a strong mental power as a foreshadowing.

When condensing the source of the spirit, a huge amount of energy is required, and this elixir of concentration is used when condensing the source of the spirit.

Should I go on after practicing this spiritual simulation?

After thinking about it, Huang Yu decided to practice first.

Huang Yu sat cross-legged and poured out an elixir of concentration.

Then put it in his mouth, and after taking it, Huang Yu felt a terrifying energy, which rushed straight to his own spirit.

This powerful energy is several times stronger than when I took the Ningshen Pill before.

Enduring the terrifying impact force, Huang Yu began to practice spiritual simulation.

"The source of the spirit, condense it for me."

With a soft drink, Huang Yu introduced the huge energy into the upper dantian.

The source of condensed spirit.

The terrifying mental power began to condense.

are constantly compressed.



three times.

Compression again and again.

Finally, all mental power was compressed to the extreme.


A muffled sound.

Huang Yu was shocked.

A white thing the size of a soybean appeared in the upper dantian.

Seeing this soybean-sized guy, Huang Yu showed a satisfied smile.

This is the source of the spirit that I have condensed.

With this, I can really start to practice spiritual simulation.

At this time, a prompt sound came from the system: "Ding, congratulations to the player for learning the spirit simulation."

In the system, Huang Yu also learned that this spiritual quasi-object art is very extraordinary, and it is a heaven-level skill.

A heavenly skill.

Huang Yu's shock can be imagined.

The Five Elements Yulong Jue that I have obtained through untold hardships is only a top-ranking method of the earth, but this spiritual imitation art is actually a low-level exercise of the heavenly rank, which shows how powerful this spiritual imitation art is.

Compared with the Five Elements Yulong Jue, it is two levels higher.

The spirit simulation art mainly uses one's own mental power to simulate all things.

The final level is to simulate a real world, a spiritual world.

That's not an easy task.

To reach that state, I am afraid that it is already an existence beyond the broken state.

After practicing the mental simulation art, Huang Yu felt that his mental power was more solidified, more than three times stronger than before.

Moreover, I have only just begun to practice this spiritual simulation.

What I can use my spiritual power to simulate is only what I have cultivated before, one is the steel needle of spiritual power, the other is the flying knife, and the third is the spinning of spiritual power.

This is entry level.

The second level is to use mental power to simulate animals.

Simulate some living things.

The third level is to imitate some powerful profound beasts.

The fourth level is to simulate a conscious life body with its own thinking.

Finally, there is the fifth level, which is also the last level, and that is the simulated world.

Now Huang Yu is only at the first level, and this is still not deeply involved, just getting started.

It is the entry level, and its power is so terrifying, so if it enters the second stage, the third stage, or even the fourth stage, what will it be like?
Huang Yu didn't even dare to imagine.

I picked up the treasure, I really picked up the treasure.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Huang Yu left the trial tower.

"Come out, come out, he's out."

Seeing that the trial tower moved, everyone shouted one by one.

"Master Huang Yu has come out."

"36 floors, really 36 floors."

"Master Huang Yu, cleared the trial tower, my God, really, I'm not dreaming!"

All the disciples of the Liu family were extremely excited, as if the person who cleared the trial tower was himself.

When Huang Yu pushed open the door of the trial tower, he found that there were countless people standing outside the door, one of them was so excited, they were all shouting his name.

This made Huang Yu startled and stunned.

What's happening here?
"Master Huang Yu!"

"Master Huang Yu!"

"Long live Master Huang Yu!"

"Long live Master Huang Yu!"


Huang Yu finally felt that this scene was probably more terrifying than those big stars on Earth.

And I also have fans, and is it still a legendary fan?

Seeing this situation, Liu Wuming hurriedly shouted with all his might, "Everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, Master Huang Yu is the young master of our Liu family, and he won't leave, so we will see you again, everyone, go back to practice now."

Liu Wuming's prestige is still great, and everyone dispersed after shouting like that.

This made Huang Yu also heave a sigh of relief.

After all, this scene was a bit scary, and it was really the first time I encountered it.

"Junior Brother Huang Yu, we met again. I didn't expect you... I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You actually... passed the trial tower. must tell me about the experience of the trial tower." Liu Xu Yan is ashamed of herself, she is the most aware of the difficulty of the trial tower, with her own strength, she can pass the [-]th floor at most, and she is not sure about the last six floors.

(End of this chapter)

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